Whole Nation

Chapter 4: Unexpected engagement

"Adult, we don't need those crappy short swords. We have our own sharp hunting knives. Those heavy javelins are not suitable for us. We have sharp arrows stained with magic blood. As long as there are enough arrows, we can shoot through all of them. The enemy's throat!" The hunter leader Crolisat found Du Yu who was about to return to the lobby.

As the leader of a mountain hunter, Crolisat led his own mountain hunter tribe to hunt in the nearby mountains. Recently, I heard that local leaders advocated a high bounty calling order to lead more than ten of his own tribe. The famous hunter came to earn a reward, and the winter was coming. This money just let his tribe spend the cold winter.

   "Magic blood?" Du Yu looked at the hunter leader Clolisat, who had strong muscles in front of him, for a moment. What was the magic blood in the mouth of the hunter leader? Isn't there really a monster in this world? After coming here for a few months, Du Yu didn't find that this world is much different from his original world. At least no mysterious things beyond his cognitive scope exist.

"This is the magic blood. We hunters usually carry some with us. As long as the arrows are infiltrated in the blood before the war, the enemies hit by the arrows will be cut off the injured parts even if they are not dead." Hunter leader Ke Seeing the stunned look on Du Yu's face, Luo Lisart removed a long hollow wooden barrel from the waist, and uncovered the cork stopper, the pungent burnt smell from there made Du Yu sad. Frowned.

   saw Du Yu's face looking at the small wooden barrel with magic blood strangely, Crowley Sart smiled uncomfortably, Crowly Sart didn't know, in fact, Du Yu was already very confused in his heart,

The familiar pungent smell made Du Yu disgusted when he smelled of gasoline in the previous life, but Du Yu still resisted the nausea and took the small wooden barrel from Crowlisart's hand. Pour out some vinyl-colored liquid and smell it.

That’s right, it’s the smell of the original tar. I didn’t expect that there is oil in the mountains near here, and I couldn’t help asking anxiously, “Is that Devil’s Valley exposed, boiling black liquid, and all year round? Endless flame eruption?"

"Adult, how do you know! Does adult also know that Devil's Valley? That's where our mountain hunters can only reach." Crolisat looked at Du Yu panic, the Devil's Valley among the hunters. The biggest secret of the Hunter Tribe, it is said that there is a place where the world is connected to hell. Does this legendary lord also know that place?

   "I will give you 100 gold coins, and you will prepare 500 barrels for me within half a month. The small wooden barrels that you can carry with you just like you are filled with the magic blood you said!"

   "Really? Master, are you sure you need magic blood?" Du Yu's words made Crowlisart look surprised,

   Many nobles in the past only heard the hunters infesting the arrows with the magic blood, and they already angry and scolded the hunters as the devil's minions. It is even less likely that Du Yu would show such great interest in the magic blood.

"Yes, it's the magic blood in your mouth! I will keep this barrel as a sample, so that you don't cut corners for me." Du Yu closed the cork stopper in the small barrel, although Crolisat looked at him reluctantly. The little wooden bucket that I went to was still full of joy.

"With these raw tars, I was able to organize a phalanx infantry capable of throwing incendiary bombs. At that time, no matter what heavy knight you are, the elite infantry will make you roast pigs..." Du Yu with his hand He squeezed the small wooden barrel in his hand and heard the sound of "coo" coming from inside. He couldn't help but feel complacent, wandering outside.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Raise the shield and move forward three steps! Thorn!" The 200 peasants and soldiers in ten rows on the castle's playground lifted the giant shield in their hands uniformly under the password of Statunko to form a tight shield wall. Before the promotion, although these peasant soldiers have only been trained for more than half a month, they already have the taste of a regular army.

"Everyone remembers, approaching twenty meters, bidding guns, approaching two meters of daggers, close to the thorn, regardless of life and death, stabbing ten times, not stabbing, not allowed to turn back" Statunko faced the farmer The soldier screamed loudly that these standardized movement decompositions and standards were conceived by the idiot lord who looked down on him.

  Although Statunko believes that an outstanding soldier should be a brave warrior, not just a soldier who knows to follow the instructions,

   But I have to admit that for these peasants who have never been on the battlefield, the various fighting techniques they have taught me are still not as simple as the few assassinations of the idiot lord professor.

   "Adult, on the battlefield, we really only need to follow the password, can we survive, and reward money?"

Although Statunko was still a teenager, the peasant soldiers knew that this crippled and disabled teenager was once a slain knight who fought against the most fierce Kugit cavalry in the north, and no one dared to look down on this whole day board Face, screaming loudly at himself.

   "Yes, as long as you do it according to the method taught by the lord master, I am sure you will bring back this large lot of gold coins"

As the departure time approached, the dozen peasants and soldiers who were around him at rest took a bit of anxiety and asked Statunko. The eager look made Statuenko, who was always tenacious, had to disobey Reassuringly, after nearly a month of training, Statunko found that he had a sense of trust in the peasants and soldiers he had trained.

Statunko didn't make it clear, but he also knew that this time he was scoring the Rock Barbarian who occupied the western mountains. According to this training method, it might be possible to get a bargain from the barbarians who had no tactics. Of the Kugit Rangers, the only one waiting to die.

"I don't know how the mountain hunters were trained by adults?" Statunko looked at the sun on his head. In the far corner of the castle's side wall, dozens of recruited mountain hunters were in Under the command of the chubby idiot lord, practice shooting, I really don’t know what kind of training the lord lord has for these hunters who have been shooting archery since childhood.

   Due to the remoteness of the isolation, Statunko did not find that all the hunter’s arrows were wrapped with a layer of packets. The original arrow was hidden inside.

   Due to the changes in the original sharp arrows, these hunters are very precise about this new type of arrowhead, and they often shoot around because of insufficient estimates of the strength and wind speed.

   These hunters who are proud and proud of archery call this special kind of arrowhead the "arrow of the wanderer"

  Although the hunters are still unable to accurately grasp the arrowheads that are prepared to launch tar bombs, Du Yu has been very satisfied with the arrowheads that can fly out nearly 100 meters.

This was originally a range attack weapon. As long as the arrow collided with the target, the small packet of tar would be pierced by the sharp arrow inside, and the tar inside would be scattered. When the rocket shot from behind was caused by the tar, The blazing fire that cannot be extinguished can definitely make the enemy caught off guard and suffer a great loss.

   "How are the materials prepared, and will leave in a few days" Du Yu, who returned to the bedroom, turned over the list of materials sent by the old housekeeper,

  According to the practice of the kingdom, the army of the nobles must bring their own food for ten days to the assembly place. Because in these ten days, the nobles are regarded as obliged to serve His Majesty the King, so they must bring all the food and the necessary materials.

   But after ten days, the king had to bear all the food of the noble army, so the war of the king was always not long, and the longest one was only 98 days.

   The army of thousands of nobles gathered that time not only ate the food of His Majesty the King, but also moved a lot of royal family's food as food to pay off debts.

   This system has effectively restricted the right of His Majesty the King to be able to requisition lords everywhere, and it can be said that it has contributed a lot to the stability of the kingdom now.

"I have prepared 200 people to eat 20 days of food. Tomorrow I will let the kitchen put the preserved food on the carriage. Just now the head of the Keslato family came with his two daughters. I have arranged them in the guest room of the castle. I wonder if you have time to meet them in person?" The old housekeeper's eyes flickered at Du Yu, who was looking at the list. The unspeakable look made Du Yu curious.

   Old housekeepers rarely arrange their own trips by themselves, but this time they unexpectedly asked if they wanted to see each other’s messengers. This obviously implied that there was something inconvenient to say.

"The Keslato family? What's the matter with them? Take me to see them." Du Yu is still a bit of a reflection of the Keslato family. It's a little lord on the edge of his own territory. The village is also just a little lord in the title, far away from his marquis.

   "I think they may have come to discuss the marriage contract" Seeing the puzzled expression on his young master's face, the old housekeeper looked at Du Yu with confusion, and the old housekeeper left Du Yu who had just stood up standing there.

"Marriage contract? With whom does the Keslato family have a marriage contract?" Du Yu looked at the old butler with embarrassment, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly came out of the poor relative's family and really thought he was "the diamond king." Five" Du Yu was surprised

"Last year, when the old man was seriously ill, he decided to make a marriage contract for the young master in the neighboring Keslato family. Although this caused a lot of opposition in the family, the master still insisted on making a deal with the Keslato family. "Marriage contract" the old housekeeper explained pale.

In fact, Du Yu understood in his mind that this old father of this body would become the control puppet of the future female family in order to avoid his idiot son, and he was determined to be the poorest Keslato family in his neighborhood. A marriage contract, so that even if the daughter of the Keslato family becomes the hostess of the Falcon family, they will not be able to fully control the entire family because they are not noble enough.

   This is probably a helpless father's love.

"Since my father and I have ordered it, you will arrange it. Tomorrow I will meet them in the lobby!" Du Yu waved at the old housekeeper, which made Du Yu feel a little confused. It turned out that he was in this world. There is a future wife.

"Okay, I will tell Lord Keslato that I think his two daughters will be very happy." The old housekeeper gave a sigh of relief, since the young master had recovered from being an idiot, and it is special for this door. The significance of the marriage contract can continue, it really makes the old housekeeper inaccurate.

   "You haven't told me, what am I dating?" Du Yu asked, looking at the old housekeeper who was about to bow down and exit his bedroom

   The old housekeeper looked at Du Yu strangely, and finally made a determination like "Young Master, the old man gave you the sister flower of the Keslato family!"