Whole Nation

~: Three thousand five hundred and fifty-fo

Ankolo watched Lord Silin leave before turning around, sighing slightly in his heart, "Congratulations, Your Majesty has received the Holy Light"

The emperor saw the evil intentions of the royal family, but still chose to buy the holy light, but it is understandable to think about the terrible power of the holy light. Even Ankolo thought that if the emperor Farouk was wearing The Holy Light, when the Holy Light is pulled out, the gain is not only the invincible sharpness, but also the strong morale of the army, the end of the battle of the day may be another matter, because the Holy Light is in the Kingdom of Eero Representing the authority of the emperor, invincible!

"It's just a sharp weapon. There's nothing to celebrate. If it's not to hide what I need, it's actually another thing. I'm not even interested in a glance." The corner of the dark-haired youth's mouth slightly raised, no I shrugged my shoulders intentionally, looked at Ankolo, and said with a deep voice, "But since you said the Holy Light is so important, many forces want to get it, then if you auction the Holy Light at the auction, hang up a The price of one million is also okay?"

"Your Majesty bought the Holy Light just to take it out for auction!" An Keluo stayed awake for a while, and looked astonished. The Emperor bought the Holy Light for auction, which was too unimaginable for her. The imperial emperor, the ruler who ruled 200 million souls, even auctioned his own things for half a million imperial gold.

"Anyway, it's also a high-end product bought from half a million imperial gold. It can't be used. It can't be used as an ornament. Is it just throwing it away? Don't sell it. I'm not dead."

There was a sly smile on the lips of the dark-haired youth" and I asked the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce when I came, because it is an important auction item, so the Sunrise Chamber also specially investigated the Holy Light, according to the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. According to the intelligence, the Holy Light is not only as simple as the emperor's sword, but also a symbol of the Eero's kingship. In the legend of Eero, the person who pulled out the Holy Light must be the owner of Eero, and the Eero royal family deliberately made people Brought to the West Coast, and I especially found the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. I didn’t want to let Shengguang really be auctioned as an auction item. If the Royal Family of Eero knew that Holy Light was put into the auction again, then the Royal Family would definitely Blasted"

"If the Holy Light really appears in the auction, the Royal House of Eero is afraid that it is not just as simple as exploding the sky, but is completely losing face."

Ankolo didn't expect the emperor to have such a strange idea, and her charming face couldn't help but flirt with a smile. Why did he forget it? In the evaluation of the outside world, this emperor's famous emperor has another name "grocery shop" "Boss" means that the emperor is essentially a businessman, as long as he can afford the price, the other is not a problem. Many diplomatic negotiations that seem to have no room for negotiation can be obtained through exchanges like merchants.

But think about being able to make the royal family of Elero jump, and Ankolo has a thrill of revenge in his heart, and his eyes shined and said, "It’s just in terms of value, Your Majesty spent only 500,000 imperial gold. Buying the Holy Light is definitely a big gain. If it was not the Royal House of Eero deliberately lowering the price, it was almost white to give to His Majesty. The value of the Holy Light is definitely more than five times, because the Holy Light is not only the emperor’s sword, it is indeed Also represents the orthodox symbol of the Royal Eero"

"Royal orthodoxy?"

The dark-haired youth couldn't help but take a deep breath. The Sunrise Chamber of Commerce said it was a symbol of royal power, but the so-called royal symbol is not just one. For example, the artifact of the town is also a symbol of royal power, but royal orthodoxy is another. It's all right, but it's great righteousness, and the royal family of Eero also took it out.

"Actually, for the current royal family, the royal orthodoxy has little significance. Since the royal family has been defeated, the royal family has not been as good as before. Most of them now have to rely on the support of the southern princes. In fact, they are almost puppets. If I’m right, the reason why the Holy Light was sent by the Eero royal family as a conspiracy was also because the Eero royal family was no longer able to let the Holy Light be in the hands of the royal family, at least only by the Southern Intelligence Department, Eero Southern princes The biggest ones, the Zhu Su family, the Rapa family, and the Lu La family all coveted this holy light. The army of the southern countries of Eero did not enter the front line of King Eero, and part of the reason was also waiting for the royal family to decide the end of the light. To whom

Ankolo knew the situation of Eero very well, and told the emperor roughly the situation of Eero in the south.” Eighty years ago, the southern channel of the Eero River suddenly collapsed and flooded, causing half of the entire southern region. I was shocked by the flood. Although the flood receded in the end, I didn’t know the reason. Suddenly, a large area of ​​colored fog emerged. As long as the area covered by the colored fog was dead, all the crops were dead, which caused the Eero area. Great famine, more than one million people starved to death, and riots broke out in various regions in the south. At that time, the Royal Family of Eero decided to move from the environmentally violent south to the north. In order to suppress the riots in the southern region, 15 military aristocrats were awarded by the royal family It was named as the prince of the southern region, and the areas ruled by these princes were mostly covered by the colorful fog. The land was almost uncultivable and the riots were everywhere. The so-called princes are actually a barrier that prevents the riots from spreading to the north. some"

"The fifteen princes acted as barriers to the south. In a few decades, there were seven who died in the riots, and the remaining eight were only reluctant to resist. This situation continued until more than thirty years ago. The colorful fog in the south began to move towards the estuary of the south, and the south could start to grow crops. The riots in the south gradually subsided. The princes began to take back the area that was originally covered by the colorful fog. As the south gradually stabilized, the royal family was afraid of the south. The princes sat big and deliberately suppressed the eight princes in the south. The two sides almost broke out in the civil war. The royal family of Eero had to agree to the autonomy of the eight princes in the south. At first, they dared to fight against the eight princes in the royal family. Orthodoxy in the eyes"

"Haha, if that's the case, it's even more interesting." After roughly understanding the situation in the south of Eero, the emperor said, "If the eight southern princes knew that the holy light representing the orthodox of Eero would be auctioned on the west coast, you said they What will it do?"

"It should be sent to the West Coast to buy the Holy Light immediately, but the meaning of the Holy Light is no longer important. Even if the price can be raised a little, it will definitely be no more than three million imperial gold." Hearing the emperor, Ankolo was charming Smiled bitterly on the face, it turned out that the emperor was thinking of this, and it was indeed the emperor of the emperor known as a grocery store,

"Of course, the Holy Light only has such a price, but if you add another thing, the price should be higher?" The emperor touched his nose with his hand and said to himself.

'Another thing, is the artifact of the Kingdom, the prince who is worthless in the eyes of the southern princes spit out a heavy sigh, the emperor really did not give up, and decided to break the emperor's thoughts of asking for price, The expression said with great certainty

"I didn't say that it was an artifact of the town. I meant the capital of King Eero. Although the broken city belonged to the Order, the woman of Pudamia had already sold it to me for a million dollars in preparation for the new army. Yeah, how much is the Holy Light plus King Erow?" The emperor did not take Encore's words seriously, but a malicious smile flashed on his face, raising his eyebrows. The Empire and Martin had dozens of teeth. Wan killed in the periphery of the Holy City of the Order, Pudamia, who is the Lord of the Holy City, would naturally not sit and watch. In Lisbon, he died and grinded the fat man for more than half a month. Finally, he was ruined. And he still needs to face the counterattack of 200,000 southern countries.

"It shouldn't be worth much, etc. Your majesty meant to sell King Eero!" Ankolo could have been crying and laughing~lightnovelpub.net~ The emperor's attitude of acknowledging the money made her speechless. I was about to say that it wasn’t worth much money. My body suddenly shook a little and raised his head violently before reacting. I suddenly realized that the emperor was talking about King Erow, and his tongue was almost shocked.

"Are you shocked? It seems that it is indeed very valuable. Ten million empire gold, you immediately send the sunrise chamber of commerce to let the wind out. Whoever can take out ten million empire gold will hand over the Holy Light with King Eero. Give him "the emperor's bright black eyes like stars, showing a playful expression

"Ten million empire gold..."

Encore was dumbfounded. The emperor made it clear that all the nobles in the south of Eero would take out all their families. The Holy Light is the symbol of the orthodox of Eero, and who is King Eero who can become the new The condition of Emperor Eero, who can get these two things, is the new emperor of Eero. Undoubtedly, the princes of the south have put together two hundred thousand troops to the front line of Eero, just thinking of taking advantage of Martin's strength and the empire. During the war, the emperor's crown was taken off, and once he learned that the empire had really auctioned the Holy Light along with King Eero, it was not just that the Eero's royal family was about to be exploded, but the entire South European Baro It's going to blow up!

The empire is equivalent to the position of buying and selling Emperor Eero directly!