Whole Nation

~: Five hundred and seventy-nine women from

579 A woman from a different size 6 (ten)

This is the most nervous and fragrant night that a fat man has ever had. The stars are in the sky, and the two women are accompanying. The first beautiful lady in Kyoto, who is known as Sarand, lies quietly in front of himself, but he can only use one layer. The thin sand is covered on its back, and a thin tube pen with a special red dye is used to gently depict the blue line under the white thin sand.

With each stroke, Palschena groaned low,

Beauty is like jade, panting,

This kind of fragrant beauty makes the fat man breathe heavily, like a depressed beast in the middle of the night, a pair of eyes full of red blood, the hand holding the pen trembling slightly, moving along the strange and beautiful green and white, that is An unimaginable picture

Although the painting is not complete, the fat man has vaguely seen that there are at least three large 6s on this map, two of which are connected to each other, and another one that seems to be blocked by the big gourd, where he is located. Big 6, turned out to be just a protrusion on the northernmost corner of the three big 6,

A scattered island chain composed of more than a dozen small islands connects the Icadivar Big 6 to the nearest Big 6, which should be a tough route to the Outer Big 6,

Although there is no specific coordinates above, it is enough to see the approximate direction and location. The islands are not very far away from the picture. You only need to send an expedition fleet to find out the specific location. , The Normans should also come to Salander from another big 6 through this defense

The one-hour time is very short, and it almost passed. Because there are too many rivers and mountains involved, the entire map only depicts a quarter, and the dazzling starlight in the sky begins to dim.

"Don’t be nervous. On the star chart, not only Salander’s estuary, but also some information about the outside world’s Big Six. Time is pressing. You only need to draw the part of Salander’s estuary. It’s never too late to draw"

Nilai exhales like blue, the white lotus's delicate hands gently put down the tray containing the dye, wipes the sweat beads rolling off the fat man's forehead with the sand towel in his hand, and relieves softly beside him

"It seems that this can only be done"

The fat man replied that the painting was extremely careful, and seemed to be completely buried in this mysterious map. This is the most complete big map of this era. I don’t know who it was or what it was drawn in.

Time passed quickly, under the starry sky, the gloss began to look a little faint, watching Xunyin go blue, and restore the original white and jade beautiful back again. After sketching a big 6 cape, the fat man could only helpless Spit brush,

"Are you done?" Sky Sacrifice Palsina asked hesitantly, feeling the pen thrown by the fat man.

"The time is too short, only a quarter of it is drawn, but this is enough to be able to see that it is fate."

The fat man replied indifferently, taking the robe that had been prepared from Nilai and gently covering the white and beautiful back of Palsina.

He can feel how nervous the beauty is under him,

"Thank you"

The sky-sacrifice Parsina turned her head flushed with a flushed face and gratefully accepted the clothes handed over by the fat man

A row of clear teeth marks can be seen vaguely on the tightly closed ruddy lips. At first glance, it is because of the effort to hide the sound, and the watery eyes are full of complex looks.

After all, she was the first time to let a man look at her body, and she had stood for 26 years. She was completely exposed to a man’s eyes today, and she made this embarrassing decision, even she did not know it. Why, in addition to the persuasion from his most beloved disciple, it is more about the collapse of a certain faith,

She sighed slightly. The white robe covered her beautiful body and the bright colors of the world. She raised her head and looked at the distant sky. The silver moon hung there, and the faint glow seemed so light. And arrogance, just like myself before,

Kingdom Kyoto’s attitude has made her desperate. This attack on the northern chief has already made her feel that once she returns to Kyoto, the situation of the sky temple must be very grasped, instead of letting the secret of the star map with her. In history, it is better to take this opportunity and give the star chart to someone you trust

The door closed behind

The fat man looked at the light in the corridor a little bit. It was Nilai who pushed him out just now. The ambiguous smell in the room was too strong, which caused Palsina’s look to be a little abnormal, and she didn’t even blush.

Beauty is like jade, fragrance still exists

An hour just now was like a dream, with only a red pattern of white thin sand in the hands, reminding the fat man that it was not a dream, but a real thing,

Lifting the white sand in his hand and putting it between the wings of the nose, the fat man took a deep breath, and it seemed that there was even a pink smell in the air,

At this moment, there was a gap in the door of the room behind him, and the beautiful duchess floated lightly from the inside, wearing a new white dress from his body,

The long shawl looks solemn and elegant, and I can't see the beauty of the naked tray just now.

Nilai leaned intimately behind her back and said in the ear of the fat man, "The mentor said that you are different from other men. They only have the eyes of others, but the adults seem to have only the picture in front of them, which surprised her. I thought adults would be rude, who knew that when an adult saw the picture, she would not be in her eyes."

"What does this mean? Do you want me..."

The fat man's face was slightly sullen, and he felt a headache when he heard it. Why did Nilai say this again? I don't understand the style, is this little Nizi intentionally from the beginning?

"Sir, you are stupid"

Nilai's soft laughter came from her ears, and her ruddy lips smelt on the fat man's face before she said

"Do you know how valuable such an opportunity is? The mentor is the first beauty in Kyoto. Many young nobles want to meet one side. You don’t know that when the sky temple festival is held every July, as long as the mentor comes out, The young nobleman in Kyoto almost broke his head, just for the glance of the mentor, but in your eyes, her peerless beauty seems to be less important than a star chart, which is obviously jealous."

"Je jealous? Your women are really..."

The fat man was speechless for a moment, his mouth smiled bitterly, and he put the important gauze in his arms into his arms. It was really a surprise this night. Who would have thought that the sky worship of Palschena in the colorful crown of Kyoto would favor him like this,

"Bang Bang" a rapid footstep sound came from the corridor entrance, a guard wearing a mail armor hurriedly walked, kneeling down on one knee in front of the fat man

"Bad Lord, Lord Dusterenkai's private squadron returned to the port. Ms. Mao Monaqing has gone to the wharf to let the little one come to the boss."

"Oh, come back when you come back, how can you be so nervous?"

The fat man's eyebrows frowned slightly, and his expression was shocked. He quickly asked, "What's the loss of the privately plundered fleet? Have all 12 Dragon Tooth ships returned to Hong Kong?"

"All have returned to Hong Kong, 12 ships are many"

The guard raised his head with a positive expression and said, "Adult Dustronka specially asked the younger to report to the lord, because of the storm on the road, except for some slight leaks from the two Dragon Tooth ships, all other ships returned to the port safely."

"Oh, what did they gain?" The fat man continued to ask

The guard responded excitedly, "They met a Normandy fleet this time in the middle sea of ​​Salander, and it seemed that they wanted to attack across the sea. To ensure the avoidance of the fleet, Lord Dusterenka crashed. Ordered against,

In this battle, a total of 17 four-masted troop convoys were sunk, and the enemy flagship and its general were captured. It seems to be a Norman commander. It is said that it is called Titaris. Because the matter is important, Ms. Mao Monaqing visited "

"Titaris" Hearing the name spoken in the guard's mouth, Nilai shuddered slightly, her eyes lit up suddenly, and asked, "You said you caught Butcher Titaris?"

"Yes, I'm sure I heard correctly." The guard nodded affirmatively. "Listen to Master Dusterenka. Most of this Norman Army's army is an archer. The combat is very tenacious, even if it is hit. Shen Warship, all fed sharks, and not many people chose to surrender. If they weren’t met together, it was really a troublesome opponent."

"That's right"

I don’t know why, Nilai’s mouth smiled inexplicably, her playful eyes blinked, and suddenly whispered in the fat man’s ear, "Adult, can you promise me a request? Give this Titaris to me for disposal"

"Do you know this guy called Titaris?"

The fat man can feel the excitement in Nilai’s heart and asks with a hint of confusion: "Is he famous in the Normandy army? Look at you like that, like picking up a baby, if you like it, I will He will leave it to you for disposal"

"Butcher Titaris, ranked fifth among the seven generals under the Duke of Normandy. The Titaris Corps under his command is the best archer army in the Normandy Army. Every time he fights, his army always kills the most."

Nilai's face was serious, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. "He and the legion of the wild wolf Hou Salis are the most brutal forces in the Norman army. The archers under him like the woman and the child to practice arrows. You may not know it, The mother of Palsina’s mentor was killed by this butcher. He is the enemy of all Southern Salanders. If the adult really catches him, then all Southern Salanders will appreciate you. "

"Okay, he's yours," the fat man agreed extremely readily.

Nilai happily turned into the room~lightnovelpub.net~ Soon, the sky worship Parsina appeared behind her, and she has now restored the beauty that is not dare to blaspheme, a fit black hundred The pleated skirt was set on Ting Tingyuli's body, and the long, black and soft shawl was as radiant as the flowing clouds, and the more the background, the more graceful and charming she became.

The slender, slender and graceful curves are perfectly outlined, which makes the fat man's mind flash like the jade-like white smoothness, and it seems that the faint fragrance is still echoing in the nose.

The two women whispered for a while. Palschena's face was filled with surprise and rejoicing, and her fat eyes glanced at the fat man, which contained too many things, and the share was a little bit shy and excited In the eyes, the watery even fat soul has turned,

"Big, adult"

At this time, the guard seemed to remember something, and continued to report

"Adult Dustronkai also said that this time he met two unidentified women on the enemy's flagship. For reasons of avoidance, Dustronkai could only claim to be with Titalis Brought back this encounter with the storm. If it is not the guidance of these two women, the fleet may not be able to come back. According to Lord Dusterenkai, one of the two women may be a woman of different size 6." . ...