Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 131: Chu: I disbanded your black group!

The principal made a final decision, and the others left the office one after another. Before leaving, the dean glared at Lin Huai fiercely.


Lin Huai was stunned, but just spread out his hands and made a "I'm helpless too" gesture. Lin Huai respects the rare people in this world who hate him.

After everyone left, the principal closed the door. He turned his head and said to Lin Huai, "We can also have a sincere conversation next."


Softly, the sound of the door being locked rang out in the office. Lin Huai pretended to be deaf.

"Since you were admitted to school, there have been people who have been coming to give me feedback on your situation." The principal sat next to him, "They all said that you are a problem student. Your private life is chaotic and your behavior is bad. Such feedback is not only One or two. Do you think... are you a problem student?"

He gave Lin Huai a suggestive look, and Lin Huai lowered his head humbly.

"My beauty has affected the teaching order." Lin Huai said sincerely, "I sincerely admit my mistake, really. As a price, I am willing to wear a mask every day in class. If wearing a mask is not enough, I am willing to wrap myself in a mummy."

Principal: ... This person doesn't play cards according to the routine.

He pretended to be objective and said, "Perhaps that's not your intention, but you have indeed seriously affected the teaching order of the school. Logically, I should expel you..."

Lin Huai also pretended to stare in horror: "I can't accept this alone!"

Looking at Lin Huai who had finally reached the plot line he wanted, the principal showed a satisfied smile: "Actually, everything in the school is easy to talk about. Those are just chasing things... But I heard that you seem to be in Outside of school, I have my own side business, such as women's clothing to accompany wine..."

"No!" Lin Huai began to argue insultingly, "This is not at all..."

'It's not accurate at all. ' Lin Huai, who worked hard to play the role of the pitiful little white flower, thought to himself, 'I am obviously robbing...'

"There are a lot of false rumors in this world. But even if it's a hoax, it's not all groundless." The principal interrupted him gently, "Like...are you short of money? Don't deny it, I know you have said..."

Lin Huai was silent: "Yes, I am very short of money."

What he said was sincere. The principal added: "Actually, students like you can choose a more relaxed way of life, such as..."

"Like what?"

"Principle's scholarship."

Lin Huai: "...Then how can I get it?"

"...you just have to be a likable good student, like this."

Although he was mentally prepared, Lin Huai couldn't help but frown when the headmaster's face approached.

...what kind of a perverted world am I in? He screamed from the bottom of his heart.

"You, please calm down..." Lin Huai's eyes wandered.

He caught a glimpse of a handy ashtray, and a bookcase well suited for corpses. There seems to be a lack of fire extinguishing devices in the principal's office, and burning corpses to destroy traces seems to be a good choice...

However, the headmaster who was bewitched by him seemed to be completely unaware of the student's brutal and calm mental activity. From his perspective, the poor and lovely student's eyes wandered, his face was pale, and he seemed to be shivering.

-great. he thought.

"so you-"

At the same time as the door lock exploded, the principal was also successfully kicked against the wall by Lin Huai.

"God..." he shivered, "this world... is really scary..."

At the same time, Chu Tianshu, who opened the principal's office with a gun, said, "Lin Huai! How are you! Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Lin Huai trembled, "It's just a little disgusting..."

The headteacher screamed with difficulty: "I'm not very good—"

Chu Tianshu decisively ignored the principal's plea for help. He grabbed Lin Huai's arm and checked it from top to bottom. After confirming that the other party was not injured, he finally felt relieved.

The principal was still struggling in the rubble of the bookshelf. Lin Huai looked at his trembling hand and felt disgusted: "This person..."

Chu Tianshu held the strangely shaped firearm expressionlessly and walked towards the man in the ruins: "Kill it."

"Wait, wait? I thought you were a law-abiding citizen?" Lin Huai leaned on the sofa and squinted, "Is it true that after killing him, there won't be a chain reaction such as the cancellation of the school festival?"

Chu Tianshu: …

"Then this is a bit difficult." He scratched his hair, "Well, you go out first, and I have a good talk with him?"

Lin Huai: "Oh good."

Then, he added: "You don't want to be too violent, remember to destroy the corpses."

"Don't worry," Chu Tianshu gave a thumbs up, "I love peace, and I have always insisted on persuading others with the truth."

Lin Huai didn't have the slightest nostalgia, and left the principal's room with his mobile phone. After the sour voice, Chu Tianshu, who loves nuclear peace, opened the door.

"Let's talk." With the blood-stained knife on his back, he patted Lin Huai on the shoulder smartly, "Let's go."

"Your knife..."

"It's red ink." Chu Tianshu didn't blink, "I asked him to write a note."

Lin Huai: "…"

Chu Tianshu: "It's really red ink."

"I believe your evil." Lin Huaixu raised his eyes.

He pressed his phone irritably, and sighed after realizing that the phone was completely broken.

Chu Tianshu noticed his actions and asked, "Your phone is broken?"

"Yeah." Lin Huai held his forehead, "I don't know what happened, but it used to work well... Just now the screen suddenly went black, and it almost exploded. I don't know who did it..."

When he explained the ins and outs, Chu Tianshu was silent: "It seems..."

Lin Huai: "?"

"I did it." Chu Tianshu admitted, "On the way to the principal's office, I connected to the campus network and blew up the mobile phone of the person who hacked you."

Lin Huai: …………

"I also disbanded all the groups that attacked you." Chu Tianshu gave a thumbs up, "Am I amazing?"

There was a long silence in response to him.

"Why did you disband the group?!" Lin Huai screamed, "I built that group! One group, two groups, three groups, four groups... I built them all!"

Chu Tianshu: …

He turned his head and showed an almost demented expression: "Huh?"

"Hurry up and bring the group back to me." Lin Huai was furious, "I managed to become the group leader of the largest Lin Huai black group in the school..."

Chu Tianshu: "Why did you set up such a group??"

"Of course it's to persuade them to stay away from me!" Lin Huai gritted his teeth.

Chu Tianshu looked at him with extremely indescribable eyes: "Do you like to hear others scold you? You...is this some unknown hobby of yours?"

"Black and red are also red." Lin Huai said indifferently, "If using this method can make them addicted to the Internet every day and not bother me in reality, then I am very happy."

Chu Tianshu: "...Well, I'm an idiot."

Since the principal's office has been bombed, it is not a problem not to go to class. The two simply ran to the abandoned large square behind the school and began to repair their mobile phones quietly.

A series of chalk lines were drawn crookedly across the square. While repairing his mobile phone, Chu Tianshu asked, "What are these chalk lines? Is it a booth?"

"It should be the third grade maze." Lin Huai said, "They plan to use cardboard boxes to build a giant maze at the school festival."

"It's quite leisurely." Chu Tianshu commented, "Is this kind of maze sure you won't encounter a ghost when you turn the corner?"

Chu Tianshu, who became a mobile phone repairer again, returned the intact mobile phone to Lin Huai. Lin Huai glanced at the collection: "Tsk, there is another black group that I didn't create that hasn't been disbanded. They are quite creative..."


"Here, look." Lin Huai raised his phone, "Someone rumored that they had seen a video of my women's clothing ○ handover, and a group of people were begging for resources below."

Chu Tianshu: …

"If you want to wear a crown, you have to bear the weight. I'm used to it." Lin Huai sighed, "Is this the price you have to pay to become a peerless beauty?

"Do you think the person who destroyed the Shang Dynasty was Daji?"


"Xia Jie is debauched and unruly, not because his sister is happy, but because of his nature. The collapse of the Shang Dynasty is definitely not something that a weak woman can do. The people who play the feudal feudal lords are not praise Si, but they are stunned. The king of Zhou You." Chu Tianshu said, "It's not your 'beauty' that makes these people crazy. It's their own nature, their selfishness, greed, jealousy and possessiveness." Fu Jiang' is just an inducer to bring out their dark nature."

Lin Huai: …

"The emperor's loss of control and the collapse of the organization led to the demise of the dynasty. However, some people like to blame them on a single woman. This is a very irresponsible behavior." Chu Tianshu said, "What you did in this copy The same is true of everything that has been experienced.”

Lin Huai was stunned for a moment, and his eyes narrowed: "You are so serious... I originally wanted to say that what I experienced was just a setting. And they would go crazy because of me, and it was only part of the game's setting."

"I know." Chu Tianshu scratched his hair, "but I don't want you to feel a little bit, er, how do you say? Guilt?"

Lin Huai: …

"...In fact, that paragraph just now was also said by Lu Xun." Seeing Lin Huai's silence, Chu Tianshu quickly replied, "Lu Xun is really a great thinker."

"Then," Lin Huai was suddenly curious, "it seems that you are the only one who has not been affected by this buff at all... Is this because your mental defense is relatively high, or is it because you are... more upright?"

"Everyone has darkness and desires, and so do I." Chu Tianshu coughed, "Occasionally at night, when I read some novel plots, I also think that one day I can do this or that with the person I like. Occasionally, I also have some excessive fantasies. But if you are a human being, you should always have some self-control. If you are wrongly swayed by a momentary impulse and do excessive things, then... and There are some principles that are…”

"Oh, I see." Lin Huai thought thoughtfully, "You mean you..."

Chu Tianshu swallowed.

"More straight?" Lin Huai concluded, "I see, you have absolutely no sexual interest in me."

Chu Tianshu: …

Lin Huai: "Tsk, I'm relieved."

Chu Tianshu: …

Straight man Chu Tianshu and Hushui Lin Huai walked back to the class side by side. Lin Huai looked at her watch and said, "It's almost time for school..."

Chu Tianshu: "So you want women's clothes to rob again?!"

"Otherwise?" Lin Huai turned around. "Otherwise, how could I save enough 1 million to complete the mission."

Chu Tianshu was silent.

"...Let's do it," he said bitterly. "I went to sell the car after school, and then,"

Lin Huai: ?

"Can you try and play with my feelings?"

Lin Huai: ......

"What the **** are you doing?" Lin Huai's brows twitched, "Suddenly saying such a strange thing, tsk, just like a gay."

Chu Tianshu: …

"Stop joking." Lin Huai patted his shoulder, but his eyes caught a listless person, "Huh?"

He smiled: "The fun person is here."

It was Ji Fengjian who was forced to dress as a woman last night who was walking down the corridor in despair.

Even his bright hair was wilted, and he dragged his footsteps in the corridor. Being forced to take off his coat and put on women's clothes was a nightmare he would never forget in his life.

"Is there anything more cruel than this in this world?" he murmured.

The next moment, a pair of leather shoes stopped in front of him.

When he looked down his slender legs, he finally understood.


"I kill you!"

Anger overwhelmed Ji Fengjian's head, he shouted, waving his fists and rushed up. His loud voice alarmed the nearby students. The students who were walking in twos and threes and pointed at Lin Chu and the other two also looked at them.

Among the group of people, the guy in the front seat who also stopped, also carrying two heavy buckets of water.

"Look, it's him again." He heard the voices of the people around him.

"Another one, you said that the two of them... are they related?"

It seems that he noticed the boy in the front seat, and the boy on the other side kicked him: "What are you doing? Bring the water back to the class!"

"Oh, good, good."

The boy responded, as he always did, and walked towards the class with a dismal face.

"You bullied him again and let him clean by himself." The boy next to him jokingly pushed the boy who kicked him, "Hey, I stole the diary from you, what's the effect?"