Whole Nation

~: One thousand six hundred and eighty six

After leaving the VIP lounge of the casino, the gamblers outside had already waited for a long time. With a cheering voice, a gambler gave a thumbs-up to the fat man "Great!"

"Yes, that is, Miss Yvette is the first beauty in the Nasda area."

A gambler admired that the fat man and Yvette's messy clothes due to fighting, plus Yvette's attractive body of a birdie, leaned against the fat man and his head was resting on the fat man's shoulder On the face of shame, indignation and redness, nothing needs to be explained!

In this way, the two walked out of the casino under the eyes of everyone, and there was a strange cry behind them.

"I said, don't need to pretend anymore! My shoulders are numb!" The fat man took Jiao Didi Yvette, and his face walked into a corner ruthlessly, which has already got rid of everyone's sight

"How do you know that I'm pretending!" The non-beauty girl with her head on the shoulder of the fat man raised her head playfully, her eyes bulging, like a cute rabbit, her lips slightly open, and her mouth flicked. "Isn't there any real feeling? Maybe I really like it and you are not sure! The admiration of the first beauty in the Nasda area, how can there be a sense of accomplishment?"

"It's just the first beauty admiration, what to do with a stranger like me!" The fat man sneered with a sneer. "After today, you and I may never meet again. Don't forget, we are now in a trading relationship, I give You 20,000 gold coins, you let me enter Ans Canyon! If you repent, I will kill you immediately!"

"Just know, your men turn their faces and don't recognize people, they are so unsympathetic!"

Yvette's face changed slightly, obviously remembering how terrible the man in front of him, a sweet and tempting half hoarse sigh, if you don't know the details of this love, it can really make people feel a little illusion. Eliminating the anomaly of xìng orientation, Yvette is a real gangly beauties, hot and unrestrained, giving people a flamboyant sense of heat, which is most prominent in gangfei women. Naturally extroverted, like a flame, it gives a deadly appeal

"Is there a private carriage? Yvette left the fat man's body, arranged his skirt, raised his head and asked

"Why?" The fat man frowned slightly, not knowing what the woman wanted to do.

"Why, here is thirty miles from Anse Canyon. Do you want a lady like me to walk!" Yvette murmured with dissatisfaction, deliberately pulled up a skirt that was dragged to the ground, revealing a fair white The rounded calf is suitable, and the slate that lifts the ground is lifted hard, saying provocatively, "Of course, if you are at ease with my carriage! You can also take my carriage"

"I can't bear your heart. I have a carriage!" The fat man grunted, raised his right hand and snapped a finger, a black carriage without a noble sign turned out of the invisible corner, creaked, the carriage was next to the two Stop

"I now believe that you are really the kind of person who is not afraid of spending money!"

Yvette's face was defeated, and he couldn't believe it. The two pure black horses staring at the cart violently, I saw these two huge black horses. From a distance, they looked like two giant beasts, one taller than other horses pulling carts. The head and the ankle of the horseshoe are in a circle of white sè, and the horse's mane is combed with no trace of miscellaneous sè. From top to bottom, the black sè is shiny, and the leaping four hoofs are very elegant. The cold air erupted from between the nose wings, the eyes were sharp and horrified, and it gave people a heavy pressure. At first glance, it was the real famous horse.

Excellent horses are always the most expensive tops among countless horse breeds, and are not a little more expensive than other horse breeds. A good horse is almost equivalent to giving the rider one more life. On the battlefield, running fast is also an advantage. Whether it is chasing or escaping, it is rare to find a horse like this, let alone see you once. The two horses are exactly the same, but this is the two extremely precious Dongting black cloud blood that was used as mortgage when the east court's princess Rui Tang Ting last came to lìvading to borrow food. This is the most cherished by the former Dongting king Of BMW, even in the grassland with hundreds of thousands of horses grazing, the value of these two black clouds of blood is worth the value of a tribe with a population of 5,000

Yvette was born in a wealthy Kyoto city, and the precious BMWs were not unseen, but just glanced at it. The inner valuation still shocked the just-non-female nobleman. My God, who is this dead fat man! The value of these two horses alone is more than 200,000 gold coins! Isn't this resource-wasting guy afraid of being struck by lightning!

"If it's fake replacement, get in the car!"

The fat man was accustomed to Yvette’s horrified god. Pulling the door, Yvette did not dare to disobey. He walked obediently into the carriage, and he was even a little excited. His 200,000 gold coins were drawn in the horse-drawn carriage. I haven’t sat down, and my round buttocks are sitting on a comfortable leather chair at once. Yvette’s hand gently touches the leather of the chair, and there is a stunned face on his face, a pair of eyes again, the boss, lips Shakingly asked, "This is not the legendary human leather chair!"

"Relax, this is the ice skin of the northern cold region! Although it is indeed similar to the human skin in terms of detail and comfort, the texture of the leather is more greasy. If you pay attention, you will find that it is different." Witt, the corner of your mouth smiled. "But you can have this idea. Have you ever sat before? As for the human leather chair, there are also things in all the perverted nobles. If you are really interested, I can Give you one!" The fat man's playful gaze looked at Yvette, the skin of the spirit of the beast, there are indeed some nobles who like to collect

Although chairs made of whole human skin are rare, there are many book covers made of human skin in Icadivar. Many ancient books use human or pig skin covers to prevent worms. In the case of no confirmation, the fat man reads the cover first, and that feeling is really greasy.

Yvette breathed a sigh of relief, and the hot, non-beauty was also pale. She patted her tall and seductive chest with her small hand and said, "I did sit by accident, it was a very uncomfortable experience, you I don’t know how greasy it feels. Don’t mention it anymore. I feel like I’m about to vomit!”

"Well, now to be practical, tell me when to take me to Anse Canyon!" The corner of the fat man's mouth turned up slightly. A glance of coldness

"I promised to do it naturally, and asked in a pretentious way, is the falcon your real name? Is it a pseudonym?" Yvette raised his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the fat man brightly.

"This has something to do with going to Anse Canyon? Didn't you say that I'm not interested in where I came from?" The fat man frowned slightly. The finger lightly tapped on the tabletop, and the air in the compartment became tense

"Don’t get me wrong, it was just now, but you gave me too many accidents!" Yvette sweated out of his head and said nervously. "I don’t know why, I have a feeling. I’m trading and hunting for enemies of the country. Eagle, the falcon empire in the north, this is really easy to connect. If you are really from the north, can you tell me. How long will it take for the war between Gangfei and Putuo to end? Don’t say You don’t know, it’s been spreading now, and behind the Duke Putao stands a brutal falcon from the north!"

"I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. The war is a continuation of the political interests of both sides. No one can answer you before the two sides have reached an agreement!" The fat man shrugged. How could such a military secret be said, neither acknowledge nor deny it, such an attitude, but let the opposite Yvette's eyes brighten, and said softly, "Don't be so determined, can tell me an approximate deadline Okay"

"I really don't know!" The fat man said one by one, increasing his tone

At this time, he saw the face of Yvette on the opposite side become very sensible, and even had some despair, the whole person was lying on the table. The painful runny without any lady awareness

"Damn war! I just want to know when this **** war will end. I'm fed up here, cháo is wet, yīn is dark. There is no big casino, my beautiful face is not even in this Duchess The place is getting old, oh my god, do you know the sorrow you can't start with so many beautiful women every day?"

Yvette's tearful eyes made the fat man feel dazed for the first time. Why are you so picky when you wear a mirror!

"Three years, it's really damn. My Miss Irene abandoned me and married. My Dorona became a widow and became better with other men."

"Why am I so sad, weeping in this forgotten place, and there is not even one person worth talking about" Yvette stopped, and looked at the fat man on the opposite side with a very sad look. "Is my fate like this I want to go back to Kyoto, even if I’m punished, I have to go back to Kyoto! As for who wins and who loses in this war, whoever controls it! Let those **** die, and those who sent me to die. Those The woman who betrayed me. Those who won my money. Those who are fighting..." Yvette is like a mistress, nagging the names that make the fat people shameful,

Three minutes later, Yvette continued

Ten minutes later, the green muscles on the fat man's forehead came out. Damn, is this woman's woman a strengthening company? The number of people is so great that even fat people are ashamed. More than a hundred names are spread throughout the whole non-Kyoto. This female wolf that harms the good family, how can no one give you the local law! Yvette, who was caught in a hysterical state, was tilting her attractive buttocks, and under the long skirt of water, there were a pair of white thighs, half lying on the table on the table with his fingers painted one by one, completely ignoring the hot fat man Eyes, smoke on his graceful waist,

If this woman is not really perverted in her heart, then she must be an emperor-level character, and the fat man can't stand it anymore. In fact, how long this war can be fought is not very confidential. Even if you say it yourself, it will not be just Because of the conclusion of an unknown person, he guessed the next military deployment of the Falcon Empire.

"One month, or faster!" The fat man finally spoke

"Are you sure?" Yvette seems to be recovering at this moment, raising his head, shawl of hair, the beautiful white face like Zhu Yu is full of tears, the two white sès are tightly packed together, hidden A pitiful demeanor, the fat man froze unexpectedly, grunted, swallowed a spit, it was a real shame!" I said casually! "The fat man didn't admit it casually, and looked at the scenery outside the window, and then looked at the pair of big eyes rippling in the water of the opposite Yvette, and spit out four words. "I believe it or not! "


Seeing the embarrassment of the fat man, Yvette, who had always been in a state of repression, suddenly laughed out loud and gave out the squeamishness of the soul-stirring silver silver dice. "Although I know that you are lying to me, thank you! Because you are the first to agree I hope that the people at the end of the war, you know the kind of depression that no one has confided in, as a soldier, and hope that the war will end as soon as possible. The heart is full of contradictions and struggles, what a sad thing!"

Yvette rarely went quiet, the carriage left the city half an hour later, and entered a mountainous area outside the city, where the sun shone into the forest. It creates a phantom-like and unreal beautiful world. The carriage travels among the dense forests. The bright yellow sunlight threw down the gap between the forest leaves. At the end of the road is the Ans Canyon in the distant mountains. Ten guards dressed as guards Join the team halfway, followed by the sides of the carriage.

Yvette in the carriage suddenly surprised and said "Look! There is a little white rabbit over there, how cute is the white hair, alas! I haven't paid attention to these various interesting things in a long time. When I was traveling in the suburbs of Kyoto, I Love all kinds of small animals the most." Yvette suddenly fell silent, watching the white spots in the forest disappear quickly. Two eyes and one red, and tears fell again, soon, maybe it was overjoyed and sorrowful, Yvette went to sleep on the table, the fat man pretended not to see anything, and turned his eyes to the woods outside.

In the six years of the Gap war, both sides were struggling in the mud, and now the battle is back on, sweeping all kinds of people and things in again. For both sides, it is not necessarily a continuous injury, but I don’t know this Gangfei Niu, is it possible to find in her dream Kyoto that has not changed in her memory, because soon, the fleet of the Falcon Empire will attack just outside Kyoto! This is war! Before the two parties can't compromise. It is a duel without a middle way! This storm that is about to fall on Gangfei's head, I don't know how many memories of Gangtians like Yvette will be destroyed.

The carriage stopped at the entrance in front of Anse Canyon. The fat man stepped off the carriage and looked up at the canyon behind. The terrain of the canyon was not large. The mountain spread out along the edge, revealing a basin in the middle, and a stone fortified castle blocked the way forward. A flag of the non-military army was hung on it, and a group of five cavalry came towards the carriage.

The captain of the cavalry is a handsome female soldier with long braids on her head. She wears tight and tight thin leather armor and looks heroic. She wears a light sword from the waist and red deerskin on her feet. Boots, legs are a little too long, almost three-fifths of the whole body, it looks quite pleasing to the eye, the eyes paused on the seemingly problematic carriage, and the voice is crisp and sweet, unpleasant said, "Who are you? , Don’t know if you can’t stay here! If there’s nothing, please leave now.”

"It's me, Lan Rui'er!" Just as the fat man thought about how to answer, Yvette's tired voice sounded in the carriage, the door opened, and Yvette came out from inside.

"It's Lord Yvette!" The face of several female soldiers changed slightly, and quickly came down from the battle horse. Yvette cheered a little and stood upright, looking at the fat man, his face turned red.

"This is my friend, let the door open in front!" Yvette gritted his teeth and said

"Sir, they don't seem to have sent the messenger's banner..." The captain of the cavalry known as Lan Ruier raised his head and showed a difficult face on his face. This is the custom. If there is no messenger's banner, they also It’s hard to explain to them. After all, the women inside are imprisoned, either rich or expensive, no one can provoke them, but these women’s eyes are still very high,

"Did you hear my order? Don't forget, I'm still in charge here!"

Yvette's pretty face was slightly cold, and a breath of abruptness came out of her body. Several female cavalrymen quickly bowed their heads and did not dare to speak. The sixth-level swordsman may not be much in the eyes of a fat murderer like a fat man, but for a few Ordinary female soldiers are more than enough. Even the captain of the Lan Ruier cavalry, he is also pale at the moment. Although they are all from Kyoto, one is from the rich giants of Kyoto, and the other is just an ordinary little aristocratic background. The two are not in the same grade at all. .

"Did you hear Lord Yvette? Don't go to open the door yet!" Lan Ruier said to a subordinate behind him. The female soldier quickly stood up and ran to the castle in front. The castle gate slowly opened in front of the fat man,

"There is also a checkpoint in front, but you should not be embarrassed!" Yvette whispered next to the fat man. "It's just a matter of time, not more than three hours, otherwise, we will be in trouble!" I don't know why, Yvette's pretty face magically raised two thrilling blushes~lightnovelpub.net~

"Thank you!" The fat man nodded,

"Thank me, it's useless. One 20,000 gold ticket is not enough!" Just in an instant, Yvette deliberately amplified the sound so that everyone around him heard it. This time it was 20,000 gold tickets. A sudden **** appeared on the female soldier's face, and the fat man walked towards the gate of the castle,

When passing through the gate, an inexplicable warm air came blowing,

A huge basin suddenly appeared in front of the fat man. The basin in front of him was like a map, dotted with vegetable gardens, pastures and gardens, interlaced ditch channels, and white hyacinths on the hillside that fluctuated with the wind.

In this cold winter, it gives people a feeling like chūn season,

Covered with snow-covered acres, some small yellow flowers can be seen vaguely, windmills slowly rotating in the breeze, clustered farmhouses, colorful small villages, and the roof is tilted by a stork house.

"Turret Colleen, here I am!" The fat man glanced at the extremely beautiful ground before his eyes, took a deep breath, and strode forward