Whole Nation

Chapter 11: In front of the kiln

"It's over, Master's hypothesis is getting worse!"

The old housekeeper pessimistically looked at his crazy young man, leaning on his fat ass, squatting on the dam of the castle moat, constantly groping with the dirty mud on the ground with his hands, and occasionally smashing his hands into particles and putting it on his own Sniffing **** his nose, the smirk on his face seemed to be holding not a smelly mud but a roasted goose.

Over the past few days, my young master seems to have taken a look at the dam of this moat. Every time I went to the garrison camp to train recruits, I was walking on this dam, and occasionally still strolling in the dirty and wet mud, squat down to take a look Look, touch it, it's exactly the same as the prevalence of conjecture.

  Du Yu squeezed the soil in the right-handed grip into a mass, and then squashed the wet mud in the inner-hand grip to dry it. The soft and sticky touch between his fingers and the pale gray surface made Du Yu ecstatic.

  In recent days, Du Yu has been measuring back and forth on the bank of this long river, looking along the river with the water potential, although the surface of the river dam is covered with black mud.

   But in the past life, in order to learn the "manipulation of soft hands" in the inner strength, Du Yu, who had studied ceramic production with master soft hands for three years, still saw the strangeness here at a glance.

  With Du Yu's survey, it was found that the river beach below is actually rare white clay. In the previous life, this kind of soil was also called "porcelain clay" as a material for firing ceramics.

The old housekeeper saw that his master folded a branch of dead wood from the dead tree by the river, drew a large circle of several meters wide on the damp mud pile, and then set the dead branch in the middle of the hand fiercely in the middle, turned around Come and smile at the old butler behind you, "You find some guards, dig down from here according to the position I painted, and move all the white clay below to the workshop house by the river, I have Great use"

"Clear water can make my dress shine, Tong Shan can make my heart happy, take the mountain as the body, carved with water, the circle can turn freely, the heart can move freely, and the heavens become soft hands." The hand circulated by the hand teacher about "inner strength and soft hand".

  Du Yu feels that as he has entered the room within days, his seven qis can almost connect the breath of the world, the blood gas all over the body forms a circulatory system, the quick action is like lightning, and the steady is like flowing water.

  As the state of mind becomes more sophisticated, Du Yu can clearly feel the vortexes of various world airflows happening around him, and the weather changes can imply a rule,

The air flow gathers under heavy rain, the air flow rises quickly, and the air flow slowly becomes fine dust. The white clouds and the dogs are all the same. The unique feeling reminds Du Yu to remember to practice porcelain making with his master in the past three years. Soft hands,

  Like the change of the weather, let the soft plastic clay gradually transform the frizzy surface into a smooth and unrestrained in the self-darkness, and the earth made up of the world's debris becomes crystal clear and dust-free glass

So on a whim, not only did people build a humble small workshop by the river, but they also looked for "porcelain" near their castles for their own cultivation of soft hands, hoping to find control of the flow of breath of heaven and earth. law.

"The young master is really powerful. He guessed that all of the white mud is underneath. Is his young master really a big wizard?" The old housekeeper directed the guards of a dozen castles to shovel the soil in the marked position. .

   Sure enough, he dug continuously along the depth of the dry branches inserted by Du Yu. After digging the black soil of the first ten centimeters on the surface, white and bright white soil began to appear.

   The old housekeeper who was ill-conceived by his young master looked at all this in surprise. Although this white mud is not uncommon in the territory, it can be seen on the edge of many mountains,

   But such soft white mud covered under this black mud, but the old housekeeper saw it for the first time, unlike the dry white clay exposed on the mountain, it shattered into pieces.

   This kind of white mud is more like a pile of fermented white bread waiting to be baked. The old housekeeper can squeeze it gently with his hand and leave a deep fingerprint on it. All the guards who look at it are surprised.

These high-quality white clay were immediately sent to Du Yu's small workshop by the river. No one knew what his lord was doing in this mysterious small workshop. Even the most personal old housekeeper was rejected by the young master. According to rumors, this is the secret room of the lord, the wizard, with deadly poison.

   Actually, the real reason is that Du Yu is afraid that when he is practicing soft hands, his diffuse energy will hurt people nearby.

Within a few days, under the command of the lord, dozens of guards carefully moved out of the lord’s mysterious hut a piece of yellow-and-white ware with a long round neck. At first glance, it was pinched with the white mud sent in the previous few days. The old butler standing next to Du Yu suddenly touched his forehead like he realized, "It turns out that the young master wants to burn pottery by himself"

   "Master, if you want these strange pottery, just tell me, I will let the potter in the territory make it according to the requirements of the master, no need to do it yourself"

The old housekeeper looked at Du Yu aggrievedly. Although the family has now fallen, it has not been reduced to the point that even daily pottery must be fired by itself. This is spread. The family’s face was really thrown home. Pottery!

"Put all these things into the fire kiln on the side. Be sure to put them lightly, but don't destroy them!" Du Yu is seriously arranging the guards holding the porcelain embryos to carefully order the porcelain embryos in order. Put it in a fire kiln built by myself, this porcelain is a very technical work.

Porcelain embryos placed too densely will cause uneven fire, and the burned porcelain surface is not smooth, and it will break when brittle. If it is too loose, it will cause excessive heat, and it will directly explode into fragments in the fire, so a kiln In a hundred pieces of porcelain embryos, only ten pieces can be molded and smooth, which is extremely difficult to succeed.

"Leave a few people to add fire to me, everyone else go back first." Du Yu looked at the burning fire in the clay kiln, waved his hands to the dazed old housekeeper and the guard, and then burned himself. The kiln sat cross-legged in front of him, no longer speaking.

   In the past few days, Du Yu reviewed the soft hands that he had practiced for several years. Sure enough, the realm is different, and the kneading techniques are different.

Du Yu found that he had reached the point where he could watch without eyes, and he could know that there were tiny bumps on the surface of the porcelain clay only by relying on the airflow changes caused by the high-speed rotating porcelain clay surface. A pair of high-speed porcelain embryos appeared.

"Replenish the potential with a circle, see the big with the slightest, hide the guard to fill the vacancies, and the heart is free to turn around" These past events are not the same, the vague and inexplicable words are now like a huge Hong Zhong swaying in the mind of Du Yu, and the excited Du Yu does not even have a castle Go back and sit down next to the kiln soil to understand.

   saw Du Yu sitting in front of the earthen kiln with his eyes closed strangely, and all the guards looked at his master doubtfully. "This young master's hypothesis is indeed getting more serious, and all of them are used as bedrooms"

   but did not know that Du Yu was at the most critical moment from quantitative change to qualitative change. The hot red cyclone sprayed from the earthen kiln around him was like a guiding light, and the air of Duyu attracted him directly into the earthen kiln.