Whole Nation

~: One thousand six hundred and thirty-nine

Come on, work hard! We all started to fight for the glory of the kingdom of power

  The night in May was not cold, and the carriage was walking on the empty streets of the Normandy capital,


   "This is probably the most luxurious prison car!"


Angelio sat in a luxurious carriage decorated with the coat of arms of the Duke’s Palace of Essende, enjoying the highest level of glory that a minister of the Duchy could enjoy. He smiled bitterly. This was once the most prosperous street in Essende.


  The flow of people is like weaving


Even in the evening, this is the only place for nobles in the city to go to the banquet, but now, there is no trace of light on both sides of the place, only the sound of the lonely rudder of the carriage is touching the stones, the air is letting through Depressed and cold, several guard knights in the red cloak of the guards followed the car slowly, and the horseshoes stepped on the empty black street. The name seemed to be protection, but it was more like escort.


   "Why did Lord Angelo think so? Lord Duke sent his own carriage to pick up the Lord, which just proved the trust in the Lord!" The Duke's attendant sitting opposite him said calmly


   "Trust is added? Jokes, you know better than me, how simple is the Duke’s trust in me?"


Angelio looked back from the cold street next to him with a complex look, pretending to be loyal, and slowly said, "I have already seen it anyway. The people who dominate this country are not the Duke, but that Woman from Kyoto! No matter how the Duke treats me, I will have no complaints"


The Duke and Attendant sitting opposite was taken aback by this sentence. He looked at the guard knight outside in panic and realized that he didn't hear the conversation between the two. Then he was relieved and said, "Master Angelio , Pay attention to what you say! Although I’m inconvenient to explain, this time, Lord Duke really trusted Lord!'


"Really, that was an accident!" Angelio's face was silent and silent, and the carriage walked across the dark street in front, facing the towering Duke's mansion. The footsteps of the patrol passed the carriage and passed the carriage at the gate of the Duke's mansion Stop before


"Please, Lord Duke is still waiting for your Excellency." When the attendant pulled the carriage away, Angelio unexpectedly stepped down from the carriage, and it turned out to be the Duke's Palace. Shouldn't he be put in prison directly and then cruelly punished? ?


"Is it too much of my own heart?" Angelio walked up the steps of the Ducal Palace in confusion. The guards along the way were heavily guarded, and the light of the torch was reflected on the Mia marble column, which gave the entire column ditch a piece. scarlet. Approaching this majestic building, footsteps echoed in the wide corridor between the magnificent and magnificent column decorations


When the tongue crossed the steps, Angelio seemed to smell a kind of killing and **** smell, and his footsteps could not help but slow down. The original guards raided the Duke’s Palace, which was here, the Duke Guard and the Guards were fighting together, this white The marble steps are the main points of the battle between the two armies. At first, the Guards were hit by the elite guards of the Duke’s Palace. Hundreds of people were injured or injured and they could not break through the steps. The Duke's House Guard was disbanded, and then executed without a stay,


It was the woman who was as gorgeous as a heart and a viper ordered that all the family members of the guard be imprisoned in the cellar and starved to death, or they were thrown into the fire and all the families of the former Duke's most trust were cleaned, every time. At the Duke’s Palace, Angelio always felt very uncomfortable. There were too many people dying here, many of whom were familiar with their friends. They fought hard in blood and did not flinch. They proved their loyalty with their lives. But still Xunyan is still alive,


At the top of the steps, two rows of soldiers of the Guards stood upright holding torches. An elderly man in a dress with a little hunchback was waiting at the door. The shaking light of the torch shone on the dull, dull surface of the old man, according to his expressionless expression. face. The two lines of Guards soldiers next to them held a spear and a torch in one hand, and their faces were cold, seeing the arrival of Angelio, the old man waved his hand to the attendant who came with Angelio, said without expression


   "Admiral Duke is inside, Mrs. Angelio please come in"


  Angrio's face became more and more heavy. This old man named Tang De was an old servant brought by the new Duke from Kyoto. He was very loyal. In general, Tang De rarely appeared in such places as the Chamber.


  Time doesn't allow Angelio to think, the door slowly opens in front of Angelio, showing the brightly lit Ducal Palace hall with candles inside,


Angelio sorted out his collar, stopped his cranky thoughts, and walked along the magnificent red carpet into the meeting room. He noticed that the guards of the Duke’s Palace today are much less than usual. In the past, the entire hall will be standing The guard soldiers with sharp weapons are guarding, and then the duke is gloomy, but at this moment, the whole hall is empty, cold, gloomy, quiet, only his heavy footsteps echo,


   "creak ‘the door behind me is closed


  "Angrio, I thought you didn't dare to come! Didn't your master on the northwest coast send someone to pick you up?


In the meeting room, Duke Rock was drunk and his eyes were full of crazy and vicious blood, sitting on the Duke's bench inlaid with hundreds of gems, holding a red wine glass in his hand, it seemed that he drank a lot , He was the only one in the whole hall,


   The swaying firelight and shadowy buildings make this kind of feeling chilling. Although nearly three hundred large candles illuminate the whole hall brightly, the coldness comes from people's heart


  "How could it be, Lord Duke summoned, but my supreme honour!" Angelio looked at this scene, but instead let go of her heart, when she was not in luck, instead, she raised her inner courage,


He glanced at the side doors on both sides of the hall, knowing that behind the door, there should be a murderous guard, as long as Duke Locke coughed or hinted, these guards would rush in and cut themselves into slashes ,


   His hand held the hilt on his waist without hesitation,


"Aren't you afraid of death? As long as you beg for mercy, I may still let you continue to be the Minister of the Interior and make you rich for a lifetime!" Duke Rock, sitting on the seat, looked at his hand with the sword handle with interest, There was a flash of surprise in his eyes,


"Minister of the Interior? Joke, do you really think I would care about this dirty post?" Angelio let go of the sword handle, and he smiled calmly, looking at Duke Locke on the throne, and said slowly "You are already a puppet, do you also think that someone will rarely be a puppet?"


   "You!" Duke Roque's eyes almost bulged out, the wine glass in his hand cracked open, and the red wine mixed with blood flowing down from the gripped fingers


   "If you want to kill me, let's do it" Angelo Ang looked up and stared at Duke Locke's breath without fear.


   "Are you really afraid of dying?" This time Duke Locke stopped the wine glass in his hand, his surprised eyes began to become dignified, and he seemed to be even a little bit angry.


He still remembers that when Angelo brought his brother's head to meet himself, the look of flattering and shameless, he hated to add his own shoes, if someone told him that this guy would be a dying Warrior, his big teeth can laugh off,


  How can such a dog have the bones of a warrior!


   It was precisely this that I was sure that this guy brought back the brother’s head, but now it seems that he is wrong, and the error is very ridiculous,


This guy's acting is absolutely first-rate, abandoning self-esteem, but retaining the most terrible things, not only deceived himself, even the woman deceived the past, if it was not for him to feel that the Northwest Coast sent troops in private. It is very suspicious to send someone to investigate in secret, but I don’t know how long it will be hidden


  "Do you know how you were found?" Duke Locke calmed his anger and looked coldly at Angelio, who was determined to die.


"It should be Sidney. I know you took him this morning!" Angelio took a deep breath and said a little ugly. "I know your means. If you want, you can do it even if it is stone." Speak! I’m the mastermind in this matter! Sidney doesn’t know much about "


"It is indeed Sidney!" Duke Locke said slowly with a cold face from a new glass. "Unfortunately, he didn't say that he was stronger than I expected, even until I ordered him to peel off his face." , He also insisted that he swallowed his breath until an hour ago,


"Sidney!" Angelio clenched his fists, closed his eyes in pain, and flashed the young and energetic face of Sidney in his mind. Such a young man should have been the pillar of the Principality, but now it is withering away. Dark torture chamber,


"He is fighting for your time to escape. He is a warrior, but because of this, it proves that there must be a problem between you and him." Duke Locke breathed away the wine in his hand and blushed into the blood and said slowly. "He is A person with a proud heart and a sense of justice, if he does not admire someone in particular, will definitely not fight to endure the cruelest punishment, but also partial to a villain who has been scolded as an abusive subject outside, so I purposely summoned you alone, just to know if he was wrong or I was wrong!


   "It may be because he knows that death is too insignificant compared to a person who lives alone in betrayal of faith!" Angelio suddenly opened his eyes and looked across the pillars like electricity, his voice stopped, and suddenly said with a condensed voice


   "Faith?" Duke Locke's tone seemed disdainful


   "For the Principality, be prepared to dedicate all your faith!" Angelio said. "Duke Duke remember those guards who stayed to the last person in the Duke's Palace?"


   "They, of course I remember!" Duke Locke froze unexpectedly and said coldly, "If you don't talk about the position, they are all the best young people in Sende! Unfortunately, they are too ignorant of current affairs."


"Yeah, they are the best in Sunder, many of them are excellent officers in Sunder, and my friends! They are fighting hard because they are fulfilling their vows to the Principality. When the Principality needs them, they dedicate everything, including their lives, honours, and finally less than a hundred people, but stayed here for two days." Angelio's eyes flashed with the luster of memories, slowly said


"This is indeed the place where they last fought, but how did you know?" Duke Locke's face flashed with surprise, the wine glass shaking between his fingers stopped, and said, "If I remember correctly, regarding the attack on the Duke's palace, The Imperial Guard has already given the order to scrape!"


"It's easy, because I was there at the time." Angelio smiled bitterly. "I'm a servant of the Duke. How could I not be there? Because of their procrastination, I have the opportunity to take the young Duke hiding here. Escaped from the secret road, I told myself at the time that if there was a chance, I would come back and go back to the place where they last passed away to accompany them! That time I was a deserter, but this time, I will not be able to achieve Promise! Let them come in. I will fight here until the soul of the stone brick belly under the blood flows into the wind through the roar!"


   "It turns out that I should think that the head is also fake!"


The corner of Duke Locke’s mouth suddenly unexpectedly grumbled, revealing a bit of coldness, and said to himself, "To be honest, I have always hated the blood of the Northwest people flowing on my body, but at this moment, I felt for the first time, In fact, as a Northwesterner, it’s not as humble as I thought! There is also a lofty, humble, unforgettable, but my own heart!” Duke Locke’s eyes sighed complexly, and Angelio was confused. At that time, he stretched out his hands and slapped together,


   The sound of a crackling "pal" echoed in the empty chamber. The front door of the chamber was opened. There was no murderous guard, but only the prince Duke Tangde had some figures


   "Angelio, take a look, we are going to leave Essende!" Duke Locke stood up from his seat,


   "Leave..." Angelio stayed there completely. What happened, didn't he kill himself? how can that be?


"Just received the battle report, the Northwestern Union of Falconia Falcon defeated 180,000 squadrons in the Sona River in one fell swoop. I believe this news will soon make the entire northwestern boiling. It will open the door to the northwest coast unconditionally!" Duke Locke took a blue cloak from the old servant. "According to the order, all the guards will choose to evacuate tomorrow. We will do the same, go southwest! Then go to Gaul. In Kyoto, the number of people I can take is very limited. Only two places have been given to me, except for Old Tang, I decided to be you!"


   "Me? Why? With my northwest spy, you are not afraid?" Angelio looked stunned, completely unaware of what crazy Duke Locke was doing.


"I'm going to run away, and I will act as the duke of the persecuted northwest, and represent all northwest lords in Kyoto to accuse the atrocities of the Falcon Falcon on the northwest coast!" Duke Locke smiled bitterly, looking up at the luxury and beauty above his head. The tears shed unconsciously in the ceiling of the meeting hall and said, "It's ridiculous, isn't it? I am a puppet. I have to do what others say, but even puppets have their own thoughts and feelings. !


   "Thoughts and feelings?" Angelio asked in a dull tone, not knowing the so-called confusion


Duke Locke's eyes turned to him, flashing a cold light. "This is my hometown. When I returned to Essende, I realized that I prefer the mountains and trees here to the illusory prosperity of Kyoto. Here, I am the Duke, and in Kyoto, I don’t even have a watchdog’s identity! What Kyoto needs is a slave named Duke Locke, and they promised me to serve as the chief of the Northwest. To others, I used to think about revenge in the past, but unfortunately I don’t know what to do? I am a puppet in their hands, no soldiers and no rights, but I saw you, a puppet plus a spy, you don’t think this is the case Is the revenge group interesting?"


   "Are you afraid that I couldn't help but kill you halfway?" Angelio looked at Duke Roque inexplicably, gritting his teeth coldly and saying, "My friends and loved ones all died because of you!"


"It's up to you!" Duke Rock reached out and patted his shoulder heavily, with a cold smile. "When I stepped out of this country, I was already dead. I was alive, just for revenge. I want to let the Gauls Take a look, my Northwest is not just a dog like me who surrenders under their power, help me bring a sentence to Vickia Falcon, as long as I can defeat the Gauls, even if it is my life, I can Abandon at any time, I know, you must have a way to bring this sentence!" After this sentence, Duke Locke had stepped out of the door of the chamber, leaving Angelio standing in a daze.


   "What is this all about!" Five minutes later, Angelio recovered, and smiled with a wry smile,


He could not tell the true and false of Duke Locke. After returning, he sent his servants to flee among the refugees who fled in the night~lightnovelpub.net~ Passed the approximate situation to the Falcon Army outside the city, responsible for the siege of the capital of Sond Hu Keqili did not dare to delay, and soon reported this information to the fat man,


The next day, the sky became clear, and the 5,000 Imperial Guards began to evacuate from the city with more than 10,000 Sunders in their arms. Because there was no order from the fat man to intercept, the Wan Falcon cavalry could only stay in the refugees. The Imperial Guards moved to the south. Hu Cochli sent 10,000 cavalry to follow. As long as he received the order, he launched a full-scale attack, but the time slowly passed. The order of His Majesty Falcon’s attack has not been issued. Two days later, these prohibitions The guards crossed the border to the southwest,


   Standing on the top of the **** of the border mountain, Angelio riding on his horse looked back and stared at his hometown for a long time,


Orders from Vickia Falcon have been sent to him. No matter whether Duke Locke is real or not, Angelio can go to Gaul Kyoto with him. This is a great opportunity to break into Gaul Kyoto. Vikya Falcon has sent People go to Kyoto to help themselves,


   there, he will become an eye into the Gaul heart,


   Of course, before that, I still had a small task, that is to tell the woman that the Southwest Army provided inferior military food!


The districts of Unsund, who got the news of the Duke’s escape, soon chose to attach to the northwest coast. Thousands of miles of unsund land were all plugged into the Falcon banner on the northwest coast in less than five days (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Group@`豆豆椒吧小说] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )