Whole Nation

~: One thousand four hundred and sixty-five

At the top of the desolate hills, an endless wall was pulled away from the horizon. Although the walls are made of local high-produced schist rocks, they are not strong, but there are several wide moats outside the city walls, and the climate is unusually dry and cold. There is almost no vegetation protection here, and the ground is covered with low shrubs, outside the city walls All of the villages are empty, there is no forest where wood can be mined, and there are no rivers for drinking water,

The environment here is a headache for any enemy who wants to attack the city wall. They must make a quick decision, otherwise, the army will be trapped by this wilderness. Now, on the road behind the city wall, the carriage for logistics supplies is parked in a wide range. Ping, there are soldiers carrying things everywhere in the city walls, pulling the carriage full of supplies and rushing past the soldiers, the bundled arrow clusters are carried to the arrow tower of the city wall, and there are some wooden barrels filled with crude oil. Stacked on the city wall,

Every fifty meters, there will be an arrow tower for hoarding materials, with a tall wooden tower in between, facing the shaft in the castle, and the crossbowmen on the wooden arrow tower inspect the bowstring of their crossbow, In their eyes looking out of the city, the vast wilderness is not only full of low shrubs, but also tents, colorful, covering the slopes about a thousand meters in front of the city walls,

  The Slavic army that traversed the entire area of ​​the Fifth Legion, originally thought that they could be looted well, but what appeared to them was an empty warehouse, which was burned to the village of ashes. The Slavs, who had nothing to gain, vented all their anger on the left-behind imperial army. They stringed every captured imperial soldier on the side of the road with sharp wood, and wiped their buttocks with the imperial flag.

The increasingly cold weather and hunger drove them to move forward, more and more people joined, and the more the number expanded, the stronger the Slavs’ hopes for the front. For the defense line of the city wall that suddenly appeared before him, the Slavs began A little timid. They launched several small-scale shocks, and even the first defensive ditch did not cross, they were turned back by the shooter, throwing more than 1,000 bodies and running away

   But enough people gave them the confidence to win. The leaders of each ministry summed up privately and decided to wait for more people to launch an attack together.

  On the city wall, the fat man was also looking at the scattered Slavic camp through the binoculars. Because of the lack of firewood and various construction materials, the Slavic camp was shabby. It’s just a circle of wooden carts full of groceries,

  Slavic soldiers are basically dressed as described by Julius Forborg. They have simple, light leather armor and wear rusty helmets that do not know how many generations they have experienced. Carrying a round shield on his back, a tower shield made by the empire, and a square shield made of wooden boards, a short axe was attached to his waist. Some soldiers carry short marks and no cavalry, or very few. Various colorful flags make the fat man dizzy,

   "Damn, it's a refugee camp!"

Fatty smash it, smash your mouth, the number of Slavs has exceeded 200,000 yesterday, and all sections of the city wall are under pressure. The number of enemies gathered outside the city wall cannot be counted at present, because the number is still increasing with time. In the evening, I saw that the other party’s camp had just been covered with the mound on the left. By the next morning, we would find that the mound on the right was also covered with enemy camps.

   On the third day, the rain fell for a day, and the earth was muddy, like the cry of heaven,

The Slavs who were hungry in the rain and the cold finally couldn’t help moving, and the size of more than 100,000 people began to approach the long wall. The dense queues were like dark clouds over the city. An hour later, this was in the history of the Falcon Empire The very famous defensive battle started in the north of Normandy, full of muddy and icy mud,

"Ula!" The howling of 100,000 people was like a flood behind a collapsed levee. The dense Slavic light infantry held a small shield and waved a hatchet to discharge the line towards the first defensive ditch of the city wall. Several siege towers are hovering in the defensive ditch,


  The sound of the spring of the catapult machine came from the city walls. Countless boulders with various sharp rhombuses were like birds flying across the sky from the distance. From the white sky rainwater, the wind fell from the sky with a terrible wind.

   Thundered into the queue of difficult Slavs,

   The whole piece of the Slavs was smashed down, the minced meat flew across, the rolling round sling, and a **** minced meat residue rolled out among the Slavic soldiers,

   "Rush up! No backwards" The Slavic leaders screamed with weapons at the back, but the front was really unwilling,

   The queue was torn apart by a blast of stone, and the defeated soldiers. Like a flock of wild sheep, the muddy lowlands

"Mother, escape!" They yelled hysterically, dropping their shields and holding their heads scattered, the rain in the sky was more intense, "Mother, cavalry!" The Slavic army wailed in chaos, and rushed for a while The sound of horseshoes, which thundered in the heavy rain,

  The long-awaited 5,000 Falcon Central Army cavalry rushed out of the city wall,

   The earth was trembling violently~lightnovelpub.net~ A black iron wall was forcibly squeezed into the Slavic broken array, like a slap on the face of the Slavs,

   "Kill" Hu Kokili's sword suddenly slashed on the head of a Slavic soldier,

  Yellowish white brain plasma mixed with blood, exploded from the head of the Slavic lady,

   Tens of thousands of falcon cavalry rolled through the killing knife, and mercilessly slayed past the Slavs who were standing in front of them,

   War horses are like thunder, unstoppable like an iron stream,

   countless iron hoof swords are like a cruel and rolling iron wall, expanding rapidly in the fearful eyes of all Slavs who have not yet launched a charge,

   and even occupied all the vision!

  The flock of cavalry of the Falcon Empire was unstoppable, which stirred up hundreds of thousands of Slavs into chaos. In a screaming cry, the scattered array of Slavs was broken up by resistance for a while.

  Followed by the fierce arrow clusters, pouring down from the walls of the city, and the Slavs who were still rolling in the mud on the ground, had no time to dodge, nor had any shields, able to withstand this totally irresistible terrorist attack,

The huge stone was smashed down from the sky like a nightmare. The whole soldier was smashed into a flesh in a moment. The dense arrow rain followed, like a turbulent wave hit the cliff wall, and the flesh of the Slavs below, The two slammed together, blood was flying,

   (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)