Whole Nation

~: Two thousand nine hundred and fifty-one

South Central Sea

There is only a very weak light wave in the sea that enters summer in May, and the blue sky and white clouds reflect the blue sky. The world of the sky and the sea seems to never end, even the fish under the sea dive into the depths of the sea, over The silence often means that the storm is coming.

In the north of the sea, with the sound of surging waves, the dense masts began to appear like a black line in the distant sky, and countless huge battleship sails reflected the rays of the sun's light and reflected it under the reflection of the sun. , As if a long gold rim was pulled out from the sea,

A moment later, the triangular bow of the Imperial Longya battleship split the quiet seawater, stirring up numerous ripples and colliding with each other on the sea surface, breaking or fusing into a larger circle, spreading far away In the roaring sea breeze, the huge falcon navy flag on the battleship mast blew hunting.

Since the Imperial Navy defeated Adenia’s largest naval fleet in Qinglong Bay and captured all its transport ships, Aden’s navy’s range of activities in the southern waters of Central Abia has been greatly reduced, and it has just been appointed as a hunter. Kasti, the admiral of the joint squadron of the Central Eagles in the Eagle Empire, seized such an opportunity to quickly sweep the entire South China Sea area of ​​Abyssinian. It was almost a loss of several island strongholds of the Aden navy in the southern waters of Centralbia. Until the front of the imperial navy reached the front line of the largest island in the southern sea, Kailusai, the Aden navy was able to stabilize the situation.

Fleet Commander Casti patted the smelly sweat on his body, and then slowly walked to the deck. The large sail of the battleship covered the sun's fury, leaving a large shadow on the deck, just when the sea breeze came, Suddenly it feels cool and refreshing,

"Commander, in front of the waters of Kailua," a naval intelligence officer said to him, "Kalusai is a large flat island, not only has an excellent coastline, but the entire island is quite large, enough With a range of more than three to four hundred miles, the Aden Navy built a naval port with the nature of a naval base at the location where the coastline and seawater meet. As a control center for the southern waters of Central Biya, the Aden Kingdom has a 3,000 stationed on the island. Multi-person troops, and with the wood of the forest area in the east of the island, the Aden Navy built a dock in the direction of the port last year."

Hearing the introduction of the intelligence officer in his ear, Cartis raised the look-out mirror in his hand and introduced his eyes to a lush vegetation coastline, with no end in sight at all, which can no longer be called an island, and can be regarded as a small land directly , You can even see Qi Luan’s peaks on the island,

"The Adenites have a good eye," Cartis murmured in his mouth. It turned out that Kailusai Island is a typical tropical and subtropical climate. Abundant rains lead to lush vegetation. According to the experience of Cartis, such islands often have extremely rich properties, especially when the location of Kailusai in front of them and the position of the island seen by Cartis on the chart are overlapped, it is not difficult to understand why the Adenites Abandoned many islands in the southern seas of Central Biya, but kept on guarding the island of Kailusai.

This is basically a center that determines the hegemony of the entire sea area. No matter who wants to truly control the southern waters of Central Biya, it is impossible to overlook the largest island in the south, not just because the island is located in the north and south. Online because the island not only has everything the Navy needs, it is as sufficient as the Army needs. Anyone can occupy it and use it as a support point to expand south or north to a range of more than five hundred miles. , Even directly on the mainland, can form military oppression. This is not the so-called "colonial island" that the Imperial Navy has been pursuing.

"According to information we bought from the nearby Ravel people, most parts of Kailua Island are relatively flat and low. Only the northeast has more mountains and the terrain is relatively high, but these mountains are only It is some rolling hills. The highest altitude is less than 700 meters. The northwest is a very flat field. The island does not have much mineral resources. However, the Ravel people mentioned some rumors. It is said that the Aden people watched On the island of Kailua, because there are gold mines on it, there were once Aden slaves who had escaped from the island and appeared at the market in Ravel with gold. The Ravel people used to go to the island to find, but Owing to the occupation of the Aden, on several occasions even the islands were not close, they were sunk by the Aden in the sea off the island."

"You mean there may be gold on the island?" Cartis' eyes brightened and became even hotter.

"It's just rumors that this cannot be confirmed, but there is indeed information that the Adenites send thousands of slaves to the island every year, and these slaves often don't know where to go!" The intelligence officer said with a dignified tone. What is said is almost sure that even if there is no gold, there must be a secret!

"Well, I get it"

Katius smiled at the corner of his mouth. He understood the meaning of the intelligence officer. Although the operation of sweeping the southern waters of Central Biya had been officially reported to the Imperial Naval Department, but because of the relationship between the navy minister Dusterenkai and the main force of the fleet, he went south. The Admiralty Department has not responded, that is to say, Cartis is completely pushing the war against the Adenites in the southern sea of ​​Centralbia. It is not a big problem to capture some insignificant islands in the front, but if you will attack The target is on the largest island, Kailua, and there are thousands of Aden troops stationed on Kailua, which is another matter. There is no army to cooperate with Russell who wants to occupy a radius of 300 to 400 miles. Impossible, although the Adenites suffered heavy naval combat power, on the island of Kailusai, the Adenites only had to abandon their naval warships and hide deep in the island, and the imperial navy on the sea could only be dumbfounded.

It is unrealistic to send an army from the empire homeland to cross the two continents, not to mention, just wanting the army to enter southern Central Biya will cause a strong resistance from the Dragon family and the Song nationality, so the current method of obtaining the army, There is only one, and that is to seek the support of local indigenous people,

The temptation of gold is undoubtedly the best

The Ravel people mentioned earlier in the intelligence officer's mouth are a tribe near the southern sea of ​​Centralbia. They established a city-state kingdom called Ravel, which belongs to the territory of the southern fine empire, the hegemony of the southern continent. The situation of this southern fine empire, the admiral of the imperial navy squadron of Cartis, is not concerned. He is the empire admiral who believes in controlling the sea and controls the world. This sentence is said to be a strong admirer of the majestic words of His Majesty Falcon, South Although the fine empire is known as the overlord of the southern continent, and the vast vassal lies on the southern continent and the Central Abyssal continent, its navy is said to have completely defeated the Adenites a few decades ago. This large land power has no say in the sea. Naturally And wasn’t taken by Cartis,

Since the Ravels are so eager for gold, then simply hand over the task of the Army to the Ravels

Although the Ravel City State can only be regarded as a small town on the edge of the Southern Empire, it is also a tribe with a population of more than 100,000. It is enough to deal with the three thousand Adenites on the island. Indigenous people who have lived in this area for thousands of years are far more familiar and adaptable to the environment than the Adenites. Before the Adenites controlled the sea area, the Ravel people had lived in this area for many years. The prosperous marine fishery is well-known throughout the region, and now, because of the hostile relationship between the kingdom of Aden and the southern fine empire, the Aden navy unscrupulously looted the Ravel region and kidnapped the Ravel people as slaves. The Weir fishermen have not gone to the sea very much, but moved collectively inland, without a navy-protected coastline. For them, it is a disaster. The once-prosperous fishing market has also been closed for more than ten years. Ravel, who relies on fisheries, is completely withered now, and whoever is most interested in driving away the Adenites is undoubtedly the victim of the Ravel

"Add this to the reported report"

Cartis said decisively, whether it is true or not, the arrow has to be sent. The gold mine is also quite a temptation for the empire. Although the empire is vast, the gold mine resources in the empire are few. Poor, although the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has repeatedly increased the bounty for mineral discovery, there are still very few discoveries on the gold mines, most of which are small mines. The largest gold mines are located in Gaul, but because of the limitations of mining technology and conditions, Gold mine resources have always been the weakness of the imperial economy. Fortunately, imperial business has realized a mode of commercial gold rolls that does not require direct payment of gold coins. Otherwise, such large-scale commercial activities and transactions of the empire will only rely on the existing imperial gold. The mine is completely unsatisfactory. If there is really a gold mine on Kailusai Island, Cartis believes that it will be the strategic layout of the empire in Centralbia that will cause fluctuations.

On the island of Cairo, the Aden Army Base is decorated with white marble walls. Although it has a history of more than thirty years, it is still white and flawless, shining brightly. Even in the distant sea, this obvious white building can be easily found. A small Aden city is Kailusai City, which the Aden people liken to be the pearl of Central Biya. If viewed from the perspective of the people of the Western Continent, this city with an area of ​​only two or three miles cannot be regarded as a city at all. It can only be regarded as a small town,

However, for the indigenous people in the nearby area, Kailusai City is already the de facto master of this area, and the Aden Navy used this as a stronghold to radiate the entire area, so that even natives like the Ravels Had to succumb to the shock of the Adenites

Already accustomed to the feeling of being at the mercy of this area, the head of the Aden Navy on the island, Marquis Pritch, was looking ugly at the moment and pressed the report sent by the Navy on the table. The Aden Navy was in Qinglong Bay. The series of influences brought about by the fiasco of defeat have already made the Adenites feel the pressure that has not been in existence for many years, but the Falcon Empire Navy Fleet has been invincible all the way. Tova Island, which is less than sixty miles from Ruse Island, is only a few hours away from Kailusai Island by sea. This is like a sudden stranger who ran into a stranger in the garden after he was pleasing to his own eyes. The painful feeling that all the precious flower species planted are pulled up is really rude. Isn't the Kingdom Navy doing a little bit of it?

As an island guard officer, Marquis Prish is not very powerful, and he is not part of the admiralty relationship. Because of the island garrison, he is actually an army general. It’s very uncomfortable to be arrogant and arrogant. This time I heard the navy planting big heels in Qinglong Bay, and I couldn’t help but shouted a few deserved, according to his service period, as long as I stay on the island of Kailusai for two or three months , He was able to transfer back to China, but at this time, the Imperial Navy went south, making the date of returning home slim.

"Adults don't need to worry too much. Although the Imperial Navy is strong, it can't fight on land." A young blonde adjutant who is also rare among the Adenites, is holding a glass of red wine in a leisurely attitude. Looking at the street outside in front of the window, he said softly, "Naval operations are different from the Army, and there is no such thing as a long-term confrontation. The Navy can carry only limited supplies each time, so it is necessary to meet the sea Divided into a life and death ~lightnovelpub.net~ But Kailusai is different, we are far enough from the coastline, even the thunder of the Imperial Navy can not hit us, so we only need to wait quietly, the Kingdom Navy has already Two naval fleets were deployed to support the southern waters of Central Biya. I believe that this situation will change soon. At that time, those Ravels who have objections to the kingdom will still put down their dignity and resistance to accept the kingdom. Dominant"

"My Master Tarusu, the imperial navy’s ability to sweep the inner sea is by no means an easy generation, and I am worried that they will be connected with those who oppose us, so that we are in trouble, after all, the entire Kingdom of Aden is in Kailuose There are only five thousand people on the island, which is still counted as my three thousand garrison troops.” Marquis Prishe said with a bitter face, crying and laughing

"Since I can't hold it, I will give up, but it's just a small island of Russell, what a big deal." The blond young man shrugged his shoulder in disapproval.

"My young master, if you give up Kailusai Island, there will be nothing in the young master, and I will definitely be beheaded by the military." Marquis of Purixi gave a long sigh, it was nothing. The army **** don’t know what kind of hatred they have. They put this second ancestor who has stirred the entire king into a leap, and want to be exiled even further!
