Whole Nation

~: Three thousand four hundred and thirteen

Sunlight was shining from the carved marble window into the conference hall in front of us, and twelve business alliance deacons whispered in the hands about the identification document of the sunrise chamber of commerce

Every year I evaluate the S-level Chamber of Commerce, and all kinds of strange things have been seen. In order to pass the evaluation, all kinds of exaggerated things are not unheard of, but like the current document that exaggerates to no friends, I still let it go. The deacon of the business alliance in front of a long brown table looks weird and has a sense of laughter

"It's just nonsense! I know that the impossible is even so grandly placed, even if the woman personally recommended it, should we bow our heads? That woman is no longer a member of my business alliance. Continue to make waves here and there!

A middle-aged deacon finally couldn't help standing up and pressed the identification document in his hand firmly on the round long table in the middle.

He is the president of the Dark Gold Chamber of Commerce in the Twelve Deacons. Spear is 40 years old. It is the time when energy and aggressiveness are the most prosperous in life. Dark Gold Chamber of Commerce is the giant of Imperial jewelry luxury. Becoming the twelve deacons was elected after Sokotosdalen left, and has not experienced Sokotosdalen’s thirteenth deacon era, so the pressure on the business queen is also minimal, and This time the S-level chamber of commerce assessed, he expressed his support for another chamber of commerce earlier. Now he suddenly knows that one of the two places has been stipulated in advance.

"Deacon Spear, please pay attention to your remarks. Regarding the evaluation of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, I have completely determined it in accordance with a fair procedure." Langrui, who was sitting opposite, immediately stood up and protested seriously.

"When we are blind, if there is such a large chamber of commerce in the empire, how can we not know it, and look at the date of registration of this chamber of commerce, which is more than ten days ago, a small chamber of commerce that only registered more than ten days ago, In an instant, I was on the list of the S-class chamber of commerce's assessment meeting. How much did you receive from Ronido?" Spiel said firmly, firmly determined that this is the woman who temporarily made up for the assessment!

"If a large chamber of commerce with 50,000 employees, 1,100 port industries, and eight merchant fleets are excluded from the S-level chamber of commerce, then which chamber of commerce can be called an S-level chamber of commerce?" Lang Ruiduo calmly picked up the assessment document on the table, turned inside to find a few pages and spread it out in front of everyone

"It's just a few paper documents. What can it say! If it says that they have 100,000 people, would it really be 100,000?"

Spyre’s sneer slightly turned up, and his tone was full of contempt. “I always think that times are changing and business alliances are also expanding rapidly. We can’t always follow the old style of the past. Take this sunrise chamber of commerce as an example. If you put the contents of this sunrise chamber of commerce outside, you will see how many people agree that this sunrise chamber of commerce will be rated as an S-level chamber of commerce."

"Go outside?" Some other deacons frowned slightly.

"Just kidding, the more people there are, the harder it is to make a decision. Doesn't the deacon Spielberg know?" An old deacon with high prestige glanced at Spire, and this guy was obviously It's no secret that this guy wants to break the deacon meeting of the current business alliance. Is this going to be bloody!

"Oh, I said that, even if we want to cover up, can we cover up?"

"The list is always to be announced, and the major chambers of commerce in the empire are now looking forward to the outside"

Spear smiled calmly under the eyes of the other party. He came to the window and opened the dark green curtains covering the meeting room. He glanced toward the bulletin board and said with a condensed voice, "I just want to remind Let's take a look at you, if you think about it, once the list is announced, what kind of fluctuation will it be!

"It's not helpful to say more. According to the prescribed procedures, start the deacon meeting to vote. If four deacons pass, then it is considered to be approved."

Langruid glanced out of the window with some impatience, this announcement was indeed a bit thorny, but Langruido was also not afraid, as long as he could complete the task of Sokotus Delan this time, he would be able to With the support of the Imperial Bank, what if it is boiling outside!

The other deacons are not fools, and they will not see that Spear is obviously trying to seize this matter and make things happen!

As the head of the new empire merchants, one of the reasons why Spear was strongly elected to the deacon by many businessmen was because he advocated that the deacon should be expanded in scale. Hundreds of thousands of merchants in the empire and hundreds of thousands of chambers of commerce, but only twelve Deacons are really too few. He proposed that the number of deacons should be expanded to 120 to form a real joint deacon meeting, so as to be able to discuss the business alliance’s affairs, brainstorm and represent the interests of the business people, rather than As before, just a joint meeting of 12 people, entrusting the future of hundreds of thousands of people on the shoulders of 12 people

In fact, this new and old dispute between the imperial merchants has erupted in the past two years.

The incumbent chamber of commerce has spent so much effort, so much effort, only to climb to the present position, many of them have been in business since the era of Icadiwa, which one did not rely on daring to fight, how many times to open up Life and death on the Shang Road, how many times it was on the verge of extinction, only to have the scale of the business alliance to expand to the entire continent, and thus enjoy the current preferential privileges, the Imperial Shang Road from the initial practical exploration, venture into the Inland Sea, deep into the southern European Baro jungle The land, like a wasteland, is groping and expanding across the continent. Up to now, even the southernmost wide-angle sea of ​​South Obaro has the footprint of an imperial merchant, and the imperial trade route has completed the extension of the entire Obaro region.

On this basis, a large number of new chambers of commerce began to rise, and began to shake up the positions and markets of the old chambers of commerce that initially opened up Shangluo. These new businessmen were often large nobles in the area conquered by the empire, with considerable financial resources and Based on the network of people, some of them have only been in business for two or three years. They only climbed the ladder of the large-scale chamber of commerce by relying on the golden business road beat by the old-fashioned chamber of commerce. Now they want to sit on the ladder of the old-style chamber of commerce.

To the established chamber of commerce, this feeling is like a big company. The 30-year old employee and the three-month new employee receive the same salary and enjoy the same benefits. That old employee can hold on! But for the new-style chamber of commerce, they have greater contacts and funds, but they have always been suppressed by the old chamber of commerce. The twelve deacons will not change. They are always at a disadvantage in the competition of the old chamber of commerce, so they need to reform the deacon framework The cry is not once or twice

It's just that no one thought that this old battle was suddenly focused on a sunrise chamber of commerce.

In the entire hall, most of the powerful old-age deacons are spectators and spectators. Although I know that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce's identification document is very absurd, Langruid is afraid that he will arrive home. To dare to take such identified materials to the table, but no one still expressed doubts

Because they knew that the water was too muddy, not to mention that Spear had already taken the posture to pursue it, that is, this sunrise chamber was made by Sokotus Stellar, it was enough to show that the depth of the water can drown people. !

It is not fake that Sokotus Delan has left the business alliance, but how many people in the deacon are the business queen, I am afraid it is difficult to say, not to mention, how many are in the headquarters of the NuoDa business alliance Double the eyes of the business queen, every move here, words and deeds, these old-fashioned deacons are very certain, the attitude and opinions in this meeting will definitely be put on Sokotos Delane's desk in the afternoon, Because of the assessment of an S-level chamber of commerce, and to offend Sokotus Stellar, who is in charge of the imperial bank, the fool will do that. Talents who have experienced the era of Sokotus stellar know

What does this beautiful and beautiful business queen represent? It is an era. This woman herself represents an era!

It was an era of imperial commerce, and it was an era of imperial businessmen who were determined to forge ahead. It was an era in which talented and ambitious ambitions were mixed, and they wanted to have an attempt on the power of business alliances! It was an era of crazy expansion of business alliances, an era when the deacons would be able to make a voice together, an era when the Imperial Military would simply not take it without the thirteenth deacon’s signature on the document.

More than half of the authority of the business alliance deacon is established by the thirteenth deacon of this **** means!

It’s not that no one has challenged, and the result is nothing but the death is terrible.

That woman wasn’t like killing chickens this time, and that time wasn’t like a crowd of people. never had! In the thirteenth deacon era, where the disparity in power is too great, one word is enough to deny and affirm any decision of the entire deacon. Who else dares to jump out and say nothing?

If Deacon Thirteen is still alive, what new and old disputes there are!

Only the rookie, such as the Dark Gold Chamber of Commerce Spielber, who has only entered the deacon in the past two years, knows very little about the **** wind at the time, and really thinks that his deacon in the business alliance is a personal thing! Still talking about reforming the current twelve deacons system without knowing the existence of the twelve deacons, just to facilitate the control of the thirteen deacons.

"So, let's start voting now." Langruid looked calmly at all the deacons. Everyone is smart.

"Wait a minute, Lan Rui, you have forgotten a document in the office. You can get it for me. You may need it later." Spear's eyes narrowed into a thin line, his cold face was silent for a while, and he sat back A confidant assistant in the line said, the assistant nodded, stood up, and walked outside the hall door,

Spear dismissed his assistants for no reason, no doubt, just to pass the matter of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce to the major chambers of commerce outside, in order to put pressure on other deacons, watching the assistant's figure disappear at the entrance of the hall. Turning his head, a pair of ambitions must smile and say, "Now can start!"

The eyes of other deacons flickered a little, neither prevented nor said anything. Although there are twelve deacon meetings here, but business meetings have always been like this, each deacon has several assistants to participate, after all, there are many business As for the specific matters, as the head of the chamber of commerce, it is impossible to be hands-on, and some business progress cannot be all in detail. With these assistants, I can understand the relevant content at any time and adjust the results of the meeting at any time.

"My twelve deacons Langruid expressed his approval" Langruid first raised his hand calmly,

There was silence in the conference hall

"Haha, you still see the situation clearly"

Spear smiled contemptuously, his eyes full of provocation, more and more shiny,

"Slap" The door of the conference hall was also pushed away at this time. The assistant who had just hurried away took a document and walked back to the seat behind Spear, nodded slightly to Spear, indicating that the news had been transmitted. out

"Then that's it!" Spear looked at Lang Rido's solitary hand and raised his face with a smile on his face. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so suddenly. This Lang Rondo wanted to flatter Sokotus Delan, if I was able to seize the loophole of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. When all the people announced it, it revealed the dark box operation of the deacon. Under the anger of the group, the reform of the deacon would be thrown out. These old women's bloated old traders overthrow

"Can you continue, interrupting others halfway is quite ill-cultivated, and my twelve deacons Feitek approves." At this time, a voice said, Spear's smile solidified on his face, this old thing! It was the old deacon who refuted him just now

"My Twelve Deacons' Warmness Approves"

"My twelve deacons of the Sith curtain expressed approval"

Every sound sounded, either thick, or loud, or hoarse, echoing in the hall, one hand began to stand up, two, three, four. . . . Six, eight. . . Spear's face was blue, and every voice seemed to be hitting his face. Twelve hands, only four hands were not raised. Except for Spear himself, the other three people were all new businessmen. Delegates, it's just that these three people also have a dignified face, and the war broke out~lightnovelpub.net~ was caught off guard, the new and old camps were so distinct, and the atmosphere in the hall was more permeable.

"Eight people expressed their approval and fully met the certification standards, and the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce S-class Chamber of Commerce passed the qualification certification."

"You will regret it, I can guarantee it!" Spear looked at the seal on the document, his fingers clenched, his teeth clenched, and these guys were grim. These guys were too happy. Once this announcement was released, it was the death of the deacons. !

At three in the afternoon, the hot sun in May hung in the sky, the tall eaves of the headquarters of the business alliance dragged out a long shadow in the sun, and a middle-level member of the business alliance walked in front of the crowded bulletin board and hung a notice. , The list of S-level chambers of commerce came out, and the surrounding merchants immediately swarmed up

"Let me show you, let me see"

"Don't squeeze! Who stepped on my foot!"

"Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, there really is this sunrise chamber of commerce!" someone shouted loudly, and there was a loud noise all around.