Whole Nation

Chapter 40: Caesar demon

For the absurd behavior of the fat man standing in the city and peeing, Caesar Sauron standing next to him rolled his eyes recklessly. The fat man who has gone crazy during this time has already been surprised.

   For the past half a month, the Samoor Fortress has been tossed by a fat man who is afraid of death.

Masonry walls, thickening, digging tunnels, in order not to be attacked by the Kugits, fat people who are afraid of death not only laid three trenches of one meter wide and two meters deep in front of the city wall, each In front of the pit, tall triangular wooden tips are erected to prevent the siege equipment from approaching,

A dozen cauldrons were also erected at the widening of the ramparts of the wall, filled with fats, so that Clarissa deliberately transported a large amount of black crude oil from the mountains in his own falcon territory, which can be poured into the deep under the wall at any time. Pit, constructing three fire walls

   The city gate walkway was reinforced with hard bluestone strips, and a pistol-like piercing hole was rearranged on both sides of the 13-meter-long city gate walkway, killing a common city gate walkway.

These are nothing. The fat man piled up on the back of the city gate walkway to form three walls, a notched wall with a length of more than 20 meters, which is connected to the main wall of the castle with wooden boards. Even if the enemy breaks through the first city gate, Will be blocked by this notch wall, and fall into a desperate situation with a spear on his side and an arrow on his head,

  Finally, even if the notch is broken, as long as the wooden board connected to the two walls is removed, the enemy can only stand on the notch and stare.

   The narrow, originally single-pass city wall passage has also been greatly widened, and it is even possible to pass two war horses side by side at the same time. You can organize cavalry troops to rush to the wall to support it at any time.

   These unprecedented defensive measures saw the chills of others, secretly fortunate that he was not an enemy who needed to attack the fortress, or a thousand-man group would throw in, and even a bubble would not be gone

A large amount of defensive resources such as arrows, shields, weapons and so on are constantly being transported from the Falcon Territory to the Satsuma Fortress. There are endless transportation carriages between the Falcon Territory and the Fortress. Fatty people have built the Samor Fortress into a building. "City without falling" means.

"what is this?"

Caesar Sauron looked at the strange weapon in the hands of the guard soldiers with a daze. This one-meter wooden handle-type bow and arrow launcher was a new weapon that had just been transported from the Falcon territory. The fat man called the "foot crossbow" with a long wooden handle. The body's weird longbow,

   It is said that the fat man made the craftsmen in the territory according to the drawings before leaving the Falcon territory.

   "This is a good thing! If the Kugits come to our Samoer again, I will greet them with this good and let them know that their proud Kugit strong bow is not **** in front of the fat man."

   The fat man patted Caesar Sauron's shoulder with pride.

   The fat man of the previous life was a shooting enthusiast, ranging from light crossbows to various weapons. It was a little difficult for the fat man to make a gun, but the general crossbow is still very easy.

  The more complicated bow and crossbow is the buckling mechanism. This has long been clarified by the fat man, thinking that he can meet the Kugit Rangers who are good at archery,

  The fat man specially allocated 10,000 gold coins to set up a 2,000 heavy infantry foot crossbow before starting, and now it is finally useful.

"Shoot" a short feather crossbow nailed to the cavalry mail armour on a wooden post 200 steps away. The strong penetrating power is as easy as tearing a thin piece of paper into the wooden post about an inch. If it is a human body, I'm afraid I can insert it directly into the arrow feathers,

Seeing a slightly trained soldier, Caesar Sauron could easily shoot through the light cavalry of cavalry 200 steps away with this waist-high foot crossbow, and his face was slightly blue, and the Kugits had a strong bow. Reach a distance of 150 steps, and this thing can be shot at least 250 steps

  As a soldier from the knighthood, Caesar Sauron had to think that if such a destructive weapon was used on a large scale, the ultra-long-range strike capability that swept through all could easily wipe out the entire army of knights who launched the charge.

   The tragic appearance of being shot into a horse's honeycomb stimulated Caesar Sauron's nerves, and it seemed to remind him of the scene where he led his subordinates to be surrounded by the Kugits.

  For this weapon with great lethality, Caesar Sauron of the orthodox knighthood is firmly opposed to it, which is contrary to the knight's guidelines, this is "the devil's weapon"

   But all of them were blocked by the fat man "of course, the devil must be used to deal with the devil"

In return for the fat man’s reorganization of the Southern Army at his own expense, the hunter leader Clorissat has been officially appointed as the head of the Eighth Banner Regiment by the Military Department, and Statunko served as the banner leader of the Sixth Banner Regiment. Years cavalier Caesar Sauron was appointed as the captain of the direct guard of the Southern Army,

After more than three months of full preparation, fed by the millions of possessions buried by the Kugits and the millions of stone association defense food paid by the southern nobles, the fat Southern Army removed 6,000 combatants and engineers. There are nearly 3,000 logistics personnel, and the fat army is about to break through the 10,000 mark, becoming an important military force that dominates the south and rules the three counties.

  Fat-satisfied fat guys most want to do now is to let the Kugits and the northern nobles continue to entangle, to buy their own land for the two county leaders, and it is best to delay the autumn harvest this year,

  With sufficient food security, the relocated refugees can settle down in the two counties. When the kingdom wants to drive itself away, it can only stare.

   Otherwise, I will collect the food and pat my **** and leave. The kingdom will have to pay for the tens of thousands of refugees by its own pocket. This is impossible for the Kingdom’s financially devastated economy.

  After the busy March, it is cool in April

   But for the fat man who defends Samoer, this is really "hot",

  This two-month-old Kujit Ranger figure vaguely appeared opposite the Samoor fortress, and even touched Samoir's moat several times.

   The arrogant, arrogant look is not so much a reconnaissance as a demonstration

   If it’s not fat and strictly prohibits the use of bows and crossbows, the defending soldiers have already shot these bold scouts out of the horse. Seeing that there is no movement in the Samoor stronghold, the movement of the Kugits has become bigger and bigger.

The forefront outpost yesterday reported that a team of approximately 5,000 Kuhite Light Cavalry troops had entered the town of Hittero, opposite Samoir, and stared at the Samoor stronghold opposite. Momentum.

   In the early morning, the cold stars hung high, and the pale Yuehua had not disappeared yet.

   The fat man who was supposed to be dreaming in bed was sitting in the hall of the Samo fortress. The look of the corners of his eyes showed that the fat man was extremely unhappy now, and his heart was depressed.

In the middle of last night, because he didn’t know the sleeping habits of fat people, Crolisat, who was on duty at the city wall, rushed into the fat man’s bedroom. After being violently attacked by a human-shaped bear, he looked miserable and reported that a team of 200 Kugit cavalry Blatantly taking advantage of the night, began to camp under the city of Samoir, and from the military flag erected at the camp, it may be the famous royal guard of Kugit

   "It's really a narrow road! It's trouble to find Fatty again this time!"

   The fat man habitually touched his belly with a grunting grunt, and a sour taste rolled in his throat

   "Damn, getting up in the middle of the night not only affects your mood, but you can especially feel what is hungry."

   The fat man waved to the three kings under his hands

   "What do you say these Kugits want to do? Run in the middle of the night to squat someone else's corner?"

   "This time the Kugits are fierce. I think no matter what they want to do, we just need to strengthen the defense of the castle! As long as we seize the opportunity, we can easily kill all 200 Kugits outside the city."

Statunko is still a scumbag who likes to engage in defensive counterattacks. This guy did not participate in the mountain annihilation because he escorted the materials in the rear. Since one of his legs was limped by the Kugits, it is inevitable that he is still against Ku The Gite bowed with fear.

Clorisat had a bandage on her face, her head gloomy and her head down, a pair of frosted eggplant, which was worth the whole night, plus a violent attack by an unscrupulous person, Clorizat still had I didn't wake up completely, my head was confused and wanted to sleep, and my eyes blinked pitifully at the fat man a few times without saying anything.

  The fat man ignored the look of Crolisat and ignored it

   Finally, everyone looked at Captain Caesar Sauron,

   "The ghost knows what these Kugits want to do! I'm not a roundworm in the stomach of the Kugits! But if I can't say anything, wouldn't this kid belittle me"

  The captain of the guard Caesar Sauron stared at his brother three in the hall with eyes, and had to put on a well-prepared look and began to talk nonsense that he was good at.

"The Kugitites were unidentified this time. First, they sent a large number of scouts to carry out close-range reconnaissance, and then a main army stationed in the town of Hittero opposite us. Now they even sent people to run down our city directly, which shows that Ku The Gites are very interesting to us!"

   "Interesting? I'm still **** in love with the Kugits!"

   The fat man heard Caesar Sauron saying a lot of words like this~lightnovelpub.net~ and came to a "interesting" conclusion, almost got up from the seat,

The long-eyed people saw that the Kugits were not only "interesting" in their fortress of Samoor, but I was afraid that they would swallow a swallow in a mouthful, and the salivating saliva was more than the rushing river outside the city. Hurry

   "Adult, it is not interesting, I mean it is very interesting to us!"

   Caesar Sauron still talked hard, and the expression on his face was like a misunderstood mistress, and the fat man in tongue-twisting words was shocked.

   "What's interesting? Can you explain it more clearly, we are all big bosses, and understand it there"

   Seeing Caesar Sauron's eloquent appearance, tweaking the tangled words made the fat man ask curiously

   "It means to have an idea for us, it is interesting, or you want to have peace with us, or you want to negotiate with us!"

   "Poo" The fat man almost didn't spray out the sour water that was just pressed in his throat,

   The fat man who has always claimed to be lustful has opened his eyes today. It turns out that there is a big **** squatting here. I finally know what it is.

   "There is no most lewdness, only more lewdness"

   Just before poor brother III was awake from Caesar Sauron’s concussion, the guard outside the door hurried into the castle hall with a sheepskin letter, kneeling down to the fat man and reporting

   "Sir, the Kugitites outside the city sent three messengers to meet the commander of the Southern Army!"

   The fat man looked at Caesar Sauron's eyes green, is this the Zhuge demon of this era?

   Sitting on both sides, Crowlisat and Statunko are also bulging eyes like toads, with their mouths wide open, and they look like hell