Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 249: 402 Reasoning and Escape Strategies

Lin Huai stepped on the catwalk and arrived at the door of the bedroom.

"Do a preliminary exploration, and at the same time, conduct an investigation of the elevator situation."

Although most of the time Lin Huai prefers to use the hammer to pass the level rather than thinking. However, at this moment, the situation was forcing a cat, and he was weak, pitiful and helpless, and had to use his brain cautiously.

"According to my previous thinking, to leave the fourth floor, you must go through the elevator... In the previous observation, the pile of 'mud' did come out of the elevator. The evidence is the sound of the elevator door opening every time it came in, With its crawling sound..."

"Every time the hour hand reaches '6', the mud will enter 402, tear off one of the spider's arms, and leave at '7'. The dog's return time is quite variable, the only What is certain is that when he didn't come back he was either wandering the corridors or going somewhere else . . . very cold."

"That dog has no ill will towards me. If it is caught, it will be dragged back by its tail at most. Therefore, the focus of my defense should be Spider Woman and Sludge."

"Spider-girl's activity is that whenever the pointer points to '4', it will enter the little girl's room to 'clean'. Silt's activity is that whenever the pointer points to '6', it will enter 402,. It's entering and leaving, It will make the iron door in room 402 make a loud noise, like slamming on the door in anger. That's why I can detect its regularity."

"However, Spider-Woman's range of activities does not seem to be fixed. Last time I sneaked open the door and found her in the living room, seemingly 'cleaning'. The layout of 402 differs from the layout of other apartment rooms in that there is an extra The master bedroom. The master bedroom is also where Spider-Woman lives. The only thing I know for sure is that every time it gets ripped off by the silt it's in the kitchen. Seems to be between '5' and '6' Spider-Woman is in the kitchen."

The current terrain of Lin Huai is as follows.

He opened the door of the little girl's room and was facing the master bedroom. If Spider-Woman is in the master bedroom at this moment, what he will face is to open the door and kill.

If he was lucky enough to escape the attack of the master bedroom, Lin Huai would have to go through a corridor to reach the main entrance. On the left side of the corridor is a toilet. Lin Huai remembered that the toilet door was tightly closed.

After crossing the toilet, the corridor ends, and the living room is on the right. Continue past the living room and on the left is the kitchen. To the left of the kitchen is the door.

...so the room he's currently in is the perfect place to visit the entire haunted house.

Although it seems that there are many dangers, it takes only three minutes for Lin Huaiben cat to run from the little girl's bedroom to the door of apartment 402. And the only monsters he has to face are Spider Woman and Sludge. Therefore, as long as you are careful and seize the right time, you can still clear the level without injury.

But speaking of it, he can only choose the way to clear the level without injury. With his current crispy appearance, Spider-Woman could slap him casually, and he could ascend to the sky in place.

The hour hand pointed to "2", Lin Huai lay on the box, looked at the rag doll next to her, and fell into thinking again.

In his current view, the role of this "402" seems to be similar to a space composed of obsessions. And this obsession is quite related to the "202" tragedy.

In that tragic incident, the middle-aged man who was a father was reduced from an office worker to a drunkard who failed in his investment. From the diary of the little girl, it can be seen that the man indulged in alcohol and gambling after his business failed, and was very drunk every time he came home. Not only that, he was red-eyed, eager to earn a sum of money through gambling, and every time he returned home, he would force his mother to hand over the money hidden at home, and quarreled with his mother.

The drunk man is just like a pool of mud, and the mud enters 402 every time at "6" is like going home from get off work and tearing off Spider Woman's hand, and it is also like using violence against his wife and stealing money from the family. Behavior.

The image of Spider-Woman also has similarities with the little girl's mother. The little girl's mother does the housework and cleans the house. At the same time, if "6" is the time for men to come home from get off work, then "5" to "6" is the time for women to cook dinner, which is exactly the same as Spider-Woman's time from "5" to "6" is always fixed. Activities are very similar in the kitchen.

And she has the image of multiple hands and red lips... Maybe it is also related to the description in the diary of the little girl, that the woman cheated with multiple men at the same time.

At the same time, the intention of spiders may also be related to "web". In daily life, women often complain to little girls, telling her over and over again that "I don't get divorced because of you".

Such complaints are groundless. It was never the little girl's fault that the woman was hurt, but the man who drank and abused. But the little girl was too young. At a young age, she could not protect her mother and could not tell the truth. Cowardly and panicked, she will subconsciously take all the responsibility on herself, thinking that she is hindering her mother's pursuit of happiness.

It's like a weak bug, imprisoned in a heavy net, unable to move due to his own guilt and pain.

And the dilapidated doll in the little girl's room may represent the little girl herself. The corners of its mouth were the innocent smile that a little girl should have at this age. Yet the eyes of the button symbolize blindness, and the tears on her cheeks symbolize her sadness. The tattered marks on her body also symbolize the trauma she has endured in this twisted family relationship.

Compared with the other two creatures, the ragdoll is the only thing that cannot move on its own. Maybe it's like a child in a broken family, constantly feeling powerless in the midst of their parents' squabbles.

In the weird 402, this family of three lives in such a twisted and bizarre way. The greedy and furious father like the mud, the breathless mother like the spider, the powerless and immobile little girl... The resentment between the three finally created such a strange place.

"Sludge, spiders, rag dolls... all are quite close to the little girl's cognition of the world. It seems that after returning, I need to visit the little girl again."

Lin Huai didn't think the little girl would deceive him, nor did he think that the fourth floor was a space that the little girl deliberately created to trap him. Even if a 7-year-old child becomes the worst devil, he is far simpler than many adults.

Lin Huai is more willing to believe that this place is shaped by the subconscious of the little girl, otherwise...

"Otherwise, as a Specter, being able to consciously maintain two scenes at the same time, this little girl's talent is too high." Lin Huai thought a little dissatisfiedly, "I'm not the strongest genius in the Specter world. Makes me jealous."

And he also has evidence.

The proof is the dog.

In the bizarre talk of 201, the "dog" assumes an important position.

In this family, which is more terrifying and twisted than all ghosts, the only thing that can give the little girl a sense of security before her death is the dog affectionately called "Little Black" by the little girl.

Therefore, in the world of 402 where all human beings have been distorted and deteriorated, only non-human animals can maintain their original appearance. "Little Black" is the little girl's only solace in her dark childhood, her only companion and protector.

Before the little girl died, Xiao Hei was her best playmate. After the death of the little girl, according to the report, it also chose to stay outside 202's bathroom under the circumstance that it could escape from 202 by its own power (jumping from the window or the balcony).

It's always there for the little girl. It waited for its owner and its partner to come out of the freezer, smiled at it as usual, and ran with it in the corridor.

Until it was starved to death, its eyes were always staring in the direction of the toilet door.

Whether in life or after death, this dog will always guard its beloved little owner. The experience in her life made the little girl not believe in humans, but she believed in this dog, this husky. This is the most loyal and brave creature, although it is often teased by humans because of its appearance.

Therefore, even in the 402-dimensional space made up of distortions and obsessions. This husky is still guarding its little master. It took the cardboard box, dug holes in the cardboard box, over and over again...

I want to create a perfect "home" for my owner.

A perfect family consisting of it, the doll, and Lin Huai.

But dog loyalty is only for little girls. Lin Huai knew that for dogs, he should also be just a tool person to make up a "family of three"... No, tool cat.

He can count on the dog to save him when he is in danger, but he knows that if he wants to escape from 402, the first one to take him back is the dog.

"I have two choices now." Lin Huai said to himself.

"The first option is to tiptoe away when the dog leaves and can be sure that Spider-Woman is in the large bedroom. This plan will not let the dog stop me, nor will the Spider-woman find me. At the same time, if this plan is adopted , Between '12' and '12', I have at least '3' time to try to escape and reach the elevator. The safety is high."

"But it's just superficial safety. There's a trickier situation to consider...that is, the 'silt' will always be in the elevator when you don't enter 402."

This is not the case that Lin Huai uses the heart of a villain to measure the belly of the system. mainly…

"If I were the Specter who wanted to kill, I would definitely do the same." Lin Huai used his claws to plan the ground, "The expression on the player's face when the elevator door was opened, tsk, must be very exciting..."

Immersed in fantasy, he actually forgot his own situation for a while, and was a little happy.

"If you and the system accidentally meet a bosom friend, then you can only choose the latter option, which is..."

"While Spider-Woman and Silt were wrestling in the kitchen, rushed out of 402, held down the elevator and slipped down."

"Actually, this plan has certain advantages."

"First of all, I can confirm the location of the two killers. Even if the husky finds it, 1v1 will be more convenient. Second, after the mud comes up, the elevator must stop on the fourth floor, and you can run away by pressing the button. If the first plan is adopted , the elevator took too long to reach the fourth floor, and it may also be discovered by Spider-Woman."

"In the end...it's also more exciting to do that, and it's my personal style."

Lin Huaisi thought about it and decided to choose the second option.

However, no matter which plan is adopted, there is a risk of being chased by the Huskies. Lin Huai has no musical dreams and does not want to join his family.

"Now we have to do some preparations. First..."

"Hostage kidnapping."

He muttered to himself, found something, and fixed the rag doll on his body with difficulty.

"If the husky pursues, it will use the doll as a threat. According to its personality, there is a 50% probability of being angry, and a 50% probability of being mad. But no matter what the possibility is, it will not be a rag doll. Taken away by me. In its heart, the doll must be more important than me."

"If you run into a dog, throw the doll down the abyss in the stairwell when you run away. Then you can get rid of its pursuit."

"Alas," Lin Huai sighed, "I'm such a bad person. I hope you don't catch me. It's not my volition to take hostages... Well, I did it voluntarily. I promise not to use the hostages first. ."

It would be best if he didn't meet a dog. He would put the doll at the elevator entrance and leave.

After making a series of preparations, he looked up at the clock, waiting for the silt to come.

The author has something to say: Lin Huai: The evil and charming villain Mao Mao is me