Whole Nation

~: Three thousand six hundred and seventy-s

There is no wind on the clear sea, and the sparkling waves become softer and softer, showing beautiful pictures under the bright sun. Under the blue sky without any variegated sky, the clear and transparent light green sea water fluctuates with the wind, forming A white line dashed ahead of the temptation, and the dazzling sunlight shone down from above

The port of Badya on the coast of Feishan, this inland hub city that has risen rapidly since last autumn, is now like a shining pearl. Since the fall of last year, the empire has reinstated the rebellion of the Feishan aristocracy and filled the area of ​​Feishan. After a year of decay, it was finally wiped out by the transfer of a new administrative officer. This new administrative officer was famous in the empire. The former deputy chief of the empire was once known as one of the emperors’ left-handed civilians. The Prime Minister, because something was put on hold by the emperor, and then activated again, this person is Prais. For the emperor to suddenly activate this person, the empire is more of a lively mentality

Although Prais is the former high-powered deputy chief, but the emperor appointed this person to Governor Feishan in the past, it does not necessarily mean that there is no meaning of punishment warning. The entire area of ​​Feishan is broken, and Bavarian In the war, Feishan's 300,000 army died. For the country of Feishan with a total population of less than millions, the death of 300,000 young and powerful means half of the death of the whole country, plus the previous invasion of the Istan Empire caused half of the country to be destroyed. The tragedy of the Feishan Kingdom is long gone, and there is no twenty years of restoring to restore it. Even if it is Prais, the emperor transferred Prais to Feishan, in addition to expressing his forgiveness to the Feishan region In addition, there is another reason, it should be that the former deputy chief of the empire has a decent step. After a few years in the Feishan area, he can retire gloriously in the post of governor of the empire. The emperor is a thought. And the old lovers, this is well known to the senior people of the empire

The main reason for the decline of the Feishan area was the emperor. The emperor killed half of the strong males of Feishan in one breath. It was the emperor who instructed the empire general Walisian to deal a heavy blow to the noble Feishan during the annexation war. After the emperor allowed many Feisan nobles who had a large amount of funds and possessions to flee, the final thing left was a mess full of holes, and the emperor's anger at the assassination of the emperor caused the Feisan region to merge into the empire. The high-level officials are invisible to the ruined selectivity of the Feishan area, and now they are bringing in a heavy-hearted minister instead of readjusting it.

But in just half a year, Prais’s actions in the Feishan area shocked the entire empire. The former emperor of the empire built casinos on the coast of Feishan and smuggled transactions, and the most inside the empire What broke the spectacle lens was that a lot of unknown funds were actually invested,

The Faisan coast was originally a beautiful area. When the Faisan navy was still strong dozens of years ago, the entire Faisan coast was a casino and an auction house. The memory of the grand occasion of the previous year is still fresh, and this time, Prais, who was famous for its stability, is not only crazy than the Feishan naval era, but also desperately building high-end villas in scenic coastal urban areas, from South Europe. In the war-torn areas, young women with huge incomes and beautiful looks filled these noble areas as servants. For a time, the casinos in the coastal area of ​​Feishan, the beauty of the clouds, was like a pearl that wiped off the dust. Luo mainland is on the side, can the casino be opened like this? Where is this casino, it is basically a huge vacation, shopping, aristocratic area expanded under the guise of a casino

"Plais is ignorant of the imperial decree, building casinos extensively in its jurisdiction, and there are evil acts of buying and selling people. If it is not dealt with, how can the imperial decree be unblocked!" The emperor’s desk has not been dropped in the past six months, and the emperor has never spoken at all. This is undoubtedly the acquiescence of Prais’s behavior, and the accusations of Prays in the empire have disappeared a lot. Some empires The emerging class in the country, especially the merchant class, also began to bring their family or friends to Feishan. In addition to feeling the blue sea and blue sky famous on the coast of Feishan, it is the kind of spending a lot of money in casinos and selling them in smuggling auctions. To the royal treasures that I can’t believe, some people became rich overnight and famed the entire coast of Feishan, holding the beauty home and becoming a legend. Others were bankrupt overnight, their wealth was lost, their wives were scattered, they fell into the dust, the Miracle Coast, This has become another name for the Fraser Coast

Fifteen miles from the port of Badya, the empire is on the pier of Kusu Port, the largest naval port on the coast of Faisan. The blue sky and the gentle waves hit the shore. A large number of imperial navy soldiers are fully armed to control various locations in the port. , The expression is very serious. The armor shines brightly in the sun. Since this morning, the five-mile range of the naval port has been martial-free, and it is strictly forbidden to pass. Many soldiers even appeared on the roof of the house.

"Don’t be so nervous. Under informal circumstances, the emperor is actually a very good speaker, and the emperor is still very satisfied with Miss Gui’s performance. He pushed Feishan coast to such an extent within six months, even me, at the beginning Startled by the emperor’s decision, he must know the characteristics of Fei Shan’s coastal area well and be decisive not to lose to the battlefield general. If he is replaced by any other person, he may not be able to do like Miss Gui, You have such a good daughter. It’s not a problem for the family to flourish for a hundred years.” Prais stared at the sea in front. He wore a silver neckline and a black overall empire governor uniform. He turned his head and smiled at a middle-aged general beside him.

If someone else in the upper empire of the empire saw this scene, I was afraid that it would be all terrifying. When did Praise, the former deputy chief of the empire, always be unsmiling, so kind to the outside world, let alone as a deputy chief An identity, the emperor's father-in-law

"The little girl is just more courageous and has no real ability. Feishan coast can have such a scene, which is entirely due to the Governor General." The middle-aged general replied nervously, saying that he was responsible for the newly appointed Imperial Feishan Defense Army Hakkala, the Fraser Regiment is part of the Governor’s House, and can only be regarded as a regional force. It is not enough to stand here in this identity, but another identity is enough. The father of the giant daughter Audrey is also another important piece dropped in the hands of the imperial emperor

The weight of his military commander in the Feishan area, if placed in the front line of the imperial combat corps, is just a head of the flag, but for this noble Feishan nobleman who has been cautious for a lifetime, this is absolutely heavenly The falling pie smashed. His daughter Audrey is the hottest figure in the area of ​​Feishan, monopolizing 80% of the foreign trade on the coast of Feishan, and 40% of the casinos. It is rumored that Audrey was the underground lover of Governor Frais, but as Audrey’s father, Hakkala knew that all this was the emperor’s hand.

Prais only bears a name on the face. The whole plan was proposed by the emperor. Prais was only the executor of the plan, and his position as the head of the garrison army was only to make the emperor's plan more smoothly. Out of the decoration, in this big chess, he, his daughter Audrey, and even the governor of Feishan, Praise himself, are just pieces of chess on the chessboard.

The real goal of the emperor was that recently, because the two major groups of China-Europe Baro had to pinch each other in order to control the imperial trade routes, the China-Europe trade routes were cut off. The caravans that originally used the Central Europe Baro region have chosen to bypass China Europe Baro. The goods are transferred from Lockborough, and then the coastal road bypasses Central Obaro. After stopping at the large transfer station on the coast of Faisan, either choose to enter the Istan region inland, or continue along the sea to the South Obaro region

Such a clear route is in front of you. If you can’t see it before, how can you not see it now? Hakala is not stupid. Because of the existence of the Kingdom of Feishan, the empire was on the north coast of the inner sea as if it were torn off on the sea route. One piece, had to pass through the commercial route from the Central European Baro Road. Now because of the revival and rise of the Fraser Coast, this piece has been made up. Even if the Imperial Commercial Road does not rely on the Central European Baro road transport, it can also transport goods to the Inland Sea. On the east coast, it is just that the Central European Baro side has not realized this, and still thinks that as a corridor between the east and the west, they can have the bargaining capital with the empire.

Now the Central Europe Baro region is on the verge. The so-called Rila-led Hanshan Alliance and the Shade Alliance of the Lobos Kingdom are still preparing for the so-called trade route interests to fight for your life and death. It is not interesting at all. The emperor was early Another way has been opened, and the emperor came to the coast of Feishan at this moment, and it is quite a bit to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Sir, the navy has heard that because of a storm on the road, it is delayed from the scheduled time. Your emperor may not arrive until the afternoon."

"Afternoon, I got it"

Sure enough, by about four o'clock in the afternoon, a huge Imperial Dragon-class battleship appeared on the southern sea, flanked by five imperial navy dragon-tooth warships on each side, and the heavy triangular bow was like a heavy plow tearing apart The beautiful blue sea surface has been completely lowered from the canvas at a distance of 200 meters from the port, completely relying on inertia, and the huge hull slowly landed on the shore. The imperial navy dragon-class battleship is still as big as a gust of wind. When leaning on the dock, there was a slight tremor, and the dock was pounded to the ground. The side of the 30-meter-high ship looked from bottom to top, like a huge mountain, letting you see the Imperial Navy for the first time The Hakkala of the dragon class has a white face. Although it is rumored that the Feishan navy can also make a staggering giant ship in its heyday, the height is 20 meters, and the 30-meter dragon class in front of him. The battleships are incomparable. With such a huge fortress, it’s no wonder that even the striking Sealand Strand had to bow its head obediently.

The welcoming ceremony was very simple, and the emperor did not like grand ceremonies. As he came along the way, he was completely at a glance about the changes along the coast of Feishan, and he was generally satisfied. From the conversation with the emperor, Prais knew that the emperor wanted to get The exact condition of the shipping route turned out that the imperial navy first drove to Lockhart in Central Europe, and after supplying it, it drove to the port of Feishanbadya

"Four days before and after, compared to the land route through Central Europe, it is at least a day and a half less, and you don't need to pass through the layers of Central European Baro countries to collect taxes. You are doing very well. I'm afraid that Central Europe Luo Zhuguo still thinks that Feishan Coastal is a big gambling house, and it is not known that it is their commercial interests that Feishan Coastal really wants to take away."

The emperor stood in front of the glass window and glanced at the surrounding scenery. This is an independent manor house located in Pulaisti. It has a large area and very good greenery. There are dense bushes, broad lawns, and many more Ancient statues, standing in the lobby of the four floors. From afar, you can see the wilderness of wild flowers in the early summer. The ground is indeed a very pleasant thing.

The emperor was very satisfied with this. He dropped the seeds in the spring and took back the fruits in the fall. He came to take back the fruits. There are too many countries in the Central European Baro region, because it is not the result of the imperial conquest of the empire, just like the cecum of the empire. One of the best ways to stir the wind and rain of the empire is to touch the cecum of this empire. This is an ambitious land. Although the area is not large, everyone wants to be one. Boss

Small country, widowed, unscrupulous, capricious

This is the kind of area, even if it is an empire, it is impossible to suppress all of it. Every time Central Europe Baro sets off a storm, it will not cause much loss to the empire, but it will also make the empire lose its face. For the enemy of the empire , Central Europe Barrow is where a natural target is placed, is the evidence of the cruelty of the empire. The empire used the chaos of the Hungarian teeth to enter the Central Europe Baro, which is not justified by itself, and the empire is completely committed to the development of maritime trade. The princes of the country acted as slaves~lightnovelpub.net~ As for the Central European Barories to threaten the empire during the annual meeting of the empire, the enemies of the empire will naturally selectively forget

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Rila finally can't stand it. Yesterday evening, he launched an attack on the left line of the Suraf platform. The Lobos army was unable to meet the defense and was rushed into the defense line of the Lobos Army by ten miles. The Lobos army has already begun. The defense line was fully contracted, and the subordinates believed that the Lobos army failed too fast. There is a problem here.” Praisi’s voice paused, and he respectfully reported the latest situation received today to the emperor.

"Question? Ha ha." The black-haired emperor heard Praise's report, his eyes flashed coldly, and his lips froze coldly. "Our majesty Ao Witt is used to being the boss, but we haven't thought about the current Rila The kingdom is no longer the former kingdom of Rila, and I still think that everything rushes ahead. The pride of the Rila people is hard to have true friends, let alone a guy who likes to monopolize the benefits after the rundown, but Rob King Sri Lanka is different. As a newly emerging country, it has a wealth of wealth, and it also proposes that the original interests are all in touch. This is very playful."

(End of this chapter)

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