Whole Nation

~: One thousand two hundred and twenty-seve

"Asshole, these guys don't know how to save some time!" Standing on the bridge of the Dragon Fleet flagship of the squadron, watching a flame burst from the flanking **** dragon fangs, Fleet Commander Effinger Tie Qing, who was so angry with his face, wished to pull all the captains of the prodigal straight down for a fight. The captains had been holding back for too long. When was the falcon navy in the waters of the sea being chased like this,

After receiving the command from the flagship counterattack, the captains immediately issued an order to strike at full strength. The sea was suddenly booming and the smoke was filled. The two assault ships wandering around were like being smashed by a sudden rainstorm. The leaves, because the distance is too close, were hit by several thunder bombs on the side deck at the same time, rumbling! The fire was splattering, and the broken wood mixed with unknown debris was dropped by the explosion, making a crackling sound, as if countless cooked dumplings were violently undulating on the sea,

"Damn, what's the situation"

The captain Gates of No. 13 Dragon Fang shook his body, and the cold water hit his face. The battleship had just finished. The entire hull had not been fully adjusted. The huge recoil force made the hull violently The other side was tilted, and the situation of the medium-sized assault ship could be seen from his position.

Unexpectedly, this assault ship that should have been torn apart in the explosion, the entire hull swayed in a huge explosion impact, making a squeaky sound, as if it would break at any time, and the debris on the deck was also one after another Rolled into the sea,

But this assault ship did not disintegrate 1

Gates stared at jb staring dumbly at dpsnn. This assault sn is equipped with a whole piece of thick mnummmr@ ●val¨°, a piece of thick thick wooden baffle that resists most of the thunder bombs. Explosive power, although the hull was hit **** the side, this assault ship came in a sharp turn with no worries,

‘Order the sheller to kill it! "Gatesa yelled, and suddenly he heard a heavy voice from the mate next to him, "Turn left! "

"Slap" the hull had just been skewed to the right. A giant stone projectile was sent from the direction of the darkness, and he whistled past the sea outside the ship's side, and the stone projectile crashed into the sea water and aroused A wave of more than a dozen meters, a huge water column rising up to the sky, even the main mast of the smaller fangya ship tilted more than fifteen degrees, looking at the unusual water column that was large, Gatessa’s face It has changed, and the terrible and terrible figure of the other giant battleship flashed in my mind,

"Attention, it is the enemy's main ship group!"

In the direction of the left wing of No. 13 Dragon Tooth, the unique bellow-like scream of No. 11 Dragon Tooth Captain Billing,

Gatessa looked up and saw a group of dark shadows coming from the side of No. 11 Dragon Fang with a strong momentum. The huge black shadow was even squeezed by the sea breeze, blowing Gatessa hair back Scattered, the opponent's main ship group attack opportunity is very out of control,

In order to drive off the enemy's assault ships, the side of the Dragon-class flagship is exposed to the blows of the enemy's main fleet. If placed no matter what, the 11th burial ship that is caught between the two will not only be squeezed into fragments by the opposing fleet. · Even the flagship of Lord Sieffinger will be cut off

"Turn left immediately and protect the flagship flank ‘

Gates gave a decisive order, the other party’s commander was too cunning, and gave a gesture of giving up the pursuit, but secretly sent an extremely fast assault ship to block the exit of the reef area, although these smaller nmn bins ppmm@●▲● The fleet that was sneaking in the dark, just like him, the other two dragon-tooth ships on the right wing were quickly transferred,

"Pappa" The sea is boiling...

As the distance approached, the shrapnel from the opposing ship's fleet dropped more and more frequently. The four Longya warships transferred from the flanks were not weak. Countless white smoke followed the warship's steering, and a lot of firelight , Sprayed out from the side of the bunker bunker and also smashed the front end of the enemy ship group with dense shells,


The fierce fire light shone everyone's retina. Under the heavy rain, a tall giant warship that hit the front of the ship group was hit by fire. The hull shattered and the red flames burned from the inside of the cabin. ,

Its hull is very large, although the front ship caught fire, but for this tonnage super large warship, it is still affordable to damage this point, but its decelerating action made the second round of a dozen All the shells were hit, and a continuous and violent explosion came from the huge ship, and the fire rolled like a red fire snake on the sea,

"Pappa, in the scorching sea breeze, the giant battleship with the logo of the mermaid princess bow first sunk into the choppy sea, and then the tall five-stern stern was raised high, and the flames were on the ship. When the body spread, and the tail rose to a faster vertical, the hull suddenly burst from the middle, the tall stern broke down hard, built countless splashes, and then deeply inserted into the sea,

"It's Princess Agilent!" On the flagship of the Imperial Navy, Melendi looked at the one-tonn sn@xsrn skeleton rrrn-﹠npl on the ship’s fleet ■n-mnppmppmm@rs val ●-

Like everyone else, he did not expect this tonnage to reach 170 tons. It was named after Her Majesty the Emperor's most beloved Princess Agilent. The first ship that won many wars, he did not withstand the fierce attack of the other party.

There are soaring water columns everywhere, and several large battleships in the forefront of the fleet are beginning to show a scarred appearance Sailors diving

"Attack!" As the distance got closer and closer, the catapult of the imperial navy warship sent out a roar that shook the sea, and the round **** with flames were like the rising stars in the night sky, even letting the flagship boss Ivan Grid had a illusion that the starlight shining on the sea,

"Pap Pap"

The fireball fell, and the huge hull of the Dragon-class battleship was smashed to the side. The hull shook and exploded a group of fire. Fortunately, the fireball sent by the other party was not as good as the fuel bomb used by the Falcons, although the dragon was ignited. Side battleship’s side deck, but was quickly extinguished by the turbulent waves

Compared with the escorted dragon teeth ships, these falling fireballs are much more powerful. The 13 and 11 dragon teeth ships are the key targets to be attacked.

The fireball hit the deck of the Dragon Tooth like a rainstorm, the flame swept the sails of the battleship, and the deck was lit with flames everywhere. The sailors carried the buckets to extinguish the fire, and there was chaos everywhere.
