Whole Nation

~: Two thousand three hundred and fourty-fo

  The allied forces of the six countries turned their heads, and the reinforcements became the enemy.


One hundred thousand troops were advancing towards the north, and suddenly 15,000 cavalry rushed towards the outskirts of the Stan Empire Kyoto like a spike. They were deceived to open three lines of defense in the name of being ordered to enter Beijing. Order to enter, the cavalry of the coalition forces arrived in the city of Kyoto long ago, and the emperor's flag, which had just been established for less than three months, was red again. The sudden turn of the coalition forces also gave the illusion of Istan to the south. Dissatisfaction caused by the delay, or the coalition forces have new requirements? How can we talk about it? Why is it necessary? The Kyoto side sent people to negotiate, but with the silence disappeared, the unknown prince of the Istanbul Empire stood out from the coalition forces, and the special envoy who went to negotiate did not want to even a moment. Stayed, the Grand Prince is back, the Crown Prince is back! The news was like a flat stone that fell like a mirror lake. It suddenly waved innumerable ripples. It spread rapidly in Kyoto at an unstoppable speed. The direction of the entire Istan Kyoto changed, and there was a loyal face in front. The ministers who had died, at this moment also showed the nature of hesitation,


Compared with the hardship of the second prince, if he is a great prince, he has already become an emperor. After all, the great prince is the orthodox prince who has been carefully cultivated by the emperor Thoradin I for more than two decades. What the future emperor looked at was what people wanted, and it was a matter of course, and this time, the grand prince was playing the banner of the restoration empire, and it was suddenly in full swing. The central government in Kyoto has been chilling local factions for more than half a year. Now that the Grand Prince has raised the banner of the Restoration of Peace, the governors of the region who are dissatisfied with the status quo of the second princes of the Manchu Dynasty are not the few people who are perturbed. Everyone knows that Kyoto’s local hands-on has begun. If you do not seize this opportunity , Then there is no chance anymore,


The forces that have been suppressed in the region for many years have burst out, and the local troops under the banner of various kings are heading towards Kyoto, but their kings are not supporting the new emperor, but the great prince. The new emperor is despised by the governors of the region The strength of Zhongyang, who is called the "pseudo-king", has been very weak before. If it were not for the entry of 100,000 southern coalition forces, who would govern Zhongyang's decision? Not to mention the fact that this time the Central People's Republic of China exchanged troops with six southern provinces for the removal of troops, leaving the governors of the region with cold teeth, giving up six provinces at a time, and one-third of the southern region. Who can trust such an emperor? Once, I don't know if those areas will be abandoned!


   "These people who abandon the monarch should all be executed,"


   "The other party is prepared, 100,000 pressure, still need to calm down!"


   "At this time, is there any room for calmness? Can't you see it, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy from beginning to end! There is no room for concession, this is war, it is a naked act of declaring war!"


Above the Kyoto court, the ministers were silent, and the generals had quarreled into a mess. Now that Istanbul Kyoto is no longer what it used to be, nearly 80,000 war-trained troops have just completed three trips near Kyoto The suppression of the province was no longer the weak Kyoto that had been overwhelmed by the tens of thousands of rebels, and the rebels had been defeated and could no longer recover. The military’s confidence began to swell quickly. ,


Of the 80,000 troops, the Istan Empire in the heyday was of course nothing. At the time, Soladin I conquered Feishan, but it was 300,000 elite, but looking at the territory of the Istan Empire now, it is very much compared to the area of ​​10,000 or 20,000. As far as the great strength is concerned, it is enough to let the other party surrender. With a small trial, the governors of the three nearby provinces immediately feared to go to Kyoto to blame, from the new emperor to the generals. For several days,


"The time for the resurgence of the empire has arrived. Your majesty will be seen by the entire empire, so that the clowns who jump on the beams can be ashamed of themselves and surrender to the census!" The Ministry of Military Affairs submitted a comprehensive ZTE plan to the new emperor. The strength of Kyoto is already full, and it is a good time to expand abroad. The only thing that is restricted is the strength, but the three lines can be saved. Work hard and you should be able to expand 60,000 people in the two legions. The Great Army and the soldiers are daring to surrender, and within a year, the once glorious Istan Empire will reappear with Opel East


   "A group of people who clearly have eyes but can't see them!"


   Inside the ranks of ministers, an imperial minister wearing a gold-line neckline uniform glanced contemptuously at the corner of his mouth. Manghu is a mangman. Besides shouting and fighting, killing people, what else? Expansion of the army and wars all cost money. Do you know what is happening in Kyoto now? Such a frantic expansion of the army has caused Kyoto’s economy to be overwhelmed. On the verge of bankruptcy, the food on the market must be given priority to the army. The iron ore on the market has been acquired by the military at a low price. Unbearable merchants fleeing Kyoto because of lack of support Labor, the fields outside Kyoto are becoming more and more deserted. This fall will inevitably be a major reduction in production. Thank you for half of last year.


Even so, the military only knows to shout to expand the army, thinking that as long as there are soldiers in its hand, it is strong. Where do you know that the most needed for the expansion of the army is money, wantonly pulling soldiers, unlimited expansion, but did not see that Kyoto is changing To form a giant barracks is like a deformed monster. In order to maintain it, it ruthlessly devours everything that can be swallowed. The most important department is the Imperial Military Department. Eighty percent of Kyoto’s taxes are used for Expansion of the army, every time you promote three quarters of the list to be soldiers,


At this time in Istanbul Kyoto, you will see the people inside the street, three or four tenths are soldiers in uniforms. It is the soldiers who talk about the state of the country in the tavern, standing in the street with a defiant look, The person who glared at the rich and expensive carriage passing by was a soldier, and the person who was begging on the street with a lame leg and begging was a soldier. In the planning steps, the most important central authority was centralized, and unconsciously it became the beginning of the year. The former 20,000 army expanded to the current 80,000 army military expansion plan,


The power of the central government has not been gathered, the regional financial resources have not been obtained, but the heavy military expenditure has been turned down several times in a short period of time. Even in a place like Kyoto, even if the ministers are desperate to crush the area, I also feel that the money bag of the empire is being sucked up by the bottomless hole of the army. The military has done this, and the ministers naturally complained.


They tried their best to push the second prince to the position of emperor, seeking more benefits and status, but who knows that after the new emperor ascended the throne, in addition to giving them a bunch of unused titles, the real benefits are still It is to allow those soldiers to occupy and fight the war. In order to absorb troops as quickly as possible, more than 200,000 civilians were absorbed into the imperial army. In order to resist the footsteps of the rebels, civilians were pushed up to death. The prosperous Kyoto of more than 600,000 people has experienced the fierce defeat of Feishan and the war of rebellion. The current population is less than 300,000, of which 80,000 are military personnel, and the ratio of nearly three to one has greatly exceeded Kyoto. Affordability


Many of these soldiers who fought **** in peace and chaos, many of them were ruined in the war, their wives were separated, and their wounded and injured were beyond calculation, because the treasury was already empty, and the bounty for the war of rebellion promised by Kyoto was naturally It was released, and those who were recruited into the army caused the land to be annexed by the nobility!


   Such a huge group, after witnessing the drunken gold fans in Kyoto and the harsh pressing of civilians in Kyoto, how full of resentment in the heart, how to have such a proud impression on such a Kyoto!


It’s such an army, and it’s ridiculous for the generals to rely on it as a Kyoto barrier. It’s ridiculous. In this case, the new emperor is invisible, and the ministers can see it, but the ministers are all staring at the land of civilians. Naturally, there will be no one. Speaking for these future slaves, the Istanian empire adopted the slave system. A large number of bankrupt civilians are the best source of slaves. The generals of the military will not say that they should be rewarded by military rewards. Benefits, to persuade the emperor to agree to a full-scale expansion of the army, of course it is absolutely impossible to mention the plight of the lower-level soldiers, not to mention the issue of military expenses, and to continue to promote the expansion of the army. As long as the troops of Kyoto breath out, occupy a few provinces, all problems have been solved. ! These generals who were promoted from the middle and low-level officers by the emperor's breath, their thinking horizons still remained at the level of middle and lower-level officers. The new emperor itself is not the material of the leader. Naturally, he does not understand these, and his head is full of the ZTE Empire. Thought, these subsections will naturally not be considered.


  The rain is falling, covering the sky and earth into a piece of white, turning into a puddle of wetland


The horseshoe stepped on such a ground, the water was splashing, Varisian stopped the war horse, and looked at the semi-salty and semi-alkali land in front, and the camp along the river was the flag of the pro-Hayala camp. Close to the river bank, the number of people is 50,000, and the range of three or four miles, surrounded by several big flags with large flags spread out, layered like a giant plane, showing very Rigorous deployment


"Admiral Khayra, really deserves to be the first general of the former Istan Empire, and the camp just in front of me made me look at myself secretly!" Varisian raised his whip and smirked to the east beside him. Governor of the province, Hajira, said


   "Adult Varisian is too polite. Compared with the grandeur of the northern half of Obaro, the adult has entered the top 20 of the mainland's famous generals. My Hajira is just a turtle in a small place."


Haiya touched his belly with his hand, and the corners of his mouth were all grinning. He was very happy. He wore a round armor and was hit by the rain. It was like a giant boar wearing a big red cape. , Riding on a battle horse larger than other war horses, heavy weight and armor, which made the giant horse breathe a little, was ordered to withdraw from the territory of the Istan Empire, and lost more than 20,000 highland warriors According to the logic, this famous war pig should have complained about the empire’s decision, but judging from his current enthusiasm, there is no meaning of complaint at all, the reason is very simple, dead Most of the highland warriors are not Haela’s heirs.


  The highlanders moved to the eastern provinces, which does not mean that they are all willing to obey the management of Hajra


During the six-nation coalition raid, he used his strength to hard-learn a handful of tribes who were not disciplined. When they attacked the Istan Empire some time ago, in order to **** supplies and military power, several tribes who started with their compatriots were all It’s not a small loss. During this time, these tribes have shown a lot of obedience. Hajira has also married several women in a row. Naturally, everyone’s happy event is naturally a spiritual foot. The ten thousand empire arrived in the Eastern Province, and it was the first time that the Highlanders knew the terrible imperial warriors. The identity of the Governor of the Empire of the East was more and more terrifying to the Highland tribes, and his own lineage was quite Terrible elite, now there are 100,000 Empire troops backing up,


   Yesterday, the Highlanders meeting ended. Hajera was elected as the new leader by the Highlanders. The empire sold such a big favor as Hajera. Hajra is now also determined to embark on the empire.


Originally, according to plan, Hajira would gather troops in five days to attack the Istan Empire again. At the same time, Valisian’s 100,000 empire elite will also follow along. Of course, this is an illusion. Two of the 100,000 empire troops The Wan Cavalry will return halfway and push directly to King Feishan’s capital. According to the news of King Feishan’s inner line of sight, with the departure of the imperial army, the nobles of the king’s capital frequently conspired with the envoys of the six southern countries. The ship’s weapons and equipment were delivered to King Feishan’s capital. Ten ship weapons were enough for thousands of soldiers. It was obviously insufficient to launch direct resistance to the empire, but a sudden blow at a critical moment was enough. Obviously, King Feishan’s capital The goal should be an emperor such as Varisian, but Varisian doesn’t know how King Feishan is so sure~lightnovelpub.net~ He will suddenly withdraw from the frontline and even lie in ambush So kill the game!


   "Master Varisian, Istanbul urgently reported!"


The cavalry was sent to send confounding news that the crown prince of Istan has appeared in the periphery of Istanbul Kyoto, along with the coalition of one hundred and sixty countries. Varisian and Hayla can’t help but look at each other. This plot changes too much blood. Well, Varisian smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth. It turned out that his eyes were fiercely watching the eagle flag fluttering at the top of the camp. Although he wasn’t entirely sure what he had in mind, Varisian also guessed a part.


   It’s also unbelievable to say that the rapid changes in Istan and Kyoto will involve themselves.


Very simple, can help the Istan Empire against the Six-Power Allied Forces, only the powerful falcon empire, Istan Kyoto is surrounded by the regiment, even if there are reinforcements can not quickly reach, but the imperial army can, because the empire has what other countries do not have The naval superiority, from Fei Shan's dispatch to Istan, Kyoto, is two or three days before and after,


  If the new emperor of Istan is willing to pay a sufficient price, the empire is very likely to agree to send troops to assist,


   The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Anyway, at present, the empire has declared war on the six southern countries.


   is messed up, the plan is completely messed up! Varisian frowned and clasped the emergency report in his hand. This situation is definitely beyond the emperor's expectations, so is it necessary to carry out the previous plan? ☆ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)