Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 203: you call it

"I'm going to kill you!"

The female ghost whose face was physically changed, with her face in a mess, rushed towards Chu Tianshu almost violently!

There are many ways to kill skinny ghosts. In the past, skinny ghosts have been attacked by players, but the only thing she has never experienced and never thought about is the face-splashing treatment from makeup remover!

The Painted Ghost roared angrily, his hands became claws, and he rushed towards Chu Tianshu.

"Girls, don't be so irritable." Chu Tianshu quickly took out his mobile phone and took two pictures for her, "Well, look, it's quite artistic."

Painted Ghosts:  …


After letting out a squeal like a groundhog, she covered her face and rushed down the stage furiously like an arrow from the string.

The direction she rushed towards was a pile of small buildings in the dark. It seems that this is where the actors rest and put on their makeup.

The old man next to him:  …

There was no host on the stage, and the remaining ghosts were dumbfounded. In their dazed eyes that look at me and I look at you, Chu Tianshu took out a wrinkled pink playlist from his jeans pocket.

"Hey, hello." He picked up the microphone that was thrown to the ground by the female ghost, "Since the host is gone, will I take care of it for you?"

The mixed-race man raised his head with difficulty on the ground: "You..."

"Don't underestimate me." Chu Tianshu said eloquently, "Of course I will host, but I really can't..."

He paused: "I just have nothing to say hahahahaha."

Mixed-race man:  …

Such a sunny Chu Tianshu made him not know what to say. Like him, who didn't know what to say, there were Li Gui and the old man in black next to him.

Li Gui looked at the old man in black. The old man stood in the dark and seemed to nod his head.

"Since this...everyone is here, let's go to the second scene. What is the second scene called? Spitfire?" Chu Tianshu looked at the backstage, "Who will come up and spray?"

Ghost:  …

This second round of fire-breathing, like the first round of face-changing, is a way for ghosts to torture humans as usual.

Spitfire was supposed to be the only non-toxic bottle selected by humans from the four bottles, put the wine in their mouths, and complete the performance. However, Chu Tianshu, who was extremely uncooperative, chose a bottle at random and took out a strangely shaped sprayer from his bag.

He poured alcohol into a sprayer and finished the performance with ease with the help of a lighter.

"It doesn't matter whether the alcohol is poisonous or not, as long as it is alcohol, it is fine." Chu Tianshu said straightly, "This is the power of technology."

Lin Huai:  …

The ghosts on the stage walked down one after another. After them, several living corpses came up. They stood silently on the stage, moving from time to time.

After the second performance was completed, the female ghost who had done her makeup hurriedly came back from the backstage.

She had a very distorted expression on her face, and after seeing Chu Tianshu on the stage, her expression became even worse: "You..."

"I'm sorry." Chu Tianshu said, "The stage position will not stay for you forever."

Ghost:  …

She looks like a female artist who went out on vacation to relax, but when she came back, her resident mc status was replaced by the new Xiaohua. Lin Huai smiled softly beside her: "You're out of breath."

Ghost:  …

Lin Huai: "Tsk, plastic surgery coffee."

Strictly speaking, Lin Huai, who obtained his current body by taking a house, can be called a head-changer. However, after mocking the female ghost brazenly, he clapped his hands and stood up from his seat.

"It's almost time for me to come and play." He shrugged. "The next game... no, what's the show?"

"Flying knife."

An old voice came from the corner.

It was the old man in black who spoke. He coughed, revealing the emerald green ring: "The curtain rises!"


In the stunned eyes of everyone, a white curtain suddenly rose around the open stage!

The white curtain covered the stage so tightly that no one could see the scene at all.


A row of flying knives landed on the coffee table beside Lin Huai.

"In the curtain, there are now 6 living corpses, and two humans." The old man said slowly, "Before these thirty blades are used up, use them to shoot all the living corpses inside, and at the same time..."

"The humans in the curtain are also at risk of being stabbed," he continued. "You can choose to take this mission, or in another way... turn the wheel."

"There are eight wooden cards on this turntable. Six of them represent living corpses, and two represent humans." The old man said, "You will randomly launch six blades, and these six blades will also determine their life and death."

In this case, it is almost impossible to kill the ghosts in the curtain with thirty blades. So the meaning of the old man is obvious.

He was inducing Lin Huai to use the turntable.

Lin Huai looked at the blade on the coffee table and fell silent.

"Are you still considering it?" The old man smiled softly, "Are you going to..."

"No." Lin Huai said, "I'm just confused..."

The old man held his breath.

"Where did you get so many blades?" Lin Huai said, "A player has 30 blades, and there were 4 players before, that's 150 blades... Could it be that Juzhuang is also called Tibetan Knife Villa?"

Old man:  …

"From the perspective of the tasker, using a turntable is actually a better choice." Lin Huai picked up a blade, "However, the turntable itself means absolute randomness and uncertainty. Eight identical wooden signs , who can guarantee that there is no human being stuck in it?"

"So you chose the curtain?" the old man said.

He chuckled: "However, it's even harder for you to stab these living corpses through the opaque curtain... Even if you use up these thirty blades, you can't completely stab them!"

"I don't need thirty, I only need six."

Lin Huai suddenly laughed.

He frowned when he smiled. He played with the blade with his slender and fair fingers, and said, "Using a random turntable is to give the chance of their survival to the destiny. Well, what I hate the most is gambling with God."

curtain cloth.

"So he's going to murder us himself?!"

The mixed-race man was still lying on the ground, questioning Chu Tianshu. He seemed to have fallen into a breakdown: "I don't take luck, I shot myself... Is he going to kill us all?!"

"Don't worry." Chu Tianshu said, "He has his own plans."

Behind them, six living corpses were still walking bored.

"I guess," Chu Tianshu said, "he should be planning to use our voice to locate and find out our position..."

"But can he find the location of the living corpse??"

"You should know that after the 30 blades are used up, if you have not killed all the living corpses with the blades, then they will all die." The old man said solemnly, "The man in the curtain...is your teammate, you are just like that. Joke his life and death..."

"You're wrong." Lin Huai shrugged, "He's my boyfriend, and... I believe him."

"Listen, he believes me." Mubuli Chu Tianshu said to Fu Liye, "This is the tacit understanding between lovers..."

"I believe in you, do you believe that you can avoid the ubiquitous blades..." Fu Liye's face was about to change, "But I don't believe him..."

Lin Huai's next voice entered the curtain: "I believe he has a great fortune."

Fu Liye: ...

In danger, he still looked at Chu Tianshu with sympathy: "He..."

"Rain Girl has no melon." Chu Tianshu changed his face immediately, "Go to the corner and spread it out."

Fu Liye: ...

"Speaking of which, according to what you said." Lin Huai grabbed a flying knife, and the silver light flickered at his fingertips, "Just use the blade to kill these living corpses, right?"

The old man nodded.

"That is to say..." Lin Huai thought thoughtfully, "I shoot the blade, the blade enters the curtain, and the blade kills the living corpse behind the curtain, is that enough?"



Lin Huai suddenly laughed. He looked in the direction of the curtain. The curtain in front of him was completely dark, and the shadow behind it could not be seen at all.

"I don't want to give his life to luck, or the turntable or something. Although, even if he hits his wooden sign, he won't die... but this event will make me a little uncomfortable. "It's like ceding your ownership to someone else...and..."

He said to himself: "I have flying knife skills that are beyond ordinary people."

Then, he put the blade across his chest and said, "Chu Tianshu, squeak?"

There was a "squeak" from the curtain.

"it is good."

Lin Huai suddenly laughed happily, eyebrows curved: "Next, I will shoot this blade in your direction. You remember to hold it steady, if it hits you... tsk, remember to protect your key parts. "

Chu Tianshu: "○○?"

Lin Huai: "...of course it's your neck and head."

Standing beside Lin Huai, the old man seemed to have no idea how this person planned to carry out this mission that had no possibility of winning. Fu Liye was lying beside Chu Tianshu, trying his best to spread out his body to avoid being affected by the blade: "What the **** are you trying to do..."


Lin Huai made his move!

A blade moved fast in the air, it pierced the curtain, was slowed down by the friction of the cloth, and finally stopped between Chu Tianshu's fingers!

Mixed-race man: ?

"Heh." Chu Tianshu looked at him with a confused look and smiled, "Hey, I got it easily, this is the tacit understanding between us."

The half-race man looked at the scratches on his face: "What was received so easily, your face is clearly..."

Chu Tianshu: "The skin is dehydrated and cracked."

After that, the second, third,... sixth flying knives flew in one after another, like a human body stroke master, swiping from each direction around Chu Tianshu, and he was all caught.

Lin Huai's voice came from outside the curtain again: "Then, we..."

"I know."

"Oh?" Lin Huai seemed to smile, "It's good that you know."

"Wait, you know, he knows, what are you guys doing?"

Under the confused eyes of the mixed-race man, Chu Tianshu put the six blades in his pocket and replied, "The old man asked us to kill the living corpse with six flying knives, but he didn't say—"

"We had to kill them with one shot. So he threw the throwing knife at me. And I was in charge of the blade..."

"Responsible for clearing the cloth."

He knocked a fleeing corpse to the ground, stunned him with a wrench, and inserted the blade into his forehead.

Seeing this scene, the mixed-race man hesitated to speak, and then hesitated.

After a long time, he said, "You call this a killing with a flying knife?"

Chu Tianshu: "Is there something wrong?"

Mixed-race man: "...I have been taught."