Whole Nation

~: Two hundred and fifty-three An Lusu fire


"God, who will save me!" King Ikar, Prince Marcus hiding behind the wall of the wall, trembles, a pale face is like paper, and his body is leaning against the stone. Even if he wore a heavy platinum armor with the emblem of the Ikar royal family, he could not feel the slightest sense of security,


"Booming" flames rose with black smoke. The huge flames exploded like countless light masks. The rising heat wave rolled the surrounding soldiers into a vortex-like air wave. With a loud rumble, the broken limbs and flesh and blood flew up into the sky with fire, and scattered like raindrops in the air on the head of the coalition soldiers who had been scattered below. At the same time, countless small iron beads were strong The momentum of the army penetrated deeply into the body of the coalition soldiers, the iron pieces on the steel tower shield flew across, and the soldiers behind screamed heavily, flesh and blood flew,


   "Go on like this, without the imperial army attacking, our soldiers will die here!"


Duke Fei Tai of the Harvey Kingdom punched an extremely annoyed punch on the handrail of the fort. The situation was worse than he expected. It can even be said that if he did not see it with his own eyes, he would never believe such a scene. The Wanlian Army is elite, the essence of the southern six countries, even under the superiority of the defender, they can’t even lift their heads up, and it is not the first time to fight with the Imperial Army, except for the first encounter. A fiasco, the second time in Lulan, because of the risk of being introduced into an ambush, Duke Feithai claimed that the combat effectiveness of the coalition was not much worse than that of the Imperial Army. Even when the two armies confronted each other, they did not find the Imperial Army to be so huge. Advantage


   Something must have changed before it could cause such a situation! Is this the same imperial army that had confronted him for half a month? Although the heart has been shocked, Duke Feitai can be sure that the "Baidu · Sailing Text" Imperial Army outside the city is the Imperial Army that has confronted itself for half a month. I don’t know why. This time it broke out. Such a powerful force,


His face was gray, his hands clenched into fists, and his eyes were fixed on the far-reaching attack line of the Imperial Army. He wanted to see the truth, but in addition to the dense attack line of the Imperial Army, such as ant colonies, there were countless arrow clusters like Swarms of locusts bursting from the horizon in the distance, covered with endless coverage, and the density was such that the sky lost its color, and he could not see anything.


   It's a dead end if it's not withdrawn yet! I don’t know why, this battle-hardened, famous lion of the Kingdom of Harvey, who has the name of a mad lion, had such a thought flashed in his heart. He saw with his own eyes that the soldier who shot the arrow had just been pressed into a new body just after it fell. A squadron of soldiers crouched behind the city wall, which seemed to be safe, but was immediately hit by the smoky imperial thunder **** and exploded. The body of the person behind the port was like a heavy hammer. Smashing, rubble flying in the air, being rolled up, the rubble blood scum is like a red and black rain thrown into the air, all kinds of broken limbs, layers are like autumn cut off The dead people, paved in the bright red blood of the walkway of the city wall, trickled like a stream, and the city road was not painted again by dark red,


Faced with the crazy coverage of hundreds of thousands of Empire crossbowmen, the coalition forces on An Lusu’s city walls were fragmented. Even if the coalition forces had 200,000 people, even if they had solid walls, under the terrible cover of the Imperial Army, Almost equal to nothing. They disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. The heavy infantry in the coalition forces were still nailed to death by arrow clusters, not to mention those with light armour.


"Immediately order, give up the city walls, and the troops withdraw to the city's defense line!" Duke Feitai's serious order, thought that relying on An Lusu's defense, even if the Imperial Army forcibly rushed up, it would have to pay a heavy price. Imagine, it's just one-sided killing! The coalition forces have no room to fight back in front of the Imperial Army!


   "Woo!" The bleak retreat horn came from An Lusu,


"Your Majesty, the enemy gave up part of the city wall and began to shrink into the city!" Varisian knelt down on one knee behind the fat man with a cheerful expression on his face, excitedly loudly, he looked back at His Majesty Falcon's back. Here, full of unabashed admiration and admiration, strength, what is strength, he is considered to be a famous player by Varisian, and also counted in the rankings in Obaro, but in front of the majesty, it is simply scum, In order to capture An Lusu, he has studied it carefully as well, and has drawn three consecutive operations calculations throughout the night. Although he answered His Majesty Falcon that he could capture An Lusu within three days, in fact, it was 70 to 80 thousand people. At the expense of casualties, how could it be so easy to fight now,


   I never thought that I could use the deep trenches dug by the coalition forces to attack "Star Dream ☆ Light Dance ☆ Flying" to hit the bunker? His Majesty the Falcon is His Majesty the Falcon, and he grabbed the coalition’s weakness as soon as he shot it.


The coalition forces must be vomiting blood now, and it took so much effort to dig these dozens of blocking trenches used to block the attack of the Imperial Army. In a blink of an eye, it became a solid support for the Imperial Army to launch attacks. The Imperial Crossbowman is hiding inside. Even when facing the slingshots fired on the walls, it is really safe. It can’t be safe anymore. Unless the coalition forces dispatch infantry to sweep out, they can only stare. The problem is that the coalition forces Souls were almost destroyed by this super-strength raid, where they dared to send infantry to sweep


"The coalition idiots of these coalition forces should try what it means to have the empire's toughest ability first. I really thought that it could be dragged down by an An Lu Su!" Varisian's mouth was almost crooked and his heart was Peng Bye, the opposing coalition will definitely not think that the commander of the Imperial Army is no longer himself, but the first general of Opel, the lord of the empire, His Majesty the Falcon, if the coalition knows this change, it will definitely not be like this. It is now completely suppressed, and can fight under the majesty of the Falcon. It was always regarded as the highest glory by the imperial soldiers. The emperor came to command, and the morale of the whole army brought by the front siege heavy artillery, now Even if the fighting power of the previous Imperial Army was 100%, it is now over 150,


   "Swoosh!" Arrow clusters are like a waterfall,


The tens of millions of arrow clusters brought by the transport fleet with His Majesty Falcon are now pouring like crazy without money. Wherever the arrow clusters fall, no matter how many people are there, anyway, the dense arrow cluster tail feathers Fill all the places where you can see, yes, the emperor’s order is to pour out, because the emperor does not want to seize the city wall, in a short hour, all the ten million arrow clusters are poured out, the emperor’s purpose is very simple Is to make the coalition forces on Anlusu’s city wall have no foothold, and let the coalition forces think that as long as they stay on the city wall, it is a dead end. Only in this way will the city wall be abandoned, and all will be withdrawn to the city. In fact, this is a False deception


Such a intensive shooting, even if the Imperial Army can't consume it for too long, the shooting strength of more than 100,000 Empire archers can be imagined, so before the battle, each crossbowman received a large bundle of arrows clusters, 10 million The cluster of arrows, which is divided into each archer, is an average of one hundred. In general combat, the arrow clusters carried by the imperial crossbowmen are only 30 to 40. Now it is required to shoot all the crossbow arrows that were shot only during the entire battle. Not going out, even if the Imperial Army is on the city wall, it may not be able to carry it, let alone the southern coalition that was hit hard. The 30,000 light infantry of the Ikar Kingdom are the first to retreat, in the leg of Prince Mareks Arrow, howled all the way down, then the Fezers, Adens. . . . . .


The coalition forces on the city wall were evacuating quickly. The experienced Duke Feller ordered the ignition and burning of all the objects that could be ignited on the city wall. It was suddenly a flame. The tower blockhouse on the city wall was ignited by the fire. I hope this method can be used for a short time. There is no way to prevent the imperial army from occupying it. Otherwise, once the imperial army surges over the city walls, it will occupy a high position, and the southern coalition forces still evacuated will be dead and wounded.


  Two hundred thousand southern coalition is over!


Varisian took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on an arrow tower that collapsed and broke in flames on the wall of Anlu Su, flashing intricately, as commands were sent from the Chinese army, a dozen deep trenches The imperial crossbowmen began to build a tunnel with wooden planks, and ordered the cavalry to pass by in front of a row of silent imperial catapult arrays, shouting orders to advance, the trebuchet troops began to move forward, and the wooden wheels rolled Pressed against the wooden board and made a gurgling noise, the black smoke rolled over the city of Anlusu, and a black plume of smoke rose straight into the sky, looking like hell, an array of imperial troops outside the city, and the imperial generals riding on the horse coldly Looking at the scene, only they knew that the withdrawal of the coalition forces really stepped into the ghost gate,


There were three hundred catapults pushed up this time, which were mainly arranged in the three directions of Anlusu City. Once the fire ignited, the only direction with less flame was the main entrance of the Imperial Army array. Hundreds of Thors, nearly one hundred thousand Empire crossbowmen, have opened a big net, not to mention the 200,000 burnt scorched coalition, even the 200,000 coalition that is waiting for it, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through. , Everything is ready, all you need to wait for now is time, set fire to the city, naturally the best at night, wait until the flames on the wall are extinguished, the imperial army occupy the wall, and the rows of imperial crossbowmen occupy the wall, they will The nearby city was ignited with a rocket. As the catapult was hung up on the city wall, the Empire’s heavy crossbow car was also lifted up on the city wall. Two hundred thousand Empire troops were standing high, looking down on the city, sealing the border and closing the city, only waiting for the general order to be issued. Moment


   It was too stupid to fight during the day, and now has lost the wall of the most dependence, the coalition forces had to hold an emergency meeting to adjust the original scheduled tactics


Duke Feitai suppressed his dissatisfaction and read out the loss of the war during the day. "In this battle, our army killed more than 34,000 people and injured 20,000 people! Although frustrated, the main force is still there, as long as the Imperial Army dares to attack In the urban area, it is difficult to say whether the victory or defeat is lost, but the loss of the city wall is at a disadvantage after all, so I suggest that at least one part of the city wall be taken back while the raid is launched at night!"


   "Before the battle, nearly 60,000 people have been lost. Now we have to attack the city walls?"


Hearing this war damage report, the coalition generals who attended the meeting were suddenly in an uproar. The attack during the day really knocked them all down. Now I still feel that my scalp is blown up. I swear in my heart that no one has seen such a dense crowd. Long-range attacks should not appear in this world. At this point, the attack power of the Falcon Empire Army is too terrible. Now the coalition forces are required to actively attack the defense of the Empire Army. All the generals resolutely choose to refuse, and there are city walls. So, now there is no city wall, just to die!


   "The Imperial Army has always been known for its powerful long-range attacks. Thor and crossbow are all long-range killers. Active attacks are not good for us."


"It's better to introduce the Imperial Army into our key urban area for melee combat, I don't believe that our soldiers are meat-grown, but the soldiers of the Imperial Army are not meat-grown. "In the silent atmosphere, a figure stood up fiercely and said, gnashing his teeth, is the Duke of Horseman, the Aden master sitting on the left. He stood up and patted his hands heavily on the table, his eyes full of blood, just like A wounded beast,


When he saw him standing up, the other generals stopped talking, but his eyes were more of a gloating expression. This time, the Aden Army was considered to have suffered heavy casualties. Half of the 60,000 camel cavalry died in Lulan, and the rest half of the nest In Anlusu, logistics was cut off and all camels had to be slaughtered as food. Camel cavalry was used as infantry. Needless to say, camel cavalry wearing only half-horse cavalry armor. The shields in their hands were small round shields used by cavalry. The arrow clusters hit by the rainstorm were suddenly a large area of ​​death and injury. The remnants of more than 20,000 people lost more than 10,000 people at once. It can be regarded as miserable and can not be miserable. Now the Duke of Horsepower wants to do the most. A good fight with the Imperial Army, otherwise, even if you have the opportunity to go back alive, it is the laughing stock of the entire Aden Kingdom!


"I also think that the Imperial Army can attack the city walls, because we stand there unobstructed, but it is different in the urban area, most of them are buildings, and there are a lot of defensive arrows towers, the Imperial Army wants to attack There is only one fight for each other!" General Fei Zejun’s General Rocot Tivari touched his chubby chin, which was purely subconscious, but this action. In the old days it would make him look peaceful,


"The words of His Excellency Rocot Tivaris really dare not agree! You obviously want to wait until the Imperial Army breaks through the defense and choose to surrender!" A general of the Wish Tree Regiment stood up angrily and said, "The entire coalition Everyone knows that Fei Zejun’s military force is not very large this time. The large powers in the south have only dispatched 40,000 people. They are also divided into two parts, one part is in the base camp and the other part is here, which is a problem in itself!"


"The Grand Knight of Anlu, you can't talk nonsense!" General Roco Tivari's nose snorted. "I was close to the Falcon Empire, and I had an agreement with the coalition base camp. As long as the southern coalition defeated the imperial army in Istan, my 200,000 main force of the Fizer Kingdom immediately went north, crossed the Straight Brom Sea, and entered the southern part of the empire~lightnovelpub.net~ formed something with the main force of the coalition The situation of pinch is the reason why I Fei Ze, really can not send too much troops to participate in this war!"


"Oh, I can say that too. Doesn’t your general feel ashamed? For the benefit of the south, two members of the Order of the Order and only one of the great knights fell, and there was one high priest. What's wrong?" Anlu sneered. He was the Grand Knight of the Templar Order and the deputy of the Templar Commander Maffei Knight, who was in the coalition base camp. The latest news is that he is in the Eastern Chamber of the Empire. Under the attack of the cavalry, he was already dead. He is now the highest person in charge of the temple army,


  For Fezer General Roco Tivasiri, he was obviously dismissive


Fei Ze is so close to the Gang Fei Empire, and the two countries have been fighting for many years. It can be said that the country in the entire southern countries knows the strength of the Gang Fei. The Gang Fei Empire is easily destroyed by the Falcon Empire. Fei Ze obviously wants to I understand the terrible falcon empire better than other countries,


   Forty thousand people seem to be many, but relative to the nearly one million troops of the coalition, it is simply a perfunctory,


If the coalition wins in Istan, Fezer can cross the strait north and enter Gangfei. With no effort, it can easily grab the vast land of the Gangfei non-empire. If the coalition defeats in the Istan area, the loss of 40,000 people in the south will be As far as the great country Fezer is concerned, it is really not a loss.


   In this war, Fei Zejun’s losses were minimal, and he lost tens of thousands of war losses with other countries. Fei Zejun’s total loss was four or five thousand people.