Whole Nation

~: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-

"Sir, the rear battalion of our army was attacked and has lost its guard." The cavalry report from the gallop made the entire Aden 8th Army Deputy Commander Habilis stunned for a few seconds. It was really unexpected.

"Is the Imperial Army attacking us?" Habilis asked with an ugly face. He hoped that the situation would not be too bad. Could it be that the other Imperial Army had entered the Slamu besides the Imperial Army in front of it?

"It's not the Imperial Army, it's the desert clan," the cavalry said ugly.

"Sand...Desert? You mean the deserter attacked me after the camp!" Habilis was stunned, and then became extremely angry red, he actually let the deserter attack. . . . . . Habilis almost thought he was waking up in a nightmare,

"The despicable guys of the Desert Clan, who gave them the courage to dare to stab us in the back!" Aden officers yelled angrily,

After the camp is lost, is not all our property. . . . . "Someone whispered, others were ugly, because the desert clan attacked the rear battalion in the middle of their biggest weakness. The rear battalion was a place for the entire army to stock up. Not only did the Eighth Army have a large amount of combat supplies and food Ordnance, and the most **** thing for the officers, is that he has been stationed in this barren oasis for more than a year, and spent all kinds of mental means to extort property from the desert clan. It is no wonder that the desert clan expects itself. At the end, all the Aden officers flashed the same thoughts in their minds,

"Lake Sirens, give you five thousand people, be sure to grab the back camp!"

The deputy commander of the Eighth Army, Habilis, uttered a big order to a general. He didn’t expect to stab him in the back at this critical moment. He actually saw a desert person who didn’t dare to breathe in the atmosphere. For a lifetime of eagle, I did not expect to be pecked by the eagle. If the kingdom of Aden is an elephant, then the desert tribe can’t even count a ant, but today, it is this ant that has dreamed of elephants at the most critical moment. Unexpected things, bite the elephant, and it is still kind of deadly enough. The rear battalion was broken, enough for the **** battle of the Aden Eighth Army in the middle of the night. Don't go on!

This is directly driving the Eighth Army to the dead. If it is defeated by the imperial army in Obaro, it will be lost. If it is defeated by a group of desert clan in the Uyghurs, it and the Eighth Army will definitely become the entire Aden army. Joke, whether from the honor of a soldier or the face of Aden Kingdom as a hegemon, Harbilus will never accept this humiliation. Even in the pupils, the imperial army is like the avalanche of the cold light swooping from the front, The impaled flail of the imperial infantry hit the thin armor of the Aden soldiers, and the debris splashed, and they heard a crackling sound. The Aden soldiers were pushed down in rows in a row. Habilis still had limited strength. Five thousand people were drawn back to the rear camp

"Sir, the Adenites are mobilizing their troops at this moment!" A squadron captain of the Empire looked stunned, and suddenly stretched out his fingers to the Aden army on the opposite side.

"Is there any conspiracy?"

Ramrak followed the direction of the squadron leader’s finger, frowning involuntarily, muttering in a low voice. The war between the two armies had reached the most critical moment. The imperial army had the advantage of the raid. Before the main reaction of the Aden Army came, Thunder was generally The 10,000 Aden army of the former battalion was defeated, but the quantitative advantage occupied by the Aden army blocked the possibility of the Imperial army expanding its results. The Aden army opposite is the most tenacious opponent of Ramrak who entered the Great Oasis this time. In the case of the first raid, he still stubbornly blocked Ramrak in the front line of the Chinese military camp. Just now he put in a new force,

The moon in the second half of the night is like a bright sickle, illuminating the ground in front. In front of the Aden army front, the imperial soldiers in black armor stormed under the moonlight like water, and the wind came in the face, mixed with a certain This kind of force swooped in, no one spoke, only the flag slammed by the wind, and it was a huge shocking power in the front of the imperial army, and they held the light shield in their hands. As the arrow heads up, the low hills rise, the shield hit by the arrow head hits straight, and the long line still rushes into the area, like a wave of continuous rolling forward, a broken one in front, another Came up from behind


"move forward

The soldiers on both sides rolled like broken waves, and the bright red blood splashed out to attack in an instant, and the "heavy" heavy heavy infantry weapons collided fiercely, the cold light flickered, and a rapid dazzling cold light was traversed in the air. The body that hit the soldier was like a round ball hit. The whole body was knocked over. The armor sewed on the body was suddenly torn apart by the huge cold light, the flesh flew across, and the blood flew like rain Come down,

Although countless Kuroshio is advancing, it is obvious that the Adenites still have a reserve of strength, and there is no reason to see the shaking. The advantage of the Imperial Army is not obvious. The other party suddenly divided troops at this moment and had to let Ramrak Feeling cautious, the line of confrontation is like a dug out river bank. The attack wave in front is not over yet. The second wave of attack is stacked with the soldiers in front. The soldiers shouted loudly, hitting each other with shields, just like Like the bull, I want to overthrow the other party

"Order the troops in front of you to pay attention to the front and not to be easily led by the other party"

Ramlak raised his hand to the commander cavalry behind him, Ramlak’s judgment was in line with the knowledge of a battlefield general. On the battlefield, the situation is often ever-changing, and various opportunities are fleeting, among which Seizing such a meteor-like opportunity, the figure who became famous in World War I is the so-called famous general. This sentence is said by the emperor emperor known as the undefeated warlord, and now the entire Obaro soldiers take it for granted, It is also the words of the vast majority of young and vigorous young officers who can seize the opportunity to call the famous generals, but most of the people who make wrong judgments are already buried in the yellow sand. The real army battle is more stable than risky More practical! The words behind the emperor only appeared in the textbooks of the Imperial Military Academy, and were not spread.

"Sir, the Aden army opposite seems to be shaking. If you put heavy armored cavalry at this time, you will definitely be able to crush the opposite side in one fell swoop." An officer suggested to Ramlak that Ramlak waved his hand coldly and calmly. "It's still too early to make such a judgment. Don't forget, this is the home of the Adenites after all. The Aden Army has been here for more than a year, and the signs in front show that the Aden Commander opposite is a very good For those who like to play with traps, if it is not the Desert Clan who pointed out the actual location of the Aden Army, we were almost always led by the other party."

At the moment when the desert tribe pointed out the location of the Aden army camp, Ramlak realized that he had been misled by a series of fake camps arranged by the Aden army. The commander of the Aden army was indeed a quite cunning figure. Oasis is completely unfamiliar with weaknesses, and uses a series of fake camps to lead himself to the desert clan. It is clear that he wants to fight with the desert clan first, and then the other party will launch a fatal blow from behind his back. Thinking of this, Ram Luck was also relieved in his heart. People are not as good as the sky. The other party should not have expected that the desert people would betray themselves!

"Sir, the desert tribe sent a letter," said an imperial officer, who hurriedly walked up from behind and said a letter in both hands to Lamrak

"Desert Clan, these guys are not going to watch the excitement anymore?" Ramlak breathed slightly, his slightly surprised eyes retracted from a distance, he thought he would wait until the battle was over, and the desert Clan would be watching again. As for him, he took the letter from the courier. After his hands were opened, his eyes were swept. His eyes narrowed into a line. The Aden Houying was taken by the desert! No wonder, it is no wonder that the Adenites were assocked by fire. Even Ramlak could not conceal his inner shock. The Aden Army still transferred the 5,000 Forces at such a critical moment. It turned out that the old nest was taken over, but I don't know if this news is true or not

Ramlak was a little confused in his heart and could not make up his mind. This was a life-and-death battle. The imperial army broke in all the way from the border. Four days and three battles. Now it is finally the final battle. The army is destroyed! The Desert Clan is the grass of the wall, whoever is strong will be attached. Before determining whether it is true or false, I believe that the Desert Clan is a fool

But this is the opportunity to defeat the opponent and lay the entire victory. The chance is that you really want to be invisible!

This fierce battle has lasted for more than an hour. The Aden Army’s former camp collapsed, and nearly 10,000 casualties were killed. There were many casualties in the Imperial Army. Six squadrons were beaten and disabled. More than 20,000 Imperial troops were killed and injured. There are as many as four or five thousand people who have lost their ability to continue fighting. When the initial surprise advantage is gradually leveled, followed by extremely fierce fighting. If you can seize this opportunity and defeat the Aden army in one fell swoop, you can at least minimize it. The casualties of the imperial army,

"Nabley, look at this!" In hesitation, Ramrak handed the letter to his adjutant. When he was unable to grasp it, he gave it to another person to decide. Although it seemed ridiculous, it was often able to To get a more effective way, the adjutant Nabre is a young empiric officer full of energy, curiously received the letter from the Shangguan, Nabre's eyes fell on it, could not help but took a breath of air

"Adult... this"

"Do you think you can believe the desert race?"

Ramrak squeezed his hand and said not to say anything. He asked the young adjutant sharply. The whip in his hand lightly struck the saddle. The cold face muscles were like stiff rocks. The sound of fighting in the distance was like a tide. A flaming ball was ejected from the **** on the left, the heat and flame radiated out expanded, and the resulting light illuminated half the night sky, and the ammunition of the Empire Thor was exhausted. Degree

"Adult, I can't make a choice, but I think that you can believe in a desert clan. If the desert clan collaborates with the Aden people, it should be the right thing to attack our army at the moment instead of deliberately acting with the Aden people." Burley swallowed hard and swore. He looked hesitantly in front of him. Through his direction, he could see the direction of Aden Houying a few miles away. The sky was like a layer of red glow. It was a scene of fire burning. , Not weaker than the battlefield here! The adjutant Nabre’s words made Ramlak’s eyes bright. The imperial general who led the Imperial army all the way to this place suddenly smiled coldly, and he extended his hand and patted the young adjutant 1 on the shoulder Yes, if the desert tribes are really united with the Adenites, it will be much easier to attack us back and forth instead of pretending to attack what kind of rear battalion."

"Let the heavy cavalry prepare"

Ramlak showed a fortitude on his face and raised his hand to the subordinate soldiers behind him. He decided to hammer the heavy cavalry. "Woo" There was a reverberation of a trombone floating in the air. On the soft and soft oasis of the big oasis, a black line began to gather, like an open fan surface, 300 heavy imperial cavalry in heavy armor gathered in the dark, gradually spreading from the front to the rear It is like a huge sharp, cold eyes looking through the gaps in the front of the helmet, examining the front line strangling together. The heavy armored cavalry serves as the final force on the battlefield. The total weight of the cavalry plus excellent horses is often more than half a ton.

When such a tonnage heavy object hits at a high speed of more than fifty yards per hour, the only result of the flesh and blood is to be hit like a toy. Although it is not easy to transport in the desert, Hajira still insists on coming Five hundred imperial heavy cavalrymen, with two hundred and fifty knights as a team, alternated with each other. After the previous battle, the five hundred imperial heavy armored horses lost more than one hundred and fifty, and the rest are all here. Is the trump card in the hands of Ramak

"Shoot all!" The bow string of the Imperial Infantry heavy crossbow was pulled away in the order, and then it made a thrilling tear. Of the Aden soldiers, the final battle between the two armies was also pulled down

The imperial heavy cavalry officer Silombia was in the front row of the attacking array. He calmly looked at the route that began to spread out. He raised his right hand high, and the queue behind him was solemn. Suddenly, the raised hand pressed down hard, and a deafening roar came out of the mouth, "Long live the Empire!" The heavy steel square began to move, starting to move slowly, little by little, gradually accelerating, getting more and more Quickly, in the end it was unstoppable like an avalanche, unstoppable! More than three hundred fully equipped heavy armored war horses, the sound of horseshoes thundered like thunder, and the black pressure crushed like an avalanche into the front of the Aden Army.

Located in the direction of the imperial Chinese cavalry's impact is the Second Regiment of the Eighth Army of Aden. Due to the shortest distance, they are the most able to feel the terrifying oncoming momentum. The blood exploded like a mist, half of his body was cut off by a cavalry like a demon, his face flew out with a stunned expression, and his lower body was caught in the horseshoe of armored warhorse



"Attention~lightnovelpub.net~Imperial Heavy Cavalry", the Aden soldiers in pieces are as dense as the wind blowing wheat waves! Three hundred imperial heavy cavalrymen were like a sharp knife, deeply cut into the body of a huge and heavy enemy, each movement made the enemy bleed continuously, and the army broke down, and the scattered Aden soldiers scattered in panic to escape .

"Imperial heavy cavalry!" Habilis, deputy commander of the 8th Army of Aden, pale and clenched his fingers. The opponent's killer used it just right. He finally used his strength to drag the Empire's attack. Now, all of them were completely crushed. The imperial infantry rushed in along the crushed position like a tide. The Aden army in other positions was like scattered sand washed by the tide, panic and fear spread all at once.

Someone shouted, "Hurry up!" Wow, all the people were in the same heart, and the whole army was dispersed. The soldiers joined the torrent of deserters while chaos, regardless of the threats of the officers. The officers began to pick up their weapons and hacked their men to stop the collapse, but to no avail. The torrent of thousands of people drowned them all at once, and even they themselves fell into the flow of escaped people, one after another. The team had just pulled back from the front and was trimmed, and it was completely washed away!

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