Whole Nation

~: One thousand seven hundred and ninety-on

The carriage crossed a **** in front, and a larger camp appeared in front of it. After a trumpet sounded through the sky, a long black line appeared in front, like a black armor like a black cloud, and the battle flag stood in the blue sky. , A bigger camp than before appeared in front of Xu Dongli,

With only one glance, Xu Dongli felt dazzled,

There are countless tents in the dense barracks. One team and one team of cavalry lined up outside the barracks. In front of the camp stood a target with hundreds of red hearts. A team of black armored cavalry flying past the target Holding the compound bow flat, a white line crossed the beautiful arc and fell towards the target. The "cappa" arrow cluster instantly shot the position of the target into a horse honeycomb. After a team of cavalry passed, another team The cavalry quickly connected, like a huge circle, one team followed the previous one, and the arrow clusters were like locust swarms bursting from the horizon, continuously falling towards the target position,

Xu Dongli and Gongsun Liang watched the clusters of arrows fired from the running cavalry, intensively shot at the target 100 meters away, and saw that their chins were about to fall. Gongsun Liang, who was sitting next to him, called out in horror. Ride and shoot! It's a prairie rider!"

"Yes, it is the scariest wheel of the prairie cavalry!"

Xu Dongli's face was pale, his fists clenched tightly, ten whitish fingers plunged into the flesh, causing a painful pain, the pupil of his eyes narrowed to a point, and his face was also ugly and ugly. The scene caused the most terrible memory in his mind,

It was July last year. The Liyang grassland with the lingering sun was full of clouds, and the green grass moved with the wind. It was full of tranquility and peace. Xu Dongli picked up a handful of water by a small river. Soldiers are setting up camp nearby. Xu Dongli, as an empire caster, entered the grassland with the Third Army of the Empire to fight, and had been wandering in the grasslands for seven days. If you can’t find the prairie army again, the army will rush back to the original starting point,

Looking at the beautiful grassland, the atmosphere of the barracks is very relaxed. Everyone thinks that someone will not come to the grass. At night, the grassland will become very bad. Not only will there be storms that tear like giant dragons, but also There are big hungry wolves, these wolves are very brave. Not afraid of people, a pair of green eyes make people feel stunned, generally not crazy, and will not choose to attack at night, because the howling of wolves is enough to make the sneak attack fail.

At this moment, the prairie people came, like a long black line with rolling dust,

"Quick. Ready to fight! Hurry up if you don't want to be shot into a honeycomb!"

The infantry captains who were making the soldiers move the supplies just now shouted as crazy as they were, and pulled out their swords to rudely drove the soldiers to arm, quiet and peaceful. Suddenly dispelled by the sound of the horn of war, the soldiers pushed the carriage in a panic, picked up the weapon from the camp's weapon rack, and the soldiers ran back and forth. The carriage for transporting materials was pushed out of the periphery, and a defensive line of the frame was built, and the baffles were attached to the wheels and doors. The Central Afghan infantry intensively raised a long rifle in the back of the truck, panting tightly and breathlessly, and the numerous infantry bowstrings were also pulled away at this moment, "creak" like a tightly stretched thin line was pulled by unlimited Long, no one knows when, this infinitely tight line will be broken, and everyone’s nerves have reached the extreme,

Xu Dongli gasped, the sound like a broken bellow sounded unpleasant, and there was a tingling in his lungs, but Xu Dongli was still glad that he ran back from the river 300 meters away. A high-level caster is a terrible job for a senior caster, not to mention the prairie cavalry, chasing like a hungry wolf seeing its prey in the back, and clusters of arrows with wind from His face roared past. If it weren’t for the servant’s outstanding physical strength, the last 20 meters or so, almost Xu Dongli, who was carrying the force, ran desperately. Xu Dongli was like a hundred unlucky eggs who did not come back. The arrows of the prairie people died one by one outside the formation

"Okay, Master, we fled back!" The health servant dragged him behind a carriage. The team of the Abyssinian army that he followed was full of 40,000. The army was about to fight. In order to avoid being hit, the army immediately The outer formation was closed, and the opposite side was a 17,000-person prairie leftback cavalry. This is a typical encounter. In the face of the infantry cluster in front of the imperial empire, the queue of the prairie people galloped like this. The scattered queues suddenly turned into laps after a loud eagle chirp,

In a blink of an eye, the dense clusters of arrows flew down like a storm. The Imperial Infantry Corps of 40,000 people, even if they were suppressed, had difficulty moving. The clusters of arrows screamed together, and the power made the world change color. Xu Dongli thought he was bold, Frightened, his whole body crouched behind a carriage, and the sound of arrows hitting the carriage baffle in his ears was like a heavy rain hitting the dry ground, and the popping sound was like hitting him. In the heart, the soldiers' howling sounds endlessly

The healthy servant who saved his life was just bold and curious to take a look. As soon as half of his head was exposed, he was shot through the eye socket by a cluster of flying arrows. The arrow penetrated from the position of the servant's back brain and half of his head. They were all cut off. The red and white brains were like the overturned wine glasses. They all spattered on Xu Dongli's frightened and white face. Xu Dongli watched incredulously as the servant's body fell. In a few seconds, countless arrows fell on the corpse, and the blood shot, and I could not see a complete person.

The soldiers fell into pieces under the intensive arrow rain. The baffle of the chariot was shot by layers of arrows as if it were going to fall apart. The encounter continued for half an hour. The prairie people may find it impossible to expand the results, only like not. The wolves that ate the fat lamb unwillingly dropped the beaten down Central Abyssinian infantry, which was extremely arrogant like a whistling grassland wind, the rumbling horseshoe sound gradually rose away, and tearful Xu Dong Dare to raise his head,

The terrible scene of arrow clusters in front of me gave Xu Dongli a shock from the inside to the outside, just like the white snow covered the earth. That was the tail feathers at the tail of the arrow clusters. That encounter was reported as a victory! Although Xu Dongli didn't see where Dajie was! Is it just because it has not been annihilated? The army of 40,000 people fell in half during the encounter. If it were not for the indiscriminate attack of the strict car array, the Zhongbian archers stubbornly fought back, the prairie cavalry would not be so easily evacuated, and the prairie cavalry without arrows pulled out a melee scimitar It is also the most sturdy assault cavalry. If the prairie cavalry sent out a cluster impact just now, no one would dare to say how many people can survive.

With the loss of four thousand people, they repelled tens of thousands of grassland left guard cavalry. This is where the victory was reported. In addition to the battle damage of 4,000 people, the leading general decisively concealed the fact that there were 13,000 wounded soldiers, because there are more soldiers, and even the face of the enemy is not clear. I stayed on that land forever. The infection of the arrow wounds made only 15,000 wounded soldiers go back alive. Only 5,000 people did not come. This is the round of the prairie people. The short half hour. With the inferior force of 1:4, it hit the Central Biya people, and let Xu Dongli, who was on the battlefield for the first time, see the horror of the prairie people.

It is said that in the largest court of the prairie people, there are as many as 200,000 cavalry troops who are good at wheel shooting. No one can believe that if it was not the accidental death of the king of the court, the three princes in the prairie would be in chaos. What power can stop the north? Prairie's round shot iron ride!

"It's really a Central Biya who has never seen the world!"

The guards who escorted the messenger group behaved like a goose to the Central Biya. Rolled his eyes disdainfully, but it was the round shot of the prairie cavalry. Is it necessary to behave so surprised? The number of cavalry is only about 10,000,

The power of the round shot is no different. Most of the flowers are on the shelf. His Majesty the Falcon has repeatedly asked the prairie people to improve their round-shooting training, but the prairie people still insist on keeping this simple training method, round-shooting. The training of the super-sniper longbow array composed of 50,000 infantry formations in the empire is basically a joke, 150 meters away. The empire's tens of thousands of crossbows were enough to turn the prairie assault cavalry who had not pulled the bow string into an icy body full of arrows.

"Come here, tell them, I'm here!" The fat man stopped the horse and waved to the guard behind him, his eyes swept over the army in front of him,

The prairiemen’s camp accounted for one third, the others were the battle flags of the Saron Army and the central army. The prairie flags representing various ethnic groups fluttered in the wind outside the camp. The prairie men were born warriors. Seeing the clanking of artisans, countless tents covered the vast plains in front of the southwest capital like a piece of white, and the large military camp tents surrounded the plains, like a few circles spreading out. 50,000, as the first imperial team to receive an attack command, the speed of arrival is also the fastest,


A swift horn was swaying in the sky, and a group of chiefs of all ethnic groups in prairie costumes appeared at the gate of the camp. They saw the fat men in front of the black armored cavalry who came from afar, and they all knelt down with joyful faces, and were training in rotation. The prairie cavalry also stopped, like the split sea wave, as the fat man moved forward, countless prairie warriors on both sides also knelt on the ground, black pressure pressed a head, the prairie people showed the most solemn enthusiasm for the arrival of the Khan King, three Shouting "Long live His Majesty King Khan!"

"Get up!"

The fat man drove past, stopped the warhorse, and looked at the grassland patriarchs who were kneeling down on the ground ten meters away, and raised their hands with satisfaction. After their own remediation, Xiting had completely surrendered to the empire, even In front of the patriarch, the Duoweiyan is also respectful, and dare not dare to overstep the place, this prairie transport hero is impressed by his own death,

"Your Majesty, the head of Terry City, Terry Rashad, seems to be away!" The captain of the guard's guard squadron suddenly whispered in the fat man's ear,

"Teli Rashad!" The fat man froze unexpectedly, and looked at the prairie patriarchs who stood up again. Sure enough, he didn't see Trelishad. The fat man came down from the war horse and gave the whip in his hand. Duo Weiyan at the forefront of the patriarch queue,

Duo Weiyan's face was excited, and the hand holding the whip was trembling with excitement, and the other patriarchs were envious of his face. Sure enough, he was the uncle of His Majesty the King of Khan. The Khan directly gave his whip to Duowei. Yan, this is called "generation whip" in the grassland, horse whip has a special meaning in the grassland,

For the prairie woman, the horsewhip is her most beloved thing. If you see the love lover in your heart, throw the horsewhip to him. If the other party picks it up and sends it back, if it makes sense, the prairie woman will raise the horsewhip and pump hard. The prairie man has a whip. If the prairie man is not angry, it means that he has accepted the woman's will, but for the prairie man, the horsewhip represents power! Khan's whip is used to drive the tribe! The person who can take the whip can only be the most trusted person of the King of Khan, under one person, above 10,000 people!

The fat man is naturally aware of this, because the East Princess Princess Rui Tang Tina is so eager to get the fat man's whip. They were all rudely rejected by the fat man, that is, a troubled woman who dared to open a dye shop with a three-point color. She can use her whip to pump her elastic **** so that she will always remember her man, and absolutely not Being able to deliver it to her slender fingers like a baby lamb, with a whip, this woman would dare to turn the sky!

Duo Weiyan is different. This grassland owl wishing to bind his whole clan to the imperial chariot. Even if he takes over the whip, it will show up in front of other clan chiefs at most!

"What about Trerasad? Why didn't he?" the fat man asked as he walked.

"This..." Duo Weiyan followed the fat man. The other patriarchs followed him. This was the power of the whip. He glanced at the fat man before saying, "This guy, Trerasad, is becoming less and less ridiculous. Now he is not in the camp, but went to the city. , I heard that Messi Jielin not only danced well, but she was also beautifully beautiful, so this guy took his own people and clamored to go to the show!"

"Performance? Didn't the performance start tonight? What kind of performance did he go to see during the day!" The fat man groaned very displeasedly. "Since you said he went with his own people. How many are they?"

"Seven patriarchs attached to him, and a guard of 120 people!"

Duo Weiyan's face is serious, in fact, she is almost laughing out of her heart, and the Teli city people are rising in the northern part of the west grassland. Already threatened the Duowei Ministry. Last winter, the Teli people even planned to rob their grassland at the marriage ceremony. Duo Weiyan was ready to make trouble for this daring man, and was ready to use the power of the empire to calm down this potential threat in one fell swoop, but no one thought of it. The fat man has little interest in punishing the Teli city clan, but he punished the 3,000 livestock of the Teli city clan in an understatement.

"One hundred and twenty guards! He dared to enter the city, didn't he receive my order?" The fat man walked into the camp account and asked angrily.

Immediately after he arrived, he gave orders to the Xiting cavalry troops who had arrived earlier. The troops were not allowed to enter the city and camped, the nobles were not allowed to spend the night in the city, and no guards with more than a hundred people were allowed to enter the city. There is no way. The destructive power of the prairie people is obvious to all And it has always been unhygienic, mixed with horses and horses, and camping in the wild is nothing. Once in the city, it is a scourge. The place where the station is must be horse dung, smelly, people drink water upstream, everything goes If the water is lost, the lower reaches will suffer. Moreover, the prairie people are in love with strong alcohol. When they get drunk, they become mad, and there is a conflict between the tribes and the tribes.

"Shade in Teli City is a very proud person, and has always been independent in the northern part of the Western Grassland. This is not the first time he has disobeyed King Khan's order!" Duo Weiyan quickly took the opportunity to vomit bitterness in the military account and kept talking. How arrogant Shade in Teli was, how many times he wanted to attack his camp, how to clamor in public to restore the glory of Wang Ting,

Listen, listen, the fat man’s eyebrows are raised, he knows what Duowei Yan wants to express, and he can’t wait to directly say that the Shade of Teli City is a hidden danger of the empire. Want to borrow a knife to kill someone,

At this moment, a guard ran into the camp account report, "Your Majesty, Teli City Patriarch Teli City Shad begged to see!" Duo Weiyan's face became a little embarrassed

"Let him come in!" The fat man pretended not to see his uncle's face, waved his hand to the guard, a brave man in a prairie robe, like an iron tower, stepped into the military account. When he saw the fat man, he kneeled down on the ground. The trembling said, "Great Khan, your humble servant, Shade, Teli City, please you! Please forgive Shade of Teli City. The subordinates did not know that the Khan King will arrive today. I was curious and went to the city. I heard the horn before entering the gate!"

"Get up~lightnovelpub.net~ What are you doing in the city?" The fat man nodded his head. This strong man was Shad in Teli City, and his brain door was almost knocking to the ground. The whole body was covered with dust. Obviously Hearing the horn that greeted King Khan quickly hurried back,

"Small is to buy supplies! Master Du Weiyan said that the military salt has been used up, so send the small to take the horse team to buy salt in the city!" Shad, Terry, stood up respectfully, gasping and said, face There is no lasting look at it,

His appearance is typical of a wide face, a brain door, and two prairie people with thick buns on their heads, giving the first feeling. This is a bold and straightforward guy. In fact, on the grassland, Shade in Teli City The nickname is "Angry Bear"

Not only because of his tall body, but also because he was also a legend in the northern part of the West Prairie. He once killed 72 horse thieves in a single horse for a woman.

The horse thief on the grassland is not comparable to the inland robbers, they are all the elite survivors of the defeated tribe,

Carrying the hope of the tribal rejuvenation, the small group before the new tribal banner is raised, that is, the prairie horse thief, the small group that can have 72 prairie warriors, in fact, can already be regarded as the size of the small tribe,

It is precisely because he is so famous that the fat man happened to hear Rui Tangtinga mentioning the legend of the west grassland. Even the ruthless Rui Tangtingna said that Shade of Teli City was a rare real hero in the Xiting people and never bullied weak tribes, that is Facing the friendly reception of the Dongting tribes that were once the enemy, the tribe of Rui Tangtingna even established a trade line with the Teli city tribe. (To be continued...)