Whole Nation

~: Five hundred sixty-eight fangs 5

568 fangs (5)

The turbulent Morrad bake up, the Normandy men who were just as powerful as before, are completely at an absolute disadvantage.

Twelve strange long warships, cruising around them like a pack of wolves, and the Norman cone attack clusters have been forced to be compressed and recovered into an elliptical defensive formation like a shocking egg.

The two-winged frigate also shifted the assault line, and the ships were connected at the tail. This was a strategy commonly used in aviation. It can withstand the impact of the enemy on the flagship from all angles. But now, this is completely fatal. Wrong, their soft hull is facing the sharp fangs muzzle of the Longya ship,

Unpredictable, the group of dragon-tooth ships opposite the volley, suddenly added together, like a deep-box foraging fish group, while swinging its tail, deflecting sixty degrees, I saw a cloud of white smoke from these dragons The side of the Tooth Ship came out,

The violent roar of noise was mixed in the rumbling noise. The black shells dragged thick smoke across the turbulent water surface, swelled a stream of water up to a dozen meters in height, and swelled waves of water around the Normandy warship. The clouds in the wind are changing.

The dragon-tooth warships that received the looting order immediately fought each other, firing at the surrounding Normans ⌒ some dragon-tooth warships fired while firing, while chasing into the middle of these Normans, using the guns on both sides of the ship at the same time Shooting in order to improve the efficiency of destroying the target, calmly drying, suddenly became the aftermath of the massacre.

The shells continued to fall, and bursts of water blasted on the bake. The original calm bake was also stirred up by the intense explosion, gradually becoming choppy and the waves rolling.

The Normandy's huge and bulky transport ship, under the whistling cannon rain, one after another blasted continuously, making a deafening loud noise, and at the same time bursting with dazzling firelight, after a bang, it sank completely,

Sometimes even two or three ships were sunk together at the same time, and the momentum was more spectacular. After the transport ship sank one after another, there were many huge vortexes on the bake, all of which were all kinds of goods floating in the vortex.

At this moment, the strong character of the Normandy people is also undoubtedly reflected. Even if it is known that it is impossible to damage the enemy, as long as there is a dragon tooth ship nearby, the red rocket above will pour down,

The arrow was raining, and countless small red dots hit the outer deck of the Dragon Tooth Sword, making a clear sound, as dazzling as a meteor. If it is not in the **** battlefield, it may be regarded as a new pleasing performance.

This is no harm to the Longya warships on the ship's deck, especially equipped with fire baffles. The flaming arrows are burning in vain outside the Longya warships. These quirky warships are still leisurely and self-sustaining. Gu Zi's cruising back and forth, like being in his own back garden, completely ignoring the opposite and not far away, the Normandy shooter's desperate gaze and the continuously pulling bowstring

"It's over, it's all over"

On the flagship of Normandy, Titaris' body extended halfway out of the boat, his neck was red, and a pair of hands full of green tendons were clenched tightly on the ship's side deck, which was pale due to excessive force.

Just looking at the warships that were overtaken and sunk like this made his face ugly and terrible, and his eyes were full of red blood,

The hull immediately lost power, and was completely paralyzed like other punctured ships. The crew above were rushing to jump in the thick smoke, despite the large number of sharks, but they don’t No choice

The heroic warrior under his command became the target of the enemy’s slaughter, and he had no choice. This pain was like a red iron burning his soul. Now he hates why he wants to go to the sea. If he is really on the 6th floor, he is strong. 'S legion can easily tear up these jumping beam clowns, but now they can't even escape

"Surrender, or we can still give the soldiers a way to live." There was a sigh of nv people behind them. "These weird warships are the real masters of this film.

"In front of their sharp fangs, we are as weak as a newborn lamb. If you continue to resist, your 8ooo excellent shooter will become a **** feast to swim the sharks." Tecolin, do not know when to appear behind him,


The rolling thunder sounded on the left,

The war is destined to be cruel, as a member of the Burrows family, it is not uncommon for such scenes,

She was more surprised to bake up the places where white smoke was surging, and the long and fierce battleships rushed out of the thick white smoke, like a group of bloodthirsty beasts, in the torn Normandy battleship Shuttle in the fourth round,

This powerful attack method completely subverted her concept of navigation. She knew that the combat methods of these strange warships may become a shock to change the world.

If these warships rush into a wider area, they will surely become the new masters.

"Such sharp fangs, will it really be a group of pirates?" Turit Colleen's face became more dignified, his eyes shining brightly, staring at the tragic battlefield in front of him like Shura Hell,

"Don't these prostitutes know that it's all gold coins when you take it easy"

Dustromkay stood in the position of his flagship boat, and the air was filled with burning smell and pungent sulfur smell, which made him sneeze violently.

"Hurry up, raise the si flag, or these guys will sink all the ships." Seeing that the prey he had turned into a semi-residual, Dustronky shouted to the adjutant behind him

But he still shouted slowly. Three Normandy battleships in an array were being penetrated by the four eccentric battleships from the rear and rear rudder position, and they continuously penetrated the cargo compartment filled with cargo. Like a water bag that was squeezed hard, it burst out from the broken hull,

"A prodigal son, a group of prodigal sons" Dusterenkai gritted his teeth in distress, and scolded several times,

The captains of these si skimmers were so excited that they even directly targeted these enemy ships with no resistance to practice firing. When Dusterenkai reacted, they had sunk 1o. 8 ships, all wounded,

Some of the stern rudders were shattered, tilted in a slanting direction, and some of the shipboards entered the water, floating half-dead on the bake. Only the enemy’s flagship was protected from poisonous hands because of special attention.

These are four-mast large ships. At the Vickia Trade Exchange, such a ship is worth at least 150,000 gold coins. These are military ships. The firmness of the hull and sail power are top-level configurations.

This kind of merchant ship modified by warships is the most popular among the post-Wikia merchants. With only a little modification, it can immediately open the trading line and bring merchants endless wealth.

And there are 18 warships like this in front of us, that is 22 million gold coins,

If you add the cargo on the ship, it is an excellent result that is enough to make a difference to the Grand Duke, but now, it is just like this that these reckless guys have become scrapped,

How not to let Dusteren jump off

"Adults don't worry too much," Lieutenant Elek comforted beside them. "The Norman outboard deck is very new. If you get close, you can clearly smell the white paint that has just been dried. The smooth surface can see the wood grain, not Like our Longya battleship, below the side of the ship are the kinds of pale white that have been caused by cold corrosion for a long time. It should be that the Normans have just built a new ship from the southern port of Sarand. Who knows that it is being beaten up, and it has been killed by himself. If the Grand Duke knew, maybe he would praise us."


"We are the si raider fleet, do you know what is the si raider fleet, that is, you have to grab the things to count the scores, but it is not as good as before to sink the enemy," Dustroyne stared at him fiercely. Say

"Tell those self-righteous guys that the hunting is over, and immediately put all the things that can be carried on the ship, whoever dares to sink one, I will ask him to pay me 20 million gold coins."

As a flag embroidered with a red wine glass rose on top of the flagship mast, the captains of these dragon-tooth ships began to shoot convexly, moving closer from the powerful positions around them to the middle.

The si skimming flags, which represent their own characteristics, also rose from their masts and rolled up in the roaring sea breeze, with colorful flowers and colorful patterns.

There are demon ya with stripped tops, black skulls with half-eye masks, and even a little pig flag dyed pink, the nose is round, it looks extremely cute, and the big eyes of mimi seem to be looking at what

The dragon tooth ship with a pink piggy is a reinforced dragon tooth sword. The muzzle on each side is 5mén more than that of an ordinary dragon tooth ship. At the moment, it is swaying~lightnovelpub.net~From The wreckage of a Normandy warship passed by, and a pair of féi mouths were dripping with oil. On both sides of it, the Normandy warship was broken into two pieces of wreckage, and the black smoke was accompanied by the red flames. The wreckage rolled and burned,

A dwarf guy with a black headscarf on his head stood on the podium of this battleship, shouting excitedly, at first sight Fry, a pirate,

"Fry this pig head"

Dusterenkai's eyes narrowed, and he looked indignantly at the pink pig flag wandering in his field of vision, almost not falling down,

Because of the rush of time, there was no unified flag prepared for this trip. Dustrengka could only let the captains prepare the flag themselves.

This is a good opportunity for self-waving. These full-bodied guys naturally hang out their si collections. Only this guy, Fry, even used his inner ku as a battle flag.

"Adult, the enemy's flagship has raised a white flag." Lieutenant Elek pointed to a large warship surrounded by several dragon-toothed ships in the distance. It was the flagship of the Normans. A white flag was slowly rising.