Whole Nation

~: Two hundred and twenty-one civilization


The shadow of the sun is not visible in the dark sky like the ink, and the air is full of dry and cold before the heavy rain,

Song Que, the head of the Song family, stood on the rock wall, gazing at the vast ocean in front of him, and the wind rushing in the face, like a comb, blowing through the waves of the sea, like a line of lines rolling forward grace, It’s like a pair of big invisible hands, stroking gently from the sea

"Aren't the Adens really coming across such a vast sea?" Song Que held his hands upside down, his flashing eyes retracted from the sea, and turned to look at Song Lu who saluted behind him.

"It is indeed from across the sea. It is said that the kingdom of the Aden is thousands of miles away. If you walk from the land, it will take at least half a year. If you walk from the sea, it will take two months to reach southern Centralbia. "Song Lu looked respectfully took out a token and placed it on the ground. This is the order of the head of the family. It is an identity sign to represent the family in diplomacy. If there is an order, there must be an order, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal of the family."

This is the experience left by the Song people’s painful lessons. In order to disintegrate the power of the Song people in the southern mountains, when the Zhongbia Chaotang planned the split of the southwest dragon family, they also bought some people from the Song people in an attempt to borrow the dragon. The opportunity of the division of the Western Army also allowed the Song nationality to be divided into the Song nationality in the mountain and the returning mountain people who were willing to move out of the mountain. If it was not the Song patriarch of that generation who was decisive enough, almost let the Song nationality rule the southern mountain. It was subverted. At that time, more than six hundred children of the direct line of the Song clan were finally executed in one breath. One hundred sixty-seven persons were executed, including the two sons of the head of the family. If you represent the family without permission, you will be regarded as a family traitor!

"You are the third person in the family, or the old man who has been in charge of the Song fleet for 20 years. Although you have stepped down and turned to be responsible for the family's internal affairs, if the Songs have some experience in fighting the fleet, I can't think of you except you. Who else "Song Que hesitated,

Before he had finished speaking, Song Lu shuddered slightly and knelt on the ground with a knee. His face was slightly embarrassed to interrupt Song Que's words, "Homeowner, I have not been responsible for the fleet for three years! And even if it is me, I don’t have any experience of fighting at sea! This war is extremely dangerous, and it is also related to the foundation of my Song nationality’s rule in the southern mountains. The courageous advice of the family is that the family fleet should not participate in the war!" He knows that the owner is interested this time. Appointing himself as the commander-in-chief of the fleet, but thinking about the current status of the family fleet and the imperial fleet's weakness, Song Lu was playing drums. "You mean, let the imperial fleet respond to the Adenites?" Song Quezhi Suddenly, he didn't expect Song Lu to be so optimistic about the family's fleet. As the owner, Song Que also felt a little uneasy on his face. He hesitated and said, he stared at Song Lu brightly and asked

"Since the Southwest Longjia and the Central Church of China have gradually become estranged, the waterway near Luzhou has also given up more than half. The pressure from the upstream two lines has been not as good as before, so the family's fleet built to fight against the central government has already been used as The transport is in use. The latest warship launched was built ten years ago to celebrate the birth of my little daughter. This time, it was a real fight against the Adenites at sea, telling me the truth, the Imperial Navy is really Is it so unbearable?"

"The person in charge of the family fleet is the kid. Although he is the leader of the fleet, he actually ran one or two trips to the southwest waterway at the farthest. When he went out to sea, it was good to stand on the boat without rolling, and as a rival It’s the Aden warship that has crossed thousands of seas, which is exactly the gap between Xinding and the warriors who have gone through hundreds of battles!" Song Lu said with a dignified expression.

"This is really dangerous. The Adens have been on the sea for decades, and the warships are as tall as the towers. How can you easily find a fleet to deal with it? It doesn't matter what the result of the Imperial fleet is. These aliens die. If you die, there are thousands of family fleets, and the family members who drag your family. I am afraid that there are more than tens of thousands of people. If these thousands of people are killed at sea because of this battle, the owner will really become. The sinner of the family! As for the Imperial Fleet, although it is not an opponent of the Adenites, it can still be done if it is only delayed!"

"It seems that you really don't like the family fleet!"

Song Que's eyes flashed a little haze and sighed helplessly. "Unfortunately, the order has been issued. One day later, the family fleet will descend from Luoling Waterway, and finally merge with the Imperial Fleet in Linshanshuiwan. Even if this fleet may be The whole army will be destroyed, and the order cannot be changed!"

"Homeowner! Please also take back the order. The family has just recovered some ground and can't just lose it." Song Lu let out a mournful sound and slammed his head on the ground. He finally knew why the homeowner sent himself to negotiate with the Imperial Navy Because if you are there, according to your influence on the family fleet, this order of the family owner cannot be executed, as long as you think that the lives of thousands of Song children have been placed on the altar of the family sacrifice, Song Lu's eyes are red,

"You should know that this matter is already on the string, and you have to send it!" Song Que's face was determined,

Song Lu couldn’t help but say anxiously, “Although I don’t want to fight the determination of the host before the war, I have to be honest, the imperial naval warship is rudimentary, and the tonnage is not enough. People eat it, and then the family fleet will come. Please search (Pin#Book...... Net) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel..." Song Lu stopped his voice, and he stopped talking,

"This matter goes without saying! It has been half a month since the 30,000 family army pressed the coastline. The Adens landed more and more frequently, but the location was always difficult to capture. The family army was exhausted on the thousands of miles of coastline. The proposal to abandon the coastline and relocate all the mountain people in the coastal area"

"You know what this means!" Song Que waved his hands fiercely, raised his head to look at the gloomy sky, the sea breeze blew his hair, and said with a condensed voice, "Nearly two hundred thousand fishermen near the coastline will enter the mountains, and other books Mountaineers fighting for land on the small land"

"Have you thought about the consequences? Give up more than a hundred miles in the front, and then give up more than a hundred miles in the back. Over the past few decades, there have been 1,600 miles in the southern mountains. How much is left now!"

"In this battle, there is no escape route. If I can’t lead the Song tribe, how can I lead the mountain people! If the lives of thousands of Song clan children can be exchanged for these hundreds of miles of coast, even if they are all dead, everything is worth it. As for the sacrifice, what else is to say, because this is their life as the children of the Song nationality!"

Song Que walked away, Song Lu knelt on the ground with a blank face, the black hair on his head seemed to be white, and behind him was the increasingly violent sea waves under the gloomy sky, like a fierce beast on the cliff wall, issued Similar to the beating of a beast, a piece of white crystal clear and diffused to all sides

In the customary thinking of the Central Biya people, the sea is not used for exploration and conquest, but as a **** awe, the sea is the extension limit of the continent, so there is the saying that the corner of the sea For the boundless ocean, the Biya people let the Central Biya civilization avoid the ocean civilization. Although the foreign trade and business have never been interrupted, those interracial businessmen who have crossed the sea have earned even more money. , And finally boarded the boat and left under the pitiful gaze of the Central Biya,

"These poor aliens who have left their hometowns have traveled here thousands of miles to make some more difference. Forget it, it is just to send a call to Hanako, there is no need to be true to these poor insects."

The people of Central Biya cannot see the value of the ocean, let alone the establishment of a navy that controls the sea. At most, it is to build a few fleets to engage in transportation, scare the savages on the nearby islands, and show the prestige of the country. , There has never been a concept of control,

So when the Adenian navy defeated the barrier of the southern fine empire navy, it expanded from the Adenian waters to the central Abyssal waters. What was displayed in front of the Adenians was the golden waters that could reach the rich eastern continent, just like a roadside. The broken rope that was discarded on the road was easily held in the hands of the Aden. After decades of cruelty in the Aden navy, the merchant ship of the South Asian fine empire disappeared, and the fleet of Baijili disappeared. In the end, the fleet of the mainland only had the Aden fleet flying the moon flag. When these merchant ships turned into warships, the Central Biya region realized for the first time that the vast sea was like a terrible battlefield!

"Commander, just fight a half-transport Aden fleet, the brothers will be able to do it themselves, these Songs' fleets are completely dragged down." At the port of the Imperial Navy, the 12th squadron admiral Cartis is taking a copy The emergency report from the Admiralty Department opened, and his adjutant was complaining that the Song nationality fleet was completely behind

All of them are war soldiers of the Imperial Navy, who have seen the Song fleet for a long time. The combat mode of the Central Biya fleet is still stuck in the ship jumping and fighting hundreds of years ago, even if it was originally killed by the empire. The navy can't find the navy in the North Obaro region, and it has evolved from this simple competition of manpower to the use of large equipment.

The ultra-long-range heavy catapult, the fireball that can burn, directly hit the collision angle of the metal skin penetrated by the other battleship, and the heavy lifting and landing, which can cut off the middle of a warship. The navy also has a terrible fuel-injection ship. It is a weapon that can be used against close-in wars. It can ignite a battleship into a super torch on the sea in one minute. What would happen if the Asian ship leaned up? The human competition, even if it is placed in the Obaro region, will be despised, but the Central Biya people regard it as the only combat mode.

God, are you going to fight with such allies? When Raytheon is still salvoing from a long distance, what do these guys rush up to? If these Central Biya people jump to fight on the other's warship, do they fire or not? The hull ignited by the other party ran into the current, whether he sank decisively or dispersed the entire bombardment queue!

"Okay, don't complain. I have no intention of letting the Song Clan fleet go to sea. Although the Song Clan fleet is not very useful, it is better than others. At least it can be used to clean up the battlefield!" Cartis smiled and smiled. The report from the hands, from the Imperial Ministry of the Navy, explained the reason why the Adenites were suddenly crazy recently. It turned out that the Imperial Cavalry had a big chrysanthemum in Cornelia, and hundreds of thousands of food supplies were handed over. The fire was clean and clean, so it’s no wonder that Aden’s navy was crazy to eat a bite on such a barren area of ​​the southern central coastline

The Adenites issued orders to raise food throughout the country and obtained food through all channels. Even King Aden’s daily affairs were said to reduce the original 60 meals to 59 dishes. For the royal family of Aden who is proud of luxury, it is already a naked face,

"All of them are incompetent and did not allow His Majesty to eat sixty dishes!" Katis said in his mind that a picture of a Wang Dian, dressed in a red gorgeous dress, shouted a sword and pierced his own. Chest, head down to chest, for this reason, there are more than 300 servants in the royal palace who punish themselves for the shame of the king. On the report of the Admiralty, there is a rare ridicule.

Cartis knows that this is the Admiral group who is laughing at the Aden people~lightnovelpub.net~ Cartis was born in the Imperial Navy Department. In the Empire, he did not deal with Aden merchants. These gorgeous Aden merchants, What I like to brag about most is that their king needs 60 dishes for a meal. Pigs, cows and sheep are only selected from the tenderest ones. All kinds of precious birds and beasts, even elephant rhinos

The tableware for eating food is gold and ruby, the drinking cup is a human skull inlaid with countless gemstones and diamonds, and King Aden basically eats a dish, and orders the person to withdraw, absolutely not to pay the second bite, absolutely Don’t eat heavy samples. At that time, Cartis felt that this was still a person, and I didn’t know how the cooks changed their patterns to survive.

The Adenites are proud of luxury, and often use this to mock the Falcon Empire's gang of turtles, the emperor of the imperial empire. It is said that there are no more than ten dishes in one meal, which is really shabby! The Admiralty ridiculed this on the general order for exactly this reason,

"Has the admiralty war order been issued?" the adjutant asked eagerly, and if he did not order without permission, the consequences would be quite troublesome.

"No, there is no combat order mentioned above, but there is no saying that you can never fight!" Katius shrugged his shoulders, handed the report to the adjutant, came to the position of the ship's window, and looked out at the increasingly dark sky outside, This is a sign of a storm, what if the Adens change their route?

"What does that mean?" The adjutant had read the report several times, and his blinking eyes did not understand

"Because nothing was said, everything has been explained." Cartis recovered from the window and looked at the confused adjutant. "Don't forget, the empire has issued a notice to declare war on Aden. What war order?"

(To be continued.)

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