Whole Nation

Chapter 3595: Finding the Holy Capital

Arriving at the nearest imperial barracks, after a day’s rest, Du Yu decided to take a boat along the Eero River to the north to the Eero Royal Capital

Although the Eero area has been fully surrendered, it has been proved through the interrogation of the Silver Fox that the Silver Fox can lead two thousand Martin Lifang elite cavalry across into the southern area of ​​Eero, which is to buy a nobleman from the central Eero area. As a cover, two thousand Martin Litooth cavalry were disguised as the private cavalry of the Eero nobles, and then easily drove into the south of Eero under the eyes of the imperial army.

   "It's time to clean up the grass, otherwise it will be a silver fox this time. I don't know who it is next time."

Du Yu stood at the bow of the Imperial Dragon Tooth battleship, staring at the sight of the surrounding earth and spring. The long winter finally passed. With the latest increase in water, the Eero River was reduced by three minutes due to lack of water in winter. One of the rivers skyrocketed again, especially the yellow sand desert in the southern part of Eero was soaked by rain for 20 days, and the Eero River was flooded again.

However, the empire has already prepared for the flooding of the Eero River. A large number of ships have just used the abundant currents brought about by the flooding of the river to transport a large number of war materials to the south. The large-scale military port fortress is being completed. The war against the Kingdom of Aden personally commanded by the imperial emperor in winter is largely to cover the construction of this large-scale military port. As long as the construction of this large-scale military port is completed, the empire’s control will be Radiation to the southern coastline of Eero thoroughly, so as to form a north-south mezzanine on the southern Great Plain of Eero that is being restored. This is a military strategy and a remediation strategy, and it can pose a threat to the Empire’s strategy.

   is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Aden that knows that the Gulf of Aden area and the southern area of ​​Eero are only a cape distance

   It is absolutely impossible for the Kingdom of Aden to sit and watch the empire easily complete the strategy of encircling the entire southern Great Plain of Eero. Moreover, the Red Dragon Palace of Aden is even more eye-catching for the southern part of Eero. The people of Aden will definitely send troops to the southern part of Eero.

   In this situation,

As the number one strategist on the mainland, the emperor chose to take the initiative to attack. The best defense is to attack. First of all, the main force of the imperial navy, more than 300 warships, traversed the river and invaded the Gulf of Aden in a miraculous assault. The hinterland caused turmoil in the Kingdom of Aden, and then luring the enemy thousands of miles away, finally hit the main force of the Aden Navy who followed the Aden navy for revenge in the Mas Crescent Bay in the waters of Central Biyah. Disadvantaged situation

On the land battlefield, the imperial army pierced the desert barrier that the Aden people had operated in the north for decades. In the south, the imperial army provoked a great slave riot in Aden, and eventually defeated the more than 100,000 troops of the Kingdom of Aden with inferior forces. The Adenites were in the south. A large number of plantations were completely destroyed. Originally, the largest grain-producing area in southern Aden was completely turned into a quagmire. This war lasted only more than a month, but the blow to the Kingdom of Aden exceeded the total of the previous thirty years.

   even directly triggered the Red Dragon Palace forced palace incident

"The white-collar old Earl Lulacasi was known for his justice among the princes of southern Eero, but he did not expect his descendants to be so shameless, because after moving into the central hilly area, he felt dissatisfied with the remoteness of the fief, but secretly colluded with the silver fox. This is the case for the Lula Kassi family, and it is even harder for other families to say." Pope Putamia stood on the bow of the imperial dragon tooth battleship splitting the waves of the river, wearing a white dress like an immortal, she knew the emperor’s mouth. What is meant by the cleanup, but for these former princes in the southern part of Eero, the Pope did not have much favor, his voice said clearly, "Treat these nobles is undoubtedly a shock to the first, and then use the benefit of temptation, these nobles since They still choose to surrender after the fall of the Eero Empire, and they absolutely have no plan to follow the old king capital. As long as there is a way to survive, they will generally not immediately choose to rebel. If this path can still make them feel that there is a revival of the family Hope, then they will lower their high heads and use new ways to revitalize the family"

   The black-haired emperor curled his mouth slightly, looking at the land where the spring is coming, saying that is too horrible

The water waves of the big river hit the sharp bow of the Dragon Tooth battleship, as if a broken mirror was slashed at both ends. Seeing that it was a battleship of the Imperial Navy fleet, other imperial ships oncoming one after another gave way to the left. The Luoda River Road was originally nearly 100 meters wide, and now it has reached a hundred and forty meters in the rising water season. At first glance, it looks like a vast expanse of whiteness, but these fall in front of the black-haired emperor with a surge of aura.

   With his eyes closed, the black-haired emperor greedily sucked the surrounding spiritual energy into his body. The Eero River is indeed an artificially transformed river, but no one knows that the true meaning of this river is to transport the spiritual energy from north to south.

After a full half a year of opening, the Eero river channel was filled with a large number of imperial materials. Under the environment, it was far more depressed because of the conflict between the royal family in the north of Eero and the princes of Eero in the south. At this time, it has become a dense fleet of ships. The scene of commuting, a large number of strategic materials from the empire flowed down the river, and the returning fleets were often loaded with manpower and commodities from the Aden area. The slave riots in the southern area of ​​Aden were in full swing. These riots were attacking the plantations and beating the slave owners. , Rob the lord’s castle, but still dare not touch the big cities. The big cities have walls and a large number of city guards. However, as the Aden military emptied the entire southern forces, it is no longer satisfied and just shocking The slaves in the outer fringe of the city began to attack the Adenites in large cities in the south.

   This magical pen made Pudamia feel irritated

Regarding the empire’s sudden all-out attack on the Kingdom of Aden, there were always divergent opinions in the previous period. The famous generals of many countries watched. The military **** of the empire once again waved his hand. The people of the Kingdom of Aden turned their backs on their horses and the mountains and rivers were broken. But the significance of the empire’s strategic victory in this battle. Far greater than the actual benefits

  In other words, the empire is at a loss for this war against the Kingdom of Aden

   "The imperial emperor who attacked the calculations must be crying to death in the toilet this time"

"Who says no? The war launched by the empire against the Kingdom of Aden was strategically won, but it was definitely a loss in terms of interests. Although it took the desert barrier to the north in one fell swoop, it opened the door to Aden behind, but it was only for This will mobilize one hundred thousand empire forces to go deep into the dangerous land, spend millions of dollars in military expenditures, and mobilize a large number of troops in the back. This is a bottomless pit, and in the end only those few worthless oasis are obtained.

"In terms of the navy, the entire force of the Imperial Navy was used to defeat the Aden Navy. The damage reached to more than 60 expensive warships in battle alone was only a vast sea area. It would take at least five years to transform it into wealth. Only later can the results be seen. That is to say, the empire used a huge military expenditure that was close to the North-South war to mobilize all the elite groups on the land and sea, and finally ventured to fight Aden. In fact, it did not find anything, and it also trapped itself. Now, the imperial emperor, a profit-seeking greedy slave, can be regarded as a loss to grandma's house this time."

   "If the battle of Aden cannot be quickly resolved, I am afraid that the economy in the empire will also be dragged down. I heard that this time even the major chambers of commerce have taken away a part of the fleet."

   "The Gulf of Aden is approaching too far, no matter how long the Emperor's hands are, this time he will also be beaten and swollen."

"I have to wonder now, whether your Majesty had intended to make King Eero an underground auction site long ago, so that some inconvenient matters in the empire can be handed over to King Eero to resolve." Putamias Long eyes retracted from the direction of the pier in the distance, whispered in a weird tone, what losses, what strategic gains, actual losses, only those who only pay attention to the surface of this battle will think so.

  The battle of Aden is far from being so superficial

  First, the Empire took this opportunity to complete the construction of a stronghold in the south of Eero, and laid the most solid bridgehead for another large-scale war.’

Secondly, the war in southern Aden was pervasive, and the initiator of all this, the emperor had long ordered the imperial army to withdraw from the southern battlefield, repair the coastline, and exchange large quantities of food and weapons for looted property from riot slaves. , Artisans, and even the rich Aden nobles, who are now making trouble in southern Aden are all slaves of the riots,

In order to obtain weapons and supplies, the leaders of these riotous slaves sold the proceeds at a low price. In war-torn areas, the least valuable was human lives. No matter how much property they had, they could not be used as food. The imperial military only used extremely cheap, even It was an unimaginable low price to buy these properties and prisoners from the rioters, but they were transported back to the northern part of Eero through the river. These exquisite properties from the Aden nobles came and went, and the price increased by at least fifty. At the same time, even aristocratic girls from the Aden area occasionally appeared in the underground market of the Erot’s capital. The empire strictly prohibited slave trading, but it could not completely prevent the aristocrats’ desire to buy. After all, King Luo is not under the direct administration of the empire in name. As a prince, the empire is only turning a blind eye to all kinds of sales here.

In fact, everyone knows that behind this kind of thing is the imperial military. Most of the trafficked Aden nobles were redeemed by the Aden people with almost the same amount of gold. UU reading www.uukanshu.com conservatively estimates that this The second empire has almost collected the entire property of southern Aden. It is conservatively estimated that it exceeds 30-50 million. That is where 60% of the plantations of the Kingdom of Aden are located, the richest settlement of local tyrants in the Kingdom of Aden.

And this is far from reaching the expected peak. The Gulf of Aden has been prosperous for decades. Those areas that have never been affected by war are all oil. Once the big cities with huge populations are also breached, they will It is hard to imagine how many belongings are brought back.

   "I want to go back to the holy capital, as you said, if the master has left for a long time, it will inevitably be overgrown with weeds" Putamia looked at the black-haired emperor with a hesitant expression

"I said that the holy is yours. You can go back anytime. I won't stop you. If there are too many weeds, just leave half of it, otherwise the holy capital will be too crowded." The black-haired emperor smiled slightly. , Regarding the reason why Putamia suddenly wanted to return to the holy capital, the black-haired emperor roughly guessed something. The holy capital is now in chaos. Because of Putamia’s disappearance, it is the lawlessness that makes it almost an imperial merchant. The ground, this point even Socutus Delan has sent a letter to complain

   The black-haired emperor didn’t care much about the order of the sacred capital before, but now it’s not possible, because there have been reports of people conducting extensive surveys around the sacred capital. Although in the name of commercial prospecting, the shadow of the Red Dragon Palace is very obvious

   They are looking for the weapon in the rumored holy capital, how can it work! Thinking that there might be a lot of aura stones there, Du Yu took a deep breath

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