Whole Nation

~: Three hundred and sixty-nine tear (1)

Lord Mao Mo. Regarding this war, we need to decide with the local snowy mountains, please understand. Seeing all the lords leave the scene. Thirty snows made the lord stand up,

In the hall, only a few of the Mao Mo family were standing behind Ma Mo Lavent, they were the commanders of the Mao Mo family,

, "Father me.

Mamoravent blushed. I didn’t expect that my first decision would be so cold.

"No explanation needed." Mao Moda waved to him with a dignified expression, "You are still young, you have to know that as a leader. Any decision you make no longer represents you alone, since the war has exploded! Whether it is a win or a win! You must finish this war! Stand up your chest. Our Mao Mo family has no room for retreat! To become a leader in the west, war is a subject you must learn!"

"Yes, father! I know what to do!" Mamoravent nodded firmly. Sweeping the daze just now, in Mamoravent's heart, his father Mamudain is God. With the support of his father Mao Modain, this war is not completely without a battle

Mamoravant turned to the family behind him and said, "I believe you all heard it. This war is related to the family and to the entire west! No matter who the opponent is, we must face it!"

"Master, please give an order." A tall man Huong Cong said with determination

"Okay! Worthy of being a warrior of my Mao Mo family!" Mao Mo Lavent looked excitedly and patted his thick shoulders. The western terrain is complicated. The small Samor army needs to adapt to the time. I believe it will not burst into the wasteland center soon. Womit, Renkutai. You immediately lead the First Banner of the Momo into Womit and build a line of defense with the local Faerun family!"

Mamoravant pointed to another Huongdao. "Narifit, you led the second flag of Maomo to the fortress of Lunmifitte, the fortress of the wilderness! The sound of Moravent paused, and suddenly the voice increased. I Will personally lead the Mao Mo cavalry flag regiment to support you. Since Samor propaganda will fight Saran City within ten days, then we will tell them by Westerners that this is delusional delusion!"

"Must win! Might win!" Affected by Mao Moravent's stimulating expression, dozens of Mao Mo family cried out with their hands raised high

"I'm tired, I'll leave it to you here." Mao Moda nodded cautiously as he looked at the son in front of him and the new generation of Mao Mo who grew up behind him. Fortunately, this kid is not too bad, at least know how to inspire people! Mao Maoda deserves to be a generation of owls who created the western region alone.

Facing the unfavorable situation, only a few words inspired the confidence and will of the new generation of the Mao Mo family

Mao Modain walked into the side door of the hall with the help of several servants. The old housekeeper followed from behind, whispering in the ears of Maomodine with doubts, "Master, why don't we help these young people" In fact, we have not reached the situation where war is needed between us and Samor, as long as we immediately send messengers to explain, I believe there is still room for a turn! "

Mao Moda looked at the old housekeeper with a murky gaze, silenced for a moment, and shook his head. "Old Fiss, you must know that as a leader, Lavent must learn what compromise is, although sometimes it is better than defeat. It's even more unbearable!"

"Adult, do you really want to hand over the family to Master Lavent?" The old housekeeper's face changed and suddenly asked, "To be honest, Master Lavent is 40 years old. But the family is still so impulsive. Under the guidance of, there may be troubles."

"Hehe. There is no permanent family in the world! You follow me from the south, don't you see them!" Mao Moda smiled frankly because of his face. "Although there are many men in the Mao Mo family, most of them are For some mediocre people with no ambitions, although Lavent is impulsive to do things, he is full of expanding his speech, but it is what my Momo family needs most now.

The west is no longer the deserted and calm west when you followed me sixty years ago. You should have seen the meeting just now. The cultivation policy of the Mao Mo family needs to be adjusted!

"Yes, master!" The old housekeeper lowered his head sadly, his eyes flashing intricately.

"The ego saw scheming and ambition spreading in this quiet land. The relationship between the snow mountain area and the wasteland area has deteriorated further! This may ruin the west!"

Mao Moda moved his mouth and sighed, "You are right, the seven-color leaves of Snow Mountain are inflated. It is said that they have secretly signed a covenant. Sooner or later, Lord Snow Mountain will touch the interests of the Wasteland Lords! Civil war will make the west lose its power. It becomes a prey of other forces,

This is also the reason why I finally decided to let go. A lord without ambition will never have the opportunity to touch the glorious aura, without a strong beating heart, sooner or later the Mao Mo family will be reduced to others' prey! Lavent's ambition can power the family. Rather than let it do nothing, "heart. Let's loosen the rope. Let it spread its wings and fly!" Mountain.

"But...but. What if the family is defeated?" The old housekeeper hesitated, and finally got the courage to say the taboo word.

"Defeat? Ha ha, not just in case! It must be." Mao Moda was dull because of his expression, and his thin fingers shook tightly with the scepter, as if to say these words with the strength of his whole body.

Eyes looked sharply at Old Fiss. "But we don't need to worry about this at all! Samor's enemy is not us! The West doesn't make much sense to Samor. As you can see from the letter that Samor sent to me, they need The little one is just this passage in the west!"

"Passage?" The old housekeeper stunned. "The west is backed by Daxueshan and the north is the Kugit wilderness zone. Isn't Samor going to attack the Kugits!"

"That might be! Old Fiss! Don't forget, the western wilderness is the scope of the Zuowei tribe." Mao Moda grinned at his dry mouth, and those who knew him knew that the old man was laughing.

"Kugit's left-back king and Samor are old friends! If Lavent is defeated, we will give Samor the right of passage. This is probably a good thing for our west!"

"Good thing?" Old Fiss had rounded eyes, seriously doubting whether his old master had any symptoms

Mao Modain raised his head and stared at a window on the roof with turbid eyes. The golden sunlight shone from above, forming a hazy beam of light. Countless dust was like dancing elves dancing up and down in the beam of light. …. Bubble book Zhao; different body picking!

"Did you see the dust?" Mamodain pointed to the spot in the beam of light and turned back, meaningfully.

"The future is like these dusts, always ups and downs in the beam of history! The same is true for the future of the West. Samor must open the West Passage to find a business road to the North. This is the future of the West!

"No! The Zuowei tribe that controls the western wilderness will not let go of the Samor caravan!" The old housekeeper said solemnly "unless Samor will fight the Zuowei tribe again!"

"You're right!" Momoda nodded. "So Samor will not embarrass our Momo family because he still needs us! In fact, I have already received the court from King Kugit Letter. For Samor’s western operation this time, I have already prepared people for this. I want this war to become the best opportunity for the Mao Mo family to enter the core of Samor’s power!"

Northwest of Hutak

The early morning mist filled the ground, and the white confusion made the western wilderness bleak. I wonder if it was because the leaves were washed. The forest after the broken snow looks greener. The golden dawn shone through the leaves and looked hazy and illusory. A fairytale world

The fat man pushed open the window of his bedroom in Hutalenku City, the fresh morning air rushed in, and it was mixed with the coolness of the morning breeze. On the blue sky, there is no cloud, the hot sun is blazing like flames on the earth, the fat man takes the mail from the guard,

"Duke! Saran City Express!" A Samor guard pushed open the door, holding a dusty letter in his hand. It seemed that the messenger had ran for at least two consecutive nights. The fat man frowned slightly, and there was an unknown hunch in his heart,

The fat man opened the letter with a dignified face, and his face became heavier and heavier. After a while, the fat man raised his head and looked at the wilderness outside through the window for a long time. , The war has exploded! execute the tear plan!"

Hundreds of powerful war horses are racing in the wilderness~lightnovelpub.net~The gray ground is spreading under the flying horseshoes. The black cavalry is like a group of antelopes migrating on the mainland, rolling up a sky of dust.

"The whole team stopped!" The captain of the former Samor cavalry waved his hand, strangled the horse at a crossroad, and commanded the guard cavalry following him

"Team Ellenfe! You go to Ventu City, Team Nurrento. You go to Sattaris City! Remember, no matter what happens, you must rush back to the meeting in the evening! If you don’t come back, die as a battle. Treatment is reported to the Legion Department!"

"Yes!" The Samor cavalry nodded and quickly divided into three teams, one team was stationed at the intersection of ten miles, and the other two teams went to their goals separately!

After receiving the letter sent back by Hu Keqili on the fast horse, 50,000 six main Samoan regiments stationed on the western border crossed the western part of the border in the evening, under the guidance of the Jones family. , Occupying three consecutive areas along the western border line overnight

Then the soldiers divided into three ways like a sharp blade and inserted into the Western Union's belly Womit wasteland. In order to minimize resistance, the fat man decided to adopt a policy of hitting and pulling against the lords in the western hinterland, facing heavy pressure and secretly sending messengers to persuade these weak lords