Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 165: laxative

After a day of searching, the six people sat down at the round table again.

Lin Huai didn't turn off the earrings. Through the earrings, he could hear the rustling rain on the opposite side, and the footsteps of Chu Tianshu walking in the rain.

In this reassuring voice, he held his chin on one side and boredly listened to several people arguing.

"So, the core test point of this game is to let us distinguish real human women from evil spirits through the analysis of the characteristics of human women." The muscular man came to a conclusion,

After a lengthy discussion, this was the only point of agreement they had reached. The ordinary man asked, "What do human women have in common?"

"Evil spirits are ghosts who like games. They are smart, but they don't have human feelings." Du Zhongshan said, "They may be able to disguise human women by imitation, but they must be different from real human women."

"To be honest, women in reality are also the same." Ordinary men complained, "Whether it's looks, body, temperament, occupation or habits, how can I know what they are like and what they look like? Does not fit the characteristics of a 'human female'?"

"Through a few questions, there is definitely no way to know their true identities. They can give false answers, and the worst thing is that they can only give 'yes' or no." Du Chongshan thought , "Since that's the case... it must not be judged from their answers alone."

Lu Jin said: "Or we can get along with them more and observe their living habits..."

"There are 120 people in total, can you observe them?" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks scolded him.

"That... going to the toilet, or sweating, is always okay!" Lu Jin argued.

"Going to the toilet? Sweating? We only have seven days in total, no, six days for judgment. Excluding one day today, there are only five days. You go to each place, guard them all afternoon, and see if they fight or not. fart?"


The man with the pointed mouth and monkey cheeks was extremely vulgar in his words, and Lu Jin blushed and had a thick neck in anger. The ordinary-looking man sitting on the other side showed a thoughtful expression.

"It's just that you haven't spoken." Du Chongshan approached Lin Huai, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Lin Huai pointed to himself, "I personally think that finding the common characteristics of women is a false proposition."

"Shared personality? Jealousy? Hot and cold? Jealousy?" The muscular man pondered, "Evil spirits have no feelings, while human women have..."


The sound of the bell shocked everyone. When they raised their heads, the witch in the red and white dress had already appeared on the stairs.

"It's time to go to bed, please go back to your room and go to bed."

Under the icy voice of the witch, everyone could only go back to their room even though they were unwilling.

"Crack, click."

The witch stood on the stairs, like a china figure, and like a ruthless sculpture. The sound of something shattering reminded Lu Jin, who was turning around. He saw a white thing falling at the witch's feet, so he raised his head and shouted, "Your thing fell - ah ah!"

"What, it's gone."

The witch wriggled her lips and said.

The chin, which was originally covered by the white mask, was now exposed in the air due to the shattering of the mask.

"What, fell?"

The tan chin wriggled and turned to Lu Jin, what was exposed under the shattered mask was clearly like countless twisting earthworms, tangled up——


Hundreds of tree roots are entwined with each other, forming the witch's jaw. Several of the slender roots were floating and wriggling in the air, with a little fine fluff, as if they were looking for suitable soil.

"Ah—" Lu Jin saw the witch walking towards him step by step, and sat on the ground, "Don't come here—"

"It's nothing, ignore him." Lin Huai covered his mouth and stopped the other party from screaming, "This is one way he strikes up a conversation."

Witch: ?

"He does this to pretty girls." Lin Huai didn't blink.

The witch stood there for a while, nodding lightly.

"It's time for you to go to bed." She said flatly.

Du Chongshan:  …

For a time, the originally terrifying scene was made a little harmonious by Lin Huai. Taking advantage of the gap between Lin Huai dragging Lu Jin back to the room, he quietly whispered in his ear, "What do you think of saying this..."

"Girls like to be praised for their good looks," Lin Huai said inexplicably, "Ghosts are no exception."

"Wrong, everyone likes others to praise them for their good looks." Lin Huai's earrings said lazily, "I am no exception."

Du Chongshan:  …

"Fuck?? Tianchu??" He made a black question mark, and looked at Lin Huai's earrings in shock, "What the fuck...why are you here?"

Earrings: "Hi."

"No, you, me, f*ck, these are SS-level earrings! F*ck, who are you?"

The frightened Du Chongshan finally realized a very simple point. The earring continued: "My brother, right? Brother?"

Lin Huai:  …

He had absolutely no intention of saying "yes bro" at all. Du Chongshan watched him shut the door with a bewildered expression.

After returning to the room, Chu Tianshu continued: "You never praised me for being handsome."

"Well, I remember when I said you were a little white-faced?"

"Lin Huai, Lin Huai! Stop calling your boyfriend!" After Lu Jin returned to the room, he continued to cry, "Then, that witch is a weird thing!"

Lin Huai comforted him: "Don't make a fuss, there are weird things here."

Lu Jin:  …

He was not comforted at all. Chu Tianshu knew the situation of the incident in a few words, and teased: "It seems that the mask is the so-called restriction. Within seven days, if you don't solve the puzzle, the entire mask will shatter, and then..."

Lu Jin: "What will happen then?"

"There may be a lot of tree roots sticking out, going deep into your flesh and blood along every pore, and then sucking you up as nourishment." Lin Huai shrugged, "Then you become..."

Chu Tianshu: "Zhou Shuren?"

Lu Jin: "Fuck!!"

He made a broken voice again: "I will definitely kill myself before that..."

"By the way," Lin Huai asked while covering her earrings, "Do you think women have any decisive distinguishing characteristics?"

"Hmm..." Chu Tianshu thought for a while, "sex chromosomes xx?"

"……and then."

"No more." Chu Tianshu spread his hands.

Lin Huai:  …

"Forget it, I'll think about it." He muttered, "How are you over there?"

"Fortunately, I just want to see you a little...Fuck a ghost from this pool grabs my ankle, let's not talk about it..."

The phone hangs up at the moment. After Lin Huai pondered for a while, he fell asleep.


"Shasha, Shasha..."

There was dead silence in the dark red building, so the sound of the paper door rubbing against the floor was particularly clear.

The ordinary-looking man poked a small hole in the paper door. Entering the eye, is the empty second floor hall.

He opened the paper door and looked around vigilantly. After confirming that the third floor was dead silent, he walked down the stairs and walked to the first floor lightly.

In the darkness, the well stood in the center of the first floor. The man swallowed softly and clenched the paper bag in his arms.

The paper bag contained strong laxatives.

- Put the laxative down the well. Tomorrow, after the whole village has come to fetch water, they can judge who is the real human based on whether they have diarrhea or not.

He put his toes on his toes and approached the well in the dim light step by step.

Ten meters, five meters.

Two meters, one meter.

Seeing that the well was just around the corner, he was overjoyed, and he couldn't help but quicken his steps.


The man's feet slipped inexplicably.

It is extremely strange for a foot slip to happen to an intermediate player. The sound from the uneven force on the wooden floor sounded under his feet, and the man subconsciously stopped the soles of his feet, not daring to move.

Cold sweat broke out from his back.

He raised his head tremblingly and looked towards the stairs—the dimly lit stairs were still empty.

He waited for a long time, but there was no sound of footsteps upstairs.

'Otherwise, that's all for today? ’

A thought appeared in his mind. However, looking at the well in front of him, he swallowed a mouthful of water.

Yes, it's only one step away - and the female ghost upstairs doesn't seem to have any intention of coming down to take a peek. He also saw today, as the three bells rang, the moment when the mask of the female ghost peeled off——

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and continued to approach the well. This time he went well and didn't make any noise.

He approached the well and glanced down tentatively. As far as the eyes can see, it is pitch black, and there is a faint sound of water.

He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, grabbed the handle lightly, and shook the wheel.


The sound of the swaying of the reel was extremely slight, and the rough hemp rope was turned round and round on the wooden pole. He was shaking the rocker with one hand and holding the hemp rope with the other, paying full attention, for fear that the bucket attached to the hemp rope accidentally hit the smooth wall of the well.

The wooden barrel was shaken up, and the man was sweating all over at this moment. He wiped the sweat off his face and glanced upstairs again.

In the dark corridor, there is still no trace of anyone coming.

He was relieved, fixed the rocker, and opened the paper package of laxatives.

Then, he carefully poured all the yellow powder into the well water!

However, what he didn't realize was that when he turned around, a pale face had appeared on the corridor, watching him silently in the dark!

All the powder was poured out. The man licked his lips, folded the paper bag, and put it in his arms. After everything was done, the man breathed a sigh of relief. He held the rocker with sweaty hands, trying to restore the barrel to its original position.

'One lap, two laps... a total of eight laps. ' he muttered.

The first three laps went very well. This gave the man a huge sigh of relief, and the fourth, fifth, and even sixth laps... also had no obstacles.

'Seventh lap. ' he thought, 'one more half lap and that's it. ’

He held the crank handle, set it to the original scale, and let go slightly to confirm that it would not slide down again.

You're done!

The man let go of the rocker and turned around with relief and anticipation. When he turned around, the pale face also shrank back into the shadows.

The man did not see the face. When he took the first step, behind him, there was the sound of the wheel turning.

"Gollum... Gollum."

not good!

The reel, which was originally stationary, turned frantically as if it was not fixed. The circles of hemp rope loosened during the rotation. If it was not controlled, the barrel would fall into the deep bottom of the well and smashed to the surface of the water!

And the loud sound it produces is enough to attract women on the third floor!

The man turned around in a hurry, in a hurry, he only had time to hug the joystick. Perhaps due to inertia, he couldn't stop for a while.

'It's over... it's over...'

He closed his eyes and exerted his strength to suckle, the coldness behind him. In the end, he managed to stabilize the reel before the rope ran out.


He gritted his teeth and shook the barrel up in circles. Because he was too nervous, he didn't even notice that the face appeared again at the entrance of the stairs.

‘Eight laps… um… just right. ’

This time, he didn't dare to let go of his hand in advance, but at the next moment of escaping from death, a question suddenly appeared in his mind:

Why is it so heavy this time?

"Crack, crack..."

A strange sound came from the wall of the well.

That kind of sound is extremely strange, like the wall of the well being rubbed, like the scratches of the nails on the blackboard, and like something... climbing the wall of the well.

The last thing the man saw was a **** hand.

Its nails have been completely broken, and the ends of the fingers have even been ground out of the phalanx, and the white phalanx has appeared on the edge of the well.