Whole Nation

~: 459 cloth net

Under their protection, a tall girl model came down from the merchant ship. *Net* coldly stepped on the plank of the trestle, and the high heels were nailed to the plank, making a very clear sound. A long black, pure red tight skirt was neatly and tightly wrapped around her, showing her slim figure, the girl's cold and noble eyes swept the messy pier in front of her, and her eyebrows flickered slightly. With his head up, he walked proudly towards the exit of the dock. It was like a trembling flame, which attracted the men nearby to show their attention, revealing a look conferred by the color soul

This girl is so beautiful and arrogant, and many people soon noticed something. Whispered in a low voice, less than two minutes of work, whispering about this girl spread across the Port of Port Aberlon,

Many people in the distance heard the name and couldn't help but moved closer, even the porters and supervisors. All of them temporarily put down the work at hand, and all came around, a moment later. The port of Eberron is full of life, as lively as the New Year.

"This woman is really delicious"

Looking at the flaming girl's curvaceous waist, like a slender colored bond, a middle-aged businessman with a bald top and big belly, licked his lips greedily,

Before the words fell, a swift cold girl in red shot from the hands of the middle-aged businessman's hat,

Thumping, a crisp sound of torn cloth, half of the hat slipped from the businessman's head after the light and shadow, "Ah", scared the businessman shivered, crouching on the ground with his head,

"Coax" the onlookers who were getting closer and closer just moved back involuntarily, like a circle of squeezed waves

Everyone can see that this flame-tempting beautiful girl is a rose full of spikes. Reminiscent of the ship that just docked came from the Hulin tribe. Some people have begun to speculate that this flame-like girl Is it Hulunfeilin, a beauty of the Hulin ethnic group who has recently become famous in the southern waters?

"These flies are really annoying"

The girl in red flashed a fierce glare, and ignored these whispers,

She tightened her red coat hand-in-hand and walked straight across the entrance guardrail. The sturdy bodyguards beside her reached out a pair of big hands and blocked a passage for her

"Here, Huturil's" Hulunfeilin, wearing a water-green dress, stood in front of a gorgeously decorated carriage outside the port and greeted the oncoming lady in red.

After the red lady got in the car, Hu Lunfeilin got into the carriage together, put down the window of the carriage, and cut off the greedy eyes outside the window.

"Here is Vickia, I hope you don't move the Dude Haikou's suit over." Hu Lunfeilin's face dropped, looking at the girl in red across the street, she said very seriously, "This time let you Han Dehai Kou, privately entered the Vecchia Inland Waterway, and built a trading post under our Hulin clan brand, which has violated our original agreement with Vecchia. If there is any unnecessary trouble, our Hulin clan will be very passive. of"

"I'm sorry, I haven't been to such a prosperous place for a long time, but I couldn't hold back for a while." The girl in red handed a gift of great value to Hu Lunfeilin, and said with a smile on her mouth, "This is my 32nd Xihai Federation A little thanks, I hope Miss Feilin can accept it. If it is not for your Hulin clan’s assistance this time, I will continue to suffer from the exploitation of the vampire lords. The richness here is simply beyond Our imagination"

"Honestly, letting you enter the inland river is not just my own strength." Hu Lunfeilin is also welcome, put the gift in the carriage's inner cabinet. "If you really want to thank you, you should thank Miss Dylan of the Business Alliance, If it were not for her to guarantee you in the business alliance, even if you have more goods, it is impossible to enter the inland trade network."

"Of course, of course we will not forget. "The lady in red nodded." This time I came to Albert from Hundersea. I heard that this lady was in Albert now, so I wanted to personally. Thank her"

"You guys are well informed." Hu Lunfeilin raised his head and looked at the lady in red surprisedly. "We also learned that Miss Sokotus Dylan had been appointed by the headquarters of the Business Alliance as the Union District of Ai (Ai (Berron and Uluda), you can come in person this time, Miss Sokotus specially arranged me to greet you, hoping to be able to talk to you face-to-face about building a connected inland river network The possibility of the Dehai Trade Line, she would like to hear your opinion"

"Really, Miss Sokutus wants to build a trade network that goes directly to Dehai." The girl in red eyes, her excited body trembles slightly

"Yes, if possible, the business alliance will also build a branch on the west coast of Rudd" Hulunfeilin nodded.

"If this is the case, in less than three years, my Dexihai will surely replace Zhonghai's Ali's home and become the most powerful one in Dehai." The girl in red looked clenched with fists, her eyes flashing with tears

Abron Castle

Sokotus Stellan lightly knocked on the door in front of her, and a "come in" came from inside

"The guests of Archduke Ruddhain have arrived in Eberron." Sokotuste gently pushed the door and walked in and saw the fat man sitting by the window of the study.

There are several old and faded four-corner chairs in the room, and the white windows are half-hung down, and golden sunlight comes in from the umbrella-shaped top window with silver-rimmed frames, forming a bright spot on the yellow floor, smoke An old oil painting hangs on the smoked wall

"It's so fast, it seems that your plan is very effective." The fat man looked back, a flash of surprise in his eyes. Today's Sokotus Stellar wore a light green light shirt, wrapped tightly, far more than anything else The woman's taller, exquisite and delicate body, set off the graceful figure to the ultimate slender curve.

The pink floral short skirt loosely covers her knees~lightnovelpub.net~Pale green shirt dresses her up. It is extremely beautiful. The thin top is wrapped around her,

The current Sokotosdalen looks cold and arrogant. Just like a rose blooming in the dark night, there is no more. At that time, in the branch of the Klensdor Business Alliance in Kyoto, weeping and crying for help when there is no door,

Few people still remember the mysterious woman who sensationalized the entire auction house. After that auction, the woman disappeared from everyone's eyes. Among the twelve deacons of the business alliance, there was one more mystery. Deacon of the thirteen,

No one has ever seen her, only know that she is like a sudden shadow, a hand of the Grand Duke to control the business alliance,

The head is always covered with a faint black gauze, the voice is cold, it seems to see through everything in the world, and the most important lifeline of the business alliance is controlled in hand, and all material transportation over 100,000 gold coins must be approved by the dark deacon. The name is Sokotus Delan. ...

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