Whole Nation

~: Three thousand three hundred and seventy

"Adult, the rest of the Kali Su Army has agreed to lay down their weapons and surrender, just hoping that the adults can guarantee their safety." Lighter turned back to Salton, relieved, and persuaded the veteran Ai, who is famous for his stubbornness. It’s not an easy task. If it’s not the frontier guards who have been squeezed out by the royal family in recent years, even the veteran Eliot, who has been sitting in the frontier guards for two decades, was transferred back to the capital. Frustration is also false. Although Eliot was once again transferred to the border guard by the royal family, it seems to be restarted and reused. In fact, it is only used to cooperate with the puppet of the royal army.

This time, if the Kali Su Army really succeeded in marching north, its huge victory would eventually be placed on the royal army. As for the border guards, the existence or absence of the post-war is both said. It is completely the royal army. Elliot knows this stepping stone, and the entire border guard is also very clear. He is generally high-spirited and cannot live forever. But when he is desperate, he is directly scared and abandoned the border guard in fierce battle. Escape without permission, such a royal army, even if he has chosen the veteran Eliot, is completely disappointed with the royal army. The other Karisu border guards are filled with indignation, so there is a collective surrender of the border guards!

"Of course, the empire does not have the habit of ill-treatment of captives, as long as they are willing to lay down their weapons and surrender, everything in front can be blamed!",

Salton nodded with a smile in his mouth, and said with a condensed voice, "Although the Kali Su Army who surrendered to the Empire has only more than 20,000, it is more than 20,000. If the opponent really does not die, even if the Imperial Army can finally fight The killing was brilliant, but I was afraid that there would be no casualties for tens of thousands of people. Now it is better to be able to reduce the casualties of tens of thousands of imperial troops!

"On behalf of all the Kalisu people, I thank adults for their kindness." Lightl looked excitedly and saluted a salute to Salton.

In fact, he was also uneasy in his heart. The tradition of the Imperial Army not killing captives is not false, but it does not mean that the Imperial Army really accepts all surrenders. Look at Feishan’s 300,000 army who was slaughtered overnight. In the battle of Leeds, the empire did not leave any livelihood, enough for 300,000 people. Not only was it killed by the imperial army overnight, it was said that there was no surrender among the 300,000 Feishan troops, then how is this possible! Although it is said that the Feishan attacked the imperial army first, which caused the death of a heavy minister in the empire, the emperor of the empire was directly enraged and issued a cruel order not to be captured!

"Letter, do you have any acquaintances in the surrendering Kali Su? If they are willing to return to the empire, the empire will give them corresponding treatment. At this point, His Majesty the Emperor has ordered'Salton' Seemingly casually, he raised his hand at Letle, and said to comfort Leitel, glanced at the lush green carpet like Kari Surin before him, he had long seen it, and the Karisu who came out to talk with Letel The veteran should be an acquaintance in the mouth of Lightl. The Kalisu area is already sparsely populated. An empty Kalisu forest cannot be a strategic support point for the empire to enter the central part of southern Europe. If the empire migrates the population, I am afraid that it is difficult to adapt to the unique climate of Kalisu, so for the Kalisu people, the Imperial Army keeps treating them with courtesy. There is no way. The harsh environment here can only be reproduced by the Kalisu people themselves!

"Adult means, the Karisu area will still be handed over to the Karisu people to govern?" Hearing the words of Salton, Lightl's body shook slightly.

"Yes, in view of the speciality of the Karisu region, the emperor is scheduled to be the governor of the empire in the Karisu region, and the Karisu people enjoy the same power as the empire in other regions!" Salton smiled slightly and sighed in his heart. The emperor really saw that the lighter had been invested in the empire for a year, but it was only at this moment that the lighter was truly included in the empire. Even the lighter was asked to guide the imperial army to attack the capital of King Kalisu. To a certain extent, it was only the emperor’s tentative test of Leiter. Now it seems that the emperor is betting right. Leiter did help guide the imperial army to assault King Kalisu. The largest group of heavy soldiers north of the Soviet capital was destroyed, and from this moment on, the hundreds of miles north of the Kali Su capital were completely under the control of the empire! Karisu pushed the door halfway!

In the dawn of the dawn, the Imperial Army drove into the capital of King Kalisu once again. This time is different from the last raid. The strength of the Imperial Army has changed from 30,000 raids to enough for the entire Southern Europe. Luo was frightened by a large army of 120,000 people. Outside the capital of King Kalisu, large expanses of imperial military accounts were densely covered with land outside the city walls. The flying imperial eagle flag flew for the first time in Southern Europe. In the central area of ​​Luo, the news that the empire occupied the capital of King Kalisu and completed the control of the north of Kalisu also spread the area to the entire continent at the first time.

The capital of the Martini Kingdom, the Valley of the Organ

The clear sky began to get hot here, and the huge rocky hills around the hills were raised, showing a brown-red color rich in minerals here. The Martin Lee Kingdom does not have a real city. The so-called city is actually It is a gathering place scattered on the Martini prairie. The Martini prairie lies on the ground for thousands of miles and occupies one sixth of the entire southern part of Central Europe.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Martinique, Organ Valley was originally the collective name of these four huge rock hills. Both sides of the long street traversing from the huge rock hills are scattered house buildings, from low hut to tall stone buildings. Yes, the area is seventeen to eighty miles. At the end of the long street is a majestic palace, built entirely of brown-red stones, just like sleeping in a red behemoth. The light of the sun shines on the Mia marble column, staining the entire column with a scarlet color, approaching this majestic building, between the magnificent and magnificent column decoration, the wide corridor is walking, as if you can smell a kind of Killing and **** smell

At the gate of the palace, the two rows of soldiers of the Palace Guard were standing with arms. Duke Siris, the head of the Martini military department, was waiting at the door. Seeing a middle-aged man who got off the carriage in front, Duke Sisley had nothing Said with expression, "There is something wrong with your plan. The Kingdom of Kalishu did not succeed in the north. Instead, it was occupied by the Imperial Army. The capital of King Kalishu, the royal army cultivated by the Kalishu royal family, was defeated across the board. The Imperial army may be at any time. Towards us Martin Lee's teeth"

"I received the news. I didn't expect the Kingdom of Kalisu to be so vulnerable, but there was nothing to worry about. Occupying King Kalisu does not mean that he has occupied Kalisu. Don't forget, Kalisu There are 100,000 troops in Nanhuang. As long as the Ansers abandon the containment, the 100,000 Kali Su will kill the king. "The middle-aged man has silver-white hair and a nearly transparent eye pupil. People are called "white fox" in the background, and the sun shines on his expressionless face

"The problem is that the Amish have just sent a special envoy to ask us Martinli to assist them in destroying the Kali Su Army, so Your Majesty called you urgently and wanted to ask for your opinion," Duke Sirius said with a wry smile

"Your Majesty should not agree." The middle-aged man's face was slightly silent for a while. In order to plan Kalisu, he had prepared for six years. From six years ago, he encouraged the Kalisu royal family to clean the army through the military rebellion. At the end, I presented the plan for the northward advancement, and under various temptations, pushed the Kingdom of Kalisu on an expansionary path of no return. Now, as long as the Kingdom of Kalisu really goes north, it really evacuates the kingdom’s strength. The Martin Liga can easily occupy the capital of King Kalisu in one battle and cut off the north and south of the Kali Su Kingdom. In this battle, Martin Liga has been waiting for 80 years, but now, it has suddenly changed!

"The Ansers agreed that as long as we helped them eliminate the Kalisu army, they would admit that we have Martinliya as their sovereign state, and that the entire Kalisu region is open to us." Duke Sirius whispered to the middle-aged man while walking , I have to admit that the conditions provided by the Amish have already moved His Majesty. Although the Kalisu people still have 100,000 troops in the southern wasteland, the morale of the army should be nearly collapsed at the moment, and the Amish have quietly gathered more than The military strength of 150,000 people, although nominally asking me to assist Martin Lee, actually means that as long as I do not intervene, until they defeat the Kali Su Army, they will admit that we are their sovereign state."

"The promise of the dark survivors, I'm afraid I can't rely on it"

"Your Majesty certainly knows that the promises of the Ansers are unreliable. If it was previously, your Majesty will certainly not agree, but now, the situation is completely different."

"The imperial army is crushed to the north of Karisu. Our previous plan is no longer possible. Now the Dark Seders jumped out and said that as long as we don't help the Karisu, we don't need to send a soldier and a soldier, we can enjoy the benefits of the fishermen. Your Majesty may not be bothered," Duke Sirius paused in a voice, and said with a deep voice, walking along the gorgeous red carpet to the palace’s conference hall,

The middle-aged people noticed that the guards of the palace today are much stricter than usual. On the long walkway between the palace entrance and the meeting hall, the king's palace warriors armed with sharp weapons stood guard, cold, gloomy, quiet, only The heavy footsteps echoed, and a palace servant pushed the door of the meeting hall for them. Nearly a hundred large candles illuminated the whole hall. Martini’s military ministers had arrived first. It seems that His Majesty the King is Really tempted

"This time I saw a ghost. How could the Imperial Army know that King Kalisu's troops were empty!"

"It's incredible to say that even if the imperial army dared to enter the jungle, how could they kill the king of Kalisu without knowing it?"

"Oh, what else can we say, there is no doubt that our plan leaked, otherwise why the imperial army seized the time so precisely"

"What are you saying, how can such a confidential plan leak?"

"Your Majesty is here!" The captain of the guard standing by the door opened his throat with a clear voice, and everyone immediately crawled to the ground. The hall door was opened, and King Rufit of Martin Lee appeared at the door. Kong Wuli's powerful body looked quite tall, but the sound was a clear feeling, and his eyes narrowed across the kingdom ministers in the hall, With a trace of fatigue in Rufeet's voice, he sternened immediately

"According to the report, the empire seized the capital of the Kingdom of Kalisu in front of us, and the previous combat plan could only be cancelled. Such a coincidence is really hard to believe. None of us disclosed this top-secret plan to the empire. Aspect, otherwise the empire chose to use troops during the annual meeting, and the target tactics were the same as ours, direct to King Kalisu with almost no defense," he said coldly, and then slowly and mercilessly from this Seeing that face with a face, the hall air instantly solidified into a solid. After a long time, no one dared to move a little. Everyone felt deep pressure. This empire was indeed a coincidence, and the tactics were so consistent. It was sent for the plan and to encircle the Kalisu people. Liaison officer, in order to convince the Kalisu people that the Martinis did not dare to enter the jungle, and to submit the plan to the Kalisu people, from His Majesty the King to the Ministers did not know how much they paid

That's a shame for eighty years. The entire Martin Lee Kingdom has endured for eighty years, and the person who executed this plan is also a famous white fox. There is really no possibility of failure. Even Martin Lee has already thought that It was a tenure and a steady one. On the night when I learned that the Kalisu army was gathering in the Karoo Woodlands~lightnovelpub.net~, about to go north, His Majesty Ruffett stood outside the palace and stared at Karisu for two hours.

If Martin Liya really can annex the Kingdom of Kalisu, not only will the Martin Liya Kingdom open the way to the coastline, but His Majesty Ruffett will also be the most outstanding Martin Liya monarch in more than 100 years, but now Everything has become a bubble. It is like spending a lot of effort on marrying a wife. Everything is ready. The bride is on the bed, **** and undressing, but it is found that it is not his own grief and anger, His Majesty Ruffett. It is conceivable that at this time, who dares to speak, everyone looks at the middle-aged people, and the plan is made by the middle-aged people. Now that there is a problem, why do you have to talk about it!

"Under the current situation, only quick battles or quick decisions are possible, or the situation can be restored." In silence, the middle-aged man sighed slightly and stepped out of the heavy minister, saying one by one.

"Quick battle and quick decision?" Ruffett's eyes flickered, and he walked back and forth in the hall for a few steps. After all, he was still not stubborn about the Kingdom of Kali Su! Swallowing the Karisu region, but every King Martini who inherited the throne will find the oath in person. This is not only because of the fiasco that was 80 years ago, but also because of the annexation of Karisu and the access to the coastline. It is the key to the breakthrough of the development bottleneck of Martin Lee Kingdom,