Whole Nation

Chapter 17: Night raid

"My lord, the assassin has confessed. I didn't expect it to be caused by the **** of the Dusaksk lord in the northern part of the family. Dussk ordered him to enter the castle among the pilgrimage crowds and take the opportunity to destroy the artifacts given to him by the family. So as to hurt adults by rumours and be spurned by the gods!"

  Not long after Du Yu returned to his bedroom, the adjutant Statunko happily knocked on the bedroom door with the interrogation record written with thick wormwood juice. It seemed that the interrogation process was very smooth.

   Du Yu took the record from Statunko, but just flipped it through, and put the report on the low table at the head of the bedroom, which made Staturenko surprised.

"It's no surprise that the Dusasc family and the Dusmore family in the northern part of the family split have been looking for opportunities to invade our territory. The hunter leader Clorissat who just returned to the team told me the day before that these two unrests The family has recruited a large number of soldiers in their own territory in recent months. It is said that 400 soldiers and a squadron of knights have been assembled to prepare to seize the territory from our hands when the family army goes to the north to serve for His Majesty the King The most fertile area of ​​Yosak town.

"Originally, adults already knew the origins of the assassins. What are we going to do now? It's not long before the deadline stipulated by His Majesty's Order of Requisition. Even if we now send troops to attack the Kuhn Castle in Dussask, I'm afraid the time limit is not enough ""

  Statunco looked at his prince with anxiety, and had always wholeheartedly trained soldiers outside the castle. Stutunco did not expect that the family had fallen into such a dangerous situation.

The king’s order was only issued to the patriarchs of the various families. For the falcon family that had fallen, his lord had already lost the power to order other branches. The main force of the family army went north, which was equivalent to giving the family other The branch had a rare opportunity to fight for the head of the family.

"So, we are going to kill the chickens and monkeys! You immediately mobilize all the troops gathered outside the castle. I want to take back the Saka city of the Dusmore family. I want to let the side branches of the family who do not know what to do and know. They have not agreed to them by His Majesty the King. Before the nobles independently applied, I was still the patriarch! If you want to be a stable lord, just give me the honesty!"

   Du Yu raised his head coldly, the stars flashed under the black sky outside the castle, and the distant mountains lurked in the dark like dark giant beasts under the night.

  The incident of the assassin made Du Yu very angry, and he was always disapproved of the family branch’s peeping at him, but this time the branch of the two families blatantly recruited troops to target themselves.

  If he is also indifferent, if he really comes back from the northern front, the family's patriarch may have already been replaced. It seems that such a brazen recruiting army really regards himself as a "fool"!

   "But lord, we openly attack the territories of the family, so we are morally afraid that we will be subject to other powers and responsibilities!" Statunko reminded his lord without worry.

In the Kingdom Decree, as long as the branch of the family has its own territory, it also belongs to the scope of the nobility. It is illegal for the main family to attack the branch of the family without authorization. Even if the territory of the branch is occupied, it will not be officially recognized by the kingdom, so Many of the main families take the way of supporting puppets to control the collateral families.

"This confession is the reason why we sent troops! Attacking the side branch of the main family will be punished by the main family in any decree!" Seeing his lord raised the interrogation record on the bedside, Statun Only then did Ke suddenly realize that the old man from the family had been planning for a long time!

   "Yes, my lord, I believe that the family army will defeat all the enemies under the leadership of the lord! Let the battle flag of the Falcon once again proudly fly in the queue of the first-class family in the kingdom"

  Stutunko's face turned excitedly to a respectful bow to his lord and performed a knight's salute. His glorious eyes burned with the hope of battle, and turned and disappeared into the night of the castle corridor.

  The long queue of torches is like a giant dragon walking on the winding mountain path. The light leather armor on the soldiers crossed the gap between the leaves of the mountains and made a rustling friction.

"Adult, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. Good news. The hunter squad in front of us reported that only 150 soldiers and 20 knights of the Dusmore family are stationed in Kasha City. Dusmore Kate, the patriarch of the Dusmore family, has been there for two days. I have led the 20 guards of the family to the Kuhn Castle of the Dusask family, which is really good luck for us."

Statunko returned from the front of the team with a joyful look. This time, together with the guards of the family, Du Yu brought out a huge army of 1400 people and assembled to attack the Dusmore family's card overnight. Shacheng, such a huge queue makes Statunko very excited.

The hunters in charge of the strikers are mostly hunters who make a living in the nearby mountains. They are very familiar with the complex environment of the mountains, so with the cover of darkness, 1400 people bypassed the Dusmore family through a hidden mountain path. At the checkpoint on the border, people inadvertently entered the hinterland of the Dusmore family's territory, and the overnight attack had already touched the periphery of Kasha City.

In the dark night, the lights of the beautiful Kasha city flicker, such as stars, the Kasha city where the Dusmore family is located is the closest city to the Falcon family castle, and it is the three most prosperous commercial towns before the original falcon family split. one,

  Kasa City is originally named as the three pearls in the mouth of Falcon, and is the three pearls in the mouth of Falcon.

The Dusmore family near Kasha City took the opportunity of the new patriarch to be an idiot the year before, and the army collapsed. They forcibly sent knights to Kasha town to announce the management of Kasha town and renamed Kasha town to Kasha city. As a new home for the family.

   "Boom!" A huge ball of fire fired from the dark black place in the distance to the closed iron-clad wooden gate of Kasha City,