Whole Nation

~: Two thousand seven hundred and sixty-sev

"Khan, will that guy really do this?" Mu Lihe looked at Lu Ji'an, who had disappeared, and a trace of hesitation flashed on his face. For a small person like Lu Ji'an, Mu Lihe still felt straightforward It’s better to kill with a knife,

"Relax, he will do it, not only because he has no escape route, but also because he has ambitions!" The fat man withdrew his gaze from a distance, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, knowing that Mulihe could not look down on someone like Lu Ji'an, and waved his hand. , While Lema, turned and asked again, "How is the situation with the Blood Knife Regiment, and that Rilke took the remnants of the Blood Knife Regiment to Zhongshan Province, did Argentine Julia cause doubt?"

"Not only did he not doubt, but he also gave Riquel a post of deputy commander of the Gauls Royal Guard," Mulihe replied confidently

"Oh?" The fat man looked surprised

Mu Lihe looked excitedly, "Although the blood knife group's main force is damaged, the remaining power is still four or five thousand people, and the town in the northern wilderness controlled by the blood knife group is exactly the province of Yamanaka. The bottleneck is, this time we can absorb the blood knife group in one fell swoop, and we can break the restrictions and really get the name of entering the wilderness area. Yamanaka Province does not know how happy it is."

"According to the latest news from Riquel, Yamanaka Province is preparing to emigrate to the northern part of the wilderness to relieve some of the excessive population burden of Yamanaka Province. After all, half of Yamanaka Province’s population is temporarily fleeing and crowding in, , The population doubled all at once, plus the barrenness of Yamanaka Province, if you do not look for new places to move the population out, it will be a natural choice for Yamanaka Province to explode hunger and famine due to lack of food in a few years. It’s like there are too many sheep in that grassland on the grassland. Not only is it not a good thing, but it is a precursor to a huge disaster.”

"That's good"

The fat man nodded in satisfaction, let Riquel turn to the province of Zhongshan, this is to realize that the destruction of the blood knife group is the handwriting of Algeron Julia, and immediately made a targeted decision. The so-called fortress is always It's much easier to break through inside than outside,

At that time, there were so many Gallomen who fled under the pressure of Zhongshan Province. If it is a piece of iron, it is a lie.

It is because of the special terrain of Yamanaka Province, forced to help but temporarily have to succumb to the leadership of Algeron Julia, who controls the emperor. Now, the export restrictions of Yamanaka Province have been broken, and Aljenon Julia If you want to suppress it, it will not be so easy!

For these Gallant giants who have closed themselves for more than a year in the mountains of Zhongshan Province, any one is not dreaming, they want to grab more benefits and return to the luxury life of the past.

It’s just that I’m not familiar with the situation of the wilderness, so I haven’t shown it for the time being. At this time, Rickell, who is also a veteran big power leader in the wilderness, will definitely have a sensational effect among these nobles and nobles. For the closed exit, Riquel’s value is quite limited. However, as Riquel told the wealthy giants of Zhongshan Province, Zhongshan Province has opened an export barrier in the wilderness area in the south. The situation of the iron plate will immediately disintegrate

Gaul's ambitions have suppressed their ambitions for so long. At this moment, they will run crazy and burst out. The **** storms for the sake of fighting for more interests are enough to destroy the now seemingly stable alliance in the province of Yamanaka. How is Algeron Julia I would not have thought that the more deliberate I am to expand my power in the wilderness, the faster the hearts of the Gaul nobles and riches behind her will be lost!

A day later, outside the Roon Valley, the dense sound of horseshoes thundered, and Situ deliberately white armor of the Central Abyssian General, riding on a pure gray Shenjun horse, raised his hands to stop his men, and then looked solemnly. Looking at the lush wild grass at the entrance of the valley, the eyebrows could not help but close together. This Luo'ang Valley is not too big, but not too small. The bushes and bushes are densely covered in the land of the valley, with a range of three or four miles. Under such circumstances, if Bai Fengling really hides inside, and wants to find how easy it is to talk within a short time, he has to leave the camp with so many cavalry, Bai Wufeng can not do not know, you must fight to think, here, Situ raised his right hand arrogantly and shouted behind him, "Fan-shaped search queue! If there is an existing defiant, you can kill it on the spot!"

"Yes" behind him, the two thousand Situ's cavalry spread out like a line, and the water surrounding the canyon's exit could not be drained, and slowly moved forward, as if a fence closed tightly, and the bushes and grass under the horseshoes were hit like The waves spread towards both sides, and you can see many animals in the bushes rushing out

"Adult, now a woman's leather boots" Soon, the cavalry will return to the report

"Shoes? Bring me to see" Stuart's impatient face, shocked and excited, took a delicate deer leather boots scratched by the bush, and Stuart's eyes were brighter. It’s scary. He has seen these little deer leather boots on the legs of Bai Fengling. He seems to have heard that Bai Fengling’s mother sewed it by herself. She has always been regarded as treasure by Bai Fengling. Now she is discarded here. Forced,

Bai Fengling really hid in Luo'an Valley, and Situ sneered arrogantly. Originally, he was still a little worried that Lu Ji'an lied to himself, but now that he found the boots, that is basically certain. According to Lu Ji'an, Bai Fengling is In order to avoid the chasing of the imperial cavalry, he hid in the Roon Valley. It was normal to throw off a riding boots in an embarrassed way.

Stuart entered the valley under the guard of cavalry. The dense bushes almost reached the height of the horse's belly. Several cavalry were in front of Stuart, blocking any possible attacks. After searching for more than ten minutes, Stuart was on his side. A gloomy middle-aged man suddenly stopped his horse,

"Pay attention to the west of the valley, there seems to be traces of activity"

The middle-aged man whispered to Situ arrogantly. The falcon-like eyes swept the valley in front of the wanderer with a cold heart, and fell to an inconspicuous position. Anyone he had seen would feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable, this middle-aged man is called Feng Yu, and he is a master of the Situ family who is good at tracking in the wild.

"Still stunned, immediately send someone to the west of the canyon," Situ shouted excitedly, confident in the judgment of the wind and rain. Although he did not know what the wind and rain came from, he knew his father, the master of the Stuart family. The Lord is also very polite to the wind and rain. This time the twenty-four quartet army secretly entered the wilderness in two lines. When the Sirius Army did not notice the situation, it suddenly arrived in Sirius City and couldn’t handle it. The Sirius Army Company was the most basic. Without any struggle, he was already crushed under the feet of the Quartet Army. Such a big commander as Bai Wufeng, a person who covered the sky with one hand in the past, is now like a lone beast trapped in a cage, depending on his mood. If it is not for the assistance of wind and rain, you will definitely not be able to do this!

"Catch her" Suddenly, a shout came from the west, followed by the sound of a weapon collision,

"Sir, now the target!" A cavalry came flying by

"Whoever catches the woman first, rewards 2o gold," Situ deliriously said loudly, thinking of Bai Fengling's beautiful appearance and boneless waist with thin waist and long legs would soon be readily available, Situ delirious Excited, I couldn't help but swallow a spit, Bo Fengling, this can't blame me, betrayed your brother Bai Wufeng's lieutenant, let you go to my Stuart's house concubine Now, running into such wild mountains and valleys, I can’t do anything I want! Even if Bai Wufeng knows what he can do, now Bai Wufeng has lost his power in the Sirius Army, and some time ago he also clashed with the Presbyterian Church. Now, except for the Yanzhou Battalion under his command, almost all Sirius The military forces cannot be mobilized. They are already well-known orphans. If they dare to come, they will simply kill this guy together.

At this time, a team of more than one hundred Chinese Cavalry cavalry also arrived just outside the Roon Valley. The current Situjia cavalry had already taken the lead. The thin middle-aged man who was leading could not help but change his face. The news came urgently, Bai Wufeng,

He had long been informed that Bai Fengling had gone to Lu Ji'an, and then the most elite Yanzhou cavalry under Lu Ji'an's army was sent to the nest. Although he didn't know the purpose, he was able to let Lu Ji'an take all the household goods at the bottom of the box. One of them proved that this matter was not simple, so when Lu Ji'an said that he and Bai Fengling were going to kill the imperial general Muli River, Bai Wufeng had doubts, but the head sent by the emperor later proved After hearing the credibility of this incident, when he heard that the sniping failed, he was chased by the imperial cavalry for dozens of miles. Eventually his sister Bai Fengling hid in the Roon Valley. So I came with my 100 guards. I didn’t expect that when I arrived at the mouth of the canyon, I was still one step behind Situ’s house. While hesitating, I heard the noise in the valley.

"Sir, the young lady is showing up, Situ delusional that **** is rounding up the young lady" A Bai Wufeng guard who sneaked into the valley to see the situation, came out pale from the valley

"Situo this bastard!" Hearing Situo was rounding up Bo Fengfeng, all the guards were frying pans. The beauty of Bai Fengfeng, with many admirers, Bai Wufeng could firmly control the Sirius Army, among which Bai Wind chime has won a lot of support for it,

"Sir, just kill it," said a sturdy bear guard.

"Yeah, the cavalry of the Situ family is something. If it is still in Yanzhou, there is a full payment of Wu Kai, and it is no problem for Lao Tzu to play three."

"How many people are inside? ‘Bai Wufeng raised his hand to calm down his subordinates, and looked at the guard who had sneaked in with dignified eyes, and asked in a condensed voice.

"About two thousand or so, but they are all scattered. Even if you want to gather, it can't be done in a short time!" The guard looked hesitantly and said firmly. "And Stuart himself is not far from the mouth of the valley. There are only three or four guard cavalry around you. If you slam from behind, you will definitely be able to..." The guard's voice stopped, but his eyes were bright and fearful. The bushes and woodlands around it seemed to be silent a lot, killing Stuart. The twenty-four thousand garrison troops stationed in Sirius City are the dragons. Under the precaution, according to the fighting strength of the Yanzhou Battalion, there is no possibility of a comeback!

Everyone looked at Bai Wufeng. The suffocation during this time made everyone's eyes red.

"You guys!" Bai Wufeng's eyes swept over his 100 men, his lips trembling slightly

"Sir, I missed the opportunity, and I won't have it again next time!" A guard said solemnly. "Even if we don't kill Stuart, Stuart will kill us. This is a knot unless we leave the wilderness. There is no possibility of ending. Rather than this, it is better to fight, as long as the adults truly master the power of the Sirius Army, they may not be afraid of his Stuart!"

"Yeah, lord, it's all death anyway, it's better to fight!"

Bai Wuguo's mouth twitched, and hesitations flashed in his eyes. If he killed Stuart, it would basically be a complete break with Centralbia. The Sirius army has been passed down for more than 100 years. Although its reputation is not obvious, it is essentially I don’t know how many dark arrows from Xida 6 were helped to resist Zhongbia, but now it is the result,

"Draw the sword!" Bai Wufeng's eyes flickered, and a **** drunk between his throats, brushing, behind him was a flash of sword light. The Yanzhou Jinqi under his command was different from the light cavalry of Lu Ji'an. These were real Yan. State heavy riding, the weapons used are long-handled heavy knives, powerful chopping power, even heavy armor will be penetrated, was originally a famous heavy riding camp in Yanzhou, the light cavalry of Lu Ji'an It’s all about assisting,

"Kill!" Bai Wufeng's first horse rushed into the valley~lightnovelpub.net~ The cavalry behind swarmed out,

As the subordinate said, he and Situ are destined to be a knot. The Situ family’s attempt to engulf the Sirius Army is obvious, and the Chaotang side has made sacrifices in order to envelop the second-class gate valve of the Situ family. The Wolf Army’s plan is to do nothing, then it’s really fish on the cutting board,

Bai Wufeng raised his hand, and Bai Qixun spread out in several directions. The iron claws clanged, "killing" with a burst of screams. In the bushes, these Yanzhou heavy rides appeared like vengeful gods from the grass. , The heavy cavalry warrior of the cavalry lifted up. The wind came to his face, and with the help of horsepower, he severely cut off the shoulder of a stupefied cavalry who was still full of confusion, and snorted. The situjia cavalry who had not yet had time to respond was opened on the spot, blood mixed with internal organs. When they came out, the other Situjia cavalry were completely stupid, and they only felt a flower in front of them, and their heavy swords sharply crossed the armor on their bodies. The sound was mixed in the impact of metal and flesh and blood. Sword and sword shadow, flesh and blood flying,

"Yanzhou Camp is reversed, Bai Wufeng is reversed!" Finally someone shouted in horror (to be continued.) 8


(Enlightenment Book Net)