Whole Nation

~: Two thousand five hundred one (21)

  2501 (21)


Five miles downstream of the Kanyaluo Stone Bridge, rainwater hits the river to form a white vortex. Compared with the roaring waves caused by the ferocious impact of the upper reaches of the stone bridge, the river section here is significantly slowed down a lot. Three pontoon ropes across the river sway in the river water,


On both sides of the river channel, hundreds of bare-chested Fitzgerald men slammed the huge pontoons into the ground with the mallet in their hands, pulled the thick pontoon ropes, and the rain hit their bare muscles , With a banging sound, on the side of these pontoon-built soldiers, rows of Fizer assault infantry queues formed a huge V-shaped protective ring


"Sir Omu, the imperial cavalry has crossed the Langxia River, which is less than two miles from here!" The sound of the horseshoes came from far and near, even though Prince Fei Ze came out of the rain. Tu Tu killed, the situation in front of him let him relax a little, fortunately, only a few pontoons have been built, there were only two or three thousand people in the past, even if there is a loss, the loss is very limited,


   "Your Highness's kindness, I feel my eyes are clear!"


  Aomu bent over to salute him, his eyes revealing a trace of imperceptible sorrow, and in the place where no one noticed, the whipping of the whipped whip with white fingers and tight fingers should come, or came!


"Adult, the person across the river... "Prince Fezer saw that the infantry on the opposite side were wearing chain mail, and suddenly couldn't help but take a breath of air. In the pouring rain, they solidified like statues. The muddy body was silently clinging to each other at the moment. The sharp bottom of the heavy tower shield almost as tall as the hand was steadily piling into the soil under the foot like a pile, and the handle was as long as four or five meters long. The sharp edge of the spear was discharged from the row between the shields,




  The sound of rain is like a restless noise in silence. The spear and shield are washed by the rain, and the cold light is dazzling.


   "That's my personal army "Aomu raised his head" In order to reduce the weight of crossing the river, in order to transport heavy weapons and large shields across the river, they can only wear light armor."


   "The imperial cavalry is approaching, and adults should let them withdraw immediately!" Prince Fei Ze did not expect that this time, Omim had sent his most important guard to the other side.


"His Royal Highness, the whole army is watching me, how can I make them withdraw!" Ao Mu's cold mouth showed a bitter smile of self-deprecation. "I want to persuade everyone to come with me. If you always send others up, it is impossible, If you want to see blood, let’s see my mysterious blood first!"


   "Everyone walks with the adult? What does the adult Ome mean?" "Prince Fei Ze was surprised for a while.


"Your Highness, do you think our army can really break through the bridge with so much property?" "Mysterious eyes are serious, and the meaning in the tone is even colder than the rain falling over my head." As the commander of the whole army, in fact I have never said to other generals that the greatest threat to cross the river is never those heavy heavy weapons of the empire that were built in the direction of the bridge. Those heavy heavy weapons are still dead, and they are really huge threats. It is actually an imperial cavalry with strong mobility and impact. In an uncovered land on the riverside, tens of thousands of imperial cavalry are absolutely dominating forces."


Ao Mu's voice paused, looking at the prince's stunned face, and continued to say, "Fei Zejun, which is dominated by infantry, even if he has several times the military power, can't carry the imperial cavalry cluster after the blood and cross the river. No, as long as the river bank collapses, the troops behind are either scared to move forward, or they are drowned in the river, not to mention, there are all the cumbersome possessions full of cars and loads, so whether the bridge is able to Breakthroughs are actually destined to be a dead end!"


   "But, isn't Master Ome saying that the two lines will separate and cooperate with each other to solve this dilemma?" Prince Fei Ze almost yelled,


"The two lines divide into each other and cooperate with each other. In this case, do you really believe in your highness?" Ao Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and the rain made his hair stick to his forehead, which was a bit more grim. "If I don't say that, Instead, he suggested that the generals give up all their possessions and move forward in light. The generals headed by the fifth army commander, Narsbad, were afraid that they would immediately turn their faces and propose a two-line strike. In fact, it is acquiescence. Due to the division of Fei Zejun, all the generals at the meeting were afraid that His Highness was still in the dark, so he spoke for Nalsbad."


   "If I guessed right, Your Highness came to remind me that you must not have received the consent of Nalsbad"


Ao Mu's eyes are steady and disturbing. "The generals headed by the fifth army commander, Narsbad, insisted on insisting on the breakthrough of the bridge, basically they were reluctant to leave the property, because only the stone bridge can let those full. Those who passed the carriage and were willing to come to the river with me to build a pontoon are those who have a certain awareness of giving up their belongings."


"This split was already doomed the moment 200,000 Fezers left Papter Kyoto and moved closer to the southern border, but I have been trying to maintain a seemingly united situation, but now, I also Helpless, if you don’t choose to separate, everyone will be dragged to death as a result!"


"No wonder, it's no wonder that Narsbad would say that kind of thing, but you..." Prince Fezer's face was pale in the rain, and now it's even more white as a piece of paper. If you don't remind yourself What will happen to Olympics? Did Aomu even abandon himself? But think about the opponent being able to send their loyal guards to the opposite side, even if they know that the Imperial Cavalry Group is approaching frantically, and there is no order to retreat, then discard yourself as a prince who is always nosy on the battlefield. Is understandable


   In the distance came more and more clear landmines, like a lightning tear in the sky


On the distant horizon, some shadowy black shadows have appeared. The black cavalry have appeared in groups. Their black armor is like a wave of waves. Above the black line, the cold light of the cavalry bayonet shines. The clusters of horseshoes collapsed like mountains and crumbled, and one after another rolled up white splashes in the shallow water.


   "Prepare!" Feizer's army shouted,


  Under the pale sky, this black is cutting the ground in front of it like a giant half arc. The cavalry warhorse swoops down from the height like a flock of eagles, rushing into the low-lying areas of the river beach, the inexhaustible crowd of horses. The dense spears of the clouds shocked everyone's minds, and the countless spears of the two sides finally collided together.




When the metal touched the metal, the solid tower shield was swayed under the impact, and the cavalry bayonet was pushed forward violently. At the same time, it hit the wall-like five-meter long infantry lance. The cavalry on horseback turned into a blood gourd, but the forward The war horse hit the stab without stopping, entangled and strangled, just like a **** blood stain, pulled a bit, opened at the position where the two armies collided, the lance quickly rolled in, broken, and stirred up the flesh, The bayonet pierced through the body of the person behind, the reaction force caused the hand holding the gun to shake slightly, and with the shoulder gripping the bayonet, it thrust forward again,


   A silver light flashed over the head of the Fezer soldier, cracked, and the head of the Fezer soldier made a clear sound of breaking the bone under a heavy blow


   "Go ahead, kill them all!"


  Tse Anvik picked up the tower shield in front with one shot,




On his side, 20,000 imperial cavalry scuttled down like a torrent, but Fei Zejun, who was less than 3,000, even elite, it was like snow and ice met Haoyang at the moment. At the moment of impact, the entire defense line Reversed by the impact, the broken limbs flew over the crowd, the horseshoes trampled the fallen people into meat, and the brave infantry used all the weapons to cut and poke on the running horses, heavy and sharp Did the sword and axe pierce the armor of the warhorse, bringing out a **** long shadow, and the cavalry riding on the horse also flew heavy heavy swords on the heads of the Fezers, brains, fresh blood, and skulls The fragments are horizontal.


   "Fei Ze will never be defeated!"


   loud and tragic shouts, rolling and chaotic shocks, and the defense line of Fei Ze soldiers was shattered


   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


The tide of the black cavalry came over like a tide. Under the horseshoe, there was a human head tumbling, and the thunder was like a flood. It was the soldiers of Fezer who used their flesh and blood to fight against the impact of the cavalry. Eye-catching blood red, rain is down, everyone in between, the only thing that can think in his mind is waving his arms,


   "Long live Fei Ze" A Fei Ze infantry was lying on the ground covered with blood, the mail was deformed by a horseshoe, and his mouth was spitting blood, and his mouth was still shouting with a vague voice.


   "Cut off the rope and destroy all the pontoons!" Tese Anvik shouted loudly, pulling out the winged winged sword and slamming it down.




A well-built pontoon sank miserably into the water, and the cut rope was rushing along with the waves like a living snake. On the opposite side of the river, the imperial cavalry was slaughtered. The beach was full of corpses, and many Fezer soldiers Poured into the river, as the river floated down, the blood stained the surface of the river red


On the other side of the river, including Aomu, tens of thousands of Fei Ze people across the river watched this scene with breathless breath. There was a shouting and shouting voice over there, but there was no silence at all, and it was too shameful to look up Here comes, the soldiers on the opposite side are fighting, **** under the imperial iron ride, those who are their fellow comrades-in-arms, seeing them suffer such shame, but they cannot cross the river to rescue them! I only heard the low-pitched thud of the river's impact on the bank


The boundary between life and death, such a clear entity, is displayed in front of the Fei Zejun on the other side of the river. Everyone silently watched the Imperial Cavalry cut off all the pontoons that were finally built, and the dead bodies covered the river beach in front. There are bloodshot eyes in people's eyes, the sad and inexplicable look is just like those stabbing on their bodies,


"Why, dissatisfied?" Half an hour later, a face with a somewhat icy empire standing on the shore of the horse, a red cloak floating like fire behind him, took off the iron helmet, and looked at the scornful eyes opposite. It’s like dropping a torch on a dry woodpile


   "That bastard, I'm going to slaughter him personally, sir, please let me cross the river!" A sturdy General Fei Ze's bulging eyes are like a bell, kneeling on one knee behind the Olympics


   "Sir, please let us cross the river!" Black pressure crushed a person kneeling behind Ome, and the lifeless Fei Zejun seemed to return to the fierce and fearlessness when he stepped into the King Papute.


   My eyes are silent, I don’t know what I’m thinking, my eyes just fall in the upstream direction, just like waiting


Sure enough, a dozen minutes later, an imperial cavalry looked hurriedly from the upstream, strenuously strangling the war horse beside the imperial general, and said, "Adult, the bridge has changed. The cavalry just left, and the main force of the Fezer army attacked At the bridge entrance, Lord Salton has ordered the warship to return, and please also return immediately after destroying the pontoon."


   "Return immediately? Well, I know!"


Thurs Anvik heard the report, his face was slightly stunned, put on the helmet, and finally glanced at the Fezers on the opposite side. These Fezers had been killed and their courage was afraid. They were afraid to cross the river in a short time. , Even if you cross the river, it doesn’t matter, just catch up and hack to death


   "The whole army assembled and returned to the bridge."


Arthur Anvik turned around and commanded loudly, the loud voice spread all around, and the scattered imperial cavalry began to return~lightnovelpub.net~ Some of the cavalry's spears were still carrying the **** head of the Fezer army. This is the slaughter. No, the imperial cavalry did not expect to end so fast. The Fez army on the other side basically watched the imperial cavalry slaughter. There was no support at all. It was really boring!


   It seems that the real purpose of crossing the river downstream should be the imperial cavalry who want to adjust the position of the bridge entrance, and then launch a full attack on the bridge entrance


I have to admit that the other party’s calculations are really good, but the other party still has a little less calculation. That is, the imperial battleships modified by transport ships have such a large bridge position, as long as they enter the battleship Thor’s range, they will be filled in again. More soldiers are dead!


"The greedy ghost of Narsbad will surely seize the property and let it be buried with the property!" Aiming watched the imperial cavalry kill the storm and swept through the wind and rain, disappearing like black clouds. In the upstream direction, when a scout cavalry who followed up the river came the news that the imperial cavalry had left, his eyes looked like he came alive.


He turned back and raised his hand. A dense Fizen soldier emerged from the mound woodland behind the river beach. Mysteriously took a deep breath and raised his hand high. "Crossing the river!" This time, thousands of people Fei Ze soldiers did not hesitate to support the wooden row and jumped out of the river. They quickly pulled the rope from the pontoon pier at both ends and bound the wooden row directly to it. The pontoons appeared almost again soon.


   No one looked in the direction of Hashiguchi again. General Aomu used his own guard to make sacrifices. Then there is nothing to be distrusted and no belongings, as long as they can go back alive!