Whole Nation

~: Three Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy

"This is the news that has just been passed back. The 100,000 troops of Kali Su at the Southern Barren Wall began to pull out the camp this morning. At this moment, they have crossed the sandstone river and are heading in the direction of the capital, and our scouting the capital of the king. In the woodland to the east, Martin Scout's light cavalry scouts were found, and it seems that the Kalisu Army and the Martin Clay were ready to launch a two-line attack on us. "Recovered from the low mottled city wall where King Kalisu was outside. Looking, the head of the Second Army Corps of the South of the Empire, Salton, looked dignified and handed the report he had just received to the former Kalisu first general, Leter, who entered, Ning Sheng said

"Impossible, although I don't know why the Martini teeth appeared in the east of the capital, but I can be quite sure that the Martini teeth's light riding scout appeared in the east, not to hit us with two lines." Slightly stunned, and then shook his head with great certainty to deny, "I know the fighting habits of the Martins, the Martins in South Obaro are hailed as a **** storm from the Martin Prairie Prairie. The best thing is sneak attack, if Martin The Italians have really dispatched a large army quietly, and they will definitely hide themselves, instead of telling us so violently!"

"Are you saying that Martin Lee is suspicious?"

Thornton's cold gaze flickered, and he also thought that Lightl was right. If the Martins really sent a large army, they should wait until the Kalisu Army and the Imperial Army are fighting fiercely. It can make the Imperial Army suffer a big loss, and it is not impossible to even decide the direction of the battle. Now that the Kali Su Army has just opened up, there are two or three hundred miles away from the Wang Dudou, and the Martini people jumped out so impatiently. , Anxiously showing his existence, but it feels a bit self-defeating. After all, if you really think that the Martins are being watched nearby, then naturally you can’t use your full strength to deal with the approaching Kali Sujun.

"Just by sending a few scouts to show a few faces, we can contain half of our troops, so that we can only use half of the power to meet the 100,000 Kali Soviet troops, and the Martin Lithian commander is very clever." A light look of pain flashed in Lightl's eyes, and his voice paused. He suddenly increased his tone and said, "If I'm right, the commander of the Martin Lee Army may be the famous white fox! If it is this person, I am afraid It's going to be a bit troublesome!"

"Is the white fox in your mouth the same one that inspired Gang Fei's battle with Fezer?"

Thornton chewed on the name of the white fox named by Lightl, and walked back and forth, turning his head to ask, he is not new to the name of the white fox, anyway, he also spent two years on the West Coast of Jersey The reason for the war between the imperial empire and Fitzer was also heard, and the most mentioned is the white fox. Salton has heard the ears have been cocooning, but this time, I did not expect that I would follow this. The extremely difficult white fox meets! If it is really this cunning white fox, then Martin Liya appears in the woodland east of Wangdu, it seems quite problematic!

"It should be him. If I guess right, that part of the Kalishu royal family's northward entry plan should also be the one he pushed back to the Kalishu royal family!"

Letell sighed with a complex face. "I have to admit that the white fox is quite familiar with the situation of my Karisu. The Kalisu jungle area is hot and humid all year round, and the land area where crops can be planted is extremely scarce. The main food source is hunting, hunting all kinds of animals in the jungle to eat, mixed with some plant fruits in the jungle as an auxiliary, but the entire Kali Su jungle is so large, or when just moved here, the food is quite sufficient, but with the After more than 100 years of prosperity, the population has soared from 80,000 people who originally migrated to more than 1.6 million people, and the population is 20 times that of when they first came.

"This huge population consumption will only overwhelm the Karisu Kingdom. If the Karisu Kingdom does not find a new way out, at most two decades, the Karisu Kingdom will have a large area due to lack of food. Hungry and eventually occupied by the enemy, the White Fox used this to persuade the royal family, and the White Fox knows that as long as I have the old Kalisu soldiers for a day, even if it is starved to death, it will never let the Martini teeth enter the jungle, so the White Fox I went directly to the royal family, and finally used the royal hand to squeeze out my old Karisu soldiers one by one, and finally encouraged the royal family to go north, and hesitantly took the whole kingdom in!"

Lightl looked angry and gritted his teeth and said, "This is the surrender of Carisu coach Eliot personally told me, otherwise just relying on the rebellion of a regional general, I want to let Carisu military take the initiative to hand over Military power? A coach like Elliot is also willing to sit down and watch the royal family reform the entire army, and set himself aloft, watching each of his subordinates be either removed from the post or transferred from the army? The reason is this!"

"Karisu doesn't expand, there is only one way to go!"

"While Carisu wants to expand, the first thing to stop is the war consumption with the Martinis. Otherwise, Carisu has no power to expand north, let alone the south and there are constant attacks by the dark survivors. Look at Carisu. Wangdu, knowing to what extent Karisu’s embarrassment reached, saying that it is Wangdu, in fact, it is only seven or eight miles wide, and even a complete and solid city wall cannot be built. If it is placed in the inland of the empire, it will die. The size of a medium-sized city, and as a majestic capital of the kingdom, King Kalisu’s population is only 180,000. When the permanent force is the largest, it is only 50,000, and the army needs to solve half of the military food by itself, because even King Kalisu could not afford 50,000 troops!"

"It would be nice if I could open a path in Kali Sumilin, as long as the merchants could come in, and in accordance with the rich property here, in exchange for food, it should not be a problem." Salton touched his chin with his hand, seemingly unintentionally talking to himself. Said something

"This is basically impossible. Building roads in the jungle zone, even if it is completed, will be submerged by newly-grown shrubs in a short period of time." Lightl shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Karisu Kingdom In order to protect themselves, in order to prevent outside forces from entering Karisu, he never built roads in the jungle, but thirty years ago, the Karisu royal family also mobilized a large number of laborers, and wanted to build a The road of the barren wall, and finally more than 100,000 people worked hard for a winter, indeed a road was built, but with the advent of spring, everything recovers, and that road is quickly submerged by the growing bushes."

"Karisu can't do it, it doesn't mean that the empire can't do it. Don't forget that the empire is best at building roads. The complex water network in the land of Kalisu jungle is the road for the empire, as long as Kalisu is open , Imperial merchants can quickly construct a water network trade route in a short time!" Salton smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth

"If it is an empire operation, or it can really be done"

Lightl also nodded in agreement, he had a deep understanding of the ability of the imperial merchants on the expansion road, and in just two years he could turn the barren Fraser West coast into a prosperous place for commerce and become an imperial The largest trade distribution center on the west coast of Baros in Southern Europe is basically the credit of the imperial merchants. You should know that Fitzgerald in the south is not a country that is good at building infrastructure. After the empire took over, with the influx of a large number of merchants, almost all Regardless of what the empire official did, the merchants of the empire quickly started building on the nodes of the waterways on the west coast, and trading towns sprang up like mushrooms.

A town rose from the ground in three months, from dozens of people to a market of hundreds of people

For the lighter, who came out of the Kali Sumilin region, it was like watching a miracle. As long as it was profitable, the imperial merchants would show miracles. Look at the imperial merchants who have commercialized in just two years. The tentacles have been extended to some wild places that the Baro countries of South Europe are not willing to mention, and you can know how magical the imperial merchants are.

"Then it's quite feasible. Salton stood in front of the window and glanced over the roof of King Kalisu, which was not dense, with a touch of emotion on his face.

"The Kalisu region is not only a profitable place, but a land of gold, not only because the Kalisu Forest is rich in various specialties, but also because the Kalisu Forest is also a recognized gemstone country in Southern Europe. The humid climate has given the land under the dense forest a very precious gemstone, green opal, which is a special product of the Kali Sumilium. It is as green and flawless as the sea of ​​woodland, and it is bright and bright in the night. Shengguang, even if it is not more than the best night pearl, is the most demanding jewelry material that is madly sought after by the ladies of the entire Obaro country. Do you know that I once participated in a large auction in the north of Obaro? , As the finale is a string of green opal pendants from Karisu, although there are also quite precious jewelry in front, but there is absolutely no string of green opal pendants from the whole auction house crazy, the last string of green opal The price was copied to a sky-high price that I dare not even think about!"

Salton paused, looked away, and looked at the stunned Lightl. Not to mention, Kali Sumilin was also the gateway to central South Obaro, located between the western coastline and central South Obaro, but only two hundred from the western coastline. Yuli is also more than two hundred miles from the central part, that is to say, if the imperial merchants take the sea route to the west coast, they do not need to enter the inland sea, from the Kali Sumilin to the western part of the Central European countries, in terms of distance. Taking the two routes of the Order of the Order and the Eero Empire saved more than half of the time and distance. Such a gateway land, if it is really open to the imperial merchants, what will be the scene, I believe you should also be able to imagine "

"I have always wondered whether your majesty or what you really want to open is not the path into Martin's teeth, but this door!" Salton's voice thundered in the office, and Lightl's eyes were brighter. Fear of people, if the Karisu region can really attract a large number of imperial businessmen, then the lack of food in the Karisu region will be solved, and the Karisu region will usher in a period of great development.

"Papa" The door of the office was pushed open, and an imperial officer stepped in with a sturdy footstep, and said to Salton Sally, "Master, two hours after the main force of the Kalisu army evacuated from the southern barren wall, the Assassins tore up the agreement. Suddenly attacked the South Abandoned Wall. All of the 5,000 left-behind troops of the Karisu Army were killed in the South Abandoned Wall. The Anse Army was attacking the city closest to the South Abandoned Wall, Suruo City!"

"Where is the main force of the Kali Su Army now?" Salton asked slightly, and raised his head and asked in a condensed voice

"The main movement of the Kali Su Army was extremely slow, and it is currently only eighty miles from the South Barren Wall. A large number of civilians along the way are still en route along the way!" The empire officer said eccentrically, taking the civilians towards The Kali Sujun sent by Wang Du did not seem to attack, it was more like a flight!


Salton looked puzzled and looked at Lightl, almost at the same time, saying, "Let the scouts immediately confirm that the Kali Su Army was bringing civilians all the way to the king capital?" Two hours later, the scouts passed Back to the news, the Karisu army did indeed wrap the civilians from the direction of the Nanhuang Wall towards the king capital, and the 100,000 Kalisu army is still fighting with the pursuit of the dark army, the dark army The number of troops is still above the Kali Su Army. The Kali Su Army is walking and walking. The situation is extremely tragic. There are dead people along the road. The Anse Army is also a very cruel cleaning of the area passing by. The Lisu people killed all of them, and apparently they came from rushing to destroy the entire Kalisu tribe,

"grown ups!"

Lightl looked at Salton with red eyes. After all, he was also a Kalisu. He was no stranger to the brutality of the Darksers.

The Kalisu people blocked the number of the Dark Souls for ten years. The two sides did not know how many people died in the war. They were already invincible and deadly enemies. This time, the Dark Souls entered the Kalishu territory and did not kill the Kalishu people. It will not end, if the empire does not take action, from the current situation, until the death of the 100,000 Kali Su Army is the end of the Kali Su ethnic group, the only thing that can be thankful is that the north of Kali Su is now It is controlled by the empire and can at least save more than half a million Kalisu civilians! Now the Kali Su Army and the Anse Army are fighting desperately. If the empire is willing to go south from the king capital and expand the occupied area to the south, even if it is only to protect civilians, I don’t know how many people can be saved!

Despite the brutality, the dark survivors did not necessarily dare to provoke the empire!

Salton Tieqing smiled and shook his head bitterly. "I know what you want to say, but let the empire send troops. Once Martin's army really attacked the capital, then the empire will inevitably fail, and the 100,000 army will be martyred by Martin. Cut off the road in one fell swoop, "or what you said is true, the Martin Liza light cavalry appeared on the east of Wangdu deliberately, that is, we dare not act lightly, but we can't afford to bet on such a bet! "

"Then please ask my permission to leave the capital." Leter also knows that such a request is too embarrassing to Salton, but letting the Ansars massacre the Kalisu people, he can't do it, even if he only does his meager efforts. To protect one or two civilians

"You are the general of the empire~lightnovelpub.net~ Your unauthorized participation in the war is to represent the empire, without your majesty's will, you know what the consequences are, and even now, the Kali Su Army is still our enemy! You want me Let the 100,000 troops take risks for the enemies of the empire!" Salton shook his head again, and the tone was somewhat ruthless.

"Salton, you bastard... "Letter's eyes opened the boss, his whole body was trembling, pointing at Salton, he did not expect Salton to be so ruthless,

"Come here, immediately capture Lightl!" Talton, with a sullen face, ordered a loud voice towards the door, and several guards rushed in to suppress Lightl. "Letter verbally abused Shangguan. From now on, Deprive his imperial general of the army, wait for me to report to His Majesty before disposing of it, first look at him, and send it to the Sixth Banner Regiment just collected to reflect on it."

"Sixth Banner Corps?" Several guards froze for a moment. Is there such a flag regiment in the Second Army?

"It's the one just compiled. The camp is the third on the left side outside the city. Do you understand! Asshole, what do you eat?" Salton scolded angrily.

"That's not... Is that the Karisu border guard that surrendered!" The guards startled,