Whole Nation

~: Three Hundred and Nineteen Four North Bl

"Your Majesty, Lu Jiajun raided the Luzhou headquarters last night, and the 15,000 garrison troops in Luzhou were caught off guard by accident, with more than 3,000 casualties. Yan Hua, a general stationed in the Luzhou headquarters, was seriously injured and ordered to withdraw from Luzhou. The battalion was ambushed by the Lu family on the way and suffered heavy casualties. In the end, only 6,000 people ran out. The Chinese government has declared the Lu family to be a rebel and mobilized 100,000 troops to fight the Lu family. Came in, glanced at the emperor who was flipping through a document, and placed a report she had just received on the emperor's desk. She did not know that the emperor had seen the Lu family head, and she did not know how big the empire gave the Lu family. stand by

During the battle of Lu Jiang, the Lu family went to 40,000 from 60,000, and the remaining 20,000 wounded soldiers had 7 or 8 thousand. The real force that can be mobilized is more than 10,000, and the morale has fallen to the extreme. Chaotang was deliberately embarrassed. All the circumstances indicated that it would be impossible for the Lus to recover from their original full strength without ten years, and the Chaos would never give the Lus At this time, this is the reason why Zhongbia Chaotang finally resolved to renovate the local family. It recaptured the Luzhou headquarters overnight and hit the Chaotang defending army like a knife. It was like a knife, full of confidence. Confidant

The situation of the local family that had been suppressed was overturned overnight! The Lu family suffered such a sudden outbreak of combat power, not to mention Li Yuehua, that is, the Central Church of China would not have imagined it. Of course, I was afraid that the Central Church of China would be even more unexpected, and it was happening.

The fat man took the intelligence calmly and just glanced at it. His eyebrows were raised. It was a bit interesting. This time Lu Xiaofeng purchased 40,000 light infantry weapons from the empire, and the force used to raid Luzhou should be the same. It is between 30,000, that is to say, Lu Xiaofeng still hides 10,000 people. It seems that the generals of the Lu family for decades have not been called in vain. The force at the bottom of the 10,000 pressure box does not need to be known and must be prepared. When the Chaotang Army was under pressure, the Chaotang Army was pleasantly surprised. The Lu family had been working painstakingly in Luzhou for decades. When it comes to understanding the topography of Luzhou, the Lu family said that second, absolutely no one dared to say first, so powerful The advantage of the home field was suddenly in a critical position. More than 10,000 ambushes were enough to affect the entire battlefield pattern.

Li Yuehua saw the Emperor's calm look in his eyes, an idea unnaturally flashed in his mind, and his lips twitched a little. This fact of the Lu family is too evil. Looking at Biya, let's say who can let The Lu family, who was hit hard, recovered to such a degree in one night, I am afraid that there is only this man in front of me! If the emperor's majesty did it, then the Lu family's raid on the Lu family camp would never be a sudden incident. According to the power of the emperor's layout, the chess piece of the Lu family can never be put on the ground. The emperor wants to doing what? Support the Lu family's independence? Or is there a bigger game?

"Where has the Aden Army reached?" The fat man tapped his fingers on the table lightly, his eyes flashing.

"I've arrived in Lichuan, less than two hundred miles from Huizhou." Li Yuehua's face changed. She felt something in the emperor's tone, which was the subtle feeling of the hunter before waiting for the prey to step into the trap.

"Come here, bring the map." The fat man shouted to the guard outside the door. Soon, a guard brought the map in and spread it on the emperor's desk. The fat man's sharp eyes quickly found the location of Lichuan.

As a Central Biya, Li Yuehua explained to the side: "As the largest lake-dense area in the southern province of Central Biya, Lichuan has a landscape with beautiful waterways and beautiful landscapes. It also has the largest water transport terminal in the south, which has always been bustling. Because of this, many local families are concentrated in Icheon. In the history of Central Africa, Icheon Gate Valves have always been quite solid local forces, whether in the military or in the court, they have considerable influence. However, this time under the brutal sweep of the Adenites, the Icheon Gate Valves suffered heavy losses, and the Zhongbian Chaotang also exerted pressure on the Icheon Gate Valves at this moment. , Yu Fenglong immediately ordered the three to be detained"

The fat man’s gaze withdrew from the map. Lichuan was just south of the middle of the map. Two huge rivers traversed from the middle. The countless tributaries that spread from these two big rivers covered the surrounding area like a spider’s web. The area must be a marsh wetland. After passing through Lichuan, Huizhou, which is a hundred miles away in front, is a great plain of Pingchuan. It seems that the Adenites are not fools. Knowing that once they pass the topography of Lichuan and enter the Great Plains, they are Eighty thousand imperial iron riders can kill prey at any time, and in order to urge the Aden army to advance north, the Central Biya Chaotang did not hesitate to sell this Lichuan gate valve.

"Move the army of Dijing West Road into Huizhou. If I guess right, it should be in these few days. The Aden Army will take action." The fat man straightened his body and his eyes flashed to Li Yuehua. The minister who detained the Icheon gatekeeper went to jail. This is to make it clear that no matter how the Adenites behave in Icheon, the Central Asian court will not care. Speaking of it, I admire the commander who took over from the Aden army. Seeing the subtle position of the Icheon barrier, how powerful the Imperial cavalry is, in the face of Icheon, a marsh wetland spreading for dozens of miles, it is unlikely to take the initiative to attack the Aden Army. Even if you want to fight, you have to wait for the Aden Army to pass the Icheon and enter the big Plain is that, although it is speculated that the Aden army’s northward advance will eventually become a scam, but in the face of the approaching 200,000 Aden army, it cannot always be dealt with by speculation. This kind of war is only at the last moment. Know if you guessed right

"Yes!" Li Yuehua stunned, and immediately reacted. The Lu family was afraid that it was really done by His Majesty, and this hand of the Majesty was really effective for the shrinking turtle in the Central Church of China. ? WwW.suimeng.lā The Lu family rebellion is like slapping a slap in the face of all the Central Asian families in the face of all the Central Asian families. The prestige of the Chaotang, which was finally established, was lost, that is, the families in various places would no longer obey the orders of the Central Chaotang, and the tax losses of the various provinces in the south. To the extent that once the 100,000 Chinese Afghan army left Chaotang Xinjing, before the Adenites was a **** without defense, the Adenites would definitely move, and as the emperor said, just In the past few days!

In the afternoon, the fat man took his guards to Huizhou. The August sun was no longer hot. The surging wind and the golden woodland on the side of the road predicted the future of the cold winter. Villages are everywhere, and the traces left by the impact of refugees can still be seen. They have grown into wormwood as high as human legs, the color of white bones is clearly visible, and a large and large barren

No one can see it when you see it. There is a hundred miles of land, and the total population is not even 50,000. Before the refugees, this is one of the most densely populated areas in the south. There are thousands of acres sprinkled by the river with large rivers. Liangtian, which is located between the main roads of north-south traffic, is now only the almost yellow wild grass that covers almost everything, just like the depressed southern region of Centralbia. No matter how good the geographical foundation is, after several consecutive catastrophic impacts, it is already full of eyes. Cangli, the people do not talk about life, and the Central Church of China is still regarded as a merit to drive the refugees to expand the land in the southern mountains, but no one has to think about it. These millions of refugees who have been driven to the southern mountains are starving. In the case of Shaoyi, in the coming cold winter, I don’t know how many people will starve to death, how many old and weak can’t bear it, and the so-called good fields that have just been opened can be kept a few, Song in the southern mountains. The clan has smoothed out the rebellions in the various departments of Shannan, and will soon draw their hands to deal with these refugees going south!

The order sent from Dijing West Road made the imperial governor Wu Mu's face tightened, and the 200,000 Aden Army marched from Luzhou and stepped toward Huizhou, saying that it was not nervous or false. The Aden Army is also regarded as a powerhouse in Obaro. Although it is not believed that the 80,000 Empire Iron Horse cannot win the 200,000 Aden Army, but in the face of the 200,000 Aden Army, how many people can the 80,000 Dongting Cavalry return after this war In the northern wilderness of the empire, Wu Mu’s heart is bottomless. The restoration of the Dongting family is not easy. This time the Dongting has already emerged. 80,000 Dongting boys are the root of the entire Dongting Department. If this battle is fought, After a terrible victory, Dong Ting wanted to recover again, but did not know when!

"Your Majesty has left Dijing West Road and you should arrive in Huizhou tomorrow. Your Majesty said that the army only needs to stay on standby!" said the Imperial Guard Guardian who came to send the order

Fortunately! Please go to rest." Wu Mu relieved, relieved, and nodded to the Imperial Guard,

"Calling for officers, the emperor arrived in Huizhou military camp in the afternoon"

Sending the guard, Wumu walked to the gate and ordered to the outside herding soldiers that since the emperor came in person, he was quite sure of the battle. Other than that, it was just the news of the emperor’s arrival in Huizhou. It is enough to shake the courage of the most intrepid warriors. The powerful prestige of the emperor not only can boost the morale of the local side, but also make the Adenites feel pressured, the demise of the two empires, and the destruction of the 700,000 southern coalition forces. Every time when everyone thinks they can challenge the emperor, they often bring even more terrible shock. For 80,000 Dongting people, His Majesty Falcon is like a long-lived existence, and there is His Majesty Falcon, It is a guarantee of victory! The war is imminent, the military heart is the first!

In the north of Icheon, the Aden army was rapidly gathering. The Central Abyssinian servants who had sent out to find the family were also collected one by one. The sentry sent out to the north of Huizhou became more and more dense, like a huge net spreading about the empire. The news that the emperor arrived in Huizhou was also transmitted to the Aden barracks at the moment. Marshal Hebia, the head of the Aden army, held a northward advance meeting overnight. When the sky was getting bright, the order of the northward advance was issued.

"The whole army marched forward and targeted Huizhou!" Hebia pulled out his sword and pointed to the north of Huizhou. The 200,000 Aden troops were distributed in the shape of a character, with 60,000 on each side, 80,000 from the Chinese army, and Aden from the flag. The infantry of the army, the brigade, and the metal shields and armor shone brightly in the sun. The ranks of the two hundred thousand troops pulled apart were also more than ten miles away.

What was pushed to the fore was the Central-African servants with a total of forty or fifty thousand people. These servants were puzzled by the reason why the Aden army should be divided into three routes to march, but it was not their turn to question. The Aden army order was issued, and there was no room for their inquiry. Once the army acted, it brought a huge inertia and wrapped everyone in it. Coupled with the 10,000 Aden regular army that followed the army, those who walked slowly will be treated as deserters, and these servant troops are also the first troops to encounter imperial cavalry. Seeing the imperial cavalry on the plains, the servants have not yet The war was already in chaos. Under the knife of the imperial cavalry, the servants of China and Syria fled the mountains and the wild. Among the wild, the sound of crying shook the sky. The servants of the Central African servants who retreated sporadically, desperately trying to get close to the 10,000 Aden army, were all ruthlessly rejected by the Aden army.

The squadrons of the servant squadrons were ordered to move forward ruthlessly several times. One of the servant servants of the Central Abyss was anxious, ignoring the order of the Aden army, and wanted to take their troops to the back of the Aden. Seeing Aden The long knife in the officer's hand dragged on the side of his neck, and he didn't need to use force to chop. Suddenly, there was a deep mouth on the neck side of the squadron~lightnovelpub.net~ Blood spattered out. The handsome guy couldn't speak anymore. He pressed the wound on the side of his neck and paused for more than ten seconds. The whole body fell straight to the ground.

"Withdraw without permission, kill without amnesty!"

The officer of Aden looked back fiercely, and the army of Aden behind him swarmed up directly, facing the servants of China and arbitrarily hacking and stabbing, the blood was splashing everywhere, the sound of crying, and in a blink of an eye, there were hundreds of people in different places The Central Abyssinian servants around me stared at everything stunned. Many people looked away from it consciously. It was really miserable. The Adenites wanted to use us as cannon fodder and use us to consume the imperial cavalry. Quantity! But the butchers of the Adenites had broken their courage, and tens of thousands of servants were driven forward again. The Adenians stared at everything behind them, as long as they dared to leave the team, they would be killed. The queue made up of people went pale and silent, and the entire brigade, although still generally maintaining order, moved forward more and more slowly. The queue is getting denser and denser. In the middle, everything around you can't see, but just in the queue, listening to the tsunami-like crying and crying in confusion

"Note, the imperial cavalry came up."

In front of them, a black line slowly emerged from the horizon, and the heavy cluster of horseshoes stepped into the spreading shoal water like a landslide and rolled up a white splash.