Whole Nation

~: 422 Secrets of the East (6)

422 Secrets of the East (6)

"Is everything done?" Scelis stared at everything coldly.

It wasn't until the fat man ordered someone to bring his father and daughter Mao Mowenlisi onto the carriage, then he brought the cavalry over

Looking at the fat man's face,

Thinking of the endangered city of Turga,

And this guy who made himself blamed is still in a mood,

Here is a scene where the hero saves the dog's blood, and Celice feels out of breath."

"Is the Lord Duke still satisfied?" Scylis leaned on her horse and whispered into the fat man's ear.

"People have saved my men, you have humiliated your identity, I have concealed it from you, you should give me an explanation."

The fat man's ears were tickled by the breath in Scelis' nose,

The two horses were walking side by side, now they are closer together,

Seeing the intimate look of the two leaning against their ears, everyone behind them appeared weird, and the accompanying Dharaf almost fell off immediately.

Now if someone says that there is no ambiguous relationship between them, Euraf definitely kicked him off the wall of Turga,

"This woman," the fat man blinked, and was asked to be angry and funny.

Obviously threatening myself, but trying to be so ambiguous, but I don’t know how to answer for a while,

"Oh, lord, come to me, why doesn't Kujit tell me "Scelis laughed at the embarrassment and embarrassment of the fat man"

"If I knew that the adults were in the cloud city, I would have retreated from the Northern Army of the Erdian army who besieged the city of Sawei,

But I heard that in the north of Vickia, adults command Samor’s army to sweep the alliance between Stian and Ruidian,

Who doesn't know that the Northern Army of the Sri Lankan changed color after hearing the name of Vickia Falcon!

This time the little girl only hopes that the lord can help me Kujit once again, and sweep these nasty Ruidians back to the south."

"I tell the truth to the princess that Vikya has signed an agreement with Rui Erdian, and will never send troops to intervene in the battle of the northern grassland." Looking at the hopeful eyes of Scelis, the fat man smiled wryly.

Decided to show his hole cards first, lest this Princess Wang Ting continue to struggle,

"Is it?" Sacelis' face was slightly cold, and there was a trace of disappointment in her face, wondering the expression.

"Don't even Vickia Falcon help me Kukit? You know, my northern steppe is the northern barrier of Vickia. If our Kujit loses, Vickia will not be spared the fate of the dead!"

The fat man looked at Scelice's sad touch, and his heart moved,

Anyway, I have something to do with this determined princess Wang Ting,

Now the city of Turga is about to face a **** battle, public and private,

I should remind myself,

The fat man looked at the dignified Scelis and whispered, "Now Turga may be surrounded by the Sri Lankan army at any time. If I am a princess, I will ask Wang Ting to personally lead a team of cavalry out of the city to attack the Ruidian army. backyard,

This will not only help Wang Ting to the greatest extent, but also avoid the cruel siege that may be encountered,

As it is now, it is difficult to achieve victory in this war with the defensive city that Kurjit is not the best at and the heavily armed Ruierdian army."

"You said, how was it that the guy said at the Wang Ting meeting this morning? Do I have to fear that the Warriors of Kugit will not succeed?" Serice didn't respond to the fat man, but turned back suspiciously.

The tone was obviously somewhat disdainful, and a pair of black, staring fat scalp numb,

"Broken" the fat man's heart quivered when asked. Although Secelis didn't name her surname, she obviously referred to Duoweiyan.

This is a hassle,

Fatty has long sent people to understand that as Wang Ting's two youngest figures,

Because both are public affairs officers, they often conflict in terms of authority,

Coupled with the pride unique to young people,

Duo Weiyan, who is in charge of external affairs, has always been incompatible with Wang Si’s internal affairs, Selise,

"This, this is definitely a coincidence," the fat man explained awkwardly.

The dangerous smell flowing in the air makes the fat man's heart pounding,

Seeing the unbelieving look of Scelis, she hurriedly said

"What's the matter? You Wang Ting's struggle, don't implicate me as an unrelated passerby, okay, I'm just a passer who is going to rush away"

"Passenger hurried away" Scelis flashed her eyes, looking at the fat man's eyes,

Seeing the grieved look of the fat man, weird colors appeared on the cold pretty face,

The corners of his mouth were slightly warped, and finally he could not help but burst out laughing out loud. "It's really humorous for adults to speak, and a passerby like an adult, I'm afraid that the whole continent will find one."

Scelis's smile eased the atmosphere a lot

"It seems that I was too worried," Scelice said suddenly. "I received a king's order to burn Rudato Mountain some time ago. As soon as I returned to Turga, I was ordered by the Khan to imprison the Changsheng Tianbei Tower. ,

As soon as he was released, he received the news that the left guard had surrendered to Rui Erdian, and Wang Ting ordered to stay in Turga.

I feel like a puppet with a string pulled, many things have become more and more invisible"

"Yeah, who's not the puppet in this world?" The fat man seemed to be touched, and sighed with emotion.

Along the way, the fat man heard a lot of inside information about Wang Ting from the frustrated Scelis,

I couldn't help but feel cold

I don’t know what crazy Wang Ting sent this time, just this morning

He didn’t even adopt Duo Weiyan’s multi-line attack and mobile detour tactics.

Instead, he adopted the most awkward tactics, defending Turga dead, using the solid city defense and the large number of people to fight the Ruidian army in Turga,

Prepare for a blow to completely solve the threat of Rui Erdian to the northern grasslands

"How could this maneuver be lost? Is the Kugit cavalry still the Kugit cavalry?" The fat man shook his head in disappointment, knowing that it must be the mysterious man in the cloud city.

Otherwise, Wang Ting will never make such a faint move at such a critical moment,

First burned Rudato Mountain, cut off the retreat of 90,000 troops, and now it is recommended to die and defend the city of Turga, to force hundreds of thousands into a **** battle,

Behind this series of actions, it is like an invisible pair of hands, pushing behind the court of King Kugit

"What did that person want to do? The fat man felt like he was facing a mystery surrounded by layers of mist,

Without seeing the truth inside,

No matter how you guess it, it’s a mess,

I also had to plan for the worst possible situation,

If the northern grasslands fell, Wikya had to face the edge of the 200,000 riels army,

Was Wikya back then?

"Don't Wang Ting challenge anyone's adherence to Turga's strategy?" The Fat Man hesitated,

"Yes, this morning, the foreign minister Duo Weiyan, the villain, proposed a multi-line attack with a mean and inferior circuit-breaking tactic, which was immediately rejected by the Khan King.

This time, my king's court gathered 300,000 troops, but I'm afraid that there are more than 100,000 remnants in the Ruidian District.

The King Khan has made an oath in public,

It is to witness the holy mountain Hailar and use our Kukits’ scimitars to defeat these arrogant Ruidians completely so that they will always remember that the grasslands are our Kugits’ Mouth resented,

The details in the tone are somewhat proud of Wang Ting’s decision,

"It's really..." The fat man was speechless for a while, looking at the confident Scelis, the only hope in her heart was sinking like ice,

The Ruidian people pressed hard,

But the court of King Kugit was deeply entangled in the internal and external troubles without realizing it.

Do you still need to fight this battle?"

"To be honest," the fat man hesitated, considering the time constraints, and decided to showdown. "If Wang Ting decides to stick to Turga as you said, then the result of this war..."

The fat man didn't go on, but his face was dull and ugly

"Why, don't you have confidence in my Kujit Khan's court?" Selice's face became unnatural.

If it was an ordinary general who said this, Scelis would not mind,

But now the shaking of the head is the never defeated Vickia Falcon, which undoubtedly makes Selise feel a little confused.

"No, please don't get me wrong. I just want to know how long the princess is going to imprison me?" The fat man shook his head.

"This!" Siselisi's face was slightly queasy, and her warm face quickly turned into a cold,

Fatty’s words are like a sharp sword with no sheath, and there is no room for relaxation at the end.

The two were silent again, the tense atmosphere was tense again,

"Hum wants to go, it's not that easy!" Sacelis groaned somberly and didn't answer the fat man's question.

But don’t go around and go back to your queue again,

"The woman really is a vengeful animal." The fat man turned helplessly and returned to his black carriage.

The wagon wheels made a gentle rubbing sound on the gravel street,

Bright sunlight came from the carriage curtain, forming a circle of light spots on the carriage seat

Mao Mo Allen gently stroked the wound on his forehead with a hand, with a hint of girlish green smile on the corner of his mouth

Use your fingers to gently lift the curtain of the carriage~lightnovelpub.net~ From the slit of the curtain, you can see the back of the fat man outside the car,

Several mercenaries wearing mail armour protect the fat man and the carriage in the middle like a circle,

Looking at the thick back in front of his carriage, Mao Mo Allen's eyes shone warmly,

Although the periphery was followed by a dozen murderous Kugit cavalry,

Mao Mo Allen still feels a firm sense of security,

The scene at the entrance of the business station just now is still circling in the mind of this naive girl,

The leaders of the family caravans who were high in the past were like a mouse that met a cat in front of the fat man.

Except for humble looking up, he has no courage to explain,

The name of the Duke of Wikiya not only made the caravan leaders cry, but also made the Mamo Allen shocking.

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]