Whole Nation

~: 604 Giant Swing (2)

604 Great Loop (2)

"Is it wrong to stick?"

Hu Lunfeilin blinked her big beautiful eyes, her small, warped nose sniffed. The fat man said so esotericly, besides her, a dozen other Hulin generals were also confused, mostly with long faces. The darker skin, full of hope in the gaze of the fat man, they are all the elite of the Hulin ethnic navy, and their tall bodies sit along the long table, and they have a sturdy momentum

"A law-abiding law like Fort Semortoku depends on the situation and can only be called waiting to die"

The fat man glanced over these Hulin generals, with a deep smile in his mouth, turned around in front of the map, and picked up the wooden pole from the table in order to more clearly express his intentions.

"From here to here, the nearest route should be like this." The fat man’s wooden pole continued to draw a horizontal line along the red arrow drawn by Hu Lunfeilin,

It even went straight through Fort Semoltoku on the map, extending about half the distance to the south of the map

"Booming" Hulin generals murmured in their mouths, looking at the long lines drawn by the fat one by one, they all showed surprise expressions, some immediately wanted to stand up but were held by other companions, Some whispered conversations whispered, and there was also a sullen face

Hu Lunfeilin, who was sitting next to the fat man, was also a **** little mouth with open mouth, a stern expression, all eyes were doubts,

"Are you curious, this attack line ignored the Semoltoku Castle in front of you?" Of course, the fat man knew why these generals of the Hulin tribe were so expressive, and smiled disapprovingly at the corners of their mouths. Asked the general who just wanted to stand up

"Remember how you got into Salander?"

The Hu Lin general's sullen face turned red, and it was such an honour to be able to get the question from the mainland's first general. He almost replied without thinking. "We came by boat, from the south of Vecchia to the port of Gregory. , Sailed for three days"

"Yes, you are right"

The fat man nodded solemnly, put down the wooden handle in his hand, his eyes turned sharp like a sword, and said in a questioning voice

"It turns out that you still remember that you came by boat. Since the entire coastline is under the control of your Hulin tribe, why do you want to take advantage of the ready-made advantage instead of playing here with Fort Semoltoku? "


There was silence in the hall, and dozens of General Salander took a breath, one by one speechless, some reacted, the sadness on his face quickly turned into a smile, and some did not respond soon , Under the companion's whispered explanation, revealing a sudden expression of understanding

The Grand Duke is right. Now that the entire coast is under the control of the Hulin tribe, the fleet can reach the outer periphery of Kyoto without hindrance. There is no need to attack the city like the regular army.

But the one who can see this is really not what the army supreme era can see. If it was not the Grand Duke’s point, no one would think in any way.

Hu Lunfeilin's bright and glittering eyes like the moon are now full of stars. As the patriarch of the next generation of the Hulin tribe, her mind not only focuses on war, but also the future from the Hulin tribe. The Lin tribe, although with their first attachment to Vickia, has achieved considerable development over time,

However, with the rise of the Southwest Dylan clan and the thirty-two Pirates in the West Sea, the Hulin clan’s position in the Vickia navy seemed a little awkward. Expansion to the west would touch the interests of the Dylan navy. To the south, there is the powerful Salander navy, the north is the mainland, and the east is a huge reef area.

The future of the Hulin tribe is like a tiger trapped in a huge cage, always inspiring the passion and passion of the younger generation of Hulin. Although everyone does not talk about it, the fear in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger. With the growing strength of the Vickia Navy, the Hulin tribe with no future will do,

Now the words of the Grand Duke gave Hu Lin Feiya a feeling of keeping her eyes open. She suddenly found that she had been bothering herself. The future vision of the Hu Lin tribe was actually in the words of the Grand Duke

She could hear that the fat man was interested in handing over the waters and coastline on the west side of Salander to the Hulin tribe. If the battle was successful, the Grand Duke would probably allow the Hulin tribe to obtain a certain area in the West Sea of ​​Salander. Settlements,

This is a huge sea area, and the area and economic benefits of the sea area can be several times larger than the original southeast area of ​​Vickia.

"Originally, I should have feasted you, but you helped me Vickey this time, but time is running short, I will use water instead of wine, I wish you all the best."

After finishing this, the fat man took a glass of water from the table and lifted it up to the Hulin generals present here. "Tomorrow you will board the ship from the nearest port. I will let Dustronka's private squadron **** along the way."

All the Hulin generals of "Duke Xie" stood up, standing straight

"When will the Grand Duke arrive in Kyoto?" When he walked out of the hall, Hu Lunfeilin, who was walking at the end, suddenly stopped and turned around, smiling sweetly, "I don't know when I will see the Grand Duke again."

The fat man was stunned for a while. Hu Lunfeilin's tone clearly contained a deep affection~lightnovelpub.net~ took a deep breath and answered her, "Soon, we will be in Kyoto for up to a month's time Meet again"

"A lot of people talk, it's about the success or failure of the whole battle, so I can only say a part." The corner of the fat man's mouth smiled apologetically at this brilliant and beautiful woman, and took the pen on the table. New arrow, draw an arc on the map

"It turns out that the Grand Duke has left a hand just now." Hu Lunfeilin looked at the extra lines and threw out his tongue with dissatisfaction.

"Since you asked, let me tell you," the fat man pointed to the map. "It's not just you who broke into Saranda Kyoto this time. The Dylans fleet will also push Saranda Kyoto from the East China Sea at the same time. The purpose is to draw all the attention of the Salander to the past,

And I, I will separate you from the soldiers. When you jump the chicken flying dogs of the Sarande Kyoto, from behind the fortified Semurtoku Fort, plug directly into the flank of the northern town of Kuronzebu. In front of Hu Tu Beien’s 10,000 army, he annihilated Saranda Kyoto’s main force in the north in one fell swoop.”

"The north-south pinch hits and the center line goes straight. I call this tactic a big swing." The five fingers of the fat man are like a big net, pressing heavily around the Kuronzeborg. ...