Whole Nation

~: One thousand three hundred and seventy-f

Ari Naze (Dongting language: bright)


   The sky was gloomy, as if it was going to rain. The air on the grassland border was sultry and humid, as if it could grab a hand and wring out the water. This is a sign of heavy rain,


At the edge of the land outside the city, black is flowing over the land, and the tide of people and horses is flowing over the high **** of Arina, which is less than one thousand meters in front. Then it stops slowly. In front of the black pressure of the cavalry tide, it is the Western Army. The queue of light infantry infantry was lined up one after another, closely and orderly. Thousands of leather boots pressed neatly across the ground, stepping on the ground very flat,


  Military Army, no slogan, no sound, except for the sounds of footsteps, there are no other sounds, only countless Western military flags made a grunt in the wind,


The black western army array covered the sky like a black cloud, with a strong murderous spirit and a stern air. Five thousand light infantrymen holding grassland round shields were at the forefront, and in the middle was the ten thousand Dongting heavy armor and the armor used to suppress the city walls. Ten thousand Dongting shooters, the black wings with their wings spread out are ten thousand black cavalry,


This is the siege queue commonly used by Dongting people. They use light infantry to approach the city wall, and then use archers to suppress. Light infantry look for opportunities to break through the city gate. As long as the city gate is broken, the two-wing Dongting cavalry will flood like a flood Flooded in and occupied the entire city,


   With the emergence of the Western Army,


   Dong! Boom! Boom! "In the distance, Arina selected the city walls and there was a burst of tight drums. There were crowds of people on the city's head, countless archers stood full of the protruding positions of the city walls, and the cold and murderous sky seemed even darker.


The mountain was raining and the wind filled the building. Suddenly, there was a wind between the two armies. The strong wind rolled all the dead branches and leaves on the sky into the sky, and then threw it down fiercely, covering the world. In the desolation of the ground, the flag of Rui Tang Tina and the flying flag of the Western Army were also hunted by the strong wind, as if they were about to blow the drum of war,


"How is this going?"


On the city walls, Rui Tangting’s men were whispering and talking. No one knew why the Western Army had suddenly been killed. This was the war between the Dongting people and the Dongting people, and they knew each other from the beginning. Very tacit understanding to keep this distance


   "These **** from the Western Army are really here!"


Rui Tangting looked at this scene on the city wall, and Xiaofan punched angrily on the battlement. The strong wind brought a cool breath to the earth. Although the wind blowing on the cheeks of the person is basically sultry, it can be taken after all Take more heat.


However, no one feels that his heart has begun to calm down. On the contrary, many people feel more arrogant and uneasy in their hearts. They all feel that the weather today is abnormal and seems to be suffocating, and the sudden wind came suddenly. , But with an extremely bad omen.


This city, which was only built in winter, is located on the side of the rushing waterway of the Arina River. For Dongting people who are used to the grassland life, the city is undoubtedly majestic, with more than five miles of walls and filling The moat of the river,


The four bridges form an accessible avenue at the main entrance. From the outer two acropolises to the main city inside, it is like a huge character, and it is located at the corner of the city road, which is conducive to shooting by thousands of archers. The battlement hole is indestructible in defense, even if it has more than twice the strength, there is room for persistence. If there is enough food, it is more than enough to stick to more than one year.


   But Rui Tangting knew that all of this was based on concentric defense. If something goes wrong, it is likely to cause a situation of collapse across the board, and this is where her biggest difficulty lies.


The human heart is separated from the belly, and when it comes to playing tricks, he is too far away from the two old sliders of the East and West Armies. The other party can easily insert the inside line, which is enough to explain how he adopted the strategy of blind acceptance. Dangerous thing, the opponent only needs a small means to easily bury all his efforts!


  The letter from the fat man has been received. Apart from being shocked and horrified,


   Rui Tang Tina feels more like sitting on a crater. If Patriarch Dawue is the inside of the Western Army, what about the Eastern Army? From the incidents of the Ariko tribe, both sides remained silent. From this, it can be seen that the Eastern Army must have ambush on its own side, but who will it be? Ariston? Balke? Angus? . . . . . . "


Rui Tangtingna feels like she is going crazy these days. It turns out that it is such a tiring thing to play alone. Not counting others, does not mean not being counted by others, and does not know how the stupid fat man survived. The mainland dominates this Behind the name, it represents what a terrible thing


   "What about Daoue Pisa?" Rui Tangting stopped at the defensive tower of the city gate. She seemed to think of something. She suddenly turned her head to look at it and asked the tribal leaders who were behind her.


  "I saw him just now, probably went to mobilize the troops!" A patriarch looked around and answered unexpectedly


  "Find him and bring him over!" Rui Tangting said with a bluish cold face. At this moment, Patriarch Dawue suddenly disappeared, giving her an ominous feeling,


   "His Royal Highness, you have something to do with me?" After a while, Dawu Pisa with a somewhat unnatural face appeared in front of Rui Tangtingna


   "It's nothing, sit down first!" Rui Tangting made a gesture to invite him to sit, waved to several other group chiefs, and everyone exited the door


   "Now?" Daoue Pizza's face changed, and he looked at him wanderingly~lightnovelpub.net~ seemed to worry about something,


   The drums rumbling over the city’s head, and the armor of the soldiers coming back and forth made a loud noise, constantly drifting past the door. Everything was showing that the western army’s attack outside was imminent. As the main attack direction, the gate position was too dangerous to stay


"Is there a problem? Or do you have anything to say?" Rui Tangting's cold eyes shot like a sword. "I came to you because there is one of the most important things to be entrusted to you. The city gate is the most important thing to defend the city. Where I need someone I can trust, and I decide that you are responsible!"


"I? This... is not appropriate! The gate is related to the center of gravity of this line of defense. It has always been the responsibility of His Royal Highness' guards. The tribes under him have limited combat power, and I am afraid that they can't afford it." , His face became a little bit pale,


  " Rest assured, I will send a war team to assist you, those who have the courage to retreat, kill" Rui Tang Tina sneered with a somewhat arrogant mouth


"No, I think His Royal Highness is misunderstood. I mean I can't hold it..." Daoue Pisa reached out again and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Off


"Is it impossible to hold it, or I am afraid that when the city gate is opened, the Western cavalry who rushed in from the opposite side will be killed regardless of our enemies!" Rui Tangting's face leaned forward, with her body leaning forward, like a head exposed The female leopard with fangs (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @偶氏尊尊] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation . ) Bring @轩潇弄影