Whole Nation

~: Two thousand and ninety-nine Thunderstor


The corpse is drifting across the river, and there are no torrents of water. At a glance, the entire river channel is the body of the Fei Zejun soldiers. In just one hour, Fei Zejun drove at least 20,000 people down the river. These woods A row of Fezer soldiers rowing in the water, a scene spread out on the river, a dense hundreds of meters of attack line pulled out, and the ignoring corpse covered the river like a black. Under the crazy strangling of the Imperial Army crossbow, most of Fitzer The soldiers did not have the opportunity to cross half the distance, so they shot arrows from the wooden row into the water of the river,


   "This is killing! Not a battle!"


Salton's eyebrows slightly lowered the chat mirror in his hand, withdrawing his gaze from the surface of the river, he looked at the Tether Anvik around him, and said with a condensed voice, "The situation is wrong. This time the forces mobilized by the other party add up to the previous four days. There should be more, if it is a precursor to a total attack, it is not an exaggeration, but look at who the other party sent to the river, which seems to be fierce, in fact, each one has no armor and a weapon in his hand. It’s also a variety of things, and it’s a dish with bad food, and it should be the lowest servant among the Fei Zejun.”


"What, all the servants on the river? The adults are right." Thurst Anwick heard Salton's words, and his face could not help but reveal dignity. On the battlefield, the commanders of the two sides fought wisely and decided the gap between life and death, Sometimes it’s just a matter of a moment, but on my own side, I have been in vain for an hour under the confused tactics of the other side,


"You see it by yourself." Salton took a deep breath and talked about psychological quality, calmness, cruelty, and heart like iron, and he was not afraid of loss for the final victory. The famous German general is recognized as one of the top three generals in the empire. He handed the looking glass in his hands to Arthur Anvik. The Ann Anwick quickly took it and looked at it in front of him. The round mirror Inside, the frustrated servants of Fizer on the river no longer had any shape to hide, and Thur Anvic’s body suddenly shuddered, and the hand holding the lookout made a gurgling sound


The gap between servants and elite is completely different in terms of equipment and momentum. In the eyes of generals such as Arthur Anvik, it is like looking at the difference between a duck and a swan, not to mention the king of Papt, Arthur Anvik had also collided with Fitzer Elite, and it is still fresh in his memory


   We have been cheated! , Arthur Anvik’s face was ugly. How could these Fezer soldiers who were crying on the wooden platoon crying for their mothers were the elites who had captured the capital of King Papter with their bravery? Feeling a sense of coolness rushing to the head, all of them are well-known warlords, how could they not know the purpose of the Fezers sending these low-ranking servants, and the Fezers are using these servants to attract their attention Force, the illusion that the entire army is attacked without fear of loss, just shows that the Fezers really started to attack, but the attacked river is definitely not the stone bridge in front of them.


Fei Zejun spent so much energy and put tens of thousands of lives to death, just to create a precious hour, slamming, so cunning guy, Salton's hand was clenched tightly, and his fingers were slightly white because of the force. The opponent’s single-point attack for several days in a row is just to let the other side lose their due vigilance. An hour is enough for the battlefield to happen a lot of things. This is a major mistake, mainly because of insufficient military strength. With enough troops, the Fezers absolutely can’t play such tricks, but if they have the advantage of enough troops, the opponent can be easily arranged. This river is so long that the river rises and flows down, and the opponent can choose a strong crossing. , Even if the party can finally respond, there is no way to take the other party!


   "The other party must be found immediately"


Salton was the first to recover and said aloud, "Send Rush immediately and patrol the upper and lower reaches of the twenty-mile range." Those who really erected golden flags on the banks of the river were the true elite of the Fezers. From the beginning These elite troops just formed an array of attacks on the other side of the river. In fact, they did not move at all, let alone send Xiahe to participate in the attack, neither attack nor spread out, that is, the other party was waiting The answer is ready. The other party is waiting for the opportunity to put elite troops into the battlefield. After the other party crosses the river, it may be a siege!


"Adult, downstream hyacinth, Fei Zejun crossed the river in Langqi, Wuli, downstream." At this moment, a scout cavalry came from a distance, and the sound of the sound made the rain all around. a bit


"Lang Qi turning corner? Where did Fei Zejun choose to cross the river? How is it possible!" Salton and Tse Anvik heard Fei Zejun crossing the river section, could not help but looked at each other, Lang Qi Jiao The channel is a corner of the lower river channel. In terms of the distance of the river, where may be the narrowest downstream, but the torrential waves caused by heavy rain, even the narrowest, have a width of 60 to 70 meters, and the impulse of the current is the strongest here. In order to shorten the distance of crossing the river, it is understandable to choose the Langqi turnabout~lightnovelpub.net~ The problem is that the impact of the turnway cannot cross the river at all. How did the Fezers cross the river?




In the sky, a silver thunderbolt cut through, the rain was bigger, and it was completely turned into a rainstorm. The distant mountains and rivers in front of me were enveloped in a white rain, and I saw a red that rose directly to the sky, and I was striking in the white rain curtain. It was so daunting, under the flash of light brought on by the thunder and lightning, a row of wood lined up in the turbulent waves hit the gravel on the opposite beach,


Several Fitzers elite lying on the top, hurriedly rolled from above to the river beach, the whole body was covered with water, struggling a few times, an elite Fitzer soldier wearing a mail armor slowly stood up, his eyes slightly confused Looked at the beach on the river bank where there was no one in front. The face of the elite soldier of Fezer suddenly flushed with excitement. Behind him, more wooden platoons rushed to the beach and more soldiers of Fezer flooded up. On the river beach, the simplest fixed point was quickly established. Dozens of thick rope braided ropes were quickly pulled apart on both sides. The prototype of a pontoon quickly appeared. There were people on both sides of the river bank. The pontoon was built very quickly.


   "It's done, they're over!" There was a general who cheered loudly next to Ome,


   "Sir Ome, our striker has passed!" A general Fei Ze also turned around with an inexplicable look,


"Cross the river! Let's go home!" Aomu raised his hand and shook the river, even though he was accustomed to killing eyes, he was now wet by the huge hope, and the balance of life and death was finally biased at this moment. Has Fezer crossed the Lari River and the southern border is in front of it, that is Fezer! 〖To be continued〗【】