Whole Nation

~: Six hundred and ninety-one return home (

i91 return home five

Baozi sincerely thanks: i voted 1 monthly ticket;

Crimson Erdo received the news that the main force had disappeared abnormally, it was already the afternoon of the day,

Still the news brought back by the **** team that went to transport food. This time, the transport team returned the full amount of food for the first time.

Because in order to speed up the escape, the entire logistics department only brought less than one thousand kilograms of food to supply His Majesty Agrolk, and all other food was abandoned in the original warehouse.

"What? You said that your majesty and the hundreds of thousands of troops are completely gone?" Crimson Jordo, who was awakened by his subordinates, was frightened and funny. "So our hundreds of thousands of troops have evaporated in broad daylight!"

The transport team leader Zhiwu Wu said, "To be honest, it does not count as evaporation... The subordinate suspected that it was withdrawn, because in addition to the supplies and food on the ground. All show that it should retreat in a certain direction...

"Retreat? The retreat of hundreds of thousands of people, did not even say hello?" Crimson Erdo hurriedly put on the armor, got out of the tent, and asked, "Don't guess here, Ma sent a scout to make the situation clear. Say!"

Crimson Eldor’s camp was on a high ground, but it was covered by the village wood in front of the tent, so it was impossible to see the entire battlefield, but the volume of a rumbling sound came like a storm.

Reminiscent of the transport captain’s report, Crimson Jordo’s face changed, he could distinguish the ticking horseshoe, the horse hiss, and the soldier’s shouting, and he listened with his ears, feeling that the sound from the right wing was even more Loud, he quickly sent the attendants "You all come with me to see what happens"

"Yes, Master" the attendants all led their orders away. Crimson Er hurried across his own horse to a higher slope. The attendants behind him hurriedly chased away on the horse.

As soon as he jumped over the earth slope, the sight of the eyes suddenly gave Crimson a deep breath,

"What's the matter?" Crimson Erdo asked, confused, and saw that a group of Nord troops with a population of about 10,000 people was about several times more than their distance from their camp. The falcon army is oppressed, and retreating arduously in the direction of their own

"It seems to be Powell's Fifth Banner Regiment." Crimson Eldor's eyebrows could not help but clenched together. The Fifth Banner Regiment, like himself, was far away from the base camp. It seemed to be like himself. But after all, ten miles away, standing on a high place to see the entire battlefield, there is a feeling in the clouds. The soldiers who were running, fighting, bleeding, and moaning looked from a distance, leaving only some jumping black spots.

Despite the chaos, the good fighting qualities of Nord soldiers played a role at this time. Three or five soldiers spontaneously gathered together to form one small group after another. Hundreds of thousands of small groups formed the team’s defense line. And dozens of teams are lined up one after another, and the front is like a snake.

At a glance, Crimson Jordo immediately noticed the problem inside, the defense was too open, and the front was too thin.

This linear array can easily achieve breakthroughs in a certain area. If there is not even one regiment reserve team, the collapse of the whole army is basically announced. Powell of the Fifth Banner Regiment is a battle-field general. You should not know this reason, then the reason for this array There is only one left. The enemies on the opposite side also have the same array, and the forces are in Powell, so the forced Powell has to arrange the same array to resist the danger that the enemy will encircle from the wings with most forces!

There was a rush of horseshoes behind him, and Crimson Jordo turned around and saw the captain of the scout riding on the war horse galloping towards him.

The "General" scout captain stopped his horse in front of Crimson Eldor. In the horseback, Chong Erduo hurriedly saluted, and reported that "is the fifth banner group of Lord Powell. Their three directions add up to about 40,000 falcon troops. They are struggling to move closer to us! If not If you rescue immediately, I don’t think they can reach us!"

"40,000 Falcon Army! Are you sure you read it right!" Crimson Jordo was frightened by the number in the captain's mouth

"Yes, 40,000, this is still a conservative estimate, because I found that there are still a large number of cavalry hiding in the nearby woods, did not participate in the attack, should not be willing to expose in advance!"

"Cavalry..." Crimson Aldo's face changed again, yes, he had figured out what was going on. The goal of this large falcon army was not Powell's Fifth Banner Regiment. , But myself, but the Fifth Banner Corps appeared inadvertently, blocking himself a knife from behind this,

40,000 people, as well as a large number of cavalry, a violent blow from behind, enough to send his army to hell!

"Where did the majesty and the main force of the army go?" Crimson Jordo frowned, and the reported captain looked ugly. "General, can you give the Fifth Banner Corps two more regiments...I'm afraid they can't stand it. ""

Looking at Crimson Aldo's hesitant complexion, he quickly changed his mouth and said, "A flag group! As long as adults are willing to send a flag group to respond, I believe the Fifth Flag Group will break through from it!"

Crimson Erdo's face was silent for a while, and the falcon-like sharp eyes looked again at the battlefield fighting in the distance. Straightforwardly saying, "I can't send reinforcements!"

"General, once the Fifth Banner Regiment is breached, we have to face the dilemma of two sides! This is not the time to save your strength with stinginess!" The captain scouted anxiously.

Crimson Eldor shook his head and said affirmatively, "The Fifth Banner Regiment will not be in danger of being annihilated for the time being. If the Falcon Army really did that, they would have been annihilated long ago. You just said that there were a large number of cavalry lurking in In the woods? That is to say, they are approaching here through the woods!"

"Should be," the captain of the scout froze,

"Does the forest you refer to refer to those areas?" Crimson Eldor pointed to a large green forest one mile away.

"This, it should be almost the same!" The scout captain said uncertainly

"If I send reinforcements. What do you think there will be waiting for us?" Crimson Erdo's words were full of Xiao Xiao's breath.

"Adult means that the enemy's cavalry will ambush us in the middle?" The captain of the scout was relieved, and his eyes were puzzled, because the distance of the jungle was too dense, and even with his good eyesight, he could only see one piece. The vast greenery, the outline of the forest appears like clouds and fog.

"Look at what that is?" Crimson Eldor raised his finger seriously, following the direction of his hand, scouting the captain. Shocked, rubbing his eyes, shouting "What is that?"

At the edge of the forest, there are some small spots. The color of these dots is not consistent with the color of the forest, it seems to be moving. Scout captain looked carefully, yes, that is indeed some small points in the activity.

"Is that a tree? Or...?"

"It's the cavalry waiting for my reinforcements!" Crimson Eldor sighed. "Although I don't know what the situation is, but one thing is for sure, that is, we are completely surrounded. Me and the 5th Banner Regiment are taking a step forward. Step into the trap of the Falcon Army!"

"General. I'm sending scouts in that direction. I hope not, but if it's really what we imagine... we must prepare early." The captain of the scout turned and screamed.

Crimson Eldor nodded and said, "I will defend here, I hope I made a wrong judgment, otherwise, it will really be a disaster."

The Falcon Army's attack on the Fifth Banner Regiment came to a halt at about 3 pm, and the attacking Falcon soldiers receded like a tide, allowing the remnants of the Fifth Regiment to move closer to Crimson Eldor.

The captain of the scout, who was going to investigate, rolled down the saddle, took off his head plate, covered in blood and panic, and ran forward stumbled, but was tripped by the stone of the ground, and fell to the ground in an embarrassment.

The vigilant soldiers nearby smirked. But soon, they could not laugh, and the scout captain raised his head, tearing the air with a screaming voice that screamed, "Master! Army! The army of the Falcon dynasty is coming! I saw Wikya!" King of Falcon"

Crimson Eldor stood up, his face green. On the west horizon, the first line of bright flashing light appeared, and the black jumping dots merged into a line, advancing intensively.

On March 18th, at three o'clock in the afternoon, an army led by the fat man appeared on the battlefield.

Sixty thousand falcon cavalry emerged from the forest and jungle and advanced with a strict combat lineup. Walking ahead are eleven light cavalry squadrons, which are the essence of the Kujit Rangers. Most of them are the most powerful and experienced veterans of the Kujit. The cavalry walk in a dense queue Advance, the look is solemn, the body shakes rhythmically as the horse advances.

The cavalry formation was followed by an infantry regiment of 20,000 people. The black-pressed infantry queue could not be seen at the end like a forest, and the back team was still pouring out. The black armor seems to be able to swallow the luster of the sun, and the numerous flying flags are like the ocean, turning the wind and waves

Heralds quickly drove between the teams, and a red cloak flew behind them, just like the tail of a meteor that quickly passed the sky, and the loud command sounded through the array.

"Squeeze your feet and keep the queue!"

"Keep speed!"

"Former team...slow down...!"

"Hoo" a huge falcon war flag with gold thread was revealed from the middle of the queue~lightnovelpub.net~ Crimson Erdo took a deep breath, the legendary falcon war flag!

"It is the battle flag of Vickia Falcon!" The arrival of this special meaning of the flag brought the greatest shock to the entire battlefield, and even no less than an earthquake of magnitude eight. Sweating beads, looking at the army pouring out of the horizon, looking at the shining array of swords, guns and swords in the mountain, the falcon war flag flying in the air, a heavy and terrible premonition overwhelmed the Nord soldiers Breathless.

For ten minutes, Crimson Jordo couldn't say a word, and the generals gathered next to him shut their mouths tightly.

The command tent shrouded in a depressed, heavy silence.

"Your Majesty is over? Where are our hundreds of thousands of troops?"

This is an unexplained sentence in everyone’s mind,

If this is not the case, how could the main force led by Vickia Falcon appear at this moment in the direction where it should be its own base camp?