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~: 433 The Trouble of Turga (4)

433 The Curse of Turga (4)

Baozi sincerely thank Shadi for the first vote

Selice's face was pale, and her beautiful little snow pierced her heart like a needle,

Sixteen fingerprints and sixteen powers represent not only the greatest power a Kugit mother can have, but also the will of King Kugit,

The average Kugit woman can only give her daughter twelve, representing each month of the year,

There are fifteen nobles, because they have more families, territories and inheritance rights than ordinary people.

The royal family is sixteen, and it has become a part of the authority of the royal court.

Only the highest-ranking king is eligible to print the sixteenth, because the last one represents the army ruled by this king.

The meaning of Queen Achemore is already obvious,

According to the customs of the Kugits, the sign of the male king's throne is the scimitar inlaid with sixteen unique azure stones,

The queen is a horsewhip with sixteen nail prints,

Although Scelis didn’t know how her mother trusted the fat man like this, she gave the fully authorized whip to the fat man.

But the whip in the hands of the fat man is real, even the female officers who are responsible for supervision and witnessing around him, which is in line with the basic inheritance rules of the tribe

Before the sixteen fingerprints representing the highest power, Scelis had no choice

"I can follow the law of longevity and leave Turga with you" Scelis looked up dignifiedly, her white teeth left a blood stain on her lips

Eyes are fixed on the beautiful Weixue behind the fat man. "But the law of longevity is fair. When I accept the order, I have the right to know what Turga's future will be.

I must have told you the answer when the queen handed you the whip, otherwise I have the right to refuse"

"This..." The fat man felt helpless for a while.

The law of the Kugits always seems to strike a balance between rights and obligations,

Just like the life on this grassland seems to survive in a certain rule,

With regard to these things that go around, there are also obvious traces of the tribal era, and the fat man also has a headache

"Of course," the beautiful Weixue behind the fat man replied before the fat man.

For the squeeze of Scelis, a strange look appeared on the face of the beautiful Weixue, "Turga will repeat the fate of Achemore. The prairie needs a new owner.

The Queen thought that her own hand had caused the dynasty to be incapacitated. She also hoped that her own hand would end. The terrible era of the two courts would soon end.

Under the leadership of a new king, the prairie will become a unified and powerful country" Qi Liweixue's words sounded more like a kind of prophecy, a bit more erratic in the tone

"No, it's impossible" Sacelis' face unbelievable, almost shouting at the beautiful Weixue's prediction

"We have 200,000 troops in Turga, and even if Turga really loses, our king's court can be transferred to the more distant Fort Ahuen. How could a new king appear?"

"Don't it be the Dongting people?"Silidis seemed to think of something, and the words suddenly burst into a confused look.

"I'm sorry my duty is just to convey the queen's words. The queen said that this was not her prediction, but the will of the eternal life." Qi Liwei Xue's black eyes blinked, staring at the confused look of Scelis.

The princess once prayed for ten days in front of the Changsheng Tianbei Pagoda.” Presumably, the ancestral prophecy recorded on the pillars of the Great Black Mountain should also be known

"Are you saying that the last prophecy, Scelis, looked stunned, her voice muttered?

"The crippled moon turned to blood in the clouds,

Everything will end,

Starts in the south, belongs to the south,

The king from the south will guide us on our way home

Scelis still arguing arrogantly, clenching her fingers into a fist. "It's just an unpredictable prediction. No one knows what it means. If you judge this, I won't be convinced as you say."

"This is the biggest mystery in Kujit's history and what the Queen has been studying all the time."

"The Queen hopes to predict the final belonging of the Kugits from within, but the predictions of the pillars of the Great Montenegro are always like clouds flowing in the sky,

Splendid and colorful, but it makes people feel erratic and difficult to figure out"

Qili Weixue's words paused and suddenly pointed at the fat man. "But just when he left the Abandoned Palace just now, a problem with this adult made the queen suddenly realize the true meaning of the prophecy.

I don’t know exactly what it is. If the princess can ask, it’s best. To be honest, I don’t want to leave the place where I grew up.” Qili Weixue shook her head sadly and threw out her tongue. A naughty,

"It's this dead fat man again" Sacelis's expression froze, and she stared at the fat man fiercely and asked, "What the **** did you ask? Actually let the mother make such a ridiculous inference."

"Yeah, the problem that can shake the queen must be a very serious problem," the beautiful Weixue next to him also asked with a look of interest.

Qili Weixue is arrogant anyway, after all, he is only a 15-year-old girl who has not been involved in the world.

For this new owner who broke into the palace at night and hurt himself, regardless of his identity or appearance, there was always a slight contempt in his heart.

Being able to see the fat man ugly makes her very happy,

"It's definitely a misunderstanding. I just curiously asked the origins of the Kugits to have absolutely nothing else," the fat man hurriedly explained.

I did not expect that I would face such a situation,

Not only did the little maid sent by the queen help herself, she pushed herself into the fire pit,

What kind of master brought out what kind of servant fat man felt a distress in his heart,

Qili Weixue is like a girly version of Queen Achemore,

Under the careless Qingli appearance, it seems to hide the embarrassment that likes to see people embarrassed,

Under the hot eyes of the two beauties, the fat man was cold and sweating overhead, secretly groaning in his heart,

What's this called blind cat hitting a dead mouse, which angel sister is playing with herself

Who would have thought that the Kugits still have such a **** prophecy that plays dead people without losing money?

Just when the fat man was at a loss, a drop of crystal clear water drops "tick" on the fat man's face,

"Huh?" The fat man touched the wet place with his hands, raised his head, and saw countless tiny white rays dripping from the sky,

The fat man realized that as time went by, the moon in the sky was gone, and only a cloud of black clouds piled up.

"It's raining," the fat man's voice trembled. If there is one thing that doesn't hurt to get home now, this is it.

The fat man felt that he had not been completely abandoned by the **** of fate. The naughty **** seemed to turn a corner at this critical moment, and dragged himself out of the mud with a little lucky hook tail, "We didn't Time is delayed and the rain is coming."The fat man pointed his finger to the sky above.

"Whether you want it or not, now we must leave Turga immediately, or wait for the tribes outside the city to hide in the outer layer. At that time, we just wanted to go, I was afraid that it would be difficult to escape the sight of the guards."

After saying this, the fat man didn’t even wait for Selice’s answer, and ran down the horse directly,

Behind the beautiful Weixue quickly drove to keep up,

"Dead fat man ran again" Scelis looked at the fat man and waved her whip angrily.

The fat man who ran away,

It looked like a porcupine who was being chased with nowhere to escape, and suddenly found a bush where he could safely hide and ran so cheerfully.

Outside Turga

Three black shadows drove horses in the thunderous thunder, a shining silver snake crossed the black sky, the horseshoes flew, the mud under the flipped hoofs splashed, and the galloping horses stepped on a grass front,

The shadow of the cloud in the city goes further and further behind the hill,

Scelis looked back again, and by the silver light flashing in the sky, she finally glanced at the top lights of the cloud city in the distance, where the king's court is.

A faint sound of rumbled trumpets can be heard rolling in the sky with thunder, and a line of fish white emerges from the dark eastern horizon

Until the light of Turga finally disappeared behind the rolling hills in the distance,

Scelis turned around reluctantly,

A few drops of crystal clear tears, accompanied by raindrops floating in the air, followed the wind of Cecilis' cheeks.

The decisive battle began at the last moment when the fat man left Turga

Military order

Last night's madness at this moment all turned into the perseverance of the soldiers to see death,

Numerous young Kugits ran out of the shadows of the streets, the corners of the houses, and the messy felt tents,

The sound of the horse's hoarse resounded through the earth, and the sharp scimitar became the most glittering color between heaven and earth,

Several military orders of the royal court accompanied the fast horse to rush out of the gate and disappeared at the end of the grassland in the distance

The fat man and his two daughters braved the rain to rush to the arranged meeting place outside the city. On the way, the fat man asked Scelice about the rainy season in the grassland.

I learned that the rainy season of the grassland is generally concentrated in the hot climate in mid-August, and some years even arrive in September. It is also the first time that Scelis meets in July like this.

The rainy season advanced the fat man's heart

The rainy season is a joyous thing in the plains or southern areas. The fields where the grain has just been harvested will get enough water in the rainy season to prepare for the next season's planting.

However, in the Kugit grassland, the rainy season often represents disaster and plague. The hurricane with the heavy rain will bring incalculable disaster to the tribe,

The cold and humid heavy rain can cause the accumulated grass to rot, and the horses and livestock have a plague.

The fat man had an ominous hunch about the sudden rainstorm before the big war in the Kugit Grassland.

Something strange is constantly floating in my mind

Was the cloud city built on the mountain, and the lake’s final prediction of the demise of the lake queen hidden in such heavy rain?

Just when the fat man was thinking~lightnovelpub.net~By the white floating light of the sky, the left guard dark post found the fat man from the horse, ten guards riding a war horse, and the long guard with a long bow Flashed behind the grassy hill,

"Large Duke" ten longbow guards dismounted, and paid a military salute to the fat man who stopped the horse

Kujit's chapter is finally over and I will write it down. Baozi feels that he should write urban love articles.


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