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~: 463 The Blood of Salander (3)

The fat man was silent for a while,

He knew that this was Feyton Lanya's loyalty to himself. In order to express the sincerity of Dobu, the woman was even suggesting that, if necessary, he could let the cavalry of Dohobu serve as the vanguard of this battle.

The situation in Sarand has eroded to this point, and it can almost be said that it has reached the state of ruining the country. If you join the battle at this moment, no matter how strong the Cavalry of the Dowd, and how good their commander is, they will face a field Brutal **** battle, the survivors are only half afraid

But the quiet appearance of Fyton Ranja took exactly this point,

She did not hesitate to overwhelm the fate of the entire tribe, because she knew that regardless of victory or defeat, the Duke of Falcon who had never treated her subordinates would inevitably give Duowei a bright future,

A Duowei Department that let the wind and rain shake, from a newly attached Huyong force, became an opportunity to become a fat man's heart and strong arm,

This is a big bet that is destined for victory only, but the tragic blood that has penetrated from the inside makes the fat man look sideways and cannot answer for a long time,

"Kugit woman"

The gaze paused in Feyton Lanya's face, and the fat man sighed dizzily,

He didn’t know how to face Feyton Lanya’s ardent gaze. He could see that Fyton Ranya was a typical Kugit woman,

No matter how quiet she looks like blue, how wise she looks, but in her essence, she is still a strong Kugit woman,

It is the kind of person who makes the greatest sacrifice for the tribes and relatives

They may be the greatest women in the top six of Icdiva, or they may be the craziest women in the top 6 of Icadi,

The cruel living environment and frequent tribal wars forced them to send their relatives, husbands, and sons to the cruel battlefield,

Whether it is a snowstorm or a hurricane, they will make them work hard for a few generations, and they will have nothing to do for a night.

They have adapted to choice, self-sacrifice and exchange of self. This habit has penetrated deeply into their souls for hundreds of years.

It is undeniable that Feyton Lanya's sincerity and beauty made him a little bit moved, but it was only a heartbeat,

Big things ahead, any personal feelings must be let go

The fat man is well aware that in this case, it is a very dangerous act to mobilize the Douwei, which has the largest number of cavalry, to participate in the war.

The Duowei cavalry, as one of the three tribes of the former Kugit’s court, the Kugit brand on his body was too deep, and was originally entangled by Vickia without much interest. It was completely out of nowhere to turn to the fat man. The fat man placed this military force in Ai Near Chemor, on the one hand, it can play the role of strengthening the defense in the north, on the other hand, it also has the idea of ​​watching the future change,

Just in the direction of Echemore, the four most elite Wikia Heavy Soldiers are stationed there, serving as the strongest support of the Dohwei Ministry to deal with the possible disturbance from the direction of Turga, but it may change at any time. For a butcher knife that cuts off the rebellion,

20,000 elite Kugit cavalry, from north to south, through more than 2,000 miles across the territory of Wichia, as long as there is a slight error in the transfer, it is enough to stir up the entire country of Wichia.

Behind the Duowei Department, from the vast western grasslands with sparsely populated western wilderness, a large number of southern populations are pouring in like torrents,

The long migrating team continued from the southern mountain area to Kudan in the north. The caravans of the caravans, garrisons, and business alliances all moved because of this migration. This migration involves 17 tribes in the southern mountains, and the north of the central region. Refugees, with a total population of up to 10,000 people, spread to 8 counties in the south-central region, covering almost one-third of the total population of Vickia,

Those new populations who have agreed with Samor's concept of ruling bring not only vitality but also new ideas to the north. This flow is extremely beneficial to Samor's co-governance

The northern region where the aristocratic atmosphere was originally rich, driven by the vibrant southern population, is waking up from the hardship and twilight that has accumulated for hundreds of years, and various new towns are filling up like mushrooms. The demographic crisis formed by the long war in the North,

The Kudan region in the north has more advantages than the south. It is backed to the west and up to the Kugit prairie. It is adjacent to the sixth largest power, Ruidian. The conditions of the business center are unique, because Ruidian is busy Fighting back to the north, I have no time to take into account this great migration of Vickia, it is a rare opportunity

This is the largest migration wave in the history of Vickia, and also the largest strategic opportunity for the integration of population and ideas.

Although this integration is proactive, the fat man knows that whether it is conceptually, or the conversion of the identity of civilians, nobles, and businessmen, this is the beginning of a contest without a fight.

What they bring is the future of Wikya, and it is also a crucial moment to lay the soul of Wikya. Any small mistakes will stop this magnificent national game.

The fat man is eager to send troops to Salander, because of this, as long as another ten years, when a new generation of northerners grows up, the Samorian regime, represented by the southern businessman, will be extremely strong

The advancing team entered the city center of Lhasa,

The number of refugees wandering around has decreased a lot here. An iron fence gate separates it from the aristocratic area inside. The guard soldiers block the refugees from outside. After examining the leader’s token, the fat man When someone put it in,

As for the half-dead Duke Sodofei, he deliberately placed the water under the guard, and while passing through the iron gate, a group of refugees and the sanitation conflict were in chaos and fled.

The sky dimmed, and in the VIP room of the Dukes' Palace, I heard faint voices outside the palace and the sounds of moving horses and horses, and the refuge of refugees did not stop for a moment, making people worry about whether Lhasa could Accommodate so many people. (Remember me to play)

The long corridor outside the VIP was lit up early, and it was extremely dim in the dark sky,

Fenton Lanya rested on the garden grass beside the promenade. The fat man pushed open the window of the room and took a deep breath of the sea breeze. His eyes looked at the scene outside, and he was fascinated.

The brightly lit city of Lhasa, like a meadow covered with stars, slowly unfolded in front of the fat man's eyes, in the light of the city road, the fat man saw the endless stretch, tens of thousands, lost his lovely home, I wonder if there is Tomorrow's Salander. Curled in the streets and alleys of this beautiful city~lightnovelpub.net~ Desolate and lingering expressions filled their faces,

"This is already the last port in the north. Presumably, they have come to an end." A faint murmur sounded behind the fat man with a scent. ...

Quanguo 463 Salander's blood (3) (text) h






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