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~: 550 Winter Veil Battle (1)

Winter Veil Battle (1)

The carriage moved on the crowded pier, which could be seen vaguely through the window of the carriage. Mona Qing was not far away. The large and small boats were parked on the Relex dock, and the white sails were like a forest, inlaid with metal The v-wall of the brand's shipboard gleamed with dazzling luster under the morning light of Jinè.

In front of the busy pulley crane, more than a dozen dock workers were busy and orderly packing the mountainous cargoes one by one on the merchant ship docked in the bend. The thick rope was not a tight creak, The crew above arranged the cargo neatly, and then made a shout, the merchant ship tremblingly left the pier, slowly passed the wide estuary, and quickly disappeared into the horizon of the ocean.

People are everywhere on the pier. Carriage carriages pass by from time to time. Ruts collide with the underground gravel. There is a brisk sound and dense crowds. Most of them are concentrated on the trade office and loading dock of the dock. There can be heard the shouting of the merchants at any time, there are cheerful and anxious, a team of ten or so Vikya patrols, riding from a high horse, walking from a distance, ordering a carriage lying in the middle of the road to give way , The owner of this carriage looked anxious, because his rut ​​broke into half in the collision, and finally the patrol's horse was dragged to the side of the road to wait for the penalty

It looks orderly here. Now is the best season to go to sea. Because of the arrival of the ū season, there is a rare peace at sea, and the sea boat killers such as storms and hurricanes have also stopped a lot.

The azure water gently patted the side of the boat, and the calm was like a gentle little lover. If you were lucky, you could also meet the dolphins who are chasing. The jīg spirits in these oceans often like to chase the white after the ship rises. , A nice and clear cry

Compared with the military port of Dylans, the atmosphere here is much more free. As long as you comply with the rules of Vickia, basically no one will intervene too much in the trade of merchants, whether you are a Rudd, Sa The Rands, the Kugits, and the people of the Ruidians who had fought hard. Here, they are all free traders. This open policy, even the air is filled with the smell of gold coins,

Although this terminal is nominally attributed to the Vekenia Naval Repair Port, it was actually a free port. Most of the Admiralty’s funds came from the taxation of this port, and it was also regarded as a care for the weak construction of the navy by fat people.

Withdrawn from the window, the astounding look of Mona looked at the man sitting opposite to him, this is a face that looks extremely ordinary, and the thick face is always filled with an inexplicable smile, just like it has just been completed. A lot of money is easy and complacent,

This kind of expression can be seen on the face of most small businessmen. They are thinking about how to become a dream merchant in this era.

It is undeniable that the fat man in thought has a unique charm of a man. A few months of running has made his slightly fat face lose a lot of weight, and even has a little rhomboid on the cheekbones, making him look a little more. A steady feeling, melancholy and mature eyes, staring at the distant scene, revealing a unique temperament of innocence and maturity,

Only when looking at a specific target, there will be a glint from the eyes, it seems to be able to wear the human soul, but soon dissipates and invisible, just like a fierce beast hiding in the dark, there is no 獠 in 1ù In front of the teeth, it may be docile like a kitten, with a pair of pure big eyes blinking and blinking, so cute and harmless,

The authority of the kingdom's ruler and the ruthlessness of the 6th generation of the overlord seem to be deeply hidden. Only those who know him will know how terrible things are contained in this cute and cute head,

It may be the fate of a kingdom, or the future of millions of creatures

This time going south, in order to save unnecessary trouble, the fat man only took Mona Qing and more than a dozen guards to accompany him. It is said that there are two entourages, but Mona Qing has not seen it,

"Adult, I think it is safer to use naval escort"

Monaqing hesitated for a while and said with concern, "From here to Grand Duke Nilai’s pier, it will take at least 2 days. In your current identity, light car is not a wise choice."

"Navy? They are busy in the West Sea. I don’t want to disturb them. And if they use them to escort, I’m just afraid of something that I want to hide, I will violently send them to the Rude people. Let the Ruds grasp this news. They are playing in the snow in the Dorok Mountains. If they know that a falcon squatting behind them is squatting behind their backs, they will be afraid that they will jump on the buttocks immediately."

The fat man raised his head, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and relieved her, "Relax, this trip is safe without naval escort. Don't forget, there are two people who didn't arrive."

"I don't know who the other two are? Even though the adults are so confident in them, Mona Qing asked carefully,

This suspicion from the north to the south, even with the stability of Mona Qing, can't help but the curiosity of the V people, not to mention that she really wants to know what kind of two people it is, and it is worth the peace of mind for the fat man. This is related to herself. The problem of the future direction of the family

"Oh, I knew you always wanted to ask this question." The fat man blinked at her playfully, and the embarrassed Mona Qing blushed, and then smiled softly. "It's not really a big deal~www .lightnovelpub.net~ As you may know, the head of the Eberlon Business Alliance, Sokotus Delan, this time we are going to Salander with her fleet, accompanied by soldiers and 18 merchant ships, There will be no problems in safety"

"I know that your Mo family has always wanted to open up the ethics business. She is the general person in charge of this piece, and it is also a return to your Mo family. If it were not for you to come out in the north, I would not be able to sit in the library so safely. Kate's Khan"

The fat man's voice paused, a jīg light flashed in his eyes, and Mona Qing looked down quickly, speculation in his heart, he had to admit that now the domineering body of the fat man is getting stronger and stronger,

"There is another one you may know," the Fat Man continued. "The protagonist of the killing night in the north, the first killer of the stab, Isamolier."

Speaking of which, the fat man suddenly smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, and seemed to think of something interesting. "She is now my creditor. With her by my side, even if someone wants to kill me, it is impossible." F

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