Whole Nation

~: One thousand six hundred and ninety Gang

   The heat of the war broke out first in the offshore waters of Gangfei


In December, the Gangfei Sea is the coldest time of the year. The rough sea is scattered with large pieces of ice floes. In the traveling fleet of Fujian, it is like a piece of diamond inlaid on the sea with water. It looks like there is a An indescribable cruel beauty,


The Chekov squadron proceeded in the direction of Gangfei and Kyoto as planned. In the winter, a white wave rolled and the water floated. The closer it was to the waters of Gangfei and Kyoto, the ocean currents were hit back by the land plate, and the roughness began to increase. On the surging sea, you can occasionally see the waves rolling over a dozen meters high, and the white ice drifts up and down with the sea water, and it glows colorfully under the sunlight. The ice floes were originally pure white, but because of the refraction of sunlight, it looks a lot of color from afar


   "Boom" a dragon-tooth battleship that goes side by side, just like a dolphin, drilled out of the waves


The bulging sail made a "slap" sound, and the tight sail cable was also creaked. The dragon-tooth warship advancing under this wind-shaped body can reach a speed of thirty knots and a huge sea. It was broken by the battleship, and it was as fast as an iron plow breaking the sea.


  The blue falcon flag of the Falcon Empire Navy made a popping sound in the violent wind of the practice


"Reporting Commander, we have entered the area marked on the map, which may belong to the area that is not just a naval cruise!" The first officer on the flagship pushed the door of the conference room, and the blue uniform has been invaded by the sea water Wet, revealing its strong bronze body


   "Are you? Did you find anything! Or news from other fleets!"


Chekov recovered his gaze from the chart and raised his head to ask. Although there are temporary patchwork charts, the non-sea area is still a very unfamiliar sea area for the Falcon Navy that has not yet set foot, and many island areas are not in the sea. It is marked on the picture, and the reason why the imperial navy made a full encirclement is this.


"As an imperial soldier who targets the waters of other countries, he must have the ability to fight in unfamiliar seas. Since there is no exact specific sign, then make a new map of the sea while fighting." The admiralty issued Is written like this,


There is no time to delay in the detection of the sea. In order to catch the heavy blow of Gangfei and Kyoto before the return of the main force of the non-navy, the Imperial Navy Minister Dustrom Kay issued a discovery march operation designed specifically for combat in strange seas. command,


   In this order, all the sub-fleet carrying out the mission must transfer the sea conditions discovered by the sea area experienced by the fleet to the Dustron Kay, the flagship of the Imperial Navy headquarters, in a timely manner.


There, thirty staff members of the Imperial Admiralty, who came from the Naval Academy and specialized in charting, will integrate the content returned by each squadron. Finally, the Admiralty will get a real sea map much more detailed than it is now. , Secretary of the Navy Dustron Kay will adjust the entire combat plan based on this real sea map


   And the southwest direction of the Chekov fleet is the edge of the entire strategic enclosure, that is to say, if the non-navy attacked from the side wings, the first encounter is the Chekov branch.


  Because of this, the Chekov squadron has deployed two more dragon-class flagships in addition to the original dragon-class flagship, which surpasses other squadrons in combat power. The commander in charge is also arrogant, but the pirate-born Chekov, the imperial navy halfway, has a very rich experience in dealing with unexpected encounters at sea.


The reconnaissance ships of the two fleets were placed by him on the flank about a thousand meters away from the fleet. The lookout at the top of the flagpole above was always concerned about the situation that may come from the side, so that even if it was suddenly encountered, the enemy would be caught 10 miles away. It was found that the time to change the formation can be left. Inwards, there are three dragon-class battleships that form the core of the fleet's defense, showing a straight line. These three dragon-class battleships are located in the southwest direction. The gun deck has been opened in advance. The black Thor's muzzle is like three rows of neat honeycomb densely packed in the position of the measuring side.


Focusing on three Dragon-class main battleships, there are seven second-generation Dragon Tooth battleships with excellent maneuverability and firepower before and after. These second-generation Dragon Tooth battleships are one-third larger than the first generation Dragon Tooth battleships. The difference with the first generation Longya ship lies in the difference in load capacity and protective force.


The Imperial Admiralty’s absorption of a generation of Longya warships was not conducive to the improvement of ocean-going operations. The hull was enlarged and firepower was strengthened. More importantly, in order to increase the ability of Longya warships to resist wind and waves, the sides of the warships were added 30 cm thick each. Although the thick wooden baffle sacrificed part of the engine power, the battleship’s hull was more stable in the bumpy waves, and its defense was not improved. It was no longer as crisp as the first generation Longya battleship, but it was enough to resist General sling attack.


   "The flanks on the flank, have not found any other situation yet!" First mate Etek replied


   "Is the Ewaka, who was going to explore the road, contacted?" Chekov asked frowning anxiously.


"No, we haven't received any reply yet." First mate Etek shrugged and replied regretfully. "From the chart, our position is already in the non-Kyoto waters, but for now, whether it is a forward Neither the warship nor the flank warship sent back any news! I personally feel that if it was not a problem with the chart, it was the route that we inadvertently deviated from!"


   "Strayed away from the course? What a joke! Our veteran will not make such a low-level mistake." It was the wing officer Odemanf who made the sound


"Yeah, how is this possible, we are not rookies who have never been out of the sea!" The squadron lieutenant Zarandin said excitedly. "I boarded the ship from the age of thirteen, and I have been on the sea for twenty years. , Will this error occur again?"


   Instead, the forward captain Anko Carmen hesitated, opened his mouth, and stopped talking


Chekov gave him a rare look and asked, "Anko Carmen, what do you think? Among us, the only one who really comes from an orthodox navy is you, the Dylans navy, these guys, but Just relying on personal experience, sailing in familiar seas is okay, but sailing in unfamiliar seas, just relying on past experience, it is easy to go wrong, so I want to hear your suggestions!"


   "I don't know, but I think the ice floes here are too reflective!" Anko Carmen frowned slightly.


  "Ice floes reflect? What does it mean?" Chekov's face was stunned for a moment.


Ankocammen's eyes slowly filled with memories, "I used to listen to some experienced sailors when I was a student in the Navy of Dylans. The skewed sunlight will lead people astray because most of the cases The fleet is determined according to the direction of the sun, but if the water vapor on the sea surface is too large, and a large amount of ice floes are added, at low temperatures, the entire sea surface is like a very smooth mirror. It is very likely that there will be a slight distortion in our eyes. Without the comparison of specific maritime markers, it is not impossible to say that we accidentally deviated from the route!


Anko Carmen stopped, and stretched his finger to draw a straight horizontal line to the east on the chart on the table, saying, "Since our goal is just right in the east, why not go directly to the east Travel, first find the edge of the land, and then use this as a basis to move closer to the predetermined north, so that we can definitely find our combat targets!"


   "Does the line go east? Chekov touched the stubble chin with his hand and looked at the others.


   "This method is good! Although it is a bit slow, but at least it can be guaranteed to be foolproof!" Another captain of the dragon-class battleship Sea Wolf Bix agreed, and there was no objection.


"Well, just as you mean, order the fleet to turn from southeast to east, and approach the coast of Gangfei at the fastest speed! No more looking for the target from the north along the coastline." Chekov nodded to the first mate Etek, with heavy fingers Pressed on the coastline marked with the word "non-word" on the table. Although I don't know what will happen, it is currently the only way.


"Your Excellency Minister!" The non-navy admiral Lecco carefully pushed open the door in front of him, and saw the white-haired old man with his hands upside down and his head looking up at the huge land on the wall. Lecco came in and felt a trace of surprise,


  "How is the navy's counterattack prepared?" Gang Fei, Minister of Military Affairs Rubin Sark turned from the front,


  "The main force of the navy who had been rushed back from the south was ordered to go north, and the local fleets were gathered along the way. I believe it should have passed the lookout." Lecco said with a dignified look.


"Are you sure? This time is extraordinary for you and for the empire!" Rubin Sark walked to his desk, picked up a document and handed it to Lecco who was puzzled. "The war is coming, I have once again made a statement to His Majesty the Emperor. The Imperial Navy is just in time to use troops. It is not appropriate to change the Navy Admiral at this time. His Majesty the Emperor thought twice and agreed, and said that if this battle can win, everything in the past is not to blame!"


"Your Excellency Minister, is this true?" The non-Navy Admiral Lecco picked up the document with excitement, looked at it with joy, and took a deep breath. "Thank you for your kind treatment, I will not disappoint the emperor. Your Majesty’s expectations!"


   "The same opponent, what new method do you have?" "Rubin Sark gave a serious wave to him." If he still defeats as before, I believe it is not as simple as a resignation!"


"Your Excellency Minister, you can rest assured!" Lecco said with confidence. "This battle is different from before. From a strategic perspective, we have the initiative and we are not familiar with the terrain and the sea. Although the Falcon Navy is powerful, it is too big. I even adopted a decentralized blockade. This time, the main force of our imperial navy plus the local fleet can reach a total of 250 warships. In order to avoid early exposure, I strictly ordered the navy to stick to the coastline north. It is now the season of the winter sea of ​​fog. The fog locks the sea, and the surface of the sea is covered with floating ice. I believe that even if the Falcon Navy is brave enough, it would not dare to be too close to the coastline. As long as the attack time is obtained, the main force of our navy can completely eat the Falcon Navy one by one by virtue of its quantitative advantage!


"Since that is the case, I am relieved!" Rubin Sack nodded in peace. The Northern Falcon Empire announced that it had reached a state of imminent battle with the General Settlement. With the return of the main force of the empire, because The navy did not perform well, and the emperor, the emperor who had to give up the results of the south, immediately hit his mind on the northern falcon empire,


Regarding the armistice agreement signed between the previous empire and the Falcon Empire, he refused to say it, and immediately decided to invest another 30,000 troops into the general battlefield that is now in a state of anxiety. This time, he must completely swallow the general battle. And ordered the three intact main battle groups that went south with themselves, a total of 210,000 steps to ride a mixed force, along the straight line north to press the border of the Falcon Empire


The reaction of the Falcon Empire was also very rapid. With the negotiating messenger Governor Saron leaving, the war began to take place, and the hundreds of thousands of falcon troops that were originally on the northern border steering wheel began to gather and build a solid The line of defense, navy, has always been a powerful and frustrating falcon empire navy, from the southwestern area of ​​the sea killing south, a full strangulation of the non-Gangfei sea posture, the arrogance directly towards the direction of Gangfei Kyoto Come, Kyoto is shaking,


In this case, the Emperor Gangfei, who had the intention to replace the navy admiral, had to temporarily bear this thought. Although Lecco was not useful, after all, he was the commander-in-chief who once commanded the whole world. He knew the strength of the Gangfei navy. The war is imminent, and there is no more suitable candidate to take over this position


   Rubin Sack deliberately said that he made his own suggestions, and hoped that this would arouse the decayed heart of the navy admirer Zhang who was hit by the bad luck of the time. The so-called war, why not fight! The war that broke out with the general set as the fuse is itself a struggle for interests between the two empires. What will be decided is the strategic focus of the two empires in the next fifty years, and the Falcon Empire is going north! Still just south! The fat man needs this war to completely cut off Central and Europa’s covetment of the southwestern region, and Gang Fei needs this war to maintain the dignity of his own Central Europa overlord, but this Gang Fei coach doesn’t know yet, a deviation The falcon navy off the route, heading straight across the crossroads where the two fleets meet, fate's chips deflected from the beginning.


   In the afternoon of December 3,


The eastward Chekhov squadron sailed steadily towards the offshore area in a mist. In winter, the mist is very large, almost even the sun in the sky is covered, and only a white afterglow can be seen. Cove knew that the fleet was very close to the coastline, because the sound of the waves hitting the side of the battleship was getting louder,


  "Commander, there was news from the reconnaissance ship that five miles ahead was the shoreline of Gangfei! Everything was normal!" The first officer Etek came over from the front with excitement.


"Order the ships to keep their distance and prepare to turn around and go north along the coastline!" Chekov was standing on the battleship's podium and raised the lookout in his hand. He wanted to take a look at the outline of the distant continent, but unfortunately only from the lens Seeing a piece of white in it, he put down the looking glass somewhat reluctantly. Suddenly, an urgent whistle passed sharply through the mist, and it appeared extraordinarily harsh in a calm space. At the beginning, it was a whistle, and then Two whistle, one whistle... in the end all the whistle became a piece, the sharp whistle seemed to pierce everyone's eardrum,


  "It seems to be a flanking dragon tooth ship!" Chekov's face changed,


"There is also the Seawolf Dragon-class battleship of Bix!" The first officer recognized the sound of the alarm. The two of them raised their heads and looked at the tall mast at the same time. There were two observation posts at the top of the mast, one holding The observation mirror closely observes the sea area where the alarm is being issued, while the other one is issuing the most urgent combat alert through gestures and whistle sounds. His gesture was vigorously slashed down, and then across his chest horizontally, the Qiyan soldiers repeated this action continuously, as if the scene in front of him was really shocking, and it could only be expressed through violent gestures.


"  " is a fleet, a large fleet that can't be counted!"


Chekov raised his face and murmured in disbelief. It felt like he had picked up a treasure inadvertently, but this baby made him feel a little blessed. He only had 14 Dragon Tooth battleships. Intimate contact with the three dragon-classes, and still in such a fog of blurred vision, with enough enemies to crush your enemies! It felt like a heart-throbbing dance with a dinosaur full of fangs


Reality, let him have no extra time to think about, three minutes later, a whole piece of fire suddenly flashed in the mist on the side of Rumble, that was the flame of the thunder **** volley of the sea dragon dragon class battleship, it seems that this The fog has made the encounter unimaginable. In the wind, there seems to be blood and broken pieces floating!


   "Can't control that much, raise the flag of the battle!"


Chekov shouted loudly, hesitating at this time, as if the sword was on the ground, it would only be penetrated by the other side. “Tell that the ships that have found the enemy can shoot freely, and close to the flagship while disrupting the enemy array. The warships found, open the gun compartments on the spot, and the line is ready for volley."


With the rise of the battle flag, the entire Chekov squadron, like the Big Mac on the sea, stretched the original loose queue, several Dragon Tooth battleships, centered on the Chekov flagship, lined up, , The side of the scale-like gun barrel decks are opened one by one, and the mighty momentum is like a dragon scale erected in anger~lightnovelpub.net~ In the era of sail warships, it will mean that all warships are counted Ten Thors can focus on the oncoming columns, which can improve the hit rate. Seriously kill the other party. However, in this one-horizontal position, the warship in the middle of the middle will also withstand the concentrated attack of the enemy fleet, and the danger is also multiplied. Only the bravest captain can stand still.


"Wow, the part of the Longya battleship that received the flag was retreating while shooting, the sea was like boiling, the whole row of firelight was like a volcanic eruption, especially the last wave of the sea wolf, every shot, It's like countless light spots flashing suddenly


   More and more enemies appeared in the most unlikely mist. Between the sea and the sky, the high and non-navy flags fluttering high, and then the dense masts, like the sword that pierced the mist. In less than ten minutes, a huge fleet appeared on the sea about one nautical mile ahead of Chekov,


Like a huge black monster, which attracted everyone's mind, that kind of powerful earthquake deterrent, even Chekhov, who had faced countless naval battles, could feel that his blood was burning. There was a tense tingling feeling on his face.


   "Salvo!" Chikov's commanding knife lifted down sharply, and the sea was boiling! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.) [This text is brought to the parallel imports by Qihang Update Group @洛水神子個@匹豆椒吧@TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽导师 Offer]