Whole Nation

~: Two hundred and eighty-one mainland enem

A villa with a chic view on the outskirts of Lisbon, the villa is not large, but the scenery is excellent, occupying the best location in this wealthy area, facing the sea, even in the early winter season, you can still see a thousand large green villas The flat ground, green shady wanderings, and evergreen pine forests are more exquisite and secluded against the gray and white silhouettes of other courtyards around in winter.

Although the Putao region has seen a large number of businessmen rise since the Empire opened the Inland Sea, Putao’s position as the center of the inner and outer seas has become more and more obvious. From Putao, you can go north to the North Sea of ​​Obaro, south to the south of Obaro and south to the East At the intersection of the three major marine trades, the major chambers of commerce in the empire will migrate to this place one after another. There are rumors that local businessmen and nobles invest in marine trade and become rich overnight, but they can spend up to 100,000 yuan a year for maintenance only. There is only this one on a long green lawn. No. 66 Empire Avenue in the wealthy area of ​​Putao

The owner of this house is very mysterious. It is said that it is a high-level industry of the Imperial Business Alliance. From time to time, a gorgeous woman in a black dress can be seen in the villa. Nearby merchants are speculating that this woman should be similar to a certain one. The status of a big-person lover should be the canary supported by the big businessmen! ,

The sound of speculation from nearby will often also be passed into the ears of the thirteenth deacon of the Business Union, who is hiding here, Sokotus Delan. Sokutu Delan is uncomfortable with these rumors, but in order to reduce interruptions, he still gives The Imperial Supervision Department greeted and hoped to clean up the bad people nearby. The shot of the Imperial Supervision Department has always been shocking. The head of the Lisbon Supervision Department, who knows the identity of the villa owner, personally ordered the wealth of the entire region. People all go to drink tea. Of course, it was nominally for investigating smuggling. This move knocked the mountain and the tiger to let the surrounding merchants sell their properties one after another. The Supervision Department took the opportunity to buy all the eight villas around 66 Empire Avenue.

Give the name card in your hand to the servant at the door. After two reviews, He Ruile only met the thirteenth deacon of the Business League, Sokotosdalen, a bright and spacious office. Sokutosdalen, sitting on a brown-red bench, dragged her into a delicate black skirt. On the ground, the cold face with a deep sense of shock made Heruile feel her heart beating faster, and quickly lowered her head. Almost even the most basic greetings were omitted, and the report in his hand was directly placed on the table, anxiously said, "Miss Dylan, please forgive me for taking the time to disturb me. I just got a very difficult thing. No one except Miss Dylan. Can help

"Deacon He laughed and laughed. Since it is a business alliance, it is naturally also Dylan's business. There is no help. It can be called due diligence." The white hand picked up the report on the table. With the smile on Sokoutus Delane's mouth, Horelle, as the deacon of the maritime trade of the business alliance, can definitely rank in the top three in the position of deacon of twelve. It is a real real power figure in the top level of the business alliance. When he was in Sarande, Sokotu Dylan once beat the real power figure with the tiger skin of His Majesty Falcon. Since then, at the deacon meeting, as long as it was Socutus Stellar’s ​​decision, He Ruile was a resolute user, and against his own person, Socutus Stellar would naturally not put up a public official. face.

It was just that this time it really made her feel tricky, and she glanced at the contents of the report. The beautiful eyebrows curled a little, but only a little thought. She knew what He Ruile was here to do. This thing really was only her own ability. According to He Ruile's identity, she can actually submit this report to the Imperial Navy Department, but it is far less powerful. The 13 deacons of yourself, you must know that your Majesty the Falcon Emperor is standing behind him, even the Dusselenko, the Minister of the Navy, must be cautious in front of him, but Sokos Stellar is very clear. That is, although he has the power to mobilize the military, but under the circumstance that the Empire and Feishan war is about to trigger, it is not necessarily what His Majesty Falcon hopes to see to mobilize the imperial navy to provoke an empire.

"Imperial Navy is afraid to be difficult to intervene. You also know that the main force of the Imperial Navy is currently gathered in the south of Feishan, where His Majesty personally commanded it." Sokotus Delane took a deep breath, saying that she might be powerless, Unless the war is over, the imperial navy may go south

"It's a little troublesome!" He Ruile had thought of this result when he came, but there was still a bit of sorrow on his face, saying, "The fire at the Port of Kailuo has caused heavy losses to the imperial merchants. The loss of the imperial merchants was second. Instead, other countries in the southern inland sea saw the imperial merchants as weak and bully. At that time, according to Erow, they took various clever ways to win. It was definitely a disaster for the imperial merchants. The Empire’s strategy to open the inland seas will also stagnate because of this incident, and it may even be difficult to say even backwards. That’s why I have such an idea. If the Imperial Navy cannot be dispatched, then I have another proposal, some. ... "He Ruile's voice stopped, now hesitating

"Let's talk about it, it's not necessarily executed!"

Sokotosdalen's eyes turned and waved to him. According to Sokotosdalen's dexterity, how did he not know that He Ruile had found himself, but he did not come to ask for the thirteenth deacon's opinion, the other party really What I want to do is to speak to His Majesty the Falcon by myself. He Ruile is 57 years old this year. His face is not good-looking. On the contrary, he is a bit emaciated because he has half of his hair. He has a son in Salander. His majesty Falcon has also been taught a hard lesson, but even so, His Majesty did not deprive the deacon of his business alliance. The main reason is that Herrell’s ability is very good, and he can always keep up with the expansion of the empire. Pace, and a broad mind, otherwise the imperial sea trade can also show a prosperous era of blooming flowers in just a few years, rather than an era of monopoly monopoly

"If possible, I hope that the young lady will be able to forward this to His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible"

He Ruile took a letter out of his arms and handed it to Sokoutusdella respectfully. He knew that looking at the whole Gangfei South, don’t look at the emperor’s many ministers, but except for the governor Varisian, who was in front of him This woman can reach the emperor because of her nervousness, Herrele’s hand trembling with the secret letter,

This time, he was ready to make a fortune. On the wealth of the family, the Herrell family has reached the zenith. Even if it will continue to increase in the future, there will not be too much breakthrough development. Commercial tycoons can often be maintained for more than 100 years. Yes, the real kind of ancestral family that has been inherited for hundreds of years needs the big tree that depends on the power to survive the storm, otherwise, it will be uprooted as soon as a wind blows.

He Ruile, who was a businessman at the top, said that the most admired person in his heart was Lidacus, who was also from the family of big merchants, but had already boarded the position of imperial governor.

Even in the imperial business community, it is recognized that the governor of Lidakus has a fierce vision, and even at a glance, the emperor His Majesty, who was only a small lord of Samor, had unlimited potential. Not only did the Lida family eventually become the largest military industry in the empire The giant, even as a civilian, climbed to the top of the governor's rank that many imperial generals could not reach

This time, He Ruile was also prepared to bet a big one. The main force of the Imperial Navy was indeed difficult to mobilize, but since the Empire opened the inner sea, it has encouraged the formation of armed caravans. It’s incomparable, most of them are weapons that were eliminated during the Civil War, but the navy still has the power to fight against some of the less powerful regions. Even some pirates were almost beaten. The most important thing is, according to According to the registration of the Imperial Business Alliance, the number of armed merchant ships owned by the Empire has broken through the 5,000 mark last month. What is the concept?

In other words, according to the calculation of the minimum configuration of 50 people for each armed merchant ship, it is also an appalling 250,000 people. 250,000 armed sailors. Looking at the Inland Sea, which country can get it! The Imperial Merchant Marine has such a strong force that even if one-fifth of the armed fleet enters the Eero Sea, even if there is no strong intervention of the Imperial Navy, it will allow the Eero Empire to eat a pot.

This is a war between the Imperial Business Alliance and the Eero native chamber of commerce. The merchants of the Empire are being bullied by the hostile chamber of commerce. They are helpless and helpless. If they encounter the same thing, the business alliance will not come forward. In addition to the appeal of the business alliance and mutual agreement between the chambers of commerce, He Ruile believes that it is not a problem to mobilize two to three thousand armed merchant fleets. After all, it is still worth a few dollars to control the face of the sea trade for several years. What really needs to be considered is the attitude of His Majesty the Falcon. As long as His Majesty lets the Imperial Navy not intervene, this storm caused by the imperial merchants will inevitably make the southern coast of Obaro tremble ~lightnovelpub.net~ I have long heard that His Majesty the Emperor intended to allow armed fleets to seize the area, and then establish colonies of the empire. If this is the case, as long as they are properly done, it is still possible to fish out a colonial governor.

He Ruile did not know that this secret letter he submitted was called "He Ruile's ambition" in later generations, which was considered by historians as a turning point from Falcon Empire's marine expansion strategy from point to face.

"Herile’s ambitions allowed the ocean to be truly connected to the empire’s territory." If the early Falcon Empire’s maritime strategy was primarily a military expansion of maritime hegemony, since this is the ambition of Herrell, the focus of the empire’s maritime strategy From the sea hegemony to the colonial hegemony, which led to the origin of the Falcon Empire as a "continental public enemy". The history of the expansion of the Falcon Empire for three hundred years, starting from the first overseas colony in Kailuo to the last Waguta Island At the end of the chain, the control area of ​​the Falcon Empire's overseas territory is three times that of its native control area, and the starting point of this marine empire's prototype is Herrell's ambition!

The letter from Sokotus Delan was delivered to the table of the emperor on the fourth day. Looking at the secret letter full of *naked expansionism, the fat man had a tearful impulse. Sure enough, The final form of marine hegemony is colonial hegemony. I was still considering that such a request would appear only 20 to 30 years after the empire opened the inner sea. I did not expect it to be a few years. Such hegemonism is already a leap of paper. Go on, (to be continued)