Whole Nation

~: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-

In a military tent in the camp of the central noble faction in the central area of ​​Hérault, the old face of the Marquis of Kentham was pale, and he held a report he had just received and pressed it heavily on the table, glancing over his head and kneeling on the ground More than a dozen people, the whole body of the anger is a little trembling." Didn’t you say that all the bridges were washed away by the flood, did not mean that there was a plague outbreak in the border area, and the 60,000 troops of the Southern Alliance are already overwhelmed, then the Southern Alliance two A few days ago, how about mobilizing 30,000 troops from the valley city to Roshny?"

"The bridge was indeed washed down, and the border was indeed showing signs of the outbreak of the plague, but no one expected that the alliance would be so bold," a noble said cautiously.

These dozen people are the backbone of the southern noble faction, and this is the noble who willingly offered to be the precursor of the imperial army south. Although these nobles cannot be regarded as pure southerners, the entire family has been in the south for a long time. The longest is even more than sixty years, and these families themselves were spies who were attacked by the Eero royal family. Over the years, they have been familiar with Eero in the south, and they are not under the old southern princes who have returned. These nobles Volunteer willing to open the way for the imperial army, Hu Keqili, who is responsible for the central imperial army, will naturally not refuse

The Kentham family, who is the co-owner of the central nobility, naturally became the responsible person. Everything was going well. The roads that were destroyed by floods due to soil rainfall have been repaired, but suddenly the roads in front were responsible for road repairs. More than a dozen noblemen said that the bridge that had just been repaired was washed away, and there were many corpses of animals and people floating in the river. Under such hot weather, the soldiers responsible for building roads have already shown signs of infection.

The Marquis of Kentham immediately sent someone to check in person, and the report was the same. The Marquis of Kentham, who had no doubt, immediately reported to Hukochili, suggesting that in order to rebuild the bridge and clean up the plague area, it was necessary to renew the original time There was a delay of three days, but just one day later, the Marquis of Kentham received the information that the Southern League once again dispatched troops from the Valley City a day ago.

How could it be so coincident!

The Marquis of Kentham had intelligence in his hands, and his eyes were fierce, and he was silent for more than ten seconds. Everyone is a southerner, who doesn't know who! Since the imperial army is in the middle, the Alliance has not dared to take any action in the Valley City, and the outbreak of the Alliance’s wrath against the Kentham family has made the relationship between the Alliance and the Kentham family to a point of tension.

Although the Kentham family is not as strong as the imperial army, there are also tens of thousands of elite families and more than 20,000 troops of noble factions. In this case, how dare the Alliance evacuate 30,000 people from the valley city again! Even if it’s stupid, Marquis of Kentham can feel that there is a problem inside. To verify his guess, the Marquis of Kentham’s family went to the front to see the problem and immediately saw the problem.

The bridge is indeed broken, but it can be seen at a glance that it is not broken by the flood, it is more like being destroyed by man.

As for the plague, the empire had a strict order. The corpses of humans and livestock were required to be burned as soon as they were found, and then buried in a deep pit of at least three meters. In the area where how to suppress too many corpses, the plague does not occur. The imperial army is obviously an expert level. The methods are very clever and the inspection is extremely strict. As long as it is found that there is one thing that does not meet the requirements, all the officers must be punished from the level of the banner leader to the level of the squad leader. Therefore, since the flood broke out, the inspection team sent by the imperial army I have been wandering around, so although the soldiers are vomiting and diarrhea, it is not very serious.

Moreover, the empire sent a special medical doctor to treat these isolated soldiers. At the beginning, everyone felt uncomfortable with the empire's attention to corpse treatment, but with the heavy rains, hysteria was rare in the camp. Situation, everyone began to realize the important role of such a strict empire move

"Let Atelier Goron come to me immediately!"

The Marquis of Kentham's face sullenly waved his hand, shouting to the attendant outside the tent,

Objectively, there is no problem, then the problem is people! The Marquis of Kentham knew this very well. Even if these nobles took advantage of the alliance and deceived themselves, they should be able to send their own people to stand in line with them. The Marquis of Kentham himself sent People, not others, it is his eldest son, Atelier Corum, that the problem is not who has deceived himself, but once the empire knows the truth, the Kentham family may not be able to eat and walk around!

"Father, do you have anything to do with me?"

Soon, a young man with a face similar to that of the Marquis of Kentham who was burning with anger entered the military tent. The man relied on the iconic linen curls of the Kentham family, with a dark blue The armor and the scarlet cloak dragged to the ground, which reflected the extraordinary momentum of the heroes. So the young people now looked at the situation inside the tent with surprise, especially the dozen nobles who were kneeling on the ground. Was it tightened, was it found? However, it was delayed for two or three days, and it should not be a big deal! The young man's disdain slightly flicked,

He is Atelier Columbus, the eldest son of the Marquis of Kentham. He is 28 years old this year.

For the outside world, Atelier Columbine has always been regarded as the heir of the Kentham family, the future owner of the Kentham family! Now that the Kentham family has become the new royal family of Erow, there is no suspense. Atelier Columbine, as the heir of the Kentham family, is naturally the future Emperor Erow, but it was already a nailed thing, but because of the family The rise of the girl Alice broke

As the family's sister-in-law and the most honored eldest son, Atelier Columbine had never put this girl sister in her eyes. At the time, the Marquis of Kentham promised to marry the woman, also because young Kentham needed a sum of money Wealth to support himself, and the woman’s father, who was in charge of the management of the southern and northern trade of Hérault at that time, could provide help

Later, as the woman’s father was detained by the royal family and lost her position in the family, the woman’s treatment at the Kentham family plummeted. Finally, the woman died in the third year after giving birth to a daughter. The funeral was not held for this woman, but the body was buried in a remote corner of the family cemetery. Such a girl who is not even a member of the family has no qualifications to compare with herself, but it was just two months ago. Everything changed, and the girl actually persuaded the empire to promise to sell King Eero to the Kentham's house. This was a thing that seemed like a barren talk at night, and it was a surprise to let this girl do it!

Later, the girl appeared in the negotiations between the southern coalition and the empire, and she was regarded as the new generation leader of the Kentham family. How can this be done? What is the right of a girl to represent the Kentham family, Kentah? The eldest son of the Mu family, the heir of the Kentham family is himself, not the girl!

"What promise did the alliance give you? You even instructed others to lie about military affairs. Do you really think that the empire dare not kill the people of our Kentham family?"

The Marquis of Kentham let the other nobles go down, and then turned angrily to look at his son. Atelier Columbine was the heir he cultivated hard, so he knew his son’s nature, but this time it was too great Dangerous, once let the empire find out, the Kentham family hangs! However, the conditions that can make his son tempted, the Southern League should also be the right to make the blood!

"It’s still my father who knows that as long as we wait and see the changes, the Southern League will take the initiative to find us. Three days ago, the Union side really couldn’t withstand the pressure and secretly sent someone to negotiate with me. They were willing to deal with the Fort Fury incident. Make compensation, and..." Atelier Columbine showed a look of excitement, his eyes were brighter, and he said slowly, "In fact, it is not a terrible condition, but the Southern League agrees, as long as we are willing to The Mu family withdrew their troops from the Roshni side, and they recognized my Kentham family as the new royal family of Erow. I felt that this condition was fairly fair. Although the woman surrounded Roshni with the power of the empire, he was external. It was in the name of my Kentham family, and some people now regard it as the representative of my Kentham family. This kind of thing can never be continued, and I did not ask the woman to do anything, just I hope that the woman can retreat despite difficulties, and under the pressure of the alliance forces, it is enough to withdraw the family fiefs!"

"Then have you thought about it, once the empire thoroughly investigates this matter, how do you explain it!" Marquis of Kentham's face was blue and his nose snorted heavily

"Imperial investigation? What to check, broken bridges, and sick soldiers, these are not made up by me!" Atelier Columbus was full of confidence, not afraid of anything at all "and delayed by three or four days. That’s right~lightnovelpub.net~ How much can it have?"

"But if Atelis doesn't withdraw, two or three days? Do you know how many people will die in these two or three days!"

At this moment, the Marquis of Kentham’s eyes were red like a wolf, and he secretly sighed in his heart. From the moment he got Atris counterattacking the Alliance’s five thousand troops in the Eye of Fury, he knew that the direction of the Kentham family had been It’s no longer something that I can control. Sure enough, but in just a few days, shocking news came flying one by one. Atelier counterattacked northward in the name of Kentham’s house. Block, the army soldiers approached the city of Roshni, shaking the entire south, and along the way, they also surrendered to more than a dozen families. It seems that they already have the power to resist the Alliance Chambers. Left behind

This matter is not a good thing for the Kentham family! It would be nice if Atelis was a man, and sometimes Marquis Kentham thought this way in his heart. Of course, this is unrealistic. The family girl, in any case, cannot be the heir to the family, let alone Ken. Tam's house will soon become the royal family of Eero!

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