Whole Nation

~: Three thousand five hundred and seventy-

The crisp horseshoes of "Tap" stopped, and in front of a highland barrier abandoned by the imperial army on the edge of Wolf Hiberia, a Martin Liya scouted the cavalry to stop

He wore a dark brown armor, and the Martin Lance Cavalry’s long spear hangs obliquely on the hook of the war horse. As the highest position here, the Imperial Army built a camp for settlement here. Empty and empty, all kinds of discarded debris can be seen faintly in the mud on the ground. This Martin Liya scouts the cavalryman to jump from the battle horse. The sharp and vigilant eyes sweep from time to time. The constructed structure was even muddy under the scouring of the rain in the daytime. Water droplets fell from the camp's soil wall from time to time, and wet the loose strands of hair in front of the cavalry.

Sure enough, there is not an imperial army!

After searching for half an hour, the Martin Scout cavalry came to his horse and looked around from the height where he was. There were vaguely black spots and large lakes of blue color, which were scattered. In the settlement and water source of Wolf Hippia. All of this in front of me, the entire plain is covered with white cloth under the moonlight, bright and white, just like the childhood dream of a child. Looking down on this land from a condescending position, Martin Liya scouted the cavalry's eyes with a fascinating look. Crystal tears gradually appeared in his eyes, and he jumped off the horse. All over the body, kissed affectionately on the wet brown pool.

"Wolf Hibia, the source of the water veins of dreams, the mother of the earth crying under the horseshoe of the invader, your child is back!"

Standing up, the Martin Force scouted the cavalry to pinch his fingers to his lips, and a sharp and loud whistle broke the quiet midnight. then. A hoof sounded in the dark forest below, and there were countless crowds. In the deserted woods without a voice, thousands of troops, swords, and the flag of the Martins appeared, and the army of Martins appeared one after another, clutching. The assault cavalry with a sharp spear, and infantry wearing yellow-brown armor, these Martin force soldiers looked at the beautiful wolf plains, the lush fields and settlements in front of them, and the land was like an unfolding picture. Jiangshan slowly unfolded before them.

"No one, no Imperial Army!"

"The Imperial Army has all withdrawn!"

Most of the soldiers had an unbelievable expression, and their eyes showed joy and excitement. The news of the Ansili Army’s disastrous defeat impacted other Martin Force soldiers more than expected. Knowing that in Martin Liya’s army system, the Silver Fox’s index legion is definitely the elite that can be ranked among the elite, and now even the silver fox’s direct army has been defeated, and the corpses killed in the wolf Xibia are everywhere, even The generals have damaged several people. Compared with the famous direct army of Silver Fox, although they are part of the elite of the Sam nationality who was transferred back from the confederate country, they were all killed by Spinelian like a baby. How could it be used as an army striker to test water in his hand

Therefore, these Martins are all mobilizing troops temporarily recruited from the major leaders. The so-called mobilizing forces are the troops that the major leaders respond to the call to build in their own territory. Most of them are noble private troops under the major leaders. The freemen who prepare weapons and military food, the mercenary organizations, have a total of more than 60,000 people. Their remuneration is completely linked to combat missions. They were driven into the wolf by the Speanlian as a temptation. Originally thought that there will be one After a fierce fight, it is now found that the Imperial Army has long given up the wolf Xibia, which is equivalent to letting them get a reward for a huge mission. A burst of cheers spread from all sides. "Must win! !"

The cheers rang out. Hundreds of thousands of Martins rushed out of the jungle and merged into a tawny tide, rushing towards the great plain in front,

"Sir, Kumaduo has won, and has not encountered the empire, and the entire camp is empty."

The news from the front made all the generals of Martin Liya look upright, and immediately stood in a dirt **** position. Spencer observed it silently. It can be seen that the imperial army was stationed for a long time in Wolf Hiberia. Prepared, the camps are connected one by one and are located adjacent to the water source. As long as not a fool can see, these camps are like nails after another, turning the wolf Xibia, which had no support points, into a camp. A frontline of war that can get stable logistics supplies. As for why the Imperial Army suddenly gave up such a complete defensive line, Spinrian has not found a reason.

The burnt black wall, the cut tree, the blood stains that had been blackened on the earth barrier, and the black mortal remains of the anointing fire. This is the scene seen yesterday when passing by near Stam. The famous silver fox is directly under The Legion was defeated there by the Imperial Army, and almost died together with the Silver Fox. One hundred thousand troops were finally killed from the siege of the Imperial Army under the guard of more than 100 personal guards.

As for the defeat on that day, the Ansiri family was extremely obscure and even issued a ban on it.

However, as the general of the Sam tribe, Spinrian still knew most of the battle through the Sam tribe's channels.

That battle, until now, was a puzzle that puzzled the Martin Liya people. The silver fox, known as Martin Liya’s first wise man, lost his face in this battle. If it is not known, Silver Fox will definitely not Taking their own direct military forces to release water, the two must think that Silver Fox is dissatisfied with the return to the country, and deliberately retaliate against society. Otherwise, how could tens of thousands of elite cavalry retreat in frightened by more than a thousand imperial cavalry, wasted in one fell swoop An excellent opportunity for the Anse Army, and then because of the provocation of the imperial cavalry in front of the camp, eight thousand elite cavalry chased and ambushed by the imperial cavalry without authorization! Silver Fox’s elite cavalry cluster had no advantage, and then the main support of 70,000 infantry was intercepted by 30,000 cavalry night raids in the night, and was defeated overnight. Even the long-time battle veteran Moyayo Qiongdu died in the chaotic army

Is this still the famous silver fox? Is this the silver fox that commander-in-chief of 500,000 Martin forces stolen into the Order of the Order? Loss of advances and retreats, chaotic command, various low-level mistakes are constant, it is like changing a new battlefield, no, it should not be as good as a new battlefield, just like a wise person, suddenly turned into an intelligence Negative fool!

How can this happen? Even if you find a general Martin Liya out, there will never be such a low-level error, let alone, in the end, Silver Fox also dreamed of capturing the head of the dark survivor Arnold, delaying the last chance to escape. The result was surrounded by imperial cavalry on three sides, and only the remaining thousands of elites were filled in. In that battle, the backbone officers of the silver fox directly under the army died two-thirds of the battle, which can be said to have emptied the Ansili family for more than ten years. The accumulation of the past, and even the Ansili family may face the danger of fault in the next ten years. The name of Martin Fox of Silver Fox, the first wisdom general, fell directly.

Spinrian is also a general, and the more he knows the truth of the battle, the more he feels fear. In many cases, the judgment of the imperial command is affected by various factors, and it is not as clear as after the war.

The various information on the battlefield is like a meteor-like random wear. Whoever can grasp the most important key, who can often win the final victory, the so-called famous generals are only a little more decisive and more than others. Opportunity, Silver Fox is definitely a famous star, and is also a top-level strategy expert, but it is swept by people. It can make Silver Fox so wrong, there is only one possibility, that is, the emperor who is known as the first strategist of the mainland. Shot in person,

It was a powerful figure that shuddered the entire Obaro, the most terrifying nightmare in the minds of all soldiers, and a mountain that all strategists could not avoid

Only the imperial warlord can turn war into a hunt

If we put all the battles of Stam together, we can clearly find that from the beginning, the emperor of the empire was like a veteran hunter waiting for the prey to be hooked, forcing the army of silver foxes back, originally The army of His Highness with Silver Fox has considerable maneuverability, and is familiar with the terrain of the wolf Hibia. , Let a generation of wisdom make the silver fox self-disruptive, squeeze his nose and jump into the trap. This is no wonder that the Ansili family issued a ban order for this defeat, which is really shameful to say.

But this time, the Imperial Army suddenly gave up the wolf Xibia, and it was an open space in front of his eyes. Who dare to say that it was not another trap? Although Spinlian's face is calm, he feels that there is a trap waiting for himself at every step of his feet. Even the silver fox can't avoid the trap. Can he escape it?

"The subpoena continued, and all the troops were forbidden to enter the camp of the Imperial Army, and those who rebelled against the military commanders were cut!"

"Adult, why is this? The good camp can't live. We live in the wilderness?" The generals behind were stunned.

"Now the rainy season is coming, the ground is cold and humid, not to mention that the temperature will drop to minus zero at night, my army is stationed in the wild wetlands, I am afraid that there will be sickness," said the general with a ugly face, there is a good empire The camp couldn't live, and forced the troops to be stationed in the wilderness. I really don't know what Master Spinlian thought.

"Silver Fox’s 100,000 army was killed because of Stam, and now the Imperial Army is obviously doing the same thing. Leaving these camps seems to be abandoned, but it is actually a small Stam, as long as our army is stationed. , It is tantamount to fixing yourself where to wait for the Empire to attack, I Martin is not good at city offensive and defensive operations, not to mention that the Empire also has an indestructible Thor, even the North Gaul, who is best at sticking to it. People are destroyed by the empire, let alone those who do not understand stronghold defense!"

"The empire has always been despicable and shameless, even the retreat is uneasy and kind, or the wiseness of adults, seeing through the conspiracy of the empire."

The generals' faces all changed, and there was a burst of emotion. Originally, they really wanted to go to these camps, but now it's the rainy season, and it's early winter. When it gets wet, the Imperial Barracks chose a relatively dry mound highland. On the one hand, it can avoid the dampness of the ground, and it can be condescended. It can directly monitor every move within a few miles of the area and put the army in the Imperial Army’s camp. Strategically or comfortably, it is more than twice as comfortable as camping in the wild, but now I hear Spinelian saying this, the generals are also secretly afraid

It is really the impact of the silver fox's fiasco on them that is too deep, plus the strange situation in front of them, as long as a normal person will feel wrong, it is absolutely impossible for the imperial army to give up the wolf Hiberia in vain. In a dark place, staring at the prey that enters Wolf Hippia. I don’t know why. After listening to Spinrian’s words, the generals looked at the empty Wolf Hippia corridor again. It felt really like a In the huge hunting ground, I could not help but tremble a little, a cold rushed from the tail spine to the head, whether he was a hunter or a prey. . . . . God knows

The subpoena continued, and the army continued to enlarge its search range, making sure to confirm that the Imperial Army had all evacuated the wolf Xibia! "

Spinrian took a deep breath, his fingers could not help but clenched his fists, what the **** was this, what the Imperial Army was doing! With the ability, everyone fights with real swords and guns. In this way, the door of the wolf Hbia is opened directly, but even one face is not exposed, and it makes people feel hairy. There is a lesson from the fiasco of the silver fox, and the more people feel, the invisible enemy is far more terrible than the enemy seen!

The rain fell again the next morning, and the white rain curtain covered the surrounding earth. In order to expand the search range, Splenian personally led the 40,000 Samo Army to the town center, and more than 60,000 other troops extended to the two lines from the rain. The cavalry cavalry who came from behind, suddenly entered the main camp of Spinrian as an arrow at noon, and the cavalry cavalry, which was covered with rainwater, almost fell from the emergency stop. The two soldiers came down to Splenian and gasped loudly to report, "Master, Lord Sirgoya has an urgent military report!"

When Spianrian heard the sound, Huo Ran stood up from his seat and looked up at the herald cavalry with a look of excitement, "Has the Imperial Army been found?"

"On the Amway platform in the northeast direction, our search team encountered resistance from unknown enemies." The subordinate cavalry was pale, and the water flowed from his body to the blanket under the pad. "One hundred people in the search team died 17 people, according to the attack. Judging from the extent, the opposing force is at least two thousand or more. Lord Sirgoa requested the adult to immediately send someone to support!"

"The search team has killed 17 people, and Sergoa sent you back to ask for support. How did Sergoa judge that there were two thousand people in the other party, and the enemy of two thousand people only let him die seventeen people "Spinlian stayed there for a while, feeling that his IQ was being rubbed against the ground. The vassals of these high lords really did not have a good thing. As the commander of the Lepon family, they were under the command of troops. There are three thousand people in Silgoa, now because of the death of seventeen people ~lightnovelpub.net~, they will send people to their main camp to ask for help. If possible, Spinlian really wants to bring this Silgoa Ya's head was cut off and kicked,

At the moment when he was angry and wanted to kill, at the Amway platform sixty miles away, at the location of the platform wall, Sri Goa was looking pale at the unknown enemies like a crowd of people outside the wall. It was definitely an accident, everyone panicked. The Martin Searcher team just happened to encounter the Steyr striker

At the beginning of the encounter, the two military commanders made errors in judgment. Srgoya did not think that he would encounter a large force. Although he sent people to rescue, he actually told Spearian that he was the first to find the enemy, and the commander of the Steyr Army was just Soon after entering Wolf Hibia, he was unfamiliar with the terrain. He planned to fix it at Amway Terrace before proceeding. Both parties thought that the other party was a casual soldier or scout that they had encountered by accident, and wanted to eat the other party in one breath. Because the Amway platform is only a small camp with an area of ​​only five or six hundred meters, the forces of both sides cannot be deployed. The two commanders chose the two-wing outsourcing tactics from the two sides of the platform.

Soon, Silgoa discovered that the enemy troops came out in batches, and the number was increasing, only to find that the situation was not good. It was not an imaginary small enemy, and he was definitely an enemy in front of him. The big army, he immediately ordered the army to hide in the platform, and now he can only pray for the reinforcement of Spinelian. He doesn’t know yet, and his share of help prepares Spinelian to step on the ground.