Whole Nation

~: One thousand four hundred and forty-thre

The battleships were shot everywhere, the entire fleet was messed up, the scattered queues rolled in the artillery fire, and the "deep flame" that exploded, like a fire snake yàng coiled on the ship’s bursting ship, made a harsh sound The sudden crackling sound of burning,

In the thick black smoke.レm♠思♥路♣客レ is filled with a disgusting scorched smell, a scorching flame, swallowing the body of the battleship unscrupulously, and finally turning into a larger flame, only to turn the battleship all into one piece In the sea of ​​fire, the sailor jumped down and the body of the sailor floated on the sea

This time, it was the weak flanks of the Southwest United Fleet, completely exposed to the fierce fangs of the Falcon Navy, with battleship shots everywhere, and the array of spindles completely became a beaten array, although there was a hurry to adjust, Angus Willie ordered the fleet to spread out as much as possible, but the strangling from both the north and the south made him completely unstoppable,

The people above were bouncing up like black dots thrown into pieces, and clattering into the water, the bombardment surface expanded continuously, advancing toward the flagship in the center, and the battleship along the way was like a hurricane that destroyed everything. Covered by a dense explosion, it looks like a ferocious big yellow croaker is crossed by a cross grid. Gu Lehe?br/>

Adult, let's hide in the cabin. It's too dangerous here! "The adjutant was in a state of embarrassment, ran from the messy deck in front, and asked Angus Willie, who witnessed the fleet's desperation," No, even if it fails, I will watch it with my own eyes! "Angus Willie's face is full of determination,

"Boom" his words did not fall, a violent explosion finally hit the front end of the flagship, countless fragments like a sharp blade, crackling on the sail hanging on the mast, and then crashing down from above After a burst of debris,

Instead of the iron guardrail at the top of the bridge, the Angers Willy station will be caught by debris, most of which are patches with sharp corners. Some unavoidable sailors fell to the ground and wailed all over the ground. Although Angus Willy was scornful about life and death, he also rarely felt a little lucky, smiled bitterly, so dangerous, méu ceiling, kěnéng became the first to be fragmented The imperial admiral who sacrificed his head into his head, but his adjutant was not lucky, the turmoil caused by the explosion caused the adjutant to fall directly into the sea. There is a miserable long sound in his mouth, and no trace can be found anymore. It is not engulfed by the sea water, but there are too many dead people on the sea. It is now the cold winter, falling into the cold sea water near the sea, it will not take ten minutes Frozen to death, some sailor corpses floating on the sea, and even frost on the white sè "The bow was on fire! Come and save the fire!"

The blazing flame spread with the hull of the battleship. With a crackling sound in the wind, the sailors on the deck were shattered and rolled around, and the flagship surface was covered with iron armor enough to resist the burning. Soon, the feet become hot

"Sir. The Duke of Ion is not working, please evacuate mǎshàng!"

The first officer ran over and reported that Angus Willie was still standing on the bridge in the approximate ruins, and the Duke of Yarn was the flagship name. "No, I won't go anywhere! As a navy, you should have been aware of this day!" Angus Willie stood on the bridge. Shaking his head, he looked at the first officer, and then looked at the fleet that was deep in the fire and the explosion. The flash of explosion from the flank, which hurt his retina in an instant,

Another heavier warship was penetrated through the side deck and exploded. The energy dissipated by the explosion broke through the surrounding sea. Countless debris directly smashed from the splash, directly hitting a lot on the deck. The running sailor threw down a large area, the flame burst through the deck, and many people were swept into it, and he jumped into the sea with pain and pain.

Angus Willy couldn't bear to go too far, and said indifferently, "order each ship to seek an opportunity to evacuate. In this battle, our army defeated! It is meaningless to insist! The other side accepts surrender, so surrender! The Duke of Ion, full of empire glory, will coexist!" "Master!" the chief screamed, heartbroken, desperate and anxious,... "The hunter became a prey, this was designed by the other party for me Trap, ng is undoubted! "Looking at the Southwest United Fleet completely enveloped by artillery in the distance, he was taken away from the flagship Southwest Commander Argenon Kaja halfway, standing proudly at the stern of the battleship, clenching his fists, With an annoyed face

""Navy's Revenge, I will report to Caldenonkaja! "Argenongkaja looked cold and murmured to himself from afar. The warship was heading in the opposite direction of the battlefield. When he found that the situation was wrong, Argenongkaja ordered the warship to leave the battle in the name of the Southwest Commander. Because the battleship was at the back of the fleet, almost méu encountered the obstacle of me and quickly left the battlefield,

Going farther and farther, but the occasional explosion and dazzling fire from the distance are still flashing in the pupils of Aljonka Katya, full of debris, and the entire area is like a prison of death.

The Southwest United Fleet is over, and the Falcon Navy’s combat power shocked him~lightnovelpub.net~ The size and combat power of this fleet should definitely not be just a fāng fleet, this is a powerful force not inferior to the Gangfei Navy The power, with the power of the Southwest United Fleet, fell to such an end in such a short ān, I am afraid that it is difficult to be the main fleet of the Gondof Empire!

"Wrong judgment and wrong information led to the complete defeat of today's rì!" It's still not a problem if the information is out of order, it is really a fool, and what annoys him most is that the judgment is wrong, it is The main reason leading to the destruction of the joint fleet,

It’s not the miscalculated information, the other party’s strength is so strong, néu checked the truth of the information in advance, ... too much

The Southwest United Fleet will never be arranged to ambush the Falcon Navy here. The opponent is prepared. Although the remnants of the Southwest United Fleet are still struggling, even such laymen can see that the United Fleet wants to escape and be destroyed by chase. The trend is difficult to reverse,

It’s a little bit over the sea. It’s still a land battle. Argenon Kaja has cleared his mind. As a general guarding one side, he naturally relies on it. The naval warfare is what he is good at. If he loses, he will lose. At most, it is the lack of help on the sea. The real main battlefield is in Rwanda, and a 100,000 army has set a mortal trap. As long as the other party steps in, he will be sure to completely destroy the Falcon Army and drag him to death. ! (To be continued...)