Whole Nation

~: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-

South Aden Subcontinent,

The deep blue water is separated by a gray here. It is the junction of the two seas. It is covered by fog for decades in the southern sea of ​​Eero. It is rumored to be close to the tropical red South Asian subcontinent. A white blister appeared on the brown reef, and then returned to hit the hull, carefully turned out from the side of the island, a group of Imperial Navy battleships appeared, the hull was not large, the sails had all been put down, and the hull was allowed to follow The natural flow of seawater is eastward, the speed is not fast, almost gliding on the sea surface, silently, the entire fleet is extinguished, and the black outer deck is dyed, so that the entire reconnaissance ship is like a ghost under the cover of night

In the dark night, the imperial navy forward fleet under such disguise entered the mysterious South Asian subcontinent for the first time

Naval Captain Frekad, who stood at the bow, was not worried about being exposed, but looked at the surrounding sea with excitement. He seemed to want to see Aden, the core region of the Kingdom of Aden, through the boundless sea in front of him. Bay, the sea water here is obviously different in color from the area passing by in the past. The sea water looks bluer than other sea areas. It should be due to the algal blooms caused by high temperatures.

The information provided by the Temple of Heaven is still deviated. The actual situation is not ten days, but the evening of the seventh day. The navy reported that the mist covering Eero’s estuary began to spread. When the sun rays on the ninth day shone, the exposed It's like a smooth mirror surface under the mist

The imperial navy forward fleet that has been prepared for everything has entered the range of the original sea of ​​mist in advance. The imperial sword points to the Gulf of Aden. The entire forward fleet consists of eleven dragon-tooth battleships and four reconnaissance ships, of which the imperial reconnaissance ship As the newest fast ship among the four reconnaissance ships, the Belyanko adopted the latest three-mast spinnaker design, with a maximum speed of 20 knots. It reached the primary goal formulated by the Admiralty at the first time, Port Luxi

Port Roussi, located at the intersection of the Aden area and the southern area of ​​Eero, is one of the most important supporting points of the navy of the Kingdom of Aden in this sea area. In order to fully realize the control of this sea area, the Kingdom of Aden once established the headquarters of the South Fleet at Luxi Port, but as the Kingdom of Aden began its full expedition, a large number of naval warships were transferred from Luxi Port to the east. Luxi Port was in a half-air state. Although the sea of ​​fog blocked the navy’s glance from the east, but information about Aden , The Imperial Intelligence Department has always been a top priority, so it is not completely unaware of Aden,

Although I do not know why the upper part of the Admiralty used this half-air port as the first target of the imperial navy when it entered the Gulf of Aden, but it did not delay the excitement of Frekad’s execution of the order, the wolf was eating meat for thousands of miles, and the imperial navy had not been there for a long time. After a painstaking baptism, it is like a hungry wolves. The sailors on the deck all look at the lights of the distant coastline with their longing eyes. The warm sea breeze makes everyone not only not drunk, but has a thought Impulse to release

"Don't you say this is an airport?"

"Isn't it better to be empty!"

"It looks like a transport fleet" the empire sailors murmured, because they were close to the edge of the sea of ​​mist. In general, no fleet would choose to sail here, especially in autumn, the mist is even sky The sun is covered, and only a white afterglow can be seen. The echo of the waves hitting the hull is getting louder and faster, and it is getting more and more rapid, just like what is blocked by human breath,

In the night breeze, Frekad, who stood on the bow of the ship, looked cold, holding a long tubular second-generation look-out mirror, looking in the direction of the brightly lit port in the distance. He was a handsome young man with blue eyes , Brown curly hair emerged from the edge of the captain's cap. After a while, he put down his sight glass and took a deep breath. It is expected that in the half-air port of Luxi, it was white sails. The hulls of large transport ships were next to each other. He whispered to his deputy beside him "Thirty-three transport ships, if fully loaded with materials, should be able to support a large fleet for more than 30 days. It seems that the Adenites are mobilizing material transport to the east. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there is a nearby A considerable size of the Aden navy exists, and it is not yet possible to determine which one it is. I personally prefer to launch an offensive. Write this into the report of the report to the fleet. Time is running out, and it’s not too late. These words are also written."

"There may be an Aden navy near Luxi port, so what is our role is not to tell the Aden people that the empire is here!"

Holding the report he had just received, the commander of the Imperial Squadron Chekov made a slight slip of his mouth. The former commander of the Imperial squadron, a former pirate, was promoted to the rank of deputy commander of the Imperial Navy just three months ago. As a high-level admiral, he knew more about the whole plan than the captains below. For example, the reason why the navy’s main force was split into a forward fleet and a backward fleet was entirely to confuse the Adenites. The two fleets are almost They entered the sea of ​​mist in less than half a day, but on the route, the forward fleet went up along the coastline, and the real naval main force was a 45-degree angle away from the coastline.

The surprise attack on the Gulf of Aden lies in a singularity. The entire forward fleet is an attractive barrier, so the Admiralty sent Chekov, a pirate, as the commander of the forward fleet. Chekov has a very rich knowledge of the sea area, especially in naval battles. It is extremely brave. He has repeatedly been beaten by the opponent's round because he was too aggressive in the naval battle. This is a battle madness. Appointing such a person as the commander of the forward fleet is to let him do things! The Navy Commander’s approach did not disappoint the Admiralty. I want to know if there are many detection methods around the Aden Navy, and the most direct and effective is to poke a port of Luxi.

The order to attack the Port of Luxi was passed on, and the captains of the forward fleet were excited and furious

When the sun rose from the sea level, the waves in front of Luxi Port discharged a white line, slamming on the tidal flat, near the rock wall where the tide was floating, an Aden navy was hiding in the shadow of the cliff, and the waves hit these warships. On the side, a series of white blisters formed, making a gurgling tumbling sound. In the silent wind, it gave a dignified atmosphere. In the center of the fleet, several huge hulls with metal armor undulated,

"It's troublesome. Why did my tenth fleet wait for those slow-moving transport ships" In one of the metal giant ship's cabins, a pale yellow middle-aged noble stared at the sunlight outside the window, with a long black flat hat , Black collar, black deer ankle boots, his eyes flashed with a chill, his name was Anthony An, commander of the tenth fleet of the Aden Navy

The Port of Luxi used to be the headquarters of the Southern Fleet. When the Port of Luxi was expanded, the Aden navy specially built all the islands in the surrounding seas. Because the port was already filled with transport ships, the Aden Tenth Fleet did not Docked at Luxi Port, but near an island twenty miles north of Luxi Port

As one of the main squadrons of the Aden Navy, the Tenth Fleet is definitely not a shelf. It was only restored from the southern waters of Central Biya a month ago. The order from the Aden Navy Department required the Tenth Fleet to **** a batch of naval materials along the way. Kingdom of Aden Although it has achieved great success in Central Biya, it is an expedition of laborers after all. Hundreds of thousands of troops are placed in Central Biya, and in order to maintain the transportation line at sea, the navy is stationed on the islands along the way. The huge consumption almost consumed the national power accumulated by the Aden royal family for decades, and the Kingdom of Aden began to mobilize materials from the far west.

"These guys have wasted too much time. If I can't set off tomorrow evening, I can't catch up with the ritual of His Majesty." Anthony An's face was helpless. The ritual in his mouth was the promotion of His Majesty King Aden to Emperor Aden, according to the plan. , He should have left Luxi Port for the Gulf of Aden three days ago, and then appeared at the ceremony of His Majesty the Emperor as an officer of the Kingdom’s Admiralty, but now, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep up with this huge ceremony, especially thinking that he still has If you need to **** the slow-moving transport fleet to Mandu Dagang first, you will feel that your eyebrows are burning up.

"I really miss the days in Central Biya. Although it was not satisfactory because of the harassment of the imperial navy, it is indeed possible to feel the power of the kingdom of Aden every day." Anthonyan's eyes brightened, and there was a smile in the mouth This time, the Kingdom of Aden was promoted to the empire. The army generals in the far-reaching Central Biya area could not rush back, but the admirals of the navy returned one after another. A large amount of property obtained in the Central Abyss area was returned to the country,

"Sir, there is news from the port, the fleet can be set off tonight" The adjutant stepped up from behind the deck and brought some good news.

"Submit the order, let's go to Roussi Port" Antonian felt a sigh of relief when he heard that the transport fleet could start at night

"Anchor" a loud command. The sails of the Tenth Fleet began to rise to the top of the mast, and the sails were immediately blown by the wind. The heavy bow began to slide on the calm sea for more than ten days, breaking the sea creaking. In the ear, it is definitely the most beautiful voice in this world! Anthony Ann didn't know, because his decision opened the curtain of the battle of Aden

The tenth fleet returning to Luxi Port waits outside the port

Standing on the bow of the ship, staring at the port in front of him, Anthonyan had a complex look,

The topography of the Gulf of South Aden appears low-lying to the north. The Gulf of Aden is originally a concave semi-sea terrain, with extensive wetlands, dense water, and vertical and horizontal river channels. The abundant water vapor and the heating current from the ocean impact each other on the coastline, and finally formed The unique four-season climate of the Gulf of Aden has almost no spring and winter. The temperature is above 30 degrees for eight months of the year, so most of the skin of the Aden people shows a red copper color, while the Gulf of Aden is on the sea and land. Are all connected to the advantages of the Central Biya region, allowing Aden merchants to grab huge amounts of wealth in transactions between the east and west continents, but all this ended when the port of Konina fell into the hands of the empire, and the empire broke through. After the golden commercial road connecting East and Central Roads with Biya, Aden's role as a commercial hub between the east and the west has gradually weakened. . . . .

Suddenly, an urgent whistle came sharply and rang in Anthony's ear. It seemed extremely harsh in the quiet space where only the sound of water was heard. At the beginning, there was a whistle, then two whistle, a whistle... In the end all the whistle was connected, and the sharp whistle seemed to pierce everyone's eardrum,

"what's the situation"

Anthony's face became extremely ugly, such as raising his head to look at the tall mast, there was a lookout at the top of the mast, the lookout was conveying the gesture of the front towards the bottom, and vigorously connected down The whisperer kept repeating this action, the deputy ran stumbled around, and there was chaos around him. Anthonyan also looked at the whisperer’s gesture in disbelief. Damn, did you make a mistake? This is southern Aden. , Where did the enemy come from? Although the gestures of the flag-speakers are so obvious, everyone has a clear view of the sea, even if it is an attack, who will choose to launch a raid in such an environment?

But facts are more than anything else," Anthony saw a battleship in front of him and was suddenly hit by a series of fireballs. The explosion was deafening. The sea water that was lifted nearby suddenly raised a large column of water. The water was violent and the hull was like a roller coaster. Abandoned aloft, it was like a sea collapsed, and the turbulent waves set off the nearby warships.

"The imperial navy, the order goes on, all combat ships are scattered" flashes on Antonian's white face. He has fought with the imperial navy several times in the waters of Central Biya, knowing that the power of the imperial thunder **** is huge, as if it has silver wings Angel of death! The moment the target is hit, the target is crushed!

"Re-adjust the target... 376 meters ahead, turn left 21 degrees!"

In the bombardment compartment of the Imperial Navy's forward fleet, the imperial artillery quickly adjusted based on the data from the first shot~lightnovelpub.net~Hulonglong, the naval fleet's volley is like a long formation on the sea The smoke ring of about 100 meters cannot be determined too specific. All imperial battleships are scattered in a range. I saw countless thunder bombs dragging their tails, pouring down like storms, and rising water columns, The tumbling seawater reflected by the fire,

The violent artillery fire hit like raindrops, and the sea surface was boiling up numerous water columns

One after another, the Aden battleship was hit by fire and a huge water column lifted by the Thor bomb. Just like dumplings, the dense spores in the surroundings burst like spores bursting in the sea, the water column soared, and the white waves pushed forward with the bow. Thunder bombs dragging the smoke tails, dense like rainstorms, fireballs across the sea with whistling and flames, broken wood flying across, the sturdy iron skin bow was also broken by the belly, with a sound The sound of a violent explosion came from the body of the battleship. The items inside the battleship were like a hurricane. All the obstacles were crushed and the hull of the battleship hit was shocked. The speed stopped quickly, the entire bow disappeared, and the sea water poured into it.

The huge hull of the battleship burned under the thick flame,

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