Whole Nation

~: Two thousand three hundred and seventy-n


The cold pupil also reflected the dazzling brilliance at the banquet, and Tirnarant faced with a smile, sent the last merchant in the Lisbon area to the banquet to the door of the government office, watching the other party walk into the carriage. He stopped looking at himself, closed the door, and the wheels swelled up, gradually turning into a small black spot in the night


Behind Tirnarant, the Lisbon Torrance Hall is brightly lit, which is in stark contrast to the outside silence. The imperial banquet of the new political officer of Lisbon Torrance, the maritime trade base, is naturally a grand luxury. Invitations from the Lisbon Torrance Administration, No matter how reluctant he is, the giants of Lisbonto don’t dare to offend an unidentified local government official on the bright side, but they are definitely not ordinary local officials, but at the banquet, no one mentioned the current Lisbonto’s. The embarrassment, even if someone wants to say it, let the companion's eyes stop it,


"What do you want to do, the bureaucrats have just arrived in Lisbon, and even if you know what the situation is? No local bureaucrat finds out that he actually took over a super mess!" Until the banquet ended, I didn’t want Tirnarant to tell the situation of Lisbonto, this is a performance that has completely lost confidence


   "It seems that the situation is worse than expected!"


Turning around, looking at the brightly lit government hall, the smile on Tirnarant's face instantly turned into a cold frown. The emperor's guess was correct, and the temptation of the 12 million gold ticket was confusing The secret cooperation of the ten largest business groups in the south is not the most terrible for Listo. The most terrible is these black hands who colluded with the southern business group and secretly contributed to this volatility.


You should know that Lisboa, as the base of the imperial ocean trade, has a superior geographical location, communicates the center of the north and south seas, has beautiful scenery and charming, and is also the most prestigious holiday resort in the entire continent. Seventy-five percent of the entire empire of the empire set up branches here, and the number of ships passing by was counted in thousands every day. The number of merchants exceeded 50,000, and there were 1,700 maritime trade fleets of more than ten ships. Thirty


   That is to say, there are more than 17,000 ships in the Lisbon alone, how can there be so many merchants and so many fleets that all eyes are squinted by gold tickets? Even if the judgement of danger is lost because of the temptation in front of you, but the scope can only be a small number of people, how can the entire Lisbonto business group be trapped,


  To say that no one led the undercurrent in secret, Tirnarant did not believe it, and the situation at the banquet tonight did indeed show this


   "Can you give me the list of chambers of commerce tonight?" Tirnarant turned and stopped at the entrance of the government hall, and reached out to the administrative staff responsible for registration at the door. It was time to collect the net.


   "Of course, sir", the government official quickly stood up and did not know what it meant to hand over the past list with both hands respectfully. For the new boss, whose background is not yet known, the whole government administration remained cautious.


I heard that I have had the experience of an administrative officer in the Sarande region, but I mentioned that the position of the administrative officer in Lisbon, the headquarters of the marine trade, is still a bit reluctant. Although there may be a certain background, I encountered this in the first place. In the situation, no one can do anything, who does not know the importance of Lisbonto to the entire empire, and is the most important area for the emperor. It is really bad luck to encounter such a thing. Who said no, it is difficult to get such a fattening. , Buttocks haven't covered the heat yet, and they will get off at once because of this financial fluctuation!


Ignoring the weird eyes that the entire government office fell on him, Tirnarant pretended to turn a few pages casually, and densely filled a dozen paper pages, at least two or three hundred, and then handed over to three deputies. One of the hands, waved to everyone


"Thank you very much for your hard work! I took this list first, but I just arrived, after all, the other party gave me face, and I should return to them one by one. "Tirnarant walked very gracefully outside the hall. The arranged carriage, the three deputies also followed the carriage,


   The door was closed, and after a slight shock, it started to move forward


"The three of you, I want to take a break!" Tirnarant said to the three inspectorate officers sitting opposite, and turned his gaze to the lifeless dim streetlights. The three inspectors began to discuss their respective whispers. It was found that the position they stood in could have a panoramic view of the entire banquet without dead ends. The emperor allowed himself to hold a wind reception at such a stormy time, and the effect was surprisingly good.


It may be that tomorrow is the deadline, and these people’s disguise has also been reduced a lot, or they are afraid that this new administrative officer who does not know the details will intervene at a critical moment, even using military power to stop it at the banquet. There are always some people who try to stop the businessmen who want to complain to themselves,


   Those people, Tirnarant didn’t know, but the three deputies sent to him by the emperor had been looking at it all in the corner of the banquet,


Because the entire business community in Lisbon can’t be trusted, and the business alliance system can’t guarantee that there are no problems internally, the real deeds of the three deputies turned out to be officers of the Imperial Supervision Department directly under the emperor, and the emperor temporarily Just transferred from the Northern Army,


In this case, the Lisbon Supervision Department became the object of isolation. It is conceivable that the emperor's inner anger, no one here knew them. The merchants attending the banquet only regarded the three deputies as accompanying themselves. People who get up don’t take them into their eyes,


These three also did not know the merchants of Lisbon, but they have a very good ability, that is, to remember each other's appearance, look at the target with suspicion, and see the true feelings of the individual from the faces of different expressions. This is the skill of the torture department of the Supervision Department, and one of them is a master of drawing pictures, and then the lights outside the car window. After a brief exchange of three people, a few stick drawings have been placed on the carriage table.


The lights of the streetlights were constantly passing through the window, and there was a chill in the dignified face. For the situation in front, Tirnarant took a little more care before arriving, but when he arrived in Lisbon, he only knew How careful was my own caution in the face of the huge dilemma that was about to face,


  Oh, the sorrowful administrative officer, will soon be crushed into a broken tragic character by the rolling wheels of this torrent. Is everyone thinking so? There was a wry smile at the corner of Tirnarant’s mouth, and the carriage flickered in the dark, when passing through a commercial street in the city,


Tirnarant lifted the curtain with his hand, and saw what the report said, the direction of the port is a large number of accumulated iron, and the iron carriages on the carriages next to the street are also iron. The original bustling commercial street, also Occupied by countless fine irons, more than half of the stores in the city were closed and closed, and the transfer signs were hung on the copper facades of the stores. In the supposedly pleasant May wind, the city was bleak, closed The shop closed, the listless pedestrians, the sighing businessmen, and the drunken man on the roadside shouting loudly, the commercial street known as the city that never sleeps. In the past, the carriage was like a running water. The kind that has no attachments and runs fast,


The rumored golden port, the bastion of the imperial marine trade, and the Lisbon Tower, which has tens of thousands of commercial ships, were destroyed by invisible forces in just one month. It was almost war-level destructive power. The worst in my heart is even worse. The so-called invincible empire on land, in this city, is full of grief and death, and countless deaths and injuries


"I hope you understand that the reason why you are transferred to Lisbon as an administrative officer is not only because of your relationship with me, but also because you have no relationship with the various parties in the emperor's country, so you can really stand up from the perspective of the administrative officer to clean up this endgame. , This is where you are going to enter, that is not the most prosperous city of the empire, but a **** battlefield, both now and in the future! That is the battlefield!" The emperor's words seemed to be echoing in his ears before he got out of the car, Tyre Narant took a deep breath. His majesty said it well. He stepped into a battlefield, and it was the battlefield where his side was about to collapse! The turbulence is approaching, who can turn the turbulence?


Who fought the war between the Falcon Empire and the six nations in the South first, has always been an indefinite thing in the history of Obaro, because the Lisbon confessions caused the Imperial Navy to engage in a military conflict with the southern Fez Kingdom, The cruel shelling of Luan Sok, Fez’s largest seaport city, by the imperial navy led to the destruction of the entire port and the casualties of more than 3,000 people, so it was regarded as an iconic declaration of war.


However, if you move the time forward five days, you will see that in the territory of the Istan Empire in the eastern part of the Inner Sea, the army of the six southern countries has already waged war against the imperial army. In the confrontation, few historians will focus their attention on a small double group completely destroyed by the impact.


   Double-headed Eagle Merchants Group


   This name is only a short-lived embellishment in history. At this moment, it is the wind that affects the entire imperial navy.


The emperor’s order, the first moment of the war, was to find the two-headed eagle merchant group’s own fleet and give a fatal attack, so that the other party had no chance to appear in Lisbon. The news of Luanzoke’s fight has been passed to the Admiralty. An ongoing assessment in the Imperial Navy Department also came to an end


"According to the results of two investigations carried out by a merchant ship, and judging by the direction of Shanghai’s flow, I think the target team’s position off the coast of Lisbon is at an angle of 75 degrees southeast of Lisbon and a distance of one hundred. Within an area of ​​ten nautical miles to one hundred and fifty nautical miles! This distance is also suitable for the other party to arrive in Lisbon in one day!" Wearing a uniform of the Imperial Navy Staff, without a matching title on his shoulder, Stinker looked proud. The hand draws a slash on the chart on the table, writes his own opinion, then signs the name and hands it to an imperial navy officer who is already waiting nearby


   "I heard that the fleets in the port are all out, I don't know if it is true?"


  Stinksson stretched his body a little, and asked indifferently. This is the final content of the three-item exam. It is also the most difficult one. It is required to find the target lurking in the sea off Lisbon. As a basis for judgment, it was only sent yesterday, that is, a wicked person like Stinker. Dare to take this extra point question, others simply have nowhere to start. Fortunately, the previous test items are basically completed. Even if there is no extra point, the overall impact is not big. Many of the people in the room are wearing imperial navy uniforms. The advisors of the Strand Navy are reviewing the test paper one last time and handing it to the person responsible for collecting the test paper


  The officer who collected the test papers did not shy away from answering, and the whole hall suddenly became quiet,


   "Isn't that really the plan?"


  Stink seemed to think of something, his expression was shocked, he took a cold breath, and asked slightly.


The so-called plan was that when they were ordered to arrive at the Admiralty for training half a month ago, the Admiralty proposed to give the Strand Naval Admirals a large-scale cooperation assessment in order to test the capabilities of everyone. The assessment content is in Within five days, make an empire suppression plan for the entire southern coast area,


Of course, this is only an assessment. Even the officers of the Strand Sea State do not think that there will be a day of implementation. The suppression of the entire southern coast area, even the imperial navy, seems a bit arrogant. The suppression of the sea area can be different from that of the land. War~lightnovelpub.net~ The inland sea environment is complicated. For the distribution of the sea area, the undercurrent caused by the sea flow direction, the tides under the season change must be clear to the chest, and the number of warships invested is not possible in this era. Yes, although defeated and imperial navy, these navy factions who have been trained by the Strand Sea State for decades and have been committed to dominating the inland sea also believe that this plan cannot be achieved.


   "If it is impossible to achieve in reality, it can be achieved in the plan. Your performance will determine the position of the fleet to which you are assigned!"


  The reply of the Imperial Navy Department made the somewhat repulsive Strand naval officers make a sound of boiling,


   is related to the future. Everyone played a twelve-point spirit, and each of them selected the most familiar area of ​​the southern coast of Inland Sea as the setting content.


  Five days later, this super battle plan, which gathered the wisdom and mental power of the entire Strand navy, was placed on the table of the Imperial Navy Secretary Dustron Kay,


  With this plan as a foundation, the sea environment along the southern coast of the Inland Sea, the climate change is clear at a glance, and even the supply points in the southern coast area, the reef area, are all marked one by one.


Then through the thirty-seven first-line fleet staff of the Imperial Navy's combat staff, the three-day nonstop sleep, with the modifications of the Imperial Navy's fleet characteristics as the blueprint, the final battle plan was "Emperor's Knife!" (If you like This work, you are welcome to come to (,) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m, and read.) 〖To be continued〗【】