Whole Nation

~: Six hundred and ninety-three close the d

693 close the door and beat the dog

"Don't mess with everyone, this must be a Wikia trick"

Faced with the panic of the soldiers, Thousand Riders Boguer can only send a law enforcement team consisting of only a hundred black armored bows to suppress the pessimistic disappointment that has emerged everywhere

"We are the warriors of the East Court and our king will never fail. Don't listen to the nonsense of those rumors."

The law enforcement team rode on the battle horses in full body armor and yelled back and forth along the wide city road. After continuously arresting dozens of so-called confusing military minds who shouted and screamed, the ordinary soldiers in the East Court finally calmed down.

"Fight, take your bow and machete and fight like a Dongting man"

Despite being dubious, Dongting Archers quickly formed several rows of shooting queues in the cheers of the captains.

"Brush" Five thousand compound bows are raised in a row at a 45-degree angle. As soon as the Vickias enter the range, they will give the Vickias a head-on attack

"It seems that the commander of the other party is very personal, but it is a pity." The corner of the fat man's mouth riding on the horse slightly twitched, and it was entirely his temporary intention to hit the Khan Wanggu.

According to Hu Keqili's description that night, the fat man's ten-faced drums, which cherish the beast's leather, are definitely of great significance to the Dongting people.

The soldiers who wanted to surrender without fighting were the best, but I did not expect that the commander of the other party was so excellent in resilience. Even in the face of an army that was several times larger than his own, the army was still able to display a posture of swearing to die


The fat man inlaid with a gold-colored long whip gently tapped on the horseback, and his face coldly ordered Hu Keqili next to him,

"Boom Boom Boom"

As the drums under the city became louder and louder, more than ten siege vehicles resembling giants slowly revealed their fierce faces from the mist. The heavy wooden rollers pressed against the soft muddy ground and dragged out deep traces

"This is the catapult I built..."

The eyes of Dongting Qianqi Chang Boguo's eyes widened immediately, and he watched bulgingly. He took a sigh of relief and he was responsible for logistics. The siege cars in front of him gave him a feeling of wanting to hit the wall. These attacks The city car was built by him. In order to strengthen it, he also specifically ordered people to build it with hard wood that can resist fire oil.

This kind of wood has a luster of ferrous metal when seen from a distance, and the dozen or so trebuchets in front of him are like this, so that the last lucky hope in Bogu's heart is also extinguished.

"It seems that there is only a dead fight"

Boguer gritted his teeth firmly and shouted to the heralding soldiers behind him, "Quick, order the catapult towers on both sides to smash these with a catapult"

This siege car is about 30 meters high, covered with fire-proof cooked animal skin, the veneer is placed down, and the height of the Ye Ruige city wall is just right, as calculated, you can easily build a wide width between the siege car and the city wall The passage of about 4 meters, a huge baffle, is enough for a squadron of heavy infantry to hide behind and climb up the building in order

According to this amount of calculation, once the siege car is approaching, tens of thousands of Vecchia troops will swarm up, and Ye Ruige with only 5,000 troops is the fate of being slaughtered at all.

"Huhu" Dongting people's catapults were quickly shot out of the tower. The projectiles found temporarily were very irregular. Some were intercepted by the demolished house pillars, plus unskilled and overly tense relationship,

Most of the slingshots flew out with a roaring momentum, and then, like the drunken blind man, completely deviated from the intended shooting line, and slammed on the flat ground more than ten meters away from the slingshot.

The farthest one even deviated from the target by about 30 meters, smashing on a pile of rubble that exposed the ground, and the mud splashed under a violent impact sounded like a row of bowling balls, spilling heavily on another The huge shelf of a siege car

"It's such a poor performance. The Kugits are the kings of field battles, but this siege warfare looks a bit..." The fat man smiled lightly.

At this time, a guard cavalry came from behind and knelt down on one knee in front of the fat man. He looked up respectfully and reported, "Your Majesty, the new type of thunder bomb experimental unit has reached the position. Please show your majesty."

"The order, the infantry stopped advancing." The fat man turned his head solemnly and ordered. With a trombone sound, the falcon infantry advancing like a block stopped its pace, and the spear like a forest brought a suffocating depression.

"What's going on?

The Dongting shooter who was about to shoot on the city wall was puzzled. Just a few minutes later, the Wikiyas under the city could enter the range, and now they stopped suddenly, leaving these Dongting shooters who had already opened their bows at a loss.

"Wikia are doing tricks?" There was some uproar in the east court shooter on the city wall

On the hillside opposite them, the fat man also just lifted the whip in his hand. Pointing to the Dongting Catapult Tower, which is throwing stone bombs at the head of the city, and said, "Tell Hutu Emma, ​​this is the first strong city in the mainland. Such good experimental materials, don’t disappoint me."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the guard cavalry nodded and left,

In the distance, there was a dead silence on the tower, and all the Dongting people looked at the strange scene in dumbfounded sight,

Countless round small red light spots, like the fiery red sun rising slowly from the hills on both sides ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ with the roar of death over the head,

Slammed heavily on the sturdy tower, a loud thunderous sound came, and countless red light spots were like squeezed snowballs,

"Ah," a shouting cry came from the mouth of the Dongting archer, who was lit by the flames.

The burning fireballs shattered and collapsed in the violent impact of the walls near them, and the splashed flames stained them, and the flames quickly burned from the places they were contaminated, setting people into fireballs.

"Get down, everyone down" shouted a stern expression from a captain of the East Court. Although he did not encounter it, the most basic instinct told him that it was safe to lie down or hide behind the battlements

"Touch" the violent shock fire like a squeezed watermelon exploded under his feet,

He and several Dongting shooters hiding behind the battlement mouth were lifted up like a toy in the hands of naughty children, and then again


693 close the door and beat the dog

693 close the door and beat the dog