Whole Nation

~: Three thousand three hundred and twenty-

The coalition forces of the southern countries have not even covered the most basic cover this time. Directly, the army drove into the southern part of the ecclesiastical country from three directions. Facing the soldiers of the three countries, the cities of the ecclesiastical countries gave up resistance and chose to surrender. It was only half a month later. The Order had lost the south and half of the central region. If it was not for the imperial army in the Atabi wetlands, I feared that it would have entered the Atabi wetlands long ago and fought against the weak. Holy Capital

In such a situation, Pope Pdamia, who had just won in the Battle of the Holy City, could not sit still, and almost immediately asked the Empire for help

Although the Order of the Order is a great power in the South, it is because of the glorious victory in the battle of the Eero Empire, beheading the emperor Farouk and capturing the capital of King Erow, but this civil war in the Holy Land is the two The big military blocs are all involved, and the military power of the ecclesiastical countries can be said to be empty, otherwise the three southern countries will not be driven so long,

In the Battle of the Holy Capital, the elders of Pudamia who spent a lot of money on their elite battles died for the most part. Although the side of the Holy Capital army chose to surrender and saved most of its military power, it was forty or fifty thousand people. The weak combat power was in the Holy Capital. In the battle, it was revealed that even if Pdamia was arrogant, he would not think that with the forty-five thousand or fifty thousand of the Holy Capital Army, he would be able to contend with the nearly 300,000 elite troops of the three southern countries.

The empire’s military strength in the northern part of the Order is 50,000 heavy soldiers, 30,000 iron rides, and there are also emperors such as Varisian, Reposti, and others who are sitting in the town, killing, looking at the south, especially Reposti. The stunning performance of the Holy City during the First World War, with the thunder of the 30,000 Cavalry Cavaliers, reversed the entire battle situation, not only fell the vital Holy City in one fell swoop, but also counterattacked the southern coalition forces, causing the southern countries to lose their education Not to mention the barrier of the regiment, they also entered 80,000 troops in vain. This battle was enough to make Reposti enter the ranks of the top ten empires,

The entire Obaro was also shaken by the Battle of the Holy City. Since the empire turned the center of war to the Central Abia region a year ago, it has been almost calm in Obaro for a year.

Although there is little friction, there is no large-scale warfare, so that in this year, many Obaro countries believe that the claws of this wicked beast of the empire have been blunt. In the face of rich commercial trade, the war blade of the empire has begun to emerge. Rust, and this time, after the North-South War, the empire’s first large-scale use of troops in the Obaro region

Still so neat and clean, the knife was lightning fast, almost in the blink of an eye, let the southern countries that tried to control the confederate suffered a big loss, defeated the 80,000 coalition forces of the southern countries, and captured the commanding horse of the southern Icarians Prince Via, beheaded Prince Hartelli, the ruling king of Harvey, inside the commander of the four kingdoms, the commander of the three kingdoms may be dead or captured, that is, the soldiers of the three kingdoms have nearly 30,000 captives, and all the witnesses and materials are there. The fact that the four countries interfere in the civil war of the Order It is irrefutable that even the four southern countries simply tore their faces, and used the regime to betray the southern alliance and colluded with the empire to harm the southern coalition forces.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Pudamia will personally arrive in Port Badya in three days. How can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire respond to the request of the Order to request the Empire to participate in the war?"

The imperial governor of the Imperial Faisan and the Istan region, Prais, placed a report on the table and reported to the emperor standing in front of the window gazing at the rain. Pudamia was an ally of the emperor, but from the emperor’s current attitude Look, it doesn't seem to be anxious to let Varisian send troops, but rather a little bit to watch its change, which also confuses Prais

The emperor has been fully infiltrating South Baro. In the past, he helped the Order to defeat Erow. He sent Valisian to intervene in the battle of the Holy City. All he did was infiltrate the South. This time, the army of the southern countries suppressed the situation and provoked it. The empire, if it was before, the emperor might have ordered Valisian to advance south, and he taught the south a hard meal

But this time, the emperor didn't even show it at all, it seemed to be completely invisible

"What else can I say? The Empire suffered heavy losses in the battle of the Holy City and was unable to fight the southern army. It also invited His Royal Highness the Valkyrie Pope to show his dignity and drove out all of these invaders. "Just let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answer so." The dark-haired youth turned from the drizzling window with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth

"This...not so good!"

Praisi’s old face was silent for a while, and he couldn’t be like this. How did the emperor sound like a rogue who just took advantage of the unrecognized account? To know the battle of the Holy City, the empire used the Pdamia army as a bait. In the later period, Pudamia led the 30,000 nobles to fight and block, and then won a big victory. Pudamia can be said to be two lives and deaths. If this is not the case, the Southern Coalition will not fall into a strategic disadvantage of advancing and retreating. , The Harvey Army, one of the strongmen, will not be destroyed in a place just ten miles away. This empire is owed to Pudamia by the empire.

The Battle of the Holy City, although it has little in vested interests, it can be said that it has greatly increased the influence of the Empire in Obaro

This was the empire’s first military intervention in Baro in Southern Europe, and it produced unacceptable glorious results in the first war. For the southern countries, it can be said that it was shaking up and down, and it had to reexamine the power of the empire. For the Baro region in Central and Northern Europe under the empire, it was a deterrent. Baro in South Europe was defeated again, and it was still a big defeat. Even the sect of the Order became a **** alliance of the empire. The iron ride of the empire, some of the original forces that were tempting because of the Feishan rebellion, became instantly honest. These intangible benefits are far greater and more than can be seen. How come the loss is heavy!

"No way, you can only be more hooligan than she is to treat a female rogue!"

The emperor smiled, looked at Prais, who was sluggish all over, and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't be fooled by the title of this woman. His Royal Highness, the Pope, the sage-like figure, is actually just about everywhere. A female gangster who wants to take advantage of her. For her, I have always believed only one-third, and the other two-thirds have not heard it directly."

The emperor's voice stopped for a moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp like a knife, looking at the raindrops falling out of the window, and snorted coldly. "Since all the troops were transferred to the Holy Capital, did you ever think that the southern countries entered the church? The danger of the southern part of the country? This woman's cunning is not what most people can think of. I can say with certainty that before entering the Holy Capital, she already knew that the Three Kingdoms Army would gather troops on the southern border, and knew that if she entered the Holy Capital, the South The countries will immediately cross the southern mountains and start the war, but you have seen this woman going northward all the way, but there have been hesitations, no, why, because this woman knows that if the southern countries really enter the southern part of the Order, For her, there will only be good, no harm!"

"Your Majesty means that Pudamia had long known that the southern parliaments were attacking?" What kind of person is Prais, although straight, but never lacking in smoothness, and immediately heard no more from the emperor's words What he meant was that he was not familiar with the region of the Order, but when he heard that the emperor said that the southern mountainous region of the Order was rebelled for more than ten years, it was almost an enclave out of rule. He basically guessed a few points and took a breath. "This woman is so cruel! Since you can't control it, let the southern countries simply occupy and kill, and use the military power of the three countries to quell the rebellion in the southern mountains. It will be much easier to reclaim it at that time!"

"This woman originally wanted to cede the entire south to the empire in exchange for the benefits of the empire. I was already alert. The hot potato in the southern mountains still let those three countries bear it."The emperor picked up the table. Take a sip of red wine and take a glance at the report on the table and hand it to Prais. "This is a secret from the South. It's about the war situation in the South. The Southern War in Qing Dynasty"

Prais took the report, opened his hands, glanced over his face, and showed a bitter smile on his face. He was really deceived. This is what the Southern Coalition Army is all about. It is basically a group of bandits. The reporter pointed out that the three countries were not alliances at all, not to mention one heart. The offense had no unified coordination, and each seized the territory. The Martins and the Harvey army also fought two battles to seize the territory, and each killed and injured more than 1,000 people. Harvey In order to monopolize the right of passage in the southern mountains, the army cut off the logistics transport line of the Ikar army, and burned the logistics camp of the Ikar army in the name of fire. As a result, 20,000 Ikar troops had to retreat before they had completely crossed the mountain. When we came back, the two countries were about to fight for this matter, so these three countries entered the southern part of the Orthodox Church more like robbing each other. For Pudamia, who is far from the Holy Capital, there is actually no threat at all. That's it, this woman was consuming her own heirs in the battle of the Atabi wetlands, and now wants to let the empire help her equip the army without spending money!

"Tell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the woman will arrive three days later, and ignore it!" The emperor waved his hand to Prais,

"Yes, I get it!" Prais hesitated and nodded.

\""Do you need to arrange for reception?" Prais continued to ask, because he saw from the emperor's expression that the emperor seemed unwilling to even arrange accommodation

"How much has this woman gone?" The emperor rolled his eyes and sat down on the sofa, stretching a lazy waist

"Because it is a warship of the Imperial Navy, and there is also a fifth squadron to return to escort, so Pudamia only took ten entourage officials and six maidservants," Prais replied.

"This woman is smart enough." The emperor's eyes flashed, his hand touching his chin, and he said to himself. "Then it is arranged in the villa area just completed by the Badiya Casino. It’s a waste of His Royal Highness Pope’s casino in Badya to be opened. Such live ads are not used!”

"Yes, I see!"

Hearing the emperor’s words, Prais’s face was black, and the pope was arranged in the villa area of ​​the casino. Only the sloppy characters like dead fat men can do it.

It seems that the emperor is quite invested in the casino revival plan in the Feishan area, even at the risk of making Pudamia angry, and Praise’s heart is also speechless. The emperor does not yet know the woman’s influence in the south. How big is that, but it is Pudamia. There are a number of beauties in the southern countries, and they have the name of the first person in the priesthood. As the Pope, His Highness is already the goddess in the minds of countless people. Now, the Battle of the Holy City, the Pdamia army fought fiercely, and played the strength of the soldiers of the Order. With the aftermath of the battle of the Holy City, the name of the Pdamia Valkyrie is like an earthquake. ,

As a peerless beauty who has just won the battle in the Holy City, with the Valkyrie aura, she is nearly three times her enemies who nearly defeated the triple enemy. Whether it is its appearance, identity or influence, it is now in the entire South Europe. Luo is a superstar. I don’t know how many men’s dream lover, so the emperor likes to be used as a live advertisement.

In the inner sea in the dark night, the heavy rain was boundless and boundless. The surging waves were undulating, hitting white waves from time to time. The darkness of the night and the shining of raindrops are intertwined between the sea and the sky. From time to time, a faint light suddenly flashes on the surface of the sea. That is a trace of the luminous fish unique to the Feishan area in the Inner Sea. This kind of fish rarely appears on the sea. , But when it appears, it often makes people feel the existence of ghosts, because the kind of light is very strange, it is easy to make people hallucinate

Bean-sized raindrops splattered densely on the deck of the Dragon-class battleship, making a continuous noise. Raindrops converge on the deck to form a stream, which flows to both sides of the deck in the tilt of the battleship from time to time, falling high on the sea, splashing crystal waves, or slowly gathering in the middle of the deck A small puddle, spreading rapidly around to the edge of the deck, slowly flowing into the sea along the side of the deck

"Have you entered the sea of ​​Feishan?" Pudamia turned from the cabin window and said to herself, behind her, the twin maid's face was pale and she carefully delivered an imperial receipt. give her

"Don't you send someone to meet you? Forget it, follow the empire's arrangement!" Pudamia glanced at the receipt, her rosy alluring lips slightly raised, saying nothing, and the twin maids behind were With a sigh of relief, the current Pope’s Highness is not the same as before, and that breath has already made people feel depressed and uncomfortable.

According to her understanding of the dead fat man, the more bland, the more likely it is to thunder, the nature of the dead fat man is so calm, not very calm before the shot, once the shot, the opponent does not even have a chance to overturn, against the coalition forces of the southern countries, take back the teaching In the southern mountainous area of ​​the regiment, such a great opportunity to advance the influence of the empire from the front line of the coastline to the central part of Southern Baro, how could a dead fat man be indifferent!

If the dead fat man really has no idea about the ecclesiastical country~lightnovelpub.net~, he will not send troops to the Holy City in an indiscriminate way. After hundreds of miles of inland sea, he still has to use extraordinary means to step the original half foot into the ghost gate. I pushed myself to the position of the queen of the current Holy Land of the Orthodox Church. What I did was not to use the Orthodox Church as a springboard to realize the opportunity for the empire to enter Central Europe.

She is now indistinguishable from the Queen. Although she still bears the title of His Royal Highness, the entire Presbyterian Church has been cleaned and arrested, and all the pro-Presbyterian forces have been uprooted by Putamia in the Empire. With the strong support of the army, Putamia launched a major cleansing of the Holy City. In just three days, more than 16,000 people were arrested and jailed, and 3,100 people were tried and sentenced to death for treason, more than 4,000 People are exiled, it can be said that within the streets of the Holy City, all the red blood is flowing with the rain, and Pudamia, who has cleared all the obstacles, is waiting to become the queen in the Holy City. What is missing is only one Opportunity to wear a crown

The most important thing for ascending to the throne is the recognition of other countries. At this point, the empire in the north is undoubtedly important. The empire occupies Obaro in the north-central part. Almost two thirds of Obaro’s territory is under the control of the empire. Below There are more than thirty large and small nations, and this force alone is enough to make Podamia right and right

If there is no outrageous use of force from the Three Kingdoms, you may have become the first Queen of the Order State in 80 years! Now I have a chance! Is the fat man still obscure?

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