Whole Nation

~: One hundred and seventy-eight

In the dark night, the roaring wind crackled against the old walls of the Balas Fortress. The towering Dorok Mountains are like a natural gate. Here the Dorok Mountain is divided into two, up and down the Doral The origin of the gram is derived from this, on one side is the barren mountains, on the other side is the fertile soil

Along the east of Balas is the Aaron Basin, known as the Dorok granary. The unique landform has laid the unique strategic position of the Balas Fortress.

Since the continent was divided four hundred years ago, the once powerful millennium dynasty Icdiva fell apart in the civil strife, and the heroes fought together. The northern Ai Lei strongly controlled the north and middle of Dorok, united with the Ruidians to suppress the south, and the southern tribes backed Ude, against the squeeze of the forces of the North,

The two forces were intertwined in the middle, and Rui Erdian and Ude secretly pushed behind. The lords conquered, killed, slaughtered the city, and genocide everywhere. At that time, Dorok was the battlefield of the two major forces, located between the two forces. The location of the Aaron Basin is undoubtedly the focus of this North-South War,

For Aaron, it was a dark age that lasted for a hundred years. In that era, this fertile land did not grow heavy golden wheat ears, but grew higher than humans because it was infected with blood. Wild grass, this is a zone full of blood and killing,

The victory of the Southerners will clean up the Aaron lords who have surrendered to the north, and the victory of the Northerners will also not miss the Aaron lords who have surrendered to the south. Several massacres have made the population of the real Aaron in that era. Not even 50,000, even the lords of Aaron are still anxious, because they are from the north and the south. Who doesn’t know if tomorrow morning, on top of his dilapidated castle, he will see the enemy’s flying flag on the mountain. If a lord can stay in the Aaron region for 5 years without dying, it’s basically a miracle.

The turning point came from the 30-year war a hundred years ago. The reason why it is called the 30-year war is because the length of this war has lasted for 30 years. The Ruidians and the Ruds were in the richest area of ​​mainland China at that time. Fighting, the two sides mobilized the nation's forces to fight hard. After the war lasted for 10 years, the Wikyas in the west also joined in, and the mainland war was flying.

For Dorok, it was a very rare period of peace,

The eyes of the mainland are concentrated in the Suo area. No one cares about the remote Dorok, and no one notices that in Dorok, known as the barren mountain, a nobleman from the Anto Mountains in the north. The Baron Antobaras looked at him in a daze with a team of 100 servants, and entered Aaron very unwillingly. This wild grassy land, this baron called Antobaras, did not come to fight. He is a newly appointed lord of the Hao in the northern Aire region. His duty is to take over a piece of the family. No one is willing to take over. soil of,

This land is in the hinterland of Aaron, and the head of the previous lord is still hanging on the broken castle wall, where the Aaron tenant farmers rebelled, they killed the lords sent by the family, and divided the food that was not much. . The family was very angry about this, but it did not mean to send troops to fight, because there was no place worth using the family army,

So Antobaras took the appointment with him. He rode a thin old horse, followed by a group of ragged servants, and the sunset in front shone from the edge of the mountain. Lonely and desolate, like the lords of the same fate as before, he spent a night in the mountains and drank all night in a windy tavern on the mountainside. The drunkenly yelled and scolded those who fell into the stone in this matter,

He came here because of the jealousy of the new patriarch, with a kind of nature of being distributed. He has a handsome face, reads books and has active thinking. Such people always like the young girl. But if the new patriarch's beautiful wife is replaced, it's another matter. If he doesn't come, it is said that the new patriarch will send him to Ruier Pawn as a mercenary, where the dead are all one by one, and can survive almost No,

In the early morning, Antobaras crossed the mountain pass with a speculative heart, and the sunlight illuminated the **** at his feet. In his imagination, the Aaron region was a poor mountain with bad waters, the earth was dry, and the yellow sand was in the sky. , Eyes full of hard rock that cannot be cultivated,

As the nobles humorously mentioned at the banquet, this is not a place for people to live, only those who deserve to be roasted in **** will be assigned here, but it is definitely not these that appear in front of him. It's a beautiful and unusual morning, the grass sways like the wind, the water gurgles, the birds fly around the forest, the sky is blue like water,

You can imagine a person who is used to seeing a hundred miles of mountains and suddenly sees the shock when looking at the endless great plains. An quarter of an hour later, Antobaras kneels down on his knees, holding up the earth in front of him and weeping,

Knowing that the entire Aaron is actually a closed big basin, except for a river, there is only one pass to the outside world, this expo group book, the little baron who is good at communication thinks of an idea that shocks him, if Build a strong fortress on the pass, can this beautiful and abnormal land grow surprising wheat ears! He is not a person who is very good at fighting, but he has a very rare trait of the lord of that era.

That is tenacity and justice,

He treated the other lords of Aaron with an equal and impartial heart and a convincing broad mind. He visited the other lords one after another, regardless of hardships. He was almost killed by the enemy lord several times, but in the end Both were impressed by his magnificent ideals and became his secret supporter. Soon, he won the reputation of a fair judge in the Aaron area.

He was like a grass growing up against the wind, absorbing the sun, and bathing in the wind and frost. Taking advantage of being the dominant northern nobleman at the time, after entering the war zone of Aaron, he was on the one hand in the north and south. In the gap of confrontation, he slowly developed himself. On the other hand, he secretly gathered the hearts of all the lords in the basin, and secretly formed the Aaron Alliance.

Disputes within the alliance have been resolved with a unique form of deliberation, war behavior has been greatly reduced, and both the North and the South have chosen tacit peace.

The Aaron people lived and the fertile land began to grow wheat ears, like a seed plunging deep into the soil, during the 30-year long war between Rude and Rui Dian, on the top of the majestic mountains , I don’t know when a huge fortress with a length and width of 10 miles stood upright,

Because of the existence of the Fortress of Balas, there was a real Aaron,

Balas will be his own spirit and blood. Built in this fortress forever, every generation of fortress guards is a child of the Anto family. Every battle has the blood of the Anto family thrown here. This is a talented family.

Over the centuries, this family has seen many famous Dorok generals, who jumped horses and hurried horses and fought to the death, fighting south and north. In a war, a peaceful sky was built for Aaron. The heavy blows left a rift like a spider web on this huge fortress standing on the edge of the Aaron Basin, but no Aaron had ever suspected that the Baras Fortress would fall.

This is the glorious land of the Anto family and a barrier that will never fall in the hearts of the Aaron people. Occasionally under this mossy city brick standing in this huge fortress, occasionally you can see broken and rusty spears, That is the ambition of countless tyrannical masters,

Years are like songs. Everything hits with the wind and rain,

The once heroes turned into history, leaving only the majestic fortress on the top of the mountain. The name Balas will always be with this fortress. He is the greatest hero of Aaron, just like he was in his lifetime. The biggest wish is the same, Aaron basically has not been affected by the war in the following centuries. The overgrown wheat ears make this the most fertile and beautiful region in Dorok

Someone opened the window, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning accompanied by the cold air in the early winter entered the room. Ananas, the head of the New Fourth Banner Regiment of Dorok, who woke up from a doze, immediately raised his head from the table and asked that he had just entered. Simmel

"Are there any news?" Because I stayed up all night. His haggard eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. From the position of the window, the Balas Fortress could be seen in the distance. Sim's deputy did not make a sound, but just shook his head. Arnason was dissatisfied and said, "What are our scouts doing?" Eat? It’s only 20 miles away from Risalde. You don’t need to go back and forth for half a day. It’s been an overnight, and there’s no news at all.”

"I don't know what the situation is! Something is really incredible." The deputy Sim shrugged his shoulders and said in confusion on his face. "One night sent four teams of scouts, but at dawn, there was no team to bring back the news, if not Impossible, I even suspect that someone behind us has severed our connection with Risalde!"

"Cut off the connection? What a joke!" Hearing the voice of his deputy, Anasen grinned slightly. "Resalde has a 40,000 army with General Kharto. Who has such a big appetite that he can't have any appetite? A 40,000 army was bitten off in a single bite!

"Even if you don't talk about it, the fortress of Balas is still in our hands. Do the enemies have wings to fly over? You must contact Risalde today. The logistics officer told me yesterday that there was only enough food in the army for one day. We must let Risalde bring some food, otherwise, today, everyone can only drink the northwest wind! I heard that everyone has been short of food recently! If we don’t speed up, we will be preempted by other flags. "

"Well general, I can only send the last team of scouts out." The deputy nodded helplessly, pushed the door open and went out. After a while, a soldier ran in stumbled, his face pale,

"What's wrong? Was it robbed or kicked in the ass!" Anason was having breakfast and raised his head in dissatisfaction.

"Sir, Captain Liha of the Scouting Team is back!" the soldier said breathlessly

"Yeah, bring Liha in!" Hearing the soldier's report, Anasen stood up happily, and the grain fell, but the soldier hesitated and said timidly, "Master, Captain Liha. It’s back, but he can’t come here!"

"Why?" "Ananas asked dissatisfiedly." Should I still be the head of the flag leader to invite me in person?"

"No, he is dead, it is estimated that he can't walk up to report to the adults!" The soldier's face answered ugly,

"Dead?" Arsenal's body stiffened, his face changed, and he said in disbelief. "Just kidding, Liha is a veteran who has participated in three wars, and can pierce the cavalry's armor with a single shot. As a guideline, even if all of your guards can't kill him!"

"He didn't lie to you, Liha is indeed dead! The dead can't die anymore"

The door was pushed open, and his deputy Sim entered the door from the outside with a cold face. He held a cluster of arrows solidified with blood and minced meat, and placed it heavily on the breakfast table. This is the kind of arrow. He was hit with 7 arrows, and was dragged by the war horse all the way for 20 miles. The flesh and bones of his body were cracked. It would be too hard to die!"

"Arrow!" Anason's eyes condensed on the cluster of arrows on the table, somewhat dazed. What can an ordinary cluster of arrows show?

"A beautiful piece of murderous weapon!" Lieutenant Sim touched the arrow cluster with his fingers~lightnovelpub.net~ His eyes were full of extremely complicated emotions, and he said, "The white wings are embedded in a black body. On the shaft, the sharp arrow clusters are easy to pierce the armor of Mitsubishi. They call such arrow clusters the black shadows."

"Black Shadow? A very appropriate name! What does that mean? Just because the arrow shaft is black?" Arsenal looked at the adjutant Sim and asked, "If that's the case, what can be scared!"

"It's terrible is black!" Sim's voice stopped, the voice was cold. "Two years ago, as a mercenary, I joined the army of the Sri Lankan. Our enemy is the Kugits on the grassland. The arrow cluster used is like this. The black arrow shaft, I have remembered this color all my life. The Kugits have the habit of ambushing the enemy at night. Like the storm rangers, the strong murderousness pervades the grass and the earth rumbling. Shocked, we immediately launched a gun array that defended the cavalry, but we were waiting for the black shadow, the black shaft completely covered the cold light of the arrow clusters in the night! We didn’t notice that the brother of a squadron was nailed to the ground like this of!"

"Do you mean that there are Kugits behind us? Are you crazy!" Anason looked at some neurotic deputies and looked very speechless. He increased his tone and pointed at the fortress on the top of the majestic mountain in the distance. "I know that you are not an Aaron, but you have to figure out, here is Baras, it is Baras that our Aaron will never fall! Unless the other party can fly, from the prairie to our back! "