Whole Nation

~: Four hundred seventy-one pockets (3)

The bright sun shone on the Yameligo forest, large green leaves, trembling in the whistling wind, like a butterfly wing lying on the tree trunk, this used to be a beautiful place, tall elm shaded the sky, cool The mountain breeze is as gentle as the hand of a lover, but now, only a large piece of gravel mixed with blood and a torn corpse, a pile of mud mixed with blood, turns this small mountain pass into a blood,

A night of fierce battles made this morning seem surprisingly quiet, and both sides were exhausted, and they could only stop temporarily. No one would think that the two elite groups of 6 elite cavalry came by accident in this beautiful place. , Killing the sky overnight, turning this place into a cruel flesh and blood hell,

Due to the timely arrival of the reinforcements, thousands of Normandy falcon cavalry who were about to break through were once again completely blocked in this valley. Thousands of corpses blocked the entire junction and the horses were unable to travel. Then the two sides began to calm down and interact with each other. Look at the enemies who fought with you all night

"Who is the other party?

On the inner side of the valley, a young man with a crooked eagle hook nose, giving a stern wolf-looking eagle look, is carefully looking at the valley mouth with a cautious or even confused look. A rival,

He was the commander-in-chief of the Hawk Falcon, the well-known Goshawk Awezer, the Duke of Normandy, one of the seven cavalry commanders, and the 3 thousand Hawk Falcon Riders.

But this time, he ate a big suffocation and failed to ambush the opponent. Instead, he was blocked in a narrow valley.

One night of fierce fighting, still unable to break through the mountain pass that did not seem to be strong, and lost nearly half of the troops in vain. This was the biggest defeat of the Hawk Fighting Rider in this war.

"The Lord" a cavalry captain came over from him and saluted him. The armor was covered with blood and mud, the right arm was covered with white cloth, and there was blood stains on the outside, and a bone arrow was visible on his face. The injury was caused by a crossbow arrow scratching his brow corner last night,

When he saw his commander-in-chief, his body stretched straight and his face was refreshed. His commander-in-chief was Aweize, an invincible goshawk. He was proud to be a feather of the goshawk wings.

"Tucker, you are injured." Awei waved his hand to the subordinate, and gently supported the cavalry captain's shoulders, let him sit down beside him, and ordered his guard to take the horse from the package. Take out the best wound medicine and personally give the captain the medicine

"Adult, I really don't care. This medicine is left to other brothers." The captain of the cavalry trembles his hand holding the medicine, the other soldiers' faces are calm, and there is no slight surprise to look at him. The commander took the medicine himself. It’s not uncommon among battle falcon cavalry.

Cang Ying Awei is one of the few senior generals who has the status of a big lord, but can still share the same difficulties with the soldiers.

These 3,000 falcon cavalry are professional soldiers recruited from Aweize territory. They are well-equipped and well-paid, and Awei has always loved soldiers, so these 3,000 people only ordered Awei, even if they were opposite It’s a gun forest and arrow rain, and I’ll still move forward without fear, forward, then forward

The name of the Fighting Falcon piercing the battlefield comes from this,

Unfortunately, today, the Fighting Falcon met a more powerful falcon

"Adult, I don't know why. I feel that our opponent is different from the previous Salander." After hesitating for a while, Tucker decided to speak out his doubts.

"The only ones that can compete with us are the Salander Mamluk cavalry, but the Mamluk cavalry, although brave in combat, lacks discipline, and often likes to swarm, we met last night, although we made several yn*s, They just kept guarding the mountain pass, not like those silly Mamluks."

"Is it true?" Awei looked up at the distant mountain pass, his eyebrows frowned slightly. "You are right, I also feel wrong. As far as I know, there has never been a team in King Salander. Black is the main color army, but if it is an army of local lords, this is incredible."

"Yeah, these black armoured soldiers, they look through evil doors," Tucker nodded conscientiously. Last night he was one of the few who came back from the front alive,

Reminiscent of the scene last night, this brave Normandy warrior still feels as terrible as a nightmare. The opponent's weapon is too good. First, there is a rapid rainstorm of arrows, and then it is melee. The opponent's combat skills are obviously in most falcons. Above the warrior, even two against one will also be disadvantaged,

The same fierce fearless death, the same excellent combat skills, his strong armor, under the opponent's evil and terrible arc long sword, was cut like a thin skin like a shield, which is the shield in his hand. It became a fragment. The sharp blade of the enemy and the indefatigable play made his squadron almost filled in. If it was not for the retreat order from the rear, he must have become a member of the corpses accumulated in the mountain pass.

"Sir, there are more troops on the opposite side"

Suddenly, Tucker pointed to the far pass, and Awei turned around quickly. Sure enough, in the original number, a team of black armoured infantry filled in, so that there was a ray of hope in the pass, completely. Block

"They are going to wipe us out..."

Sending Tucker away, Awei showed an indignant look on the calm face just now, punching on the trunk next to it, and the leaves fell from the swaying trunk, and was swept away by the wind,

"What, you said that the one who was besieged in the valley was Avyze the Goshawk"

On the opposite side of the mountain pass, Ni Lai, who came later, was looking at the fat man in astonishment. The look was like looking at a lucky man who accidentally picked up a treasure.

Who is Avi? Unlike the previously brave marquise of the wild wolf, Avize’s name is the nightmare of all General Salander. Regardless of the enemy, we have to admit that as long as Avi appears, it is the guarantee of the victory of the Normans.

"Oh, what do you think I'm doing here for a night, what are you doing?" The fat man smiled smugly. "This guy tried to ambush me, but it was blocked by me. I didn't know whether it was my luck or him. Misfortune"

"What can we do about it?" Nilai looked at the Normans in the Yamaguchi, and hesitantly said, "The falcon is the most elite cavalry of the Normans. Although there is a loss, the mountain pass is narrow enough to allow them to stick to the Normans. The reinforcements will arrive and we will have to withdraw our troops"

"Hold on? Haha, have you heard that there is a proverb in the Kingdom of Wikya?" The fat man heard this and laughed.

"Proverb?" Nilai looked blank.

"Falcon's claws never fall through." The fat man reached out a pair of fat toots and made a grasping gesture

"Poo" Nilai was amused by the fat man's movements. The hawk's claws looked like a pair of white trotters.

"Wait for you to know later" The fat man smiled without anger and grunted hungrily. "The people who can stand under the Vickia army have been buried in the soil."

"Sottersto, you can put your open bag." The fat man suddenly turned his head and ordered Sostordo who was following behind him. "It's up to you this time, but don't lose the face of my Vickia army."

"Relax, the subordinate must pull down the feather of the goshawk one by one." Sotters snarled away with a grin.

The wind blew through the mouth of the valley, and the black armor soldiers surrounding the mountain pass suddenly and slowly spread out to the sides, revealing a huge mouth

"What's going on?" Awei looked at the change of the mountain pass with a puzzled look, and the other party's unusual behavior was full of strangeness.

"Adult, the road is open." Tucker, who had just left, ran happily. The mountain pass of hundreds of meters was ceded by the other side. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With only one impact, the strength of the Hawk Falcon , Definitely able to break out

"Adult, the small one is willing to lead the team, even if he dies, he must open a blood path for the adult to kill." Tucker knelt down on one knee in front of Awei with a dignified expression.

He is not a fool. The sudden change on the opposite side is probably a death trap, but it is also the only hope.

"Tucker!" Awei looked at the loyal men, hesitation flashing in the eagle's eyes

"The falcon may not have Tucker, but it must not be without an adult." Tucker raised his head, staring at the still hesitant commander, saying a word, a strong farewell in his tone.

"Okay, I'm proud that I have a man like you in my falcon." Awei looked at Tucker's hot eyes.

"To order the whole army, break through"

After a while, Awei calmed down and took the reins of the war horse from the hands of the guards around him. Countless falcon cavalrymen turned their horses, their eyes showing firmness

At the front of the "Squadron I" squadron, Tucker pulled out the spear beside the warhorse and glanced at the men behind him shouting, "The falcons piercing the battlefield, no matter whether you can live, but remember, You are the falcons that pierce the battlefield. Your life is destined to be connected to the battlefield."

"Assault" Tucker handed a long gun at the front ~lightnovelpub.net~ The cold wind hit the face,

Behind him, fifteen hundred falcon combat rides, in this extremely unfavorable situation, still showing extremely high skills, the horseshoes boiling, one after the other, rushed to the two blue clouds towards the mountain pass

"Ready" looked at the group of cavalry who was getting closer and closer. Sotes, who was guarding the mountain pass, raised his right hand high. Behind the siege soldier's huge shield, there was a cold Mitsubishi arrow with a handle, a sharp spear, from the shield. The gap stretched out, revealing the chilling blue spearpoint

"No cavalry can defeat Samor's formation directly"

This proverb has just emerged in the Big 6 of Icadiwa, and it has been widely circulated because of the destruction of the Northern Cavalry of the Rui Erdian. Unfortunately, the falcon cavalry from the Big 6 did not know that they are stepping into a trap that never looks back. And will be another proof of this proverb

"Beng Bing" sounded a crisp crossbow string, which opened the prelude to the Holocaust. "Beng Bengbeng" 3,000 heavy-duty pedal crossbows sounded at the same time, listening to the ears as a full of tension, crisp and sweet moving music, Unfortunately, this movement is a carol of **** for the falcon cavalry in front of them. ...